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Printed press will soon disappear due to printing online

In this day and age, we have a few types of press: printed and digital. However,
printed media has a few problems, which, in my opinion, will cause it to disappear
and become all digital soon.

First of all, the majority of people who read printed press are elderly or from the
older generations. This means that as time goes by, it will lead to a massive decrease
in people who read printed magazines, newspapers, and other printed press. And
with no demand for it, there simply won‘t be any reason for printed press to exist

Secondly, printed press is a contributor to climate change. This is because it requires

a lot of paper, which in turn leads to deforestation. According to a World Wild Life
(WWL), the pulp and paper industry uses over 40 percent of all industrial wood
traded globally. So in order for us to stop or even remotely slow down deforestation,
we would have to use up less paper and either find other materials for it or stop
producing printed press altogether.

However, there are still reasons why printed press is somewhat superior to digital
press. The main reason being that a lot more people are involved in the process of
printing a newspaper or a magazine, so it‘s harder so spread misinformation.

All things considered, I think we should start more thoroughly fact-checking the
information we put on online media. If this were to happen, I don‘t see any reason
why printed press would be better than digital press or would have any reason not to

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