A Digital Age Skill For Everyone: Computational Thinking

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By David Barr, John Harrison, and Leslie Conery

Computational Thinking: A Digital Age Skill for Everyone Computational thinking is a problem-
solving process that includes:
The National Science Foundation has assembled a group of thought leaders
• Formulating problems in a way that
to bring the concepts of computational thinking to the K–12 classroom.
enables us to use a computer and

group of high school students proposed revisions and refinements other tools to help solve them
cluster around a computer to Wing’s original description, so • Logically organizing and analyzing
looking at a series of graphs far no single, widely accepted defini- data
and charts on the screen and talking tion of computational thinking has • Representing data through abstrac-
quietly but intently. They are col- emerged. As a result, PK–12 educa- tions, such as models and simulations
laborating with a group of students in tors who recognize the importance • Automating solutions through algo-
South America using Skype. Together of CT and want to help students ac- rithmic thinking (a series of ordered
they have gathered data and created quire these skills have lacked a clear steps)
a model depicting the rate of defores- and practical definition to guide • Identifying, analyzing, and imple-
tation of the rain forests around the their work. menting possible solutions with the
world. Today they are discussing the goal of achieving the most efficient
changes they need to make to their How Can We Make CT Accessible? and effective combination of steps
data representation and algorithm In 2009, the National Science Foun- and resources
before running their simulation. dation (NSF) funded a project titled • Generalizing and transferring this
These students are engaged in what Leveraging Thought Leadership for problem-solving process to a wide
is called computational thinking. Computational Thinking in PK–12. variety of problems
Led jointly by ISTE and the Com- These skills are supported and en-
What Is Computational Thinking? puter Science Teachers Association hanced by a number of dispositions or
In a seminal article published in 2006, (CSTA), the project is intended to attitudes that are essential dimensions
Jeanette Wing described computa- make the concepts of computational of CT, including:
tional thinking (CT) as a way of “solv- thinking accessible to educators by
ing problems, designing systems, and providing an operational definition, • Confidence in dealing with complexity
understanding human behavior by a shared vocabulary, and relevant, • Persistence in working with
drawing on the concepts fundamental age-appropriate examples of com- difficult problems
to computer science.” She noted that putational thinking tied to current • Tolerance for ambiguity
computational thinking involves some educational objectives and classroom • The ability to deal with open-
familiar concepts, such as problem practices. ended problems
decomposition, data representation, A year ago, the project convened a di- • The ability to communicate and
and modeling, as well as less familiar verse group of educators with an interest work with others to achieve a
ideas, such as binary search, recur- in CT from higher education, PK–12, common goal or solution
sion, and parallelization. She also and industry to help define a common More than 82% of the 697 respon-
argued that “computational thinking language surrounding computational dents agreed or strongly agreed that
is a fundamental skill for everyone, thinking, articulate the challenges and this definition captured the essential
not just for computer scientists. To opportunities of integrating it through- elements of CT. An additional 9%
reading, writing, and arithmetic, we out PK–12 education, and identify the confirmed that the definition would

should add computational thinking to most promising practices and strategies do as a means to build consensus in
every child’s analytical ability.” for moving computational thinking environment. The outcomes of the meet- the PK–12 community. On the basis
Wing’s article gave rise to an often from concept to deep integration. ing were summarized and synthesized Learn More of this survey and feedback from
controversial discussion and debate From that meeting a consensus into a tentative “operational definition” of To learn more about how to teach the concepts and vocabulary of computational educators gathered through confer-
among computer scientists, cognitive emerged regarding the essential elements CT—that is, a description of its compo- thinking in PK–12 classrooms, please visit iste.org/computational-thinking or the ence presentations and other infor-
researchers, and educators regarding of CT, its importance as a learning objec- nents that educators can use to build CT CSTA website at http://csta.acm.org. Check back in a few months to find curriculm mal data collection, project leaders
the nature, definition, and applica- tive for all students, and how it might be skills across the curriculum through all resources, vocabulary tools, and a toolkit for leaders. have begun implementing the next
tion of CT. While many people have introduced into the PK–12 educational grade levels and content areas. phase of the project, which involves
Copyright © 2011, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), iste@iste.org, www.iste.org. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2011, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), iste@iste.org, www.iste.org. All rights reserved.

