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General Instruction: Strictly no erasures, alterations and double strokes.
TEST I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your answer in capital case before the number.
1. It refers to the study of the structure and functions cells.
a. Cystology b. Cytology c. Mycology d. Histology
2. It refers to the study of tissues
a. Histology b. Bacteriology c. Ecology d. Cytology
3. It is the study of heredity.
a. Microbiology b. Genetics c. Physiology d. Virology
4. It is the study of fishes.
a. Ichtyology b. Evolution c. Entomology d. Helmintology
5. It refers to the study parts or structure of organisms
a. Physiology b. Taxonomy c. Parasitology d. Mycology
6. It is the study of worms.
a. Ichtyology b. Evolution c. Entomology d. Helmintology
7. It refers to the study of microorganism.
a. Microbiology b. Genetics c. Physiology d. Virology
8. It refers to the study of fungi.
a. Physiology b. Taxonomy c. Parasitology d. Mycology
9. It is the study of origin and differentiation of different kinds of organisms
a. Ichtyology b. Evolution c. Entomology d. Helmintology
10. It is the study of fossils or remains of plants and animals
a. Parasitology b. Biogeography c. Paleontology d. Physiology
11. It refers to the study of the distribution of plants and animals on earth.
a. Parasitology b. Biogeography c. Paleontology d. Physiology
12. It refers to study of growth and development of new organisms.
a. Primatology b. Evolution c. Entomology d. Embryology
13. It refers to the study of shells.
a. Mammalogy b. Mycology c. Conchology d. Ornitology
14. It is the study of birds.
a. Mammalogy b. Mycology c. Conchology d. Ornitology
15. It is the science that deals with primates.
a. Primatology b. Evolution c. Entomology d. Embryology
16. It is study of phenomena and driven forces.
a. Meteorology b. Geology c. Physics d. Astronomy
17. It is the study of heavenly bodies.
a. Meteorology b. Geology c. Physics d. Astronomy
18. It is the study of rocks.
a. Meteorology b. Geology c. Physics d. Astronomy
19. It is the study of atmospheric conditions
a. Meteorology b. Geology c. Physics d. Astronomy
20. It is the study of minerals, properties, their nature and distributions.
a. Volcanology b. Astronomy c. Mineralogy d. Geology

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