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Brief summary of lecture(16/04/2020)

Submitted to:- Submitted by:-

Prof. Ritu Gulati TUSHAR SHARMA
Prof. Mahima Thussu Barch II nd year ‘B’

In the beginning we go through the lecture which includes the study of Climate and
topography in terms of sense of place.
The link of vernacular and contemporary architecture together ,how vernacular aspects and
learnings can be used in contemporary architecture.
The lecture was based on “vernacular as a language”, in which we looked to the few
examples in which vernacular learnings are effectively used in the modern contemporary

Vernacular as language :-
Characteristics :-

 Climate
 Spatial organization
 Local available material
 Local available construction technique

Vernacular in contemporary architecture :-

 Use of locally available materials
 Use of local construction techniques
 Use of natural resources(trees , water bodies)
 Cost effective architecture
 Use of passive techniques in design for energy efficiency

Vernacular as element of form:-

 Use of jail in Jaisalmer
 Use of courtyards in Jaipur
 Use of jahoraka ,chhajjas in Jaipur
 Use of roof terrace in Asian games village

Vernacular as element of form by- U.C. Jain

 Preference of local available material.
 And craftsmanship
 Low profile buildings

Architects who work in the “vernacular in contemporary architecture”

 Neelam Mandal
 Didi contracture
 Laurie baker
 Eugene Pandala
 Hassan fathy
 Revathi kamath

Plan influences:-
 The influence of raj rewal’s hall of nation from the plan of taj mahal.

 The influence of Nehru memorial from the plan of Humayun tomb.

Some examples of vernacular as contemporary architecture :-

 Nritya gram banglore (Gerard de cuhna) :-
Nrityagram is India's first modern Gurukul for Indian classical dances and an
intentional community in the form of a dance village, set up by Odissi dancer
Protima Gauri in 1990.
Objective of design:-
o To merge with the surrounding and the topography.
o The windows and doors are placed to get the view of surrounding.

o Material-local stone ,granite
o Rubble masonry
o Granite slabs as spanning material.
o Arches of stone & brick (for aesthetics and structure)
o Variation through arches and shallow dome
o Arches were used to support stairs
 Tourist village resort , mandawa (kamath studio)
o Working with a traditional architectural vocabulary, building systems and
building materials, this design for a resort created a contemporary space for
international & domestic tourists.
o The resort is based on a traditional Shekhawati village and individual rooms are
modelled on the different house typologies in a village, such as a potter's house,
a weaver's house or a farmer's house.
o While the rooms incorporate all the luxuries of the contemporary hospitality
design, the use of traditional materials, techniques and forms ensures that their
knowledge is preserved and kept relevant today.
o Thatch roof
o Traditional beautiful design of doors &windows
o Use of jail and depression
o Use of mud wall but with smooth texture.

 Akshay pratisthan (Kamath studios)

The Akshay Pratishthan School Annexe was designed to meet the evolving needs of
educating and imparting skills to differentially abled children along with able bodied
students from disadvantaged backgrounds, to enable them to learn and live together.
o Cost effective
o Mud plastered wall
o Use of niches
o Use of jail
 Kalakshetra , Chennai ( C.R. Narayanrao Architects)
It’s a auditorium with good vernacular influence
o It’s a timber structure
o Pitched roof is used
o The use of roof tile
o Also there is a use of modern materials for the stabilization of larger span of
the auditorium
o In the timber roof spaces left which acts as a source of light and ventilation
o The stage is more closer to the sitting audience
 Asian game village(raj rewal)
Design features:-
o Clustering of buildings
o Courtyards providing public spaces within the building.
o Scatter of terraces permitting yet another set of activities
o Street are narrow , shades, broken up into small units creating
pauses , points of rest & changing.
o Gateways allow for a change & contain a contunity , bridges formed
by linking 2 neighbouring houses.

 National craft museum:-

o It’s a reference for craftsmam
o The design is informal and casual
o All the elements are organised along a central pathways,
o Courtyards
o Spaces with different levels
o Artistic paintings on the wall to represent the culture and the traditions of
Construction :-
o Wooden structure
o Walls with mud plaster
o Pitched roof
o Roof tiles:-pipe tiles
o Use of mythical animal sculptors on the top of the roof by the tribe craftsman

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