20  Learning & Leading with Technology  |  March/April 2011 March/April 2011  |  Learning & Leading with Technology  21
developing examples of what CT How Is CT Different? This question has given rise to much • It is a unique combination of think- how, when, and where computers and David Barr is a retired K–12
skills look like in the classroom as Many of the concepts, skills, and dispo- debate but, as yet, no widely accepted ing skills that, when used together, other digital tools can help us solve teacher and administrator who
sitions listed in this operational defini- consensus. The participants in the problems, and we all need to know works as an educational tech-
well as assembling resources to sup- provide the basis of a new and pow-
nology consultant. He serves
port and guide the implementation tion are not new. So how is computa- workshops sponsored by the ISTE/ erful form of problem solving. how to communicate with others who on the ISTE NETS Leadership
of computational thinking concepts tional thinking different from critical CSTA project proposed that CT differs • It is more tool oriented. can assist us with computer-supported Team and the steering com-
in PK–12 education. thinking or mathematical thinking? from critical thinking and mathemati- • It makes use of familiar problem- solutions. mittee of the NSF/ISTE/CSTA
cal thinking because: solving skills such as trial and Students already learn many ele- Computational Thinking project.
error, iteration, and even guessing ments of the set of computational John Harrison has taught math-
Computational Thinking in the Classroom in contexts where they were previ- thinking skills in a variety of disci- ematics and computer science at
Here are some scenarios, developed by participants in the ISTE/CSTA practitioners workshop, that
Mr. Davis’ ninth grade language ously impractical but which are now plines, but we need to ensure that all Princess Anne High School in
arts class is studying various possible because they can be auto- students have the opportunity to learn Virginia Beach, Virginia, since
illustrate how computational thinking concepts and skills play out in various grade levels and disciplines. 1999. He sits on the Computer
In these examples, students are learning computational thinking skills in nontraditional settings so that
literary elements, such as plot, mated and implemented at much the complete set of skills so their com- Science Teachers Association
they become internalized and can be easily transferred from one setting to another. These students are
point of view, irony, and voice. higher speeds. bined power is available to them. The board and chairs its communi-
developing skills that can be applied in a variety of situations—in other classes, in the workplace, in their
They have read a number of NSF/ISTE/CSTA project has explored cations committee.
hobbies—from a variety of perspectives and in an authentic setting. As more and more teachers emphasize
short stories and are wrapping Why Is CT Important? how students learn computational
Leslie Conery is deputy CEO of
these skills, students will begin to apply them naturally in new and exciting ways.
up the unit. They are preparing The application of computer technolo- thinking at all grade levels and in all ISTE. She holds an assortment
to write essays that explore gy to virtually every field of study has disciplines. The long-term goal is to of degrees and certifications in
how a particular literary device changed the way work is done today. recommend ways that all students computer science, education, and
Ms. Martinez’s sixth grade social Mr. Butler’s fifth plays a part in the essence and While the human mind is by far the have the opportunity to learn these association management. She
has also been a classroom teacher
studies class is studying the grade music class workings of the chosen stories. most powerful problem-solving tool skills and to ensure that they can be
at the elementary and high school
Roman Empire. Students will has been studying These students must state their we have, the ability to extend the pow- transferred to different problems and levels and a professional development specialist.
compare events in an ancient the diatonic scale theses clearly and include at er of human thought with computers used in different contexts.
Roman child’s life to their own life and the concept least three pieces of evidence to and other digital tools has become an
experience by writing responses of pitch. Now support the theses. The skills of essential part of our everyday lives This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation
on the Ancient Roman Life Blog. the students are logically organizing and analyzing and work. We all need to understand grant CNS-1030054.
They will also identify the lifestyle using Scratch data necessary for proving a

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of ancient Roman children and Ms. Lee’s seventh grade to create a virtual thesis with citations of strong
compare it to their own. The class is looking at a series of xylophone that will and thorough textual evidence
teacher calls attention to the diagrams her students have correctly reproduce the scale. are also essential elements of
vocabulary of “modeling” and created to portray floor plans Through observation, the computational thinking. The CT
“simulation” and asks students to of their school and homes. students recognize that each concept of representing data
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NEW Courses
to reflect on where they might labeled as a route. Students are students are learning the CT tone, and point of view, is also • Teaching and Learning in an Online Environment (8 or 10 weeks)
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Copyright © 2011, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), iste@iste.org, www.iste.org. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2011, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), iste@iste.org, www.iste.org. All rights reserved.

22  Learning & Leading with Technology  |  March/April 2011 March/April 2011  |  Learning & Leading with Technology  23

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