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7/29/2019 10 Characteristics of Teacher-Centered Instruction | Englishpost.



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Teacher-Centered Instruction

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1. Teacher-Centered Instruction
1. Teacher-Centered Instruction Characteristics 
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2. Teacher-Centered Instruction Pros and Cons 1/9
7/29/2019 10 Characteristics of Teacher-Centered Instruction |

3. Pros
4. Cons
5. Learn More

In Teacher-Centered Instruction, students put all of their focus on the teacher. You talk,
and the students exclusively listen. During activities, students work alone, and
collaboration is discouraged.

Teacher-Centered Instruction
1. The teacher is the center of knowledge and in charge of learning.
2. Students are usually passively receiving information.
3. The instructor’s role is to be primary information giver and primary evaluator.
4. Students are viewed as “empty vessels” who passively receive knowledge from their
5. Teachers and professors act as the sole supplier of knowledge, and under the direct
instruction model, teachers often utilize systematic, scripted lesson plans.
6. Teacher Centered Instruction is fairly low-tech, often relying on the use of textbooks
and workbooks instead of computers
7. Assessments are in many cases only carried out as summative and not formative
evaluations and they rarely address qualitative issues of the learner’s progress.

Teacher-Centered Instruction Pros and Cons

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Pros 
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7/29/2019 10 Characteristics of Teacher-Centered Instruction |

The classroom remains orderly.

Students are quiet.
You retain full control of the classroom and its activities.
The teacher is an e ective model of the target language.
The teacher is  an important source of information on how the learners are doing.

Students don’t learn to collaborate with other students.
Student don’t use their communication skills.
This type of instruction can be boring for students.
Teacher-centered education doesn’t allow students to express themselve and direct
their own learning.
Students don’t outgrow their dependency on the supervising instructors and
Teacher-Centered Instruction doesn’t empower learner’s autonomous study-skills
and subsequently lifelong learning skills.
Teacher-centered learning most often doesn’t address the importance of open

Learn More
Since teacher-centered instruction has been criticized and discouraged by experts, learn
more about Learner-Centered Instruction.


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