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to Student-
The Goal:
The goal that is at stake is to help more student-
athletes apply and receive scholarships that are
offered by the university and outer sources.
The Problem:
The problem that we are facing is that the university only
offers 14 scholarships and most of those are only tailored
to a specific group of students. The other problem that is
presented is that the university does not display outer
source links for students to access to see if they are able
to apply and receive these scholarships.
Step 1:
The first that needs to be taken is to present this problem
and goal to fix it to my fellow co-workers and get them on
board to present this information to higher authorities that
are able to fix it.
Step 2:
The next step that is going to take place is to gather all
the information of the scholarships that are offered on the
Mount Union website and who these scholarships tailor to.
Step 3:
The next step is to gather information about outer source
websites that offer scholarships to students at any
university and find some that will be tailored to anyone.
Step 4:
The next step will be to design a presentation that outlines
all the information that was gathered and compare the
information found to a competitor university.

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