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Structural design –
achieving excellence
Task group
A M Cormie BSc CEng FIStructE FICE FIES MWeldI (J&D Pierce (Contracts) Ltd)
J S Johnston BSc(Hons) CEng FIStructE FICE FConsE (Sinclair Johnston & Partners)
A M Low MA CEng MICE (Arup)
M W Manning FREng MA(Cantab) CEng MIStructE (Arup) Chairman
J C Mason MA CEng MIStructE (Alan Baxter & Associates)
Dr C Melbourne BEng PhD CEng FIStructE FICE (University of Salford)
R D Nicholl BEng(Hons) CEng FIStructE MICE (AECOM)
M F Ryland BSc(Hons) CEng FIStructE MICE (Ryland Consulting)
F E Weare MSc DIC CEng FIStructE MICE MIMMM DMS MIHT (Consultant)
Corresponding member
Dr F T K Au BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) PhD CEng FIStructE MICE (University of Hong Kong)
Reviewing editors
A M Cormie BSc CEng FIStructE FICE FIES MWeldI (J&D Pierce (Contracts) Ltd)
A S Rahman MEng ACGI (The Institution of Structural Engineers)
Figure 1.1: Andy Gardner
Figure 1.2: Colin Brenchley
Figure 2.1: J&D Pierce (Contracts) Ltd
Figure 3.1: J&D Pierce (Contracts) Ltd
Figure 4.1: Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales
Figure 4.2: Fairfax New Zealand Limited
Box 4.1: Antony Dubber
Box 5.1: Angus Cormie
Figure 5.2: J&D Pierce (Contracts) Ltd
Figure 5.3: J&D Pierce (Contracts) Ltd
Figure 5.7: Milner Associates
Box 5.2: Courtesy of the National Law Enforcement Museum, Washington, DC
Box 5.4 (dampers under deck): Victor Salcedo, GERB Vibration Control Systems Inc.
Box 5.4 (plan with deck removed): Arup
Figure 5.9: Angus Cormie
Figure 5.10: Joseph Penzien, Godden Collection, NISEE-PEER, University of California, Berkeley
Figure 6.1: Mott MacDonald
Figure 7.1: J&D Pierce (Contracts) Ltd
Box 8.1: J&D Pierce (Contracts) Ltd

Published by The Institution of Structural Engineers

International HQ, 47–58 Bastwick Street, London EC1V 3PS, United Kingdom
T: þ44 (0)20 7235 4535

First published 2015

Version 1.0 (May 2015)
ISBN 978-1-906335-29-8

# 2015 The Institution of Structural Engineers

The Institution of Structural Engineers and those individuals who contributed to this Report have
endeavored to ensure the accuracy of its contents. However, the guidance and recommendations
given in the Report should always be reviewed by those using the Report in the light of the facts of
their particular case and specialist advice obtained as necessary. No liability for negligence or
otherwise in relation to this Report and its contents is accepted by the Institution, the members of
the task group, their servants or agents. Any person using this Report should pay particular
attention to the provisions of this Condition.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any
form or by any means without prior permission of The Institution of Structural Engineers, who may
be contacted at International HQ, 47–58 Bastwick Street, London EC1V 3PS.

Foreword iv 6.3 Calculations 31

6.4 Computer modelling 31
1 Introduction 1 6.5 Testing and monitoring 32
1.1 Introduction and scope 1 6.6 Codes of practice 32
1.2 References 2 6.7 Checks 33
6.8 References 33
2 The structural engineer’s responsibilities 3
2.1 General considerations 3 7 Communicating the design 35
2.2 Ethics 3 7.1 Communication needs 35
2.3 Professional development 4 7.1.1 Why, what and when to communicate 35
2.4 Role of the structural engineer 4 7.1.2 Needs of the client 35
2.5 Managing risk 4 7.1.3 Needs of the design team 35
2.6 References 6 7.1.4 Needs of the drafting/detailing team 36
2.7 Bibliography 6 7.1.5 Needs of the construction team 36
7.1.6 Building control and statutory authorities 36
3 Engaging in design 7 7.2 Effective strategies for communicating information 36
3.1 Concept design 7 7.3 Information for construction 37
3.2 Scheme design 7 7.3.1 Working drawings 37
3.2.1 Overview 7 7.3.2 Specifications 37
3.2.2 Non-structural evaluations 8 7.3.3 Schedules 37
3.2.3 Structural evaluations 9 7.3.4 Bill of quantities 38
3.2.4 Output 10 7.4 Design coordination and change control 38
3.3 Detailed design 10 7.5 References 38
3.4 References 10 7.6 Bibliography 38
3.5 Bibiliography 10
8 The construction stage 39
4 Structural design philosophies 11 8.1 Role of the structural engineer 39
4.1 Overview of structural performance 11 8.2 Contract relationships 39
4.2 Value 11 8.3 Temporary works 40
4.3 Design life 12 8.4 Quality control of workmanship 40
4.4 Limit states 12 8.5 Site inspections and reports 40
4.5 Actions 13 8.6 References 41
4.5.1 General 13 8.7 Bibliography 41
4.5.2 Permanent actions 13
4.5.3 Variable actions 13
4.5.4 Accidental or extreme actions 14
4.5.5 Sensitivity analysis 15
4.6 Sustainability 15
4.7 References 16
4.8 Bibliography 17

