Incomplete Right Bundle-Branch Block: An Electrocardiographic Misnomer

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Incomplete Right Bundle-Branch Block

An Electrocardiographic Enigma and Possible Misnomer

With James Alexander, M.D., and A. J. Kennel, M.D.

Incomplete right bundle-branch block (IRBBB) usually is thought to be associated
with abnormalities of the peripheral Purkinje system. This paper discusses the results
of a study of six dogs from the same family and three nonrelated dogs with congenital
IRBBB. Cardiac catheterization data were normal, and no evidence or history of car-
diac disease was found before or after death. The depolarization sequence of ven-
tricular epicardial activation was determined, and delays in right ventricular (RV)
epicardial activation times were observed. Multipoint intramural electrodes were used
to study intramural activation of the ventricular septum and free walls. The "electrical
thickness" near the base of the RV mass was more than double that of the normal RV
mass (9 vs 4 mm). Conduction along the right bundle branch (RBB) was analyzed
during cardiopulmonary bypass, and electrograms recorded simultaneously from six
sites along the RBB demonstrated that conduction velocity down the bundle was nor-
mal. The normal time of activation of the endocardial RV Purkinje fibers demonstrated
that conduction in the right peripheral Purkinje system also was normal. Therefore,
IRBBB in these dogs did not result from conduction abnormalities within the RV
specialized conduction system. Interestingly, six of these dogs were members of the F1
generation from a mating of a female beagle with pulmonary stenosis and a male
beagle with ventricular septal defect. Both defects as well as IRBBB were observed
in the F2 generation. The present findings suggest that IRBBB may be a developmental
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variation in thickness of the RV free wall rather than an abnormality of the RV con-
duction system in cases without apparent heart disease. The developmental variant
appears to have a genetic basis.

Additional Indexing Words:

Cardiac developmental variant Conduction delay Focal hypertrophy
Parietal block Right ventricular hypertrophy

INCOMPLETE RIGHT bundle-branch clinical and experimental conditions raises a

block or "parietal block" describes the question about the specific etiology underly-
electrocardiographic abnormality associated ing incompflete right bundle-branch block
with a wide variety of heart diseases in which (IRBBB). -.-10 There also have been a number
it is presumed that an abnormality exists in of papers pi ublished in which individuals with
the peripheral Purkinje conduction system. electrocardii ographic evidence of IRBBB have
However, the fact that the same electrocardio- been found to have no underlying cardiac
gram is recorded in a variety of dissimilar
grants HE-4885, HE-10995, HE-11307, HE-5372, and
From the Comparative Cardiovascular Studies Unit, HE-11309.
School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsyl- Address for reprints: Dr. E. Neil Moore, Compara-
vania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the Depart- tive Cardiovascular Studies Unit, School of Veterinary
ments of Pediatrics, Medicine, and Surgery, Duke Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina. Pennsylvania 19104.
Supported in part by grants from the American Received April 5, 1971; revision accepted for
Heart Association and U. S. Public Health Service publication July 1, 1971.
678 Circulation, Volume XLIV, October 1971
disease as demonstrated by clinical studies from sources that were geographically distant
and by postmortem histologic studies.1-' 5 from each other. No pedigree information was
The present paper concerns electrophysio- available however. The female had an electrocar-
logic investigations on a family of dogs with diogram consistent with a mild degree of right
ventricular hypertrophy (right ventricular pres-
definite electrocardiographic evidence of sure 72/0, main pulmonary artery pressure
IRBBB in which no evidence of cardiac 26/18). The electrocardiogram of the male was
disease could be demonstrated, either ante- within normal limits.
mortem or postmortem. Evidence is presented This mating produced seven pups (fig. 1),
that the pattern of IRBBB resulted not from none of which had evidence of structural
malformation of the cardiovascular system by
conduction abnormalities within the atrioven- physical examination, thoracic radiography, car-
tricular specialized conduction system, but diac catheterization, or angiocardiography. Six of
rather was due to focal hypertrophy of the the seven dogs were submitted to necropsy
right ventricle which was a congenital de- examination and were found to have no gross
velopmental variant. evidence of cardiovascular disease. Despite the
absence of gross structural abnormalities, all
Materials and Methods members of the litter had electrocardiographic
patterns of the incomplete right bundle-branch
Genetic Studies block (IRBBB) type. In three dogs, the pattern
In the course of genetic studies of cardiovasc- was well developed, and the QRS interval was
ular malformations in the dog, a female beagle near the upper limit of normal for the dog (0.07
with hereditary valvular pulmonic stenosis16 was sec). In four others, the pattern was less
mated to a male beagle with a small subaortic developed but the spatial orientation of the QRS
ventricular septal defect. These dogs probably forces was similar to that of dogs with fully
were not closely related as they were obtained developed IRBBB. Terminal QRS forces were
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+ + + + + * *

