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Strategic and change


INTRODUCTION: course aims and requirements, Evija Klave,
Synchronous lectures
• Some rules concerning the remote participation (online lectures)
- you have to be «connected» no later than 15 minutes after the beginning
of the lecture;
- you have to display your name and surname properly;
- you can ask the questions in the chat room and I will check it every 15
- in the case of group work you do the task individually.
Aims and tasks of the course
Deepen the students' knowledge of the strategic and change management
opportunities and applying the acquired knowledge to practice.

1. To make the students aware of the strategic and change management
theory foundations.
2. To make the students aware of basic principles of the information
obtaining and processing.
3. To give the students an opportunity to master skills of strategic and
change management.
Requirements and tasks
Examination 40%:
Test on theoretical issues
Practical task: case study analysis

Mid-term tasks 60%: Deadlines

1. Case study 1 (find on BATIS) 16th of October
2. Case study 2 (find on BATIS)
3. Case study 3 «The strategic analysis of the company» 6th of November
(requirements on BATIS)
All the case studies have to be subbmited in written form 27th of November
to and will be discussed in class or
in remote sessions (the template on BATIS)
What Is Case Study Analysis?

• Case study analysis is an integral part of a course in strategic


• A case study presents an account of what happened to a business or

industry over a number of years.

• It chronicles the events that managers had to deal with, such as

changes in the competitive environment, and charts the managers'
response, which usually involved changing the business- or
corporate-level strategy.
Why Use Case Study Analysis?

• Provides you with experience not ordinarily available

• Cases illustrate the theory and content of strategic


• Provides you with the opportunity to participate in

class/present your ideas to others
Analyzing a Case Study
Should Include Areas:
1. History, Development, and Growth of Company
2. Mission and main goals
3. A SWOT Analysis
4. Problem Definition
5. Formulate and Evaluate (give pros and cons) Alternative Courses of
6. Conlusions and Recommendations for Company
• + Additional questions to be answered (find at the end of each case!)
Report of the individual project
«The strategic analysis of the company»
You choose any company

Do the analysis and elaborate the strategy following the guidelins

uploaded on BATIS

Prepare a written report

Deadline: 27th of November
8-15 pages, 1,5 space, font 12
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