Water: Ending The HGH Cycle

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how to use


should never use force when
injecting water right into the

Not difficult at all. Steps are

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Mixing HGH is not difficult.
We have provided all of the steps you will need to
follow. When your HGH is in liquid form, we need you to understand the
fragility of the somatropin molecules. We have seen them destroyed by shaking
too vigorously and heat including room temperatures. We highly recommend you
take the proper precautions. Your dosage, administration and reconstitution are
all important aspects. We recommend following the instructions included with
your product.

You should never use force when injecting water right into the
powder. Once the vial has been reconstituted, do not shake or drop
it, allow it to remain out of your refrigerator for more than a couple
of minutes and do not freeze it. If you have freeze-dried vials of
growth hormone (lyophilized) they must be refrigerated.

Read about: Different Types of Growth Hormone injections

You can use several different kinds

of water for reconstituting your
human growth hormone. One of your
options is bacteriostatic water to
mix with HGH. This consists of 0.9
percent normal saline and 0.9
percent sodium chloride. You can
also use plain sterile water for
preparing your injections. Although
any type of water will work, we
recommend using plain sterile
Just like with the water, you can mix and
inject your HGH using any size and type
of syringe. We recommend using the
insulin type of syringes. We have found
they are the most suitable. Whenever
possible, choose syringes that have 100
markings right on the side. This will make
it much simpler to figure out your correct
dosage of HGH.

HGH Mixing
Begin by taking off the plastic cap on top of your vial. Use a medical alcohol swab
or pad to clean the rubber. Pull 100 markings or one ml of water using your
syringe. The overall strength of your mixture will remain the same whether you
use one or two ml of water. Water is simply the way you are transporting your
HGH. If you use twice as much water for reconstituting your HGH, you will also
have to use twice as much of your mixture when you give yourself an injection to
ensure your dosage remains the same.
We recommend using one ml of water because it fits well into a standard syringe.
Once your syringe contains one ml of water, push your needle into the vial’s rubber
cap. We recommend a sideways position to ensure the water slides down your vial’s
inside wall. Do not use force when injecting the powder. You need to let the water
slide slowly out. Most of the white powder only requires seconds to dissolve but you
will have a few lumps left.

Do not attempt to dissolve the

lumps by shaking your vial. You
can roll the vial gently between
your fingers if you are rushed. All
of the powder will dissolve in a
The negative air pressure in your vial will
few minutes. You can also place the
make it more difficult to pull out the liquid. The
vial in your refrigerator for fifteen
injection of a syringe filled with air into your
to thirty minutes to dissolve the
vial will help release the vacuum. You can
remaining powder. This will enable
decide if you want to keep using your syringe
the somatropin to dissolve
until it is empty or use a new syringe every
completely. Turn the vial between
time you need an injection. You can inject HGH
your fingers a few times to mix the
into almost any muscle or beneath your skin
solution gently prior to drawing the
in the fatty area of your abdomen. We
liquid HGH into your syringe. recommend making your injection above your
naval because it is less painful.
You should place your injections in a different
spot each time to eliminate causing any dents in
your body fat. Begin by pinching your skin
between the abs. Then insert your needle
completely at an angle of thirty to 45 degrees
prior to injecting your dosage. For a muscle
injection, the needle needs to be inserted into
your gluteus or shoulder muscle prior to
releasing your dosage. We do not believe there is
any difference in which type of injection you
decide to use.

If your physician prescribed you somatropin, you need to follow the dosage
instructions you were given. If your administration is self-prescribed, you
need to follow the general dosage guidelines. Bodybuilders and athletes
generally use four IU each day for overall fitness and fat loss. If your goal is
anti-aging, we recommend two IU each day.

You can take your injection on an empty or full stomach or during any time of
day. None of this will make much of a difference.
You can take your injection a few hours prior to going to bed since the
endogenous growth hormone is released by your body once you have fallen
asleep. This may decrease the release of your body so you are essentially
losing a free extra dose. We recommend using your dosage in the morning
whenever possible. Certain individuals use six IU each day. We need you to
understand the side effects become more annoying with higher doses.
The side effect resulting in athletes If you experience carpal tunnel syndrome,
decreasing their dosage is carpal tunnel you must decide if the quicker recovery is
syndrome. In some instances, the injections worth the discomfort. We recommend
must be stopped for two to three weeks beginning with a dosage of two to four IU.
until the carpal tunnel syndrome has You will be able to figure out the correct
disappeared. You should use multiple dose for your body. Once you experience
injections each day for your full dosage as carpal tunnel syndrome, you have reached
opposed to taking just one injection. We your limit. This is all right if you are barely
recommend two IU during the morning and feeling the carpal tunnel syndrome. This is
another two late in the afternoon. If you are how you can be certain the HGH is working.
recovering from a severe injury or burn, you Some athletes have ignored this side effect
can speed up your healing process with for short periods to achieve their goals.
eight to sixteen IU each day. You should not
use this high dosage for more than a few

The pace of your thyroid hormone will increase because you are raising the level
of your growth hormone. We recommend checking your hormone levels
occasionally to be sure everything is all right. If your thyroid levels are low, you
should either pause your cycle or decrease your HGH dosage for a while. You
need to understand your blood sugar levels are directly affected by the HGH.

Read about: HGH Results Before and After

Warning: You need to speak with a medical professional prior to
self-dosing HGH if you are diabetic.

Diabetics will experience a couple of days of instability when they

initially begin using HGH, end their cycle and modifying their
dosage. If you have diabetes, we recommend building up to your
desired dose of HGH gradually.

We also recommend gradually phasing out your dose for two to

three weeks once you have reached the end of your cycle. There
are a lot of misconceptions regarding using growth hormones
properly on the internet. Some of them have been around since
the internet began.

Starting or ending the

HGH cycle
You may have been given
incorrect information by someone
claiming they heard something
from a friend such as you should
use HGH five days each week and
take off the other two.

This is not true. Most of the incorrect information originated when HGH was extremely
expensive. This was when bodybuilders would stretch out their HGH as long as possible by
skipping days to extend their cycle. This was the only way they could afford HGH in the past.

There is no pause when your body produces endogenous growth hormone. Certain
individuals believe when you are starting your cycle of growth hormone, your desired dose
must be built gradually. They also believe the same is true when you reach the end of your
cycle. We do not believe it matters when you begin or end your full dosage. We have found
there are a few days of sudden hypoglycemia or unstable blood sugar when a cycle has
Between two and fourteen days after
you have completed your cycle, you
will most likely experience sudden
attacks of hunger due to drops in your
blood sugar. We recommend having a
candy bar around. This will probably
happen three to five times during a
period of two weeks.

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