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[MUSIC] Hi and welcome back.

In today's module, we're going to

continue going over Ashby Plots, which is part of Unit 1:
Material Properties in Design, and we're going to specifically go
through Ashby Plots using a case study. The learning objectives for today's module
are to understand
the broad number of design considerations that you have to take into account
when doing engineering design. And to become familiar
with the complexities of material selection in
certain applications. In this case, a biomedical application. Last time, I left off
and the case study we were going to look
at today is a Total hip replacement. Just a reminder, your hip consists
of a ball and socket joint. You have your femur. Which is the biggest bone in your
and it has a femoral ball on top that fits into your hip socket,
which is also called the Acetabulum. Sometimes, people get trauma to this
hip joint through a car accident. Other times, with age the cartilage
that covers the femoral ball and the Acetabulum can break
down due to Osteoarthritis. And it can become necessary due
to the pain in the patient and lack of functionality to
completely replace that joint with a prosthetic joint called a total
hip replacement or a total hip prosthetic. Last time I left off and
you guys watched a couple videos showing cartoons of
the surgery that took place. And I asked you to think about the huge
number of design considerations that would have to go into
designing a total hip replacement. Let's talk about that a little bit. Right here,
you can see this is
an actually hip replacement that was donated to Georgia Tech
by Zimmer Biomet. And here you can see the Cup and then here you can see the Cup
implanted inside the patient. There's a plastic liner between
the Cup and then here is the Ball and then this is the Stem which actually goes
into the femur bone and provide stability. When we think about what's
needed in a hip replacement, obviously there is going to be
a lot of loading that happens. You need strength. The hip replacement needs to be
able to take the strength of a static load such as
a person sitting or standing. And also a dynamic load such as
a person running or walking. You also have to think about
the weight of the hip implant. You don't want the patient to end up
lopsided because your hip implant is so heavy. It needs to be biocompatible, so
means when it's implanted in the patient there's not a negative host
response either inflammation. Or an immune response,
we need to avoid that. You also need to think about
the life of the hip implant. Generally, these are designed to live
longer than 20 years inside the patient. And sterility, so
the implant needs to be completely sterile when placed inside the patient
during the surgery. That means, that your hip implant from
a temperature perspective not only needs to be able to survive at body
temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. But also,
the processing to get that sterile. It might have to be Autoclaved which could
go up to much higher temperatures and pressures. Interestingly, the Modulus of
is going to be very important in this implant design and
I'm going to explain that in bit. You also need to think about how
are you going to manufacture this. Is it going to be machined? Is it going to be
cast? Is there any type of coating? And how does that tie
into the general cost? During the surgery,
you can see that the surgeon. There's a lot of components to this
implant, so the surgeon can easily access where the implant needs to go based off
how they're able to access the patient. The surgical procedure definitely
comes into play in the design. And then the overall cost. In the USA, we're also
concerned about FDA approval. And then Medicare and Medicaid coverage. Will
Medicare and
Medicaid cover this design for patients. Last time, we looked at Ashby Plots and
now let's
get into why the Modulus of Elasticity becomes a key material property
consideration in this design. If we look at the Ashby Plot of
the Young's modulus versus density. What we see is that our typical
metals are up here in the red. And our ceramics are up here
in the yellow quite stiff. But bone is actually down here,
so it's in the 1 to 2 to 10 Gigapascal depending on
what type of bone you're looking at. And it's at about a density of
110 pounds per foot cubed. It's really not in a known
engineering material range. This actually becomes a big problem and
let's talk about why that is. If we look at a total hip replacement, there is
something in
bone called Wolff's Law. And bone is an incredibly
complex material. First off, it's anisotropic, so its material properties vary
on the direction you're loading it. It's not homogeneous, and it's
viscoelastic as opposed to linear elastic. It's very complex to model bone. To top
all of that off,
it's a living tissue and it responds to the loads
that are applied to it. For example, if you walk every day, you
apply this compressive load on your bone. And your bone cells realize that load
is occurring, and they remodel the bone structure around that load, so your leg
is strong in that loading direction. If you were no longer able
to walk on your bone. Say, break your leg and it gets put in
