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COVID-19 is caused by infection with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-
CoV-2) virus strain.

Main article: Transmission of COVID-19
The modes of spread of COVID-19, a new disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, are under
research and investigation. It spreads from person to person, via several different modes, mainly
when people are in close proximity to one another through respiratory droplets. [38][39] It's currently
estimated that one infected person will on average infect between two and three other people. [40] This
is more infectious than influenza, but less so than measles.[38][41] It can transmit when people are
symptomatic, also for up to two days prior to developing symptoms, and even if a person never
shows symptoms.[40][38] People remain infectious in moderate cases for 7-12 days, and up to two
weeks in severe cases.[40]
The disease seems to spread mainly after an infected person breathes, coughs, sneezes, talks or
sings.[38] Actions such as these produce contaminated droplets, which travel through the air, land on
the mouths or noses of others close by, and can be inhaled into the lungs, thereby causing new
infection.[38] Many of these droplets are too heavy to linger in the air and fall to the ground. [42] However
smaller droplets become airborne, suspended in the air for longer periods of time.[38][43][44] The relative
importance of the smaller aerosols (known as droplet nuclei, which cause airborne disease) is
unknown.[38] Airborne transmission occurs particularly in crowded and less ventilated indoor spaces,
which are particularly effective for transmitting the virus, such as restaurants, nightclubs, public
transport and gatherings such as funerals.[44][42][38][better  source  needed] It also can occur in the healthcare setting,
where certain medical procedures performed on COVID-19 patients generate aerosols.
It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 through indirect contact by touching
a contaminated surface or object, and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes,
 though this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, and it has not been conclusively
demonstrated.[38] Kissing, physical intimacy and other forms of direct contact can easily transmit the
virus and thus lead to COVID-19 in people exposed to such contact.
Social distancing and the wearing of cloth face masks, surgical masks, respirators, or other face
coverings are controls for droplet transmission. Transmission may be decreased indoors with well
maintained heating and ventilation systems to maintain good air circulation and increase the use of
outdoor air.[38]
There currently is no significant evidence of COVID-19 virus transmission
through feces, urine, breast milk, food, wastewater, drinking water, animal disease vectors, or from
mother to baby during pregnancy, although research is ongoing and caution is advised. [39][45]

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