El Normal Male + Neonatal Deoth NO ECG

0 Normal Femole
* Sacrificed f or Study

em IRBBB (well - developed)


Ventricular Septal Defect
Valvulor Pulmonic Stenosis
IROBB (lesser- degree)
Figure 1
Female beagle with pulmonic stenosis and a male beagle with a ventricular septal defect pro-
duced seven pups with varying degrees of incomplete right bundle-branch block (IRBBB)
but no gross cardiovascular malformations. Both pulmonic stenosis and ventricular septal
defect as well as IRBBB were observed in the F2 generation. See text for full description.
Circulation, Volume XLlV, October 1971

directed ventrally, cranially, and to the right, tions of the conduction system. Serial sections of
producing R' waves in AVR and V1 and terminal 6-8 g in thickness were made by the method of
S waves in leads V3, V6, and Vl0. Pickett and Sommer.'8 Three dogs with normal
Members of the litter were mated inter se to electrocardiographic findings were studied in a
produce an F2 generation consisting of 17 pups like manner. After fixation, multiple measure-
(fig. 1). Electrocardiograms were recorded in ments were made of the thickness of the free
only eight of the 17 members of the F2 walls of the right ventricle, of the free walls of the
generation, since the remaining nine died in the left ventricle, and of the septum. The weight of
early neonatal period. Of the eight studied the free wall of the right ventricle was determined
electrocardiographically, five had normal electro- as a percentage of the total ventricular weight
cardiograms, one dog with pulmonic stenosis and and compared with normal values obtained by
a ventricular septal defect had electrocardiogra- Knight.'9
phic signs of right ventricular hypertrophy, and The following portions of the atrioventricular
two otherwise-normal dogs had an incomplete conduction system were examined in each case:
right bundle-branch block pattern. portions of the interatrial septum including the
This report deals with findings in six offspring approaches to the atrioventricular (A-V) node,
of the F, generation which were studied by the A-V node, the penetrating and bifurcating
electrophysiologic methods. portions of the common A-V bundle (His
bundle), the proximal 1 cm of the left bundle
Electrophysiologic Studies branch, the entire right bundle branch from its
The sequence of epicardial and intramural origin at the bifurcation to its termination at the
activation of the ventricles was determined using base of the septal papillary muscle, the free-
a bipolar electrode to scan 40 points on the right running false tendons arising at the base of the
and left ventricular epicardium, and multipoint, papillary muscle through their attachment to the
plunge electrodes to define intramural activation. free wall of the right ventricle, that portion of the
These techniques have been previously described right ventricular free wall to which the free-
in detail.'0 During the intramural activation running false tendons attached, and, finally,
studies using plunge electrodes, special emphasis adjacent atrial as well as ventricular and valvular
was made to record from various right and left structures.
Purkinje fibers both within the free ventricular Results
walls and septum. The onset of activation of the
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Purkinje fibers was correlated with the onset of The X, Y, and Z scaler electrocardiograms
the QRS complex. In addition, new techniques and frontal and left sagittal vectorcardiograms
were developed to determine the sequence of inscribed using the McFee lead system are
excitation along the right bundle branch and His- shown in figure 2 from one of the dogs
Purkinje system.17 These investigations were
performed after completing the epicardial-intra- with incomplete right bundle-branch block
mural activation studies. Both normal dogs and (IRBBB). The P-R interval is normal and the
dogs with IRBBB were placed on cardiopulmo- QRS duration is increased by about 10-15 (35
nary bypass, and a right ventriculotomy was made. vs 45) msec. The initial forces are normal. The
Then a 1.0- by 1.5-cm electrode plaque contain- terminal forces, however, are directed cranial-
ing 30 separate monopolar electrode sites located
about every 2 mm was gently sutured over the ly, dorsally, and toward the right. Note also
right bundle branch (RBB) (as indicated in that these later terminal forces are markedly
figure 5 below). This electrode path enabled slowed in their inscription. This is a character-
multiple RBB electrograms to be recorded istic feature of IRBBB in man.
simultaneously in either a bipolar or a unipolar Figure 3 illustrates the epicardial sequence
mode. It was then possible to determine the
conduction velocity along the RBB since the map of ventricular excitation correlated with
geometry of the recording sites on the electrode the inscribed QRS complex in a normal dog.
patch and the time of activation at these same The heart is viewed frontally (Ant.) on the
electrodes was known. In 10 normal dogs, the
conduction velocity along the RBB using this left in the same position as the heart would be
technique was 1-3 m/sec.17 observed upon a midsternotomy, and on the
right it is positioned as observed in a left
Histologic Studies
lateral thoracotomy (Lat.). The interventric-
Three dogs with electrophysiologically docu-
mented alterations of activation of the right ular sulcus is indicated by the coronary
ventricle (RV) had detailed histologic examina- arteries. Below the anterior and lateral views
Circulation, Volume XLIV, October 1971


