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A unit consists of a comprehensive series of related and meaningful activities. Usually
after the course plan, the teacher plans a unit plan. So the course plan should therefore be ready
before one starts preparing the unit plan.

 “A large sub division of the subject matter, wherein a principle of a topic or a property is
central to the well organized matter.”
 “Planning the unit is known as unit planning.”
 “A unit consists of a comprehensive series of related and meaningful activities to achieve
the purpose, educational objectives, significant educational experience that would result in
behavioral changes in the learners.”

 Unit planning recognizes that learning takes place in terms of whole rather than fractions.
These concepts of wholeness must be interpreted in terms of:
 The maturity of learner.
 The possibilities of proposed learning situations.
 Activities for making significant changes in the behavior of the learner.
 Total situation.
 Recognized objectives of the group.
 Unit planning recognizes that learning is developmental and therefore provides for
vertical and horizontal organization of learning experiences.
 Unit planning recognizes that learning takes place most effectively when there is an
understanding and acceptance of goals to be achieved.
 Unit planning recognizes the necessity for providing for individual differences in the
rates of learning and interests. projects, field trips, conference.
 Unit planning recognizes that true learning renders the learner increasingly skilled in self
 Unit planning provides sound basis for evaluation.

Criteria of a good unit:-

When you are teaching a unit, you should keep the following aspects, which form the criteria of
good unit, in mind.

 The needs, capabilities and interests of students should be kept in view.

 A variety of experience should be planned for better learning, e.g. fieldtrips,
experiments, demonstrations etc.
 The previous experience and background of the students should be taken into account.
 Provide an opportunity for new experiences.
 Familiar and related topics should be included in the unit.
 Unit should be the result of cooperative planning of teachers and students.
 It should be related to social and physical environment of the students.
 Organizes the subject matter into unit’s experience.
 Organizes the similar type of subject matter.
 Teacher should have through knowledge about the subject content so that she can decide
the difficult units.
 The availability of periods should be considered.

Types of unit planning:-

 Caswell and Campbell(1985) classified the types of units into two main categories:
 Subject matter units
 Topical unit
 The generalization unit
 The unit based on significant aspect of environment or culture.
 Experience unit and process units:
 Unit based on centre of interest.
 Unit based on student purpose
 Unit based on student need.
 Resource unit.
 According to smith
 Adaptation units
 Survey units and generalization units
1. Subject matter units:-
Definition: an arrangement of the materials and the conditions of the learning planned
and developed to result in the desired products of learning.
In this arrangement of the subject matter the learning activities will be shaped in
accordance with the objectives, which in turn are determined by the accepted educational
2. Experience unit:-
Students attain their wholeness through the experiences of the learner needs; purposes
and interest are essential elements in determining whether a series of activities or body of
content has real units.
 Unit based on centre of interest- used in some subjects and in clinical teaching. If the
centre of teaching is used in clinical teaching, the student may centre learning
experiences in the study of a specific patient.
 Units based on student purpose- based on a series of activities which the learner
carried out in order to achieve a given end objective.It must be planned as it
continuously develops.e.g. The nursing care plan
 Unit based on student need- based on needs which the student recognizes as essential
activities and subject matter are selected in relation to student needs.
3. Adaptation unit:-
A comprehensive and significant aspect of the environment, of an organized science, of
an art, or conduct which being learned results in adaptation in personality.
4. Survey unit:-
Certain subject matter content is used to develop a general comprehension of that
particular phase of the culture covered by the unit.
5. Process unit:-
Units are planned on the basis of thought processes, e.g. problem solving

 The unit of discovery and verification
 The normative unit
 The unit of criticism

Unit of discovery and verification:

Used in clinical situation. It essentially involves:

 A problem, which the student faces.

 Suggested ideas by the student for the solution of the problem.
 Testing out of ideas, by the student to see which if any will solve the problem.

Normative units:
It studies the problems, which are concerned with situations in which action is impeded by a
difference of social views, interests and values.

Unit of criticism:
More rigorous examination of hypothesis, principles, policies and programmes of action.

Resource units:
“A compendium of suggested activities and materials, accompanied by statements of
significance, scope, objectives, educational resource materials and suggestions for everything
used by teachers in their preparation for teacher student unit planning.”

Resource units are constructed by the faculty groups

1. Offers innumerable suggestions, but do not restrict; they provide plenty of margin for
teacher ingenuity.

2. Indicates the scope of a particular area of knowledge, thereby helping the teacher to view
it as a whole.

3. Contains behaviorally defined objectives useful for teacher in goal setting and evaluating.

4. Take into account the principle of individual differences by suggesting a wide variety
activities geared to different levels of learning.

 Used as a basis for developing a teaching unit.
 Provide improvise education for the teacher that construct and implement them.
 Lay a groundwork for good teaching through the extensive preplanning which they entail.
 Stimulate teacher activity by offering a variety of suggestions and materials.
 They can be substituted for textbooks.
 Excellent source of information for beginning teachers.
 Help the teacher to assist students in setting definite attainable goals.
 They emphasize evaluation and offer various approaches.

Factors to be considered while planning a unit:

 Content analysis by means of terms, concepts, facts, principles, laws , situations,
processes ,generalizations, relationships, conclusions etc.
 Helps teacher to have a thorough knowledge about the subject matter. Missing of points
will be avoided. It gives self confidence since she has mastered over the subject matter.
 Objectives with specifications can be realized through the content analysis.
 Learning activities: individual differences and psychology of pupil will be considered in
choosing learning activities.
 Testing procedures: types of evaluation tools and techniques are mentioned through
which the teacher would get the evidence of the achievements of objectives on the part of
the pupil.
Format of unit plan




Content Analysis Objectives With Teaching Learning Evaluation

Specification Process Procedure

 Maheshwari .A., (2009), “Communication and educational Technology”, 1st edition,
Indore : N.R. Brothers
 Mohanty. J., (2008), “Educational, Administration, Supervision and School
Management”, 2nd edition, New Delhi : Deep and Deep Publication
 Moyer .A.B, (2008), “Nursing Education”, New Delhi, Jaypee Brothers
 Neerja K.P., (2008), “Textbook of Nursing Education”, New Delhi : Jaypee Brothers
 Sankanarayan .B., Sindhu. B., (2009), “learning and teaching nursing”, 3rd edition,
Calicautt : Brainfill.

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