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Good Morning ladies and gentlement,

Thank you for coming today,

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is .... and my friends ..... and ....
We have objective is to Solar Garden Light
The main points : First, .... was introduction for Solar Cell
Second, .... was explain technical sheet for Example Solar Cell
Finally, we will be question and answer session

Now ... will introduction for Solar Cell.

Solar cell, also called photovoltaic cell, any device that directly converts the energy of light into
electrical energy through the photovoltaic effect. Solar cells are fabricated from silicon - with
increasing efficiency. Unlike batteries or fuel cells, solar cells do not utilize chemical reactions or
require fuel to produce electric power, and, unlike electric generators, they do not have any moving

Solar cells can be arranged into large groupings called arrays. These arrays, composed of many
thousands of individual cells, can function as central electric power stations, converting sunlight into
electrical energy for distribution to industrial, commercial, and residential users. Solar cells in much
smaller configurations, commonly referred to as solar cell panels or simply solar panels, have been
installed by homeowners on their rooftops to replace or augment their conventional electric supply.
Solar cell panels also are used to provide electric power in many remote terrestrial locations where
conventional electric power sources are either unavailable or prohibitively expensive to install. Solar
cells have also been used in consumer products, such as electronic toys, handheld calculators, and
portable radios. We have simple example for Solar Cell. Will be explained by ....

Okay, I have example for solar cell the name is solar garden light.

This solar cell that produces 2 volts to a light emitting diode. It seems to work with red lights, but not
with blue or white. Blue and white light emitting diodes need more than 2 volts to run. Inside a solar
garden light, we find a single 1.2 volt battery. For the Solar Garden Light, using the IC 5252F
integrated circuit and a 330 microHenry inductor. The integrated circuit does several things. It
charges the 1.2 volt battery during the day, using power from the 2.5 volt solar cell. It detects when
the solar cell is in the dark, and starts up the circuit insie that boosts the 1.2 volts from the battery to
over 3 volts, and sends that to the LED. Now we have enough information to improve our solar
garden light. One obvious improvement is to replace the solar cell with a larger one. This will provide
more current to charge the battery, which will allow us to place the garden light where it might not
get enough sun otherwise. If you can't find a larger solar cell, you can put two or several of the same
size solar cells in parallel with one another, to get twice or several times the energy. Solar garden
lights are often sold in sets, making this easy.

So explanation of me, next Q and A session will be explained by ....

Thank you for your knowledge.

Now, I’d like to invite any question you may have.

Thank you for listening. May all those we have shares be benificial for all of us.

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