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The Grand Budapest Hotel

Every character in the grand Budapest hotel have their own

set of unique personalities. Mr. Gustave is own of the Main
focuses in the film who shows leadership in the hotel and
professionalism, he is also comedic and romantic throughout
the film. Alongside with Gustave is a lobby boy called zero
who is much disciplined, shy and inexperienced but hard
working, these two characters also where mostly purple
which gives off a mystical feel. These two characters are
introduced by Mr. moustafa who narrates this story and is the
“owner” of the hotel.

Every character in the grand Budapest hotel significantly show their own sign of emotion for example
Jopling who wears all black and gives of a troubling emotion of anger and a mischievous vibe which helps
build the character as bad as you find as you go. Another distinctive character would be Dmitri who also
wears all black and is also a troubling character that shows greed and frustration. The most common shot
used on these characters is a close up shot which helps emphasise the feel that these two characters give
and the bad that they show.

The main location of The Grand Budapest

Hotel is based in its name. The hotel is
bright pink and the uniform for the staff is
purple, this implies that it’s a nice loving
and peaceful place to stay and very
welcoming. The film shows how it’s a
luxury rich hotel that holds and guests
are also important and rich people.

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