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What must America be if it is indeed to be the land of opportunity?

America is many things: it is freedom, opportunity, and equality. America is

descendants from people all over the world, who came together and created equality.

It’s having the right to be heard and accepted. America is strong and is a very powerful

country. They have powerful armed forces, free religion, and have free speech.

America should continue to be strong in our armed forces. The United States of

America has six branches of the military, and they are very beneficial at what they do.

The U.S. has many rights and freedoms that other countries do not have. The military

fight to give people rights and equality. The author, Stephen Vincent Benet, stated “And

to the future- as to the past of our forebears and the present of our hard won freedom-

we pledge all we have to give”. That means the people who fight for this county will do

everything they can for the people to have rights.

America should continue to have free religion. The United States of America is

one of the few countries that have free religion. It gives people the right to worship who

they want. This country has “In God we trust” on the money they spend daily but, unlike

other countries, they don’t make it a rule for everyone to worship the same thing. People

can be who they want to. The author, Hector St. John De Crevecoeur, states “Here

religion demands but little of him; a very small voluntary salary to the minister, and

gratitude to God; can he refuse these?”.

America should continue to have the right for free speech. One thing that

makes America great is freedom they have. People have the right to express

their opinions without being despised. Everyone has a voice and in America,

people have the opportunity to be heard. In the U.S., people can share their
opinions with one another. The author, Stephen Vincent Benet, stated “We

believe in the dignity of man and the worth ad value of every living soul, no

matter what body housed, no matter whether born in comfort or born in poverty,

no matter to stock he belongs, what creed he professes, what job he holds”. That

means freedom for every person.

In conclusion, America is freedom and opportunity. It gives every man

equality. The author, Hector St. John De Crevecoeur, said,” The American is a

new man, who acts upon new principles; he must therefore entertain new ideas,

and form new opinions. America has powerful armed forces, free religion, and

have free speech, and that’s what makes it great!

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