Mimnermus - Oxford Classical Dictionary

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Oxford Classical Dictionary

Martin Litchfield West
Subject: Greek Literature Online Publication Date: Mar 2016
DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199381135.013.4196

Mimnermus, Greek elegiac poet from Smyrna (fr. 9 West), later claimed by Colophon
whose foundation he described (frs. 9. 3, 10). His name may commemorate the Smyr­
naeans' famous resistance to Gyges at the river Hermus sometime before 660 BCE, which
would imply his birth at that time. He commented on a total solar eclipse (fr. 20), more
likely that of 6 April 648 than that of 28 May 585. He was apparently still alive when
Solon (fr. 20 West) criticized a verse of his, but there is no sign that he survived Alyattes'
destruction of Smyrna c.600. Ancient reckoning set his floruit in 632–629 (Suda). His po­
etry was divided into two books, probably corresponding to the titles Smyrneis and Nanno
(cf. Callim. fr. 1. 11–12 pf.). The Smyrneis was a quasi-epic on the battle against Gyges,
with elaborate proemium and ample narrative with speeches (frs. 13–13a). The shorter
elegies stood under the collective title Nanno, said to be the name of a girl aulete whom
Mimnermus loved, though she is not mentioned in fragments, and he also celebrated the
charms of boys (cf. frs. 1. 9, 5, Hermesianax 7. 38 Powell, Alexander Aetolus 5. 4 f. Pow­
ell). He was especially famous for poems on the pleasures of love, youth, and sunlight.
But fr. 14 seems to come from a call to arms, contrasting the citizens' present spirit with
that of a hero of the Hermus battle. Mimnermus was also remembered as an aulete or
oboist (Hipponax 153 West; Hermesianax 7. 37 f.; Strabo 14. 1. 28). See ELEGIAC POET­



B. Gentili and C. Prato, eds. Poetae Elegiaci, vol. 1. Leipzig: Teubner, 1979.

M. L. West, Iambi et Elegi, 2nd edn. (1989–92), 2.


M. L. West, Greek Lyric Poetry (1993).

D. E. Gerber (ed.), A Companion to the Greek Lyric Poets (1997).

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Subscriber: University of Exeter; date: 10 June 2019



T. Hudson-Williams, Early Greek Elegy (1926).

D. A. Campbell, Greek Lyric Poetry (1967).

A. Allen, The Fragments of Mimnermus: Text and Commentary (1993).


Realencyclopädie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft Suppl. 11. 935–51.

M. L. West, Studies in Greek Elegy and Iambus (1974), 72–6.

C. W. Müller, Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 1988, 197–211.

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Rights Reserved. Personal use only; commercial use is strictly prohibited (for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice).

Subscriber: University of Exeter; date: 10 June 2019

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