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Why do cats purr?


Purring is the most common sound that cats make – and while cats purr when they're
content, you shouldn't always assume that it means they’re in a good mood.

We look at the soft, continuous, vibrating sounds of purring to interpret what our feline
companions may be feeling.

Does purring mean your cat is happy?

In most cases, cats will purr when they are in a relaxed environment, sending out waves
of calmness. This may also occur when you stroke them, and if this is the case, your
feline friend is feeling happy or sociable.

However, cats purr to communicate other emotions and needs, too. For instance, if you
pick your cat up, they will either purr because they like it, or because they are nervous.

Why is your cat purring?

While you’ll never know exactly what your furry friend is trying to tell you with a purr, you
can make an informed guess by considering the situation.

Reasons why your cat may be purring include:

A happy mood – If your cat looks relaxed, eyes half closed and tail mostly still, it’s safe
to assume your cat’s purring because they are in a pleasant mood.
Food on their mind – Cats may purr when it’s mealtime and they're hungry. When
purring for food, they combine their normal purr with a “mew”.

Kitten-Mother bond – Kittens can purr at only a few days old, and is a way that they let
their mothers know where they are or that they’re OK.  Purring also helps a kitten and
mother bond, and mother cats use purring as a lullaby.

Relief - Many cats purr when hurt or in pain. Purring is a way for a cat to soothe itself,
just like a human child will suck their thumb to feel better.

Healing – Experts believe that purring helps cats get better faster. The low frequency
purrs cause vibrations within the body that can heal bones and wounds, build and repair
tendons, ease breathing and decrease pain and swelling. This could explain why cats
are able to endure high falls and have fewer complications after surgeries than dogs.

Whatever the reason for your feline friend’s purr, the sound is one that is often
welcomed by cat parents. The purr is a feline lullaby that soothes the singer as well as
the listener's soul.


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