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Taming of the Shrew

Character Sketch
There are many means through which an author makes his/her
characters come to life.

!"#$%&'#'%()#*++,#*-,(# * Bianca
* Kate
2"#$%&'#'%()#3&)#4&/1#'%()#3&)# * Petruchio
-'5# * Lucentio
For this assignment you will create a detailed character
sketch about one themof these characters:

Part A: Written
You will write a character sketch discussing at least four personality traits
that you believe the character possesses. CHOOSE four traits that you
believe represent the character. FIND evidence from the text to support
this trait – try to find evidence relating to all five methods of ‘creating
lifelike characters’. You must write at least one paragraph for each trait.

For each piece of evidence you find, you must provide the Act number,
Scene number and line number, and explain how it supports the trait.

Part B: Visual
You will create a visual representation of the character, exactly as you
imagine them. The visual must clearly demonstrate the four characteristics
you discuss in part A. For example, if the character is vicious or angry, you
could represent this by the expression on their face. If the character is
generous and kind, they could be holding out a gift of some kind to
represent that trait. You may also use symbolism to demonstrate these
traits within your visual.

* Your vis ua l can be t w o-o r-t hree-

dimen sion al *

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