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In  this  unit  y ou  have  learned  about  types  of  conflict,  character  development,  theme  and  
many  other  parts  of  plot.  Now  is  y our  chance  to  s how  what  y ou’ve  learned.    

Complete ONE option from each section.

Section A: 10 Marks – (2 class periods)

A-­‐1.  Complete  a  plot  diagram  for  a  short  story  of  your  choosing  (you  may  NOT  use  a  story  we  have  read  
in  class).  You  must  include  a  copy  of  the  story  with  your  plot  diagram.  Your  plot  diagram  must  identify  and  
explain  the  exposition  (setting  and  character  introduction),  the  type  of  conflict,  the  initial  incident,  rising  
action,  the  climax  and  the  theme  (overall  message  of  the  story).    
A-­‐2.  Complete  a  character  sketch  for  a  character  of  your  choosing  (you  may  use  any  of  the  stories  we’ve  
read   in   this   unit,   or   a   story   of   your   own   choosing).   Your   character   sketch   must   identify   at   least   five  
personality   traits   that   you   feel   the   character   possesses,   and   each   trait   must   be   defended   with   evidence  
from  the  story.  Your  character  sketch  can  be  written  or  visual.  
Section B: 40 Marks – (6 class periods)

B-­‐1.   Write   a   short   story   (maximum   of   five   pages   or   1000   words).   Your   story   must   be   completed   using   the  
planning  booklet  provided,  and  must  include  character  development,  exposition,  conflict,  initial  incident,  
rising  action,  climax  and  denouement.  You  will  first  complete  the  plan/outline,  then  write  a  rough  draft,  
edit,  and  write  your  good  copy.  
B-­‐2.  Create  a  visual  version  of  a  story  (your  own  or  one  from  class).  Your  visual  must  be  completed  using  
the   planning   booklet   provided,   and   must   include   character   development,   exposition,   conflict,   initial  
incident,   rising   action,   climax   and   denouement.   You   can   make   it   two-­‐or-­‐three-­‐dimensional,   but   it   must  
include  the  elements  above.  
B-­‐3.   Write   and   record   a   radio-­‐drama   (you   may   work   in   groups   of   up   to   3   for   this   project).   Your   radio  
drama  will  be  completed  using  the  planning  booklet  provided,  and  must  include  character  development,  
exposition,   conflict,   initial   incident,   rising   action,   climax   and   denouement.   You   will   first   complete   the  
plan/outline,  then  write  your  script,  rehearse,  and  record  the  play  using  a  digital  recorder  provided  by  Mrs.  
Gavan.  You  must  include  sound  effects  as  necessary.  
Part A: Character Sketch

5 4 3 2
Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
Characteristics All characteristics
are skillfully and
All characteristics are
well-established and
Characteristics are
vaguely established,
Characteristics are
unclear or not
thoughtfully generally well-supported with adequate, but established, support
established and general, support is lacking
clearly and
Use of Time Every class was well-
Most classes were well-
Some classes were
Few classes were

Total: /10

Part A: Plot Diagram

5 4 3 2
Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
Parts of Skillfully established
plot which accurately
Well-established plot
Plot is complete but
does not accurately
Plot is unclear or
difficult to discern.
Plot and thoughtfully characterization, theme, identify Several of the
identifies exposition, initial characterization,, following elements are
characterization, incident, conflict, rising theme initial incident, missing
theme, exposition, action, climax and conflict, rising action, characterization,
initial incident, denouement climax and denouement theme, initial incident,
conflict, rising action, conflict, rising action,
climax and climax and
denouement denouement
Use of Time Every class was well-
Most classes were well-
Some classes were
Few classes were well-

