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*3133* (Pages : 2) 3133

Reg. No. : ....................................

Name : .........................................

Combined First and Second Semester (S1 S2) B.Arch. Degree Examination,
June 2009
(2008 Scheme)

Time : 4 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions: 1) Answer all questions.

2) One drawing sheet to be supplied.
3) Illustrate all answers with neat sketches.


I. Write short notes on : (8×5=40 Marks)

1) Shallow foundations.
2) Functions of foundations.
3) Brown rot and White rot.
4) Jallies.
5) Rat trap bond.
6) Ceramics.
7) Defects in Timber.
8) Dormer window.

II. Answer any two : (2×10=20 Marks)

1) What are the main constituents of cement ? Describe the properties and uses of
2) Define seasoning of timber. Describe in brief the different methods of seasoning
of timber.
P.T.O .
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3) Explain the relative merits and demerits of various bonds employed in brick
4) Explain the following with sketches :
a) Tongued and grooved joint.
b) Lap joint.
c) Dove tail joint.
d) Mortise and tenon joint.


III. Answer any two : (2×20=40 Marks)

1) Draw to a suitable scale, the plan and elevation of the consecutive courses of the
corner junction of the following types of brick wall
a) 2½ brick wall in English bond.
b) 1½ brick wall in Flemish bond.
2) Draw to a suitable scale, the plan, elevation of two consecutive courses of a
brick wall intersection for two internal walls cross each other. Main wall is 1½
thick brick wall and cross wall is one brick wall.
3) Draw to a suitable scale footing of a brick pillar of size 30 cm × 30 cm. Indicate
the sizes and relevant dimensions and specifications. Assume any other details.
4) Draw to scale, the plan, elevation and section of a wooden panelled door with
single shutter to fit in an opening of size 1.0 m × 2.1 m. Name various parts and
indicate their sizes.


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