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Totok R. Biyanto, Ph.

Email :
Phone : +62 822 307 189 44
Kamis, 28 May 2020
R&D C Design C Construction C Operation C Maintenance

• Size of equipment • Parameter of

and pipe controller
• Operating • Operating condition • Best product quality
Condition (P,T,V)Etc • Highest throughput
Optimization • Low energy
• Enviromental friendly
• Etc
Equipment Sizing
Chapter 5
Kontroler PID

 1 
Gc ( s )  K c 1  D s 
 I s 
1. Rise Time: is the time the process output takes to
first reach the new steady-state value.
2. Settling Time: is defined as the time required for the
process output to reach and remain inside a band whose
width is equal to ±5% of the total change in y. The term
95% response time sometimes is used to refer to this
Chapter 5

case. Also, values of ±2% sometimes are used.

3. Overshoot: OS = a/b (% overshoot is 100a/b).
4. Error steady state

Chapter 7

Chapter 12a

Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Tuning Kontroler
S - Curve Y ( s ) K p e  s

X (s) s  1
Cohen-Coon controler
settings /Tuning
y (s) Kp
G (s)   2 2
f ( s )  s  2 s  1
Multivariabel Kontrol
Control Strategies
Multiloop Control:
Each output variable is controlled using a single input variable.
-control structure
-pairing (manipulated and controlled variable)
• Multivariable Control:
Chapter 9

Each output variable is controlled using more than one

input variable.

Control strategies
The two most common control strategies are:
Feedback control strategy :- Control action is based on the measurement of controlled variable.
Feed forward control strategy :- Control action is based on the measurement of disturbance.

Control strategies

Propose a control strategy to maintain the outlet temperature at a desired value. The
variation in flow rate of the hot stream is negligible . The variation in the hot stream
temperature is more considerable than the cold stream temperature.

Control strategies
Feedback control strategy

Control strategies
Feed forward control strategy :- Control decision is based on measurement of

Control strategies
Feedback- Feed forward control strategy


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