100 msec.
Figure 2
X, Y, and Z scalar electrocardiograms and frontal (F) and left sagittal (LS) vectorcardiograms
from a dog with IRBBB were recorded using the McFee lead system (dog 37). See text for
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Ant. Lot. V,

0 5 10 15 20
E?igure 3
Epicardial ventriciular depolarization in a normal dog. A frontal (left activation map) and
left sagittal (right activation map) view of the pattern of epicardial excitation (breakthrough)
are shown along with the lead II and pericardial lead V1 electrocardiograms. See text for

of the heart is a time key with different epicardial activity in this animal was noted at
stippling representing the period of time 10 msec after the onset of the reference ECG.
within the QRS complex in which the The pattern of epicardial spread was basically
respective epicardial regions were activated. similar in all normal dogs studied.-10 The
Lead II and precordial lead V1 QRS complex- earliest site of epicardial activity was located
es are shown on the right with time lines in the midright ventricle near the interventric-
indicated every 10 msec. The time of earliest ular sulcus. Activity then spread centrifugally
Circulation, Volume XLIV, October 1971
toward the atrioventricular groove, the inflow precordial lead V1 (10-15 msec) occurred at
and outflow (conus) regions of the right the right and left ventricular bases. However,
ventricle (RV), and leftward across the unlike the activation sequence in normal dogs,
interventricular sulcus. The left ventricular there was a late 10-msec period of time at
(LV) epicardium was also activated in a 20-30 msec in which activation occurred only
centrifugal fashion with earliest activity being in the outflow tract of the RV (conus) without
observed in the midregions and late activity any activity being recorded on the LV
occurring at both the base and a small region epicardium. The peak of the R' wave
near the anterior interventricular sulcus an- coincided in time with this unopposed surface
teriorly. The late activity in the RV conus, of activation in the RV. There are several
which occurred during the same period of the possible causes of delayed activation of the
QRS complex as did late activity in the LV RV conus region including alterations in
base and anterior apex, resulted in considera- conduction velocity of the right His-Purkinje
ble cancellation and a normal QRS complex system as well as possible variation in wall
being inscribed. thickness of the RV free wall. Even with
The epicardial activation sequence maps normal radial conduction velocity, the in-
and lead II and V, QRS complexes in figure 4 creased thickness of the RV free wall could
were recorded in a dog with IRBBB. The time result in delayed activation of the thick region
key below the activation maps contains due to increased time for epicardial break-
stippling corresponding to the time of activa- through. To investigate the mechanism of
tion of the respective regions of the epicar- delayed epicardial activation, intramural acti-
dium. The rSR' QRS complex in the precordial vation was analyzed using plunge electrodes.
lead V1 is characteristic of IRBBB. The frontal Figure 5 contains simultaneously recorded
view of the dog's heart is shown on the left, intramural RV electrograms obtained from a
and the left lateral view of the heart is normal dog (A), and from a dog with an
presented on the right. In contrast to the electrocardiogram characteristic of IRBBB
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normal dog (fig. 3) early activity was (B). Using a constant reference electrogram,
observed on the right epicardium near the the lead II electrocardiogram was time
interventricular sulcus and simultaneously at normalized with the simultaneously recorded
the apex of the LV indicating relatively later intramural ventricular activation data as des-
than normal RV breakthrough. Activity during cribed previously. The intramural plunge
the initial inscription of the R' wave in the electrodes had 15 monopolar electrode sites