5 Stability, robustness and serviceability 18

5.1 Scope 18
5.2 Stability 18
5.3 Stability systems and features 18
5.3.1 General features 18
5.3.2 Examples found in different forms of
construction 21
5.4 Stability during construction 23
5.5 Stability during alteration 23
5.6 Robustness 24
5.7 Dynamics 25
5.8 Serviceability 26
5.8.1 General 26
5.8.2 Movement effects 27
5.9 References 28
5.10 Bibliography 28

6 Demonstrating structural adequacy 29

6.1 Overview 29
6.2 Analysis 29
6.2.1 General 29
6.2.2 Superstructure 29
6.2.3 Substructure 30
6.2.4 Reliability and risk 30
6.2.5 Assessment of existing structures 31

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence iii


This report has arisen from the Institution’s decision

to update the following reports:
– Aims of structural design 2nd edition (1987)
– Communication of structural design (1975)
– Stability of buildings (1988)
– The achievement of structural adequacy (1990)

An Institution Task group, ‘The Philosophy of

Structural Design’, was convened to carry out this
work. This is the second of the two reports the group
decided to produce to amalgamate the original four.
Its accompanying publication is Structural Design –
the engineer’s role which was published in 2011.

The original reports were of their era and with the

passage of time the processes and tools available to
structural engineers have moved forward.

This report is primarily aimed at structural engineers

in their formative years post-graduation striving
towards chartered membership of the Institution. It
covers the different stages that engineers will
discover as they progress through the design and
construction of a project, from inception and scheme
design, through detailed design to construction.

There have been many changes in structural design

since the original reports were published. Some are
significant such as code changes and major
advances in computing power. However, the
principles of loadpath and basic building physics are
unchanged through time.

The conceptual output from this report is an

understanding of the plan of engagement of the
structural engineer with clients and other design
professionals through the design process. Once
through the plan the engineer should be able to
advise on and develop the structural concepts
through the varying stages, such that a competent,
safe and sustainable end product is achieved – with

Sincere thanks are due to the time and efforts

expended by the group in their many and varied
contributions to this report. Special mention must go
to Arif Rahman, former Technical Assistant at the
Institution, for his collation and tireless editing of the
drafts and close attention to detail during the formal
review period.

Angus Cormie
Reviewing Editor

iv The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction and scope Simplistically it talks of cost, beauty, stability and
strength and of course those are still essential
characteristics of the structural engineer’s work.
This Report provides an overview of the tasks However, science and art (and what society expects
undertaken by structural engineers during both of them) have all moved on so that while those
design and construction. The Report focuses on characteristics remain necessary they are certainly
building structures, but remains a valid blueprint for not sufficient. Since the adoption of this definition, the
any type of structure. While aimed primarily at structural engineer has become increasingly
graduate structural engineers, the guidance concerned with characteristics such as robustness,
contained herein covers fundamental considerations stiffness (under both static and dynamic cases),
of value to structural engineers of any experience durability, sustainability and safety in construction.
level. These have arisen from the profession’s response to
the evolving needs of society, together with the
An introduction to the broader scope of what the utilisation of advances in applied science and
profession is and does can be found in the technology in meeting these.
companion report, Structural design – the engineer’s
role1.1. This Report sets out to discuss the issues bearing on
structural design, where the accepted standards
Since 1976 the Institution has adopted the following might be found for these, and describes how the
definition for what structural engineers do1.2: structural engineer approaches the different stages of
a project as a basis for achieving excellence. This is
‘‘Structural engineering is the science and art of excellence not just in design but also in construction;
designing and making, with economy and the structural engineer’s aim must be the creation of
elegance, buildings, bridges, frameworks and a built environment considered as a whole to
other similar structures so that they can safely maximise its potential value to the standards chosen
resist the forces to which they may be subjected.’’ by society at the time or for the project. This aim is
therefore a movable target since what one generation
It is a definition that is very much of the time in which would regard as excellent, another may declare to be
it was written, yet still applies decades later albeit simply adequate.
with an altered context and meaning. It is strongly
reminiscent of, amongst other things, the international Within the design team, the structural engineer bears
style in architecture, the immediate post-war period in responsibility over structural integrity and, depending
the United Kingdom and the aftermath of the Ronan on the type of project, may take a leading role with
Point disaster1.3. respect to either or both decision-making and