Total: /10
Part B: Radio-Drama Rubric

4 3 2 1
Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
Script Story line has a
Story line clearly has a
plot with exposition,
Some attempts at
a clear plot are
Plot is unclear or
difficult to
established plot initial incident, conflict, evident if not discern. Several
including rising action, climax entirely successful. of the following
exposition, initial and denouement Most of the elements are
incident, conflict, following elements missing initial
rising action, are included initial incident, conflict,
climax and incident, conflict, rising action,
denouement rising action, climax and
climax and denouement
Performance Play is very
entertaining, holds
Play generally holds
attention, few errors
Play occasionally
holds attention,
Play does not
hold attention,
attention in performance, scene several errors in errors are
throughout transitions are performance, numerous and
performance, no mechanical but do not scene transitions interfere with
errors, transitions distract from the may be unclear or clarity,
between ‘scenes’ play’s impact, sound missing, effects transitions are
are clear and effects are generally may distract from missing, effects
smooth, effects integrated well the impact of the are missing or
are well- play distracting
Characterization Key characters are
dynamic, engaging,
Key characters are
clearly established and
Key characters
are somewhat
Key characters
are poorly
well-developed and well-developed developed, if not developed and
relatable. relatable are not relatable
for the reader
Dialogue Dialogue is
smoothly and
Dialogue is generally
well-written and
Dialogue is
occasional well-
Dialogue is
awkward and
skillfully written, usually sounds natural. written, in some unnatural. It
language is natural Enhances story cases it does not distracts from
and enhances the flow naturally the story
Teamwork/use Every class was
Most classes were
well-used, members
Some classes were
Few classes
were well-used,
of time members worked generally worked well members members did not
well together together occasionally work well
worked well together

Total: /20
Part B: Short Story Rubric

4 3 2 1
Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
Parts of Plot Story line has a
Story line clearly has a
plot with exposition,
Some attempts at
a clear plot are
Plot is unclear or
difficult to
established plot initial incident, conflict,
evident if not discern. Several
including rising action, climax entirely successful. of the following
exposition, initial and denouement. Well- Most of the elements are
incident, conflict, defined beginning, following elements missing initial
rising action, middle and end. are included initial incident, conflict,
climax and incident, conflict, rising action,
denouement. Well- rising action, climax and
defined, effective climax and denouement
beginning, middle denouement.
and end. Beginning, middle
and end are
Characterization Characters are so
believable they
Characters are
believable with
Characters are
Characters need
seem to be real, personalities and believable but development
they have clearly personal histories reader is left with
developed questions about
personalities and their personalities
personal histories and histories
Vocabulary Vocabulary is
Vocabulary is
appropriate and
Vocabulary is
requires more
effective, and accurate. Word choice effective and development.
enhances the enhances the quality of accurate, but Words are often
artistry of the the text words are misused.
text. Words are occasionally
clearly and misused.
appropriately used
Publishable There are no
There are only a few
minor grammatical,
There are one or
two major errors
There are
multiple errors
Material punctuation or punctuation or spelling that impede that impede
spelling errors errors that don’t clarity clarity
impede clarity
Use of Time Every class was
well-used,. Student
Most classes were
well-used. Student was
Some classes were
well-used. Student
Few classes
were well-used.
was completely generally accountable was occasionally Student was not
accountable accountable accountable

Total: /20
Part B: Visual Story Rubric

4 3 2 1
Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
Parts of Plot Visual has a
Visual clearly has a
plot with exposition,
Some attempts at
a clear plot are
Plot is unclear or
difficult to
established plot initial incident, conflict, evident if not discern. Several
including rising action, climax entirely successful. of the following
exposition, initial and denouement Most of the elements are
incident, conflict, following elements missing initial
rising action, are included initial incident, conflict,
climax and incident, conflict, rising action,
denouement rising action, climax and
climax and denouement
Presentation Demonstrates
considerable thought
some thought,
little thought or
thought and and attention to detail, presentation is attention to
attention to detail, presentation is neat, colourful though detail. Lacking
presentation is bright and colourful, may be lacking neatness, colour
neat, bright, generally appropriate neatness or detail. and detail.
colourful, visually to story Some elements Elements are not
appealing and may not be clearly related to
appropriate to appropriate to story
story story
Effectiveness Visual consistently
enhances the
Visual generally
enhances the details of
Visual occasionally
enhances the
Visual does not
enhance the
details of the the story. Most details of the details of the
story. Supports elements support the story. Some story. Elements
the written story written story elements support do not support
completely the written story the written
Characterization Key characters
are visually
Key characters are
clearly developed and
Key characters
are somewhat
Key characters
are poorly
dynamic, engaging, well-represented developed, if not developed and
well-represented relatable are not relatable
and relatable. for the reader
Teamwork/Use Every class was
Most classes were
well-used, members
Some classes were
Few classes
were well-used,
of Time members worked generally worked well members members did not
well together together occasionally work well
worked well together

Total: /20

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