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Nursing education is a practice discipline; the students will learn the subject matter by doing the
things and practices the skills. It is a science, as it’s based on systematic body of knowledge and
principles of education. It also implies as an art as it require professional skills especially based
on humanitarian approach.


A clinical instructor is paired with 6 students in one patient care area for a 4, 5, 8 or 12 hour
period, 1 or 2 days a week for an agreed upon period of time

Clinical experiences:-

The nursing care performed by the students for the care of clients as a part of educational
program. It is divided into 3 types:

1) Laboratory experience:-
Students will learn the skills in labs or on dummy under strict supervision under guidance
of clinical expert in specific field.

2) Supervised nursing care practice: -

Students after practiced in the ideal situation that is lab they will practice nursing care
procedure in the real field under experts’ supervision.

3) Internship:-
After acquiring knowledge and practice in all areas according to the needs and
requirement of the students, the faculty allows the students to practice skills; here the
teacher will act as a coordinator of the programme.

Purposes of clinical teaching:-

 To provide individualized care in a systematic holistic approach.

 To practice various procedures.
 To conduct research.
 To maintain high standard of nursing practice.
 To become independent enough to practice nursing.
 The students will develop the technique that is observation.
 To meet the needs of the patient and problems.
 To learn various diagnostic procedures.
 To help in integration of theoretical knowledge into practice.
 To develop communication skills and to maintain interpersonal relationship.
Principles in planning clinical rotation:-

The clinical rotation must be planned in conformity with:-

 The curriculum pattern for courses.

 Formal theory classes.
 Availability of clinical instructor.
 Availability of appropriate tie to avoid over lapping of students.
 Provide the clinical experience in specific areas according to INC rules.
 Strict supervision is necessary so that whenever students do the mistakes or any doubts
raises in the area, the teacher will be able to guide the students and clarify their doubts.

Principles for organizing clinical experiences:-

 One experience will provide many nursing activities.

 There should be relationship between theory and experience.
 Before the clinical experience, major theory has to be covered.
 Concurrent evaluation to avoid mistakes.
 Overcrowding of experience should be avoided.
 Division of students into groups, should be based on supervising principles:-
 Alphabetical order.
 Number of teacher.
 Number of clinical areas to be completed.
 Observation of students.
Month Days Sundays Days in hands
August 29 4 25

September 30 4 26

October 31 4 27

November 30 5 25

December 31 4 27

January 31 5 26

February 28 4 24

March 31 4 27

April 30 4 26

May 31 5 26

June 30 4 26

July 31 4 27
Total no. Of 312
Index nursing college

B.Sc.nursing ii year

Days available 312- 72= 240

1day 7hrs

Total no of hrs 240x7=1680

Hrs available in Saturdays 40x2=80

Total 1680-80=1600hrs


Exams 4wks
Preparatory leave 2wks
Vacation 6wks
Total no. Of wks 12wks
Total no. Of days 72days
Total no. Of days available 312 days

INC Hrs Available Hrs

Subjects Theory hrs Practical hrs Theory hrs Practical hrs

Sociology 60 hrs
Medical –Surgical 210 hrs 720hrs 860 hrs
Community Health 90 hrs 135 hrs 150 hrs
Communication & 90 hrs -
Education 590 hrs
Pharmacology, 45+30+15= 90hrs -
Pathology& Genetics

Library 50 hrs -
Co Curricular 35 hrs -

540 hrs 855 hrs 590 hrs 1010hrs

Total no of hrs. 540+855=1395hrs+85=1480hrs 590 hrs + 1010= 1600hrs

Subjects for II year


 A Bbatt F.R, Teaching For Better Learning, 2nd Edition , Who, Geneva 1992, P-183

 Neerja,K.P. Textbook Of Nursing Education, 1st Edition 20056, New Delhi, Jaypeee
Brothers, P-185-188
 M, Narang, Technique Of Teaching, Volume 1st 2005, Anmol Publication, P-404-405

 Gailbert, J.J. Educational Handbook For Health Personnel, 6th Edition Pp 19-29

 Bt Basvanthappa (2007), “Community Health Nursing”, Second Edition, Publisher Jaypee

Brother, New Delhi, Page No246-248

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