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Adjectives and Adverbs Practice

Choose the best word to complete each sentence. Sometimes, more than one answer may be
possible. Use a dictionary to check words you’re not sure about.

1. A. every B. each The hotel has 30 rooms and _____ room has Wi-fi.

2. A. every B. each The Getty Museum is well-known for having beautiful

displays in _____ room.

3. A. every B. each Marco does his homework _____ day.

4. A. every B. each My family has vacationed at the lake _____ summer since I
was a child.

5. A. every B. each The shirts are $10 _____ or three for $25.

6. A. every B. each Always remember to put a period at the end of _____


7. A. Every B. Each _____ house in my neighborhood is unique.

8. A. Every B. Each _____ child received a toy for the holiday.

9. A. farther B. further We need to drive 5 miles _____ before we will find a gas

10. A. farther B. further San Diego is _____ south than Los Angeles.

11. A. farther B. further A: Do you know where this store is? B: Oh, sure. It’s a
little _____ down the street.

12. A. farther B. further I am so tired! I can’t walk any _____.

13. A. farther B. further Your lies couldn’t be _____ from the truth.

14. A. farther B. further This argument is getting _____ away from the original point.

15. A. farther B. further Her political views are _____ to the left than her husband’s.

16. A. last B. latest The hardest questions are the _____ ones on the test.

17. A. last B. latest First, you need to apply for classes. Once approved, you
can register. _____, you need to pay.
18. A. last B. latest Go to the next street, turn left. Then drive another mile to
Main Street. _____, turn left and you will find the house at
the end of the street.

19. A. last B. latest I’m not sure if I have seen the _____ romance movie.

20. A. last B. latest Make sure that you have the _____ edition of the textbook
and not the previous one.

21. A. tall B. high Roger is a very _____ man, but his wife is very short.

22. A. tall B. high The _____ tree in front of my house fell down in the
rainstorm last night.

23. A. tall B. high The Empire State building is the famous, _____ building in
New York City.

24. A. tall B. high The neck of a giraffe makes it a very _____ animal.

25. A. tall B. high The Great Wall of China is an ancient, _____ wall.

26. A. tall B. high The Rocky Mountains are _____ mountains that cross the
United States from north to south.

27. A. tall B. high The top shelf is too _____ for me to reach. Can you help me?

28. A. tall B. high A _____ fence surrounds the school.

29. A. tall B. high The eagle soared _____ over the lake.

30. A. ill B. sick Sara’s mother is mentally _____. She has dementia.

31. A. ill B. sick After being _____ for many years, Rick finally died of cancer.

32. A. ill B. sick Traveling during a hurricane (typhoon) is _____ advised.

33. A. ill B. sick Robert Falcon Scott’s journey to the South Pole in
December 1911 was _____ planned, and his group died on
their return trip.

34. A. ill B. sick I have been coughing and sneezing all day. I think I am
getting _____.

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