a cast and you have to use crutches. Then, what happens is your bone cells
realize that area is not being loaded and you'll actually lose density,
it's called Bone resorption. Where, it will retract some of
the structure from those areas. And, some of the minerals
from those areas. And the bone will become
weaker when it's not loaded. Now, old implants were made out of
steel and titanium, straight metals. And this turned out to be a really big
problem, because it turns out steel and titanium we just saw much,
much stiffer higher modulus than bone. And what would happen,
is imagine if you put a piece of steel and Jell-O and you pushed
down on the steel Jell-O composite. The Jell-O is going to deflect out of
the way as soon as it feels the load, but the steel is not so the steel is
going to take most of the load. The same thing happened when surgeons
put these implants in the patient. The implant started to carry the load, and
the bone was smart, this is called Stress shielding, when the implant starts to
take more of the load than the bone. And the bone was smart enough to realize
it wasn't needed, so it remodeled and resorbed around the implant which then
caused implant loosening over time. And that causes pain in the patient. There was
a lot of research and they
determined that two of the ways to avoid Stress shielding is one, to carefully
control the geometry of the implant. And two, to try to match the modulus of the
to the bone as close as they could get. And so what they come up
with is something like this. The old system had this straight up
titanium, and it went into the bone. And the new systems have
a porous metal material. And this allows two things. One, it drops down
the modulus of the metal so now the modulus is much
closer to that of the bone. And two, it allows the bone to grow in to
the implant and that provides this very, very strong connection between
the implant and the bone. Here you can see some photos of
what a porous metal looks like. These are actually aluminum, but typically what
you'll see,
the implants are titanium. But, they actually were able,
so Zimmer Biomet, some of their implant material and
the Regenerex material has got a module that is almost identical
to bone – right around 2 Gigapascals. They've almost perfectly
matched the bone material. Let's take a look at one of
the implants I have one right here, this is the implant that was
donated to Georgia Tech and so here what you can see is
the acetabular cup or shell. And this is what the surgeon
is going to tap into the patient's empty hip socket
after they've reamed it out. Here is the hole where the surgeon
attaches it to the device to tap this into the patient and
then these fins that you see prevent torsional movement of the
acetabular shell after a period of time. In addition, they have these holes and
if the surgeon feels like the fit may not be
quite as good as it needs to be or the bone of the patient isn't
as good as they would like. They may further stabilize the shell by
inserting some screws through the holes. Another thing you'll notice
is the shell is very rough. That's because it's
actually a porous metal. It's a porous titanium. It's a proprietary material of
Biomet and
Zimmer, Zimmer Biomet, and it's got a modulus right
around the 2 Gigapascal range. And the pores are actually
interconnected so the bone can grow directly
into this implant and provide this very solid junction between the bone
and the implant which is fantastic. On the other side what you see is
the liner, the liner of the shell and this is a high density polyethylene
that Zimmer Biomet makes. And it's basically chosen
because of its wear properties, so one of the main failure modes is when
the head and the liner interconnect and they are constantly going
through this type of motion. Over time, the plastic can shed off and
then get into the body and cause inflammation and
possibly some sort of infection. By choosing this type of plastic,
it has Phenomenal wear properties. The next part that I'm
going to show you this is the Ball which is
replacing the femoral head. It locks directly into this
Stem that you can see here. The Ball is a cobalt chrome alloy and
again it's chosen for its wear properties so you get this
really good wear between the shell, or I'm sorry the liner and the Ball. And the
Ball clicks into
this Stem right here. The Stem is a titanium alloy and they're trying to get as
close as
they can to the bone modulus again. Here you can see, this is the site where
the surgical tool attaches to the stem and allows the surgeon to implant
this Stem into the femoral bone. And then you can see that
the Stem is also rough. It's got a porous titanium
plasma coating on it and that's to allow the bones to,
again, grow directly into the Stem. It's very critical that the surgeon actually
cuts out the part of the femur
and provides a very good fit. That's one of their aspects of their job
is to get a really good fit between the hole in the femur and this Stem. Then you
can see how
everything joins together. It's definitely an amazing design, and
we're grateful to Zimmer Biomet for donating it to Georgia Tech. All right, so
that's it for
today's module. I'll see you next time. >> [SOUND]

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