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
6 ,,'
Figure 4
Epicardial ventricular depolarization in incomplete right bundle-branch block (IRBBB).
Frontal (Ant.) and left sagittal (Lat.) activation maps are presented along with the lead II
and precordial lead V1 electrocardiogram (dog 37). See text for discussion.
Circulation, Volume XLIV, October 1971


Lead II V ' Lead II

Pj 1-2
3-4 -
4-5 -- 5-6

100 msec. 7-8

Figure 5
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A and B contain simultaneously recorded ventricular intramural electrograms recorded using

plunge-type electrodes. The lead II ECG was time normalized with the simultaneously re-
corded ventricular electrograms. A was recorded from the base of the right ventricle in a
normal dog. B was recorded in a dog with incomplete right bundle-branch block (IRBBB)
(dog 37). See text for discussion.

located at 1-mm intervals along the electrode tion of the Purkinje fiber was again at the
shaft. In A, recorded from a normal dog, it initiation of the R wave as normally observed.
can be observed that four bipolar electro- The "electrical thickness" of the RV free wall
grams were recorded between five monopolar in this dog with IRBBB varied between 8 and
electrodes sites, and the "electrical thickness" 9 mm in the basilar regions and pulmonary
of the RV free wall at this conus region conus region. This is nearly double the normal
therefore was 4 mm. Note also that the "electrical thickness" in this region as deter-
Purkinje depolarization spike denoted by Pj in mined in over 30 normal dogs. The spread of
figure 5 recorded on the endocardial surface of activation radially through the free wall
the RV free wall occurred at the onset of the occurred at a normal conduction velocity.
inscription of the R wave in the lead II ECG. Note that the endocardial site (site 1-2) was
The activation sequence was also from endo-
cardium to epicardium as indicated by the activated during the R wave in the lead II
progressive delay in onset of activation of ECG while the outermost epicardial site (site
bipolar site 1-2 to bipolar site 4-5. 8-9) was activated during the S wave. Similar
In figure 5B, the endocardial bipolar increased thickness of the RV free wall in the
electrode site 1-2 was activated earliest. A conus region was observed in eight other dogs
small Purkinje spike was recorded in this with electrocardiographic manifestation of
electrogram (Pj) and the onset of depolariza- IRBBB.
Circulation, Volume XLIV, October 1971




20 msec.
Figure 6
A schematic diagram of the right ventricular septal surface is shown with the tricuspid valve
(TV) and pulmonary artery (PA) labeled. The arrows numbered 1 through 5 indicate regionls
along the right bundle branch (dark structure on the septal surface) at which simultaneous
electrograms 1 through 5 were recorded using a multielectrode plaque. The five simulta-
neously recorded right bundle-branch electrograms are shown on the right of the figure along
with the lead II ECG (dog 37). See text for discussion.

