LEAN Warehouse Assessment Result

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LEAN Warehouse Assessment Result

In the above example this tells us the traditional method of ABC analysis doesn’t considers the
variance in A category and cost of relocation of goods.
Warehosue Succuess Factor:
- Why should you be looking at technology?
- What KPI’s are factor
Primary Value Driver from using Technology such as WMS

Succesfull Warehouse Management is built foundation of reliable Inventory Information of I

called as “Inventory Certainty”
- Where is what
- How Is working
- What is coming in r what’s going where

Or 360 dgree visibility

To help run an effect operatrion you should be measuring & manage gaianst Key Performing
indicator or KPI’s

Atleast median level must be achieved in WH and WMS can help to achive this.

Now we will see work flows that can improve this areas using HON WMS

 Flexible Receiving Options:

- With ASN
- Wothout ASN
 System Sugested Putaway
- Bring Labour productivity
- Less Touch
 Order management & Worked Balance
 Flexible Picking
- Order Picking / Dicreet picking
o 50-80 lines per hr
- Batch Pikcing
o 75-200 Lines / Hr
- Cluster Pikcing
o 75-200 Lines / Hr
- Zone Picking
o 100-150 lines / Hr
- Forward Pick
o 100-200 lines / Hr
 Warehosue layout (warehouse within a wareshouse)
o Case Pick / Each Pick
o Faster Order thruput
o Reduce Pick Error
o Better Labur Utilisation
o Eaier to mange
 Replenishment

 Integration with Future system

 Flexible Pick / Pack and Shipping

There are operational challenges to remain complaints BUT Fear Not there are ways Good WMS
can help you.

- Aufot Travel
- Authorisations
- Etc

Cluster Picking
System Blue Print: How doea a God WMS An Integrated WMS and Shipping application cn
streamline the all issues
Lets See Why HON WMS fits with your ERP and show HON WMS edge user interface

- Blue Print: STsytem archictectue : what changes

Features and Inventory


Dash Board

Closue: Appricate your time

BIG warehsue improvement throught small Chnages

Finding quarters in the couch

What WMS can bring
Keep this key points in Mind- Specially for 3PL
What typically you would do

What what u will be want to do

Implement / Practise 5s which will improve performance in warehsohue

Component of 5s
- There is effecincy in Order
o What it means is that there should be place of everything in warehsoue which is
acessable when needed in shortest time
Example :

Think of Parking Lot

On any summer day this is how parkling lot will look like
In a snowyday

The above drive worksafety the next component of 5s

Next Warehosue Layout bring effeicney

This can help to reduce travel time by 20% (research by kevingue.com) using flying V or fish
bone asile layout
2. Measurement

Standard Define expectation

- Auucrate Measutement
- Comparing
- Quantiying
- Minimum Expentency

Sophistication of of Productive measure.

Prefered Method or Process:

3. Storage Space

- Putaway
- Directed by Stytem
- Storage Type based on SKU
- Eliinate honeycombing effect
o Wasting space

Effective Methods and storage help to to improvise the process like

Undertnad Order Profiles

Design the warehouse using Sloting

Based on Pick types and Customers

Picking Optimation using Wave (Pre-Routing Concept)
Before Order Wsie

After Pre-routing (Wave)

Allocation is not done in ERP :

Preposting or Waving or Allocation in WMS Process validates that the correct tiems and
wuatities are available for picking to realse work
Implemting Vendor Complaince for 3PL like document Lables


There are ways to wrok

WMS configurability help the dyamnic enviorment


Top recomdeation

1. Cleaness
a. Every thing shoud have propoer place which brings in operationa;
b. Implementing cleaniness as apert of organization cluture
2. Look at your data, analysi
a. different order profile, combination of orders and how they have to be
b. Creating behavior profile to manage effecinetly and effectively

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