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6 Untapped Traffic Sources in 2020 That

Convert With ANY Niche

These traffic sources has often been overlooked by many internet marketers and just as
many others does not seem to be aware of it all. I spare no efforts in revealing these traffic
sources to you and how you can use it effectively to generate more traffic to your website
and affiliate offers without spending a single dime.

However, to MAXIMISE the potential of this traffic source, it is best if you have a website
with some contents or at least a landing page/presell page to warm up your visitors. You
have heard this many times before, I must say it again. The most effective way is to collect
your visitors’ Emails so that you can market to them endlessly in the future. Nevertheless,
the traffic and the visitors are there for you to tap and you can use it to your advantage in
whatever way you want.
These traffic sources are perfect for all levels of users and they will help you tremendously
regardless if you are a newbie or an experienced marketer as it will help you generate an
insane amount of traffic and visitors along the way. It is also perfect for those that have
limited time to work on their internet business to see some real cash flowing in.
The beauty of these traffic sources is that you can spend just 15 -20 minutes day on it and
get some real good results. If you spend more time of up to an hour or 2 daily, the results
will be phenomenal.

But as with all traffic sources, please do not SPAM them. Provide value added contents and
links and you will reap the rewards. Genuine internet marketers provide real value to their
visitors but if you are looking just to SPAM the hell out of these traffic platforms, I have to
advise you to abandon that idea as it will not benefit you, the platform and the other users.
So without further ado, let’s get started.
Also there’s a wonderful book called “Traffic secrets” that can further help you grow your
traffic , you can get it for FREE from here :
What is BeBee?

• BeBee is a relationship-based community much like Facebook

• It has over 11 Million currently
• More than 50 thousand US based user sign ups daily
• You are in control of what you want to read or share
• Very high exposure and visibility to the community
• Interaction among members is encouraged
• Many job vacancies are available
• No ads and no privacy concerns
• No suspicious auto bot activities
• Limited SPAM contents

Let’s look at the traffic stats of this website below

Based on the above stats, this platform gets 1.71 million visitors a month. Just imagine the
potential! It is the perfect traffic source if you are an internet marketer. You can virtually get
traffic and visitors and possibly sales in the next 30 minutes after joining it. There are a wide
variety of niches that you can join such as internet marketing, weight loss, and many others.
You will definitely find your market in one of the niches available.
As this is a content based platform, it is created specifically for content creators. You can
showcase your own contents or take a rebrandable PLR content and share it among the
members in your niche. However it is advisable to share only high quality contents so that
your visitors can appreciate your efforts and get value from your contents and in turn click
on your affiliate links or website
Networking with some of the other members who has a large influence can also bring about
positive values and increased visitors to your offers or websites and they will help to share
your contents.

At this point of writing, BeBee has outperformed LinkedIn Pulse in popularity and
Step 1

Sign up here at

Step 2
Join groups or hives – Join a few that interest you or closely related to your niche.
Pro tip: – Go for the Hives that has plenty of members for maximum exposure.
Step 3

Start sharing your contents by either creating a buzz by linking an article from somewhere
or you can start creating your own article by clicking on “write an article”

Linking an article from a URL. It can be your own link to your website or a link from
The screenshot below shows you how I created an article that links back to my website
inside the article.

You can create as many Buzz as you can or write as many articles as you wish but I want to
remind you that SPAMMING will get your account banned. Only share useful contents that
are related to your niche and be an authority on it. You will soon realize that other members
will start sharing your contents and you will get a daily stream of targeted visitors to your
website or affiliate offers, and all these for free.

Advantages of using BeBee

Share your contents to millions of visitors daily

Can include affiliate offer links or links to your website Share contents to many niches
Networking among other users Free backlinks
No need to spend a single cent
Spend only 30 minutes per day to get an avalanche of visitors to your affiliate offers or
What is Stage Vu?
Stagevu used to be a video sharing website and it allows users to open channels, post videos
and view other users’ channels and videos. However, it has been changed to a reddit type
sharing platform and it is perfect for internet marketers like us to tap into that traffic. Check
out their stats below.

Although the monthly visitors are a lot less than BeBee, it is still a viable traffic source for
you to engage with readers and visitors to your websites.
Step 1

First go to and register for an account

Step 2
Read the terms and conditions and how to use the website
Step 3
Next, you can either submit a text post or a link post.

Step 4
As you can see below, I have chosen to submit a text post. You can add you own links to
your website or affiliate offers through the link button.

Step 5
My post has been submitted and now you can see my link as highlighted in blue color in the
Step 6
If I go back to the main page in technology, you can see the first post is mine in the
technology section.

Only post in the relevant section if you want your post to stick.

Do not spam with junk articles but write value contents to share with your readers. You
rewards will be a link back to your website where potential buyers will engage more with
your website and offers.
What is Behance? Behance is a network of sites and services specializing in self-promotion,
including consulting and online portfolio sites. It is owned by Adobe. Look at their stats
A staggering 51 million visitors per month. Can you imagine what just a fraction of this
traffic can bring to you? The possibilities are endless.