The intramural activation data demon- 2.5 m/sec. Therefore, since conduction velo-
strated a delay in RV activation which was city in normal hearts using these techniques
due to focal right ventricular hypertrophy. To was between 1 and 3 m/sec, there was no
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investigate whether conduction delays within conduction delay in the main septal RBB in
the RV specialized conduction system might this heart with IRBBB. In three other dogs
also be involved in producing the electrocar- with electrocardiographic evidence of IRBBB,
diographic picture of IRBBB in those dogs, a the same results were obtained with complete-
technique was developed in which an elec- ly normal conduction velocity along the RBB.
trode patch was sutured over the right bundle Interestingly, the RV septum was depolarized
branch (RBB) during cardiopulmonary by- in the opposite direction (large depolarization
pass, and multiple electrograms were recorded complexes occurring after the rapid bundle-
simultaneously from the specialized conduc- branch spikes) from apex to base. Also,
tion tissue. In this way it was possible to additional evidence that there is not a
determine the conduction velocity along the conduction delay within the RBB system is
His-Purkinje system. Using this method it was that all of the RBB electrograms occur at the
found that conduction velocity was 1-3 m/sec beginning of depolarization of the ventricles
along the RBB in 10 normal dogs.'7 as displayed in the ECG (top trace).
In figure 6, a schematic diagram of the right Figure 7 is a time-aligned illustration of
septal surface of the heart of one of the dogs depolarization along the RV specialized con-
with IRBBB (number 37) is illustrated along duction system. The lead II ECG is shown
with the sites from which the proximal and (top trace) along with electrograms recorded
distal RBB electrograms on the right of figure from the proximal right bundle branch (RB
6 were recorded. Note that activation pro- Pj), right ventricular endocardial Purkinje
gressed from the first site to the fifth site in a fiber (RV EnPj), and a right ventricular
uniform sequence. The propagation velocity in epicardial electrogram recorded from the right
this heart with electrocardiographic evidence ventricular conus region. The lead II ECG
of incomplete right bundle-branch block was exhibits a prominent S wave, which is
Circulation, Volume XLIV, October 1971
ic sectioning, the right atrioventricular spe-
Lead ]I cialized conduction tissues. It is not possible,
of course, even with serial sectioning to permit
quantitative conclusions to be made regarding
all of the peripheral arborizations of the RBB
fibers and peripheral Purkinje network which
for obvious reasons could not be studied in
their entirety. The area included in our
RB Pj histologic examination was that in which
activation abnormalities have been previously
demonstrated to result in electrocardiographic
evidence for incomplete and complete right
RV EnPj bundle-branch block and included the entire
right bundle and Purkinje fibers in the free-
running false tendons.
The atrioventricular node and common
bundle of His were completely normal.
RV Ep P Histologic serial sections showed that the RBB
was intact throughout its entire length. The
50 msec. free-running false tendons and the arboriza-
Figure 7 tion of Purkinje fibers in the free wall of the
Time-normalized illustration of the sequence and ac-
right ventricle likewise appeared normal in all
tivation times of the proximal right bundle branch specimens. No quantitative or qualitative
(RB Pj), endocardial right Purkinje system (RV EnPj), differences were apparent between cases hav-
and the right ventricular epicardial conus region ing electrocardiographic evidence of IRBBB
(RV EpP) during inscription of the electrocardiogram and those designated normal. Areas of fresh
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(lead II) in a dog with IRBBB (dog 37). See text for hemorrhage were found in scattered portions
discussion. of the specialized tissues of the dogs with
IRBBB in which electrophysiologic studies
characteristic of IRBBB. Note that the proxi- were also carried out. These resulted from
mal right bundle branch was depolarized intramural electrode penetrations, and in no
normally prior to inscription of the QRS case did hemorrhage appear to interrupt
complex during the P-R interval. The right the pathway of the specialized tissue. Ventric-
ventricular endocardial Purkinje fiber (Rv ular muscle fibers were studied throughout the
EnPj) was likewise depolarized at a normal heart, and no abnormalities were encountered.
time just after the start of the R wave. The
right ventricular epicardial point (RV EpP), Discussion
on the other hand, was activated much later The term incomplete right bundle-branch
than normal during the S wave of the lead II block (IRBBB) is defined in most electrocar-
electrocardiogram. Therefore, despite the fact diographic textbooks as a QRS configuration
that there is delayed activation of the conus consisting of an rSr' or rsR' in V1 with or
region, there does not appear to be any without associated s or S waves in the
electrophysiologic evidence of conduction de- standard leads I), II III, and aVF. The QRS
lays along the right ventricular specialized duration is usually prolonged in adults to
conduction system. 0.09-0.11; correspondingly less prolongation
Although no electrophysiologic evidence of occurs in children. IRBBB is a somewhat
conduction abnormalities could be found in ambiguous term due to the wide variation
the RV specialized conduction system in the observed in QRS configuration and duration
dogs with IRBBB, nevertheless it was consid- as well as the numerous clinical conditions in
ered important to examine, by serial histolog- which ECG's with this abnormality are
Circulation, Volume XLIV, October 1971
encountered. The term IRBBB implies that IRBBB in man. However, they do indicate at
there is block in the peripheral right Purkinje least one basis for this electrocardiographic
system, and cases of IRBBB associated with pattern other than the classically accepted
acquired, congenital, or experimental lesions theory of parietal block of the right Purkinje
within the right ventricular Purkinje network network. Strong additional support for focal
have been clearly demonstrated. However, regions of right ventricular hypertrophy giving
other instances of IRBBB without demonstra- rise to an ECG pattern of IRBBB is the fact
ble cardiovascular lesions have also been that two other unrelated dogs of different
reported. Thus, there is clearly a need to breeds (keeshond and a mongrel) also had a
examine the right bundle branch-Purkinje focal right ventricular hypertrophy associated
system using direct electrophysiologic tech- with an electrocardiographic pattern of
niques to determine the sequence of right IRBBB. It should be mentioned that when the
ventricular myocardial activation, as well as ratio of the total weight of the right
activation studies on the right ventricular ventricular free wall was compared to total
specialized conduction system in cases of heart weight in these dogs, the ratio was at the
IRBBB. These types of investigations are upper limits of normal found by Knight in a
difficult and, in many instances, impossible to series of 38 normal dogsl9 (24% of total heart
perform in patients. The present investigations weight in IRBBB dogs vs an average of 22% in
afforded an unusual opportunity to examine normal dogs). The fact that there was not a
the basis of spontaneous IRBBB in a group of significant increase in right ventricular wall
beagle dogs which were siblings of an F1 weight as determined by this method points
breeding of two dogs with congenital heart out that activation delays in only a small
disease (fig. 1). region of the right ventricle can result in
In the present study, six canine siblings changes in phase relationships of a sufficient
were found to have an electrocardiographic degree to alter the usual balance of forces,
pattern of IRBBB, but no cardiovascular thereby permitting delayed right ventricular
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abnormalities could be found on clinical activation to be expressed as IRBBB. The

