Ipad Basics k-1

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Megan Meyer

Elementary Lesson Plan

Author Megan Meyer
Title of Lesson The Basics of Using an IPad
Subject/Course Information Literacy
Grade Level Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Duration ~20 minutes
Big Idea Effective research requires the use of varied resources to
gain or expand knowledge
Active listeners make meaning from what they hear by
questioning, reflecting, responding, and evaluating
Essential Question How does one organize and create information from
various sources?
How does one best present findings?
How do active listeners make meaning?
Model Curriculum Competencies  Ask and answer questions about key details in text
read aloud or presented orally.
 Demonstrate proper IPad handling skills and
correct procedures for using the devices (ex. how
to get their IPad from the cart, turn device on, and
return it to the proper place, etc.).
 Recall information from past experience or
information provided to answer question, and with
help, use this information to answer the question.
AASL Standards I.A.2. Learners display curiosity and initiative by
recalling prior and background knowledge as context for
new meaning.
I.D.3. Learners participate in an ongoing inquiry-based
process by enacting new understanding through real-
world connections.
Instructional Objectives SWBAT:
 Handle the library’s IPads with great care and
 Understand how to and be able to use the IPads for
future work and assignments that will be asked of
Content Specific Vocabulary App – an application downloaded by a user onto a mobile
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
Home Button – a button on a smartphone, tablet, or other
electronic device that takes the user to the start/home
Headphone Jack – the hole used to plug in a headset,
earphones, or headphones into a device
Power Button – a button on an electronic device that can
turn a device on or off
Volume Buttons – buttons on an electronic device that
can increase or decrease the volume
Materials/Resources/Equipment  Teacher IPad
 IPads for students
 Hand Sanitizer
 Cleaning wipes/spray
Instructional Procedures Greet students at the library doors.
 Let them get hand sanitizer and sit in their seats.
Introduce today’s lesson and activity.
 Introduction to IPads/Refresher
 Activate prior knowledge.
Start the lesson/activity.
 Give them IPad numbers.
 Go over how they’ll get their IPads from the cart.
 The Home Button
 Volume Buttons
 Open up some of the different apps they’ll be
using this year.
 Go over how they’ll put their IPads away.
 Go up to get their IPads.
 Put them away.
 Go up to get them again.
 Have them open up SeeSaw to start Mrs. Koller’s
activity with them.
Formative Assessment When asked students will be able to turn on, open their
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
IPads, and access the apps asked of them.
Assignment Students will familiarize themselves with the IPads and its
functions that will be needed for future Enrichment Days.

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