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Lab 2-> Create Tag name = -realtag(Type Memory Real, initial value = 500, min = 0,

max = 1000)
-IntTag(type memory Integer, initial value = 500, min = 0, max
= 1000)
-DiscTag1&2, type memory discrete, initial = off
-messagetag, type memory message, initial value = default value

lab 3 -> import "Links window" -> - copy symbol from lab1 to links window
- animate the line, fill, and text colour of the valve1
with "DiscTag1"
- animate the button1, with discrete value ->
direct(tagname = disctag1)
- Duplicate the valve and button and change the text to
valve2, and button2, and change the tag too
- animate the disctag2 with the user input discrete.
- animate the red triangle -> slider-> horizontal->value
= 0-1000, movement = 0-400, reference location = center
- animate teh "realTag = #" with user input ->
analog(tagname = RealTag)
- animate the blue bar with -> percent fill-> tagname
"realtag"-> value = 0-1000 -> % = 0 - 100-> direction right
- animate the circle, to manipulate the size by dragging
the slider
- animate the ladder, using the locationanimation, border
0-10, movement 0 - 25, expression "$second mod 10"
lab 4 -> make the valve and button from the links window into smart symbol, try it
to copy, edit, delete, restore, and export&import.

lab 5 -> import the hooper window

- convert the tag into local(see the Tag name, tagname
configuration at the training manual)

- button hopperlevel = 0-> actionscript - "hopper level =

- button hopper level =+ 10 -> acton script -> "hopper
level = hopperlevel + 10"protect it not to go above 100
- button hopperlevel while keydown script-> hopperlevel =
hopperlevel +1; every 200 msec-> protect no to go above 200
- conveyor_on -> while true = hopperlevel = hopperlevel +
1.if the hopperlevel = 100 then conveyor_on = 0
- condition script "hopperlevel<hoppersetpoint" (on
true)-> script = "hopperlevel = hopperlevel + 1;(reversed script on the reversed
- gate if open make the gatecount to decrease to zero.
and hopperlevel = hopperlevel -1;
- button calculator, actionscript-> "if
infoappactive("calculator") == 0 then"
activateapp "calculator";
- last script see at training manual
lab 6 -> Import alarm window
-> put the alarm display object, and convert the tag inside the window
-> configure the realtag and the inttag set the hihi, lolo, hi, and lo.
-> make the inhibit tag for the real and int tag

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