examination or upon histologic examination of thickened right ventricular wall not only
the heart. The etiology of the IRBBB pattern results in phasic changes in right and left
was a focal hypertrophy of regions of the right ventricular activation, but also permits the
ventricular free wall near the atrioventricular activation wavefront to occupy a greater area
margin and pulmonary conus. Myocardial of the right ventricular wall, thereby causing
conduction velocity through these thickened the amplitude of the late right ventricular
regions of right ventricular myocardium was forces to be increased in the electrocardio-
found to be normal; however, the longer gram.20
distance that the wavefront had to travel from Perhaps of greater significance is the finding
the endocardium to epicardium resulted in that mild localized right ventricular hyper-
delay in the onset of activation of the right trophy was present in the family of beagles in
ventricular epicardium at these hypertrophied the absence of any obvious hemodynamic
regions. Therefore, IRBBB resulted from a stimulus. This suggests that the distribution of
prolonged phase of activation in certain right ventricular mass is determined not only
regions of the right ventricular free wall by the hemodynamic state, but also by genetic
caused by focal hypertrophy, rather than from factors which govern the morphogenesis of the
delay caused by conduction abnormalities ventricular walls. Such intrinsic mechanisms
within the peripheral right ventricular may determine to some extent the capacity of
Purkinje system. the individual to react to hemodynamic loads
Of course, the explanation for the surface and may account for the variation in right
ECG pattern of IRBBB in these animals ventricular hypertrophy encountered in pa-
cannot be generalized to explain all cases of tients with similar degrees of hemodynamic
Circulation, Volume XLIV, October 1971
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Circulation, Volume XLIV, October 1971

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