Step 1
Sign up for an account at using either an email or your Facebook account. If
you want to link your postings on Behance, I would suggest using your Facebook account so
that you can get even more exposure.

Step 2
Complete all the details as required in the signup page.

Step 3
Next go to your profile page and fill in all the relevant information on the page. As you
scrolled further down, you will see the entire social accounts links button. Link those to
whatever social accounts you have as you can share what you have posted to your social
accounts later.

Step 4
Further down to end of the profile page, you will see a place where you can insert your
website URL. This is super important as the visitors who view your portfolio will check on
your profile and they will link back to your website to know of what you have to offer.

Step 5
After you have completed your profile, go back to your dashboard and you can start posting.
At the top of the page, you will see a blue button, “create a project” as shown below.
You now have a choice to post files, text embed, image and others.
Step 6

Let’s post an image as shown below

Step 7
After posting the image, it will take you to the settings page where you need to input all the
relevant information. Remember to enter your keywords in them in order for visitors to
easily find your image during their search. Include as many relevant keywords as possible.

Step 8
As you can see from my profile below, the first image is the most recent that I posted. Keep
on adding as many images as possible that is relevant to your niche.

Pro Tip: – Share high quality images that is relevant to your niche and posts as many as
What is dreamwidth?
Dreamwidth is an online journal service based on the Live Journal codebase. It is a code fork
of the original service, set up by ex-Live Journal staff Denise Paolucci and Mark Smith, born
out of a desire for a new community based on open access, transparency, freedom and
respect. In other words it’s a perfect place for internet marketer like you to interact and
showcase your products and services to your visitors. Let’s look at their stats below.

Wow! A staggering 5.4 million visitors per month and what a goldmine for us.
Step 1

Go to and create an account there.

Step 2
Fill in your particulars as required in the registration page
Step 3
After creating your account, you will need to spend some time to create you profile.

Step 4
You will then be given an option to purchase a paid account, which at this point is
unnecessary. Just click on “ no thanks…”
Step 5
Here comes the fun part. You can start to post your first entry as shown below.

When creating content, you are also allowed to post images which can hosted on your own
website or from any public website. I strongly suggest that you post an image from your
website to enjoy the backlink to your website.
Step 6
As you can see below, I have completed posting an article as well as embedded an image in

Step 7
I have successfully posted some contents and an image into my post. You can also use HTML
tags to link back to your website inside the article.


What is Gab is an advertisement-free social network much like Twitter that is
dedicated to preserving individual liberty, the freedom of speech, and the free flow of
information on the internet. And it is perfect for internet marketers as you can reach out to
your customers through the messages you posted. Let’s look at its stats below
Wow… A staggering 7.5 million visitors that you can market to. Let’s see how you can best
use gab in your marketing efforts.

First you need to go to and register an account.


Fill in the information as required

Read the License agreement and agree to it.

Write a new post. Remember, although twitter has only a 140 characters limit, this platform
has a word limit of 300 so this is much better for you enter more descriptive texts into your
Write some contents and include a link but keep it within 300 characters

As you can see, below, I have added a new post to my account with a link. Posts as many
messages as you want buy keep it relevant, short and always include a link back to your
website or affiliate offers

For best effect, follow others in your relevant niche as this will increase your exposure
because gab will show relevant posts when a keyword is searched.
What is bizsugar? Bizsugar is a social sharing, bookmarking and networking site for small
business owners, managers and entrepreneurs. Bizsugar gives you a place to share your blog
posts, videos, articles, podcasts and other content. You also get to view and vote on
submissions by other Members. Let’s take a look at their stats below.

A much smaller website than the rest of the traffic sources, this traffic platform is much like
reddit where users can up vote or down vote your posts. Although it is not a highly
trafficked website now, it has much potential and as you can see from the stats above the
bounce rate is very low at only 35% and the visit duration is quite high at 4 minutes. This
means that visitors are more engaged on this website and actually take their time to read
the posts.
Step 1
Go to and register an account

Click on the “submit an article” button as shown below and fill in the URL of your website or
affiliate offers that you are linking to. You can also post a video URL. But make sure it is
small business related and that nobody has already posted them. If you are posting your
own contents, then chances of duplicate posting is minimal.
As you can see below, I have added a website designing URL as well as a brief write up
promoting my services.

You will be taken to this page and right at the bottom click, submit story.

You will then be directed to this page informing you that your submission is under
moderation. This is to prevent spammers from using the platform to post spams and junks.
If you have posts relevant and value added contents, your posts will be approved in about
10 minutes. Otherwise it may take longer.
Once you posts are live, users who have read it will give points in sugar as indicated on the
left of your posts. The trick is to get as many sugars as possible so that you can have high
visibility as well as authority and users will want to seek you out and hear what you have to
Ok, I have just given you 6 super powerful, untapped and underutilized traffic but the
question is WILL YOU BE USING THEM to drive more traffic to your website and affiliate
offers? Or will you just hop on to the next shinning object that comes along and hope to
push a magic button to make it all happen?
The ball is in your court. TAKE ACTION right now and start to drive hordes of traffic to your
website today.
Check the free book “traffic secrets” for more insight from here:

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