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An informative site to help start your boxing

No excuses.

We are an organisation that would provide our visitors and
users information about boxing, news, playlists to get you
motivated, how to start your boxing career, the best gyms
and equipment to use.

We find that there is a lack of resources for people who
want to start their boxing career in which we believe that
we could change that. There are not many companies or
businesses that do the same as us. We have the ability to
provide you with a lot more than the other companies can

Our business would mainly be an online site in which I find
that to be the easiest way people would be able to access it
through all their smart devices. Furthermore, for our service
to be free of use, having our service online would play a big
factor in which then anyone from around the world would be
able to access my site unstead of it being in a rented area or
a booth at a gym.

The target of people that my focus would be is people who
struggle to be encouraged or have difficulty starting boxing
such as where to go, what are the best equipement etc. In
Our service objective is to help people who struggle
to start their boxing career. our predicted customer
satisfaction rate is high. We have the ability to create
a positive perception of our brand as it continues to
develop and get better while also, gain the trust of
our loyal users.

Audience profile
Age Range
From the ages of 16 to 40

Any gender would be able to
use my service. However, we
found that there is the lack
of interest towards womans

There isn’t a minimum
amount of income as you
are able to use my service
free of charge and still
have a good effect and still
have a good outcome on
your boxing career. But
there are paid benefits. The reason in which I
have decided to go
with these options
For my service, even with
for my audience
the least amount of
profile is because i
education, it will still
find my service quite
benefit the user and
easy for many ages
support them in starting
to comprehend.
their boxing career.
With geographic, my service would be
accessible to anyone who has an internet
connection, no matter where they are in
the world. However, with gym
recommendations and equipment, this
may become an issue as the gym
recommendations that I would be
personally doing would be in London.
We also believe that our service would
have an international appeal as we also
believe we can collect information
about where you live and create a list
for gyms around you. We may struggle
to benefit people in rural areas. We still
believe that it may be useful to rural
areas but will struggle to get all the
benefits of using our service such as
gym recommendations, equipment

With demographic, our predicted
age group would be 16 to 40 years
as we find that 45% of active
people fall into that group.
However, we do try to focus on the
younger audience we believe that
it would have more of an effect
with starting their boxing career at

We predict that the type of
lifestyle of people that would use
our service would be people who
have a healthy lifestyle. This is
because as boxing is a type of
sport, people who don’t already
do sport or have a healthy
lifestyle would struggle to
change their habits and their
lifestyle to match the predicted
lifestyle that my service is trying

Behavioral to portray.

With behavioral, this factor can change quite a lot over time.
However, from research we find this is easier to follow then
attitudinal. Furthermore, if we focus on behavioral, we can tap
into other factors that can really change the outcome of our
service. On the other hand, we believe that after the visitor has
signed up, the expectancy for how long the user continuous to use
the service is, at a bare minimum, a year. This is because we
frequently update our site in which to provide the user with the
best experience. While, we also believe that our average usage
rate would be high around these difficult times as our service
would be able to keep you active and healthy even if you are
quarantined. Moreover, from our calculations,
Benefits OF BOXING

Perhaps one of the best things about boxing is that it
has the ability to relieve stress and tension in your
body. Part of the reason for this is because hitting
things and taking your anger out on an inanimate
object like a punching bag, or even an opponent in
the ring, simply feels good.

Helps Build Shoulder

One of the boxing benefits for males includes the
building up of shoulder muscles. It’s no surprise that
the deltoids get a great workout during boxing. After
all, they are the muscles that attach your arms to
your body. Just look at the physique of any boxer and
their shoulders are often a stand out feature.

Improves Bone Mineral

The forces through the hands and arms stimulate
bones to mineralise and strengthen, ultimately
reducing the risk of developing osteopenia or
osteoporosis and potentially even reversing the
conditions in some cases.

Individuals with good hand-eye coordination tend to
have faster reflexes and reaction times, and tend to
have better physical coordination as a whole.
From our research,
we have found out
that there is a slow
decline of people who
are boxing. While also,
many boxing gyms
around the UK have
also started to close in
which people would
struggle to find new
ones nearby.

Furthermore, from
our statistics, we
have collected that
many people want
to start their boxing
career but struggle
to find the necessary
resources and

With the
success of our
business, we
believe we will
make a change. A
better change for
the boxing
We have chosen to use
Youtube upload our
advert/trailer to the site.
We find that YouTube is
used by many individuals
that match our age range
of 14 to 40. While also
being known as one of
the biggest social media

You would also be able to

find our business on
Instagram! This way we are
able to get feedback from
our users while also,
another platform in which
we can upload our
trailer/advert to. Moreover,
another way to find other
boxing brands that may
have a similar business. On
the other hand, this can
also be a promotional

Furthermore, we have
also chosen to use
Twitter to send out
updates to our users.
We found that this type
of technique is used a lot
by many companies.
While also being very

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