Figure 1.1 Gardens by the Bay, Singapore, applies inspiration from nature to the built environment

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 1

1.2 Introduction

Figure 1.2 Primary structural components of bridges often have an expressed role. Media City Footbridge, Manchester

management of the design process. Further roles that whole design and the method of construction.
a structural engineer can play in this process, be it as Structural performance neither dominates nor is
client, designer, constructor or inspector, are detailed subservient to those two issues. There will not be a
in Structural design – the engineer’s role. single correct solution but several depending upon
how, eventually, the various stakeholders decide the
A clear understanding of the principles of structural compromises should be ranked on the particular
behaviour is an essential element of a structural project.
engineer’s education. Only with this knowledge can
the various tools for structural analysis be safely Implicit within this Report are assumptions relevant to
used. A truly excellent design will employ a holistic the time of writing. They were not the same in 1976
approach: structural engineering knowledge (of and will change again in the future. Trends indicate
structural mechanics, soil mechanics, material that material efficiency is one of the primary and ever
behaviour, boundary conditions and the interactions increasing driving forces behind structural design, but
between these), calculation and analysis in how will this be met? Will stronger, lighter, more
combination with the wider appreciation of non durable and cheaper materials be discovered? Will
structural matters such as cost, sustainability and higher standards of construction and manufacture
aesthetics to produce an effective and elegant need to be developed? Will the understanding of
outcome (Figures 1.1 and 1.2). actions and how performance is predicted become
more refined? Will the construction industry change
This Report is formed of three principal parts. its expectations of performance, and what can be
considered a proportionate consumption of resources
Chapters 2 and 3 describe considerations at the to achieve that?
outset in relation to the structural engineer’s
profession, the design proposal and the general Whatever happens, structural engineers will have to
activities carried out during design. both advise on the issues and then deliver the
solutions so that our built environment can meet the
Chapters 4, 5 and 6 give guidance on the means for needs of humanity.
demonstrating adequacy and the key performance
requirements and features needed to sustain global
structural integrity.
1.2 References
Chapters 7 and 8 outline the role of the structural
engineer during the construction stage and explain
ways in which the structural design may be 1.1 Institution of Structural Engineers. Structural design –
communicated. the engineer’s role. London: IStructE, 2011

A project is not fulfilled by a series of linear 1.2 ‘Institution notes’. The Structural Engineer, 54(8),
processes, and this Report does not purport to be a August 1976, p275
checklist of all the things the structural engineer must
do. Structural design includes the provision of 1.3 Ministry of Housing and Local Government. Report of
sufficient performance criteria, but is also impacted the Inquiry into the collapse of flats at Ronan Point,
by two other sets of criteria; namely its role within the Canning Town. London: HMSO, 1968

2 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

2 The structural engineer’s responsibilities

2.1 General considerations 2.2 Ethics

Structural engineers can provide services in different Engineers must act in an ethically responsible
roles on a variety of different projects, from building manner. Predefined rules are a good guiding baseline,
component design to the appraisal of bridges, but but it is also imperative to put personal effort into
what applies to all is a standard of service understanding ethical conflicts. Ethics may be defined
appropriate to the expectations of the profession. as the study of moral dilemmas in human actions. A
Structural engineers may become a member of an degree of empathy is therefore expected of
engineering institution as a way of supporting their construction professionals by default in order to
professional development, and to indicate to others a respond appropriately in accordance with social
suitable level of qualification and an obligation to standards. Like any technical design issue, ethics has
follow set standards of behaviour2.1, 2.2. It should be to be part of the learning process.
noted that requirements for practice vary between
countries. For example in Queensland, Australia it is a Structural engineers have exhibited an increasing
legal requirement that engineers attain registration or ethical commitment in their professional conduct in
are at least supervised by a Registered Professional addition to their duty of care (Section 2.5) to design
Engineers of Queensland (RPEQ) qualified engineer and construct safe structures compliant with their
before being able to engage in engineering clients’ briefs. There is a great urgency to rethink our
services2.3. responsibilities to both the natural environment and
each other, and to design for a more sustainable future
At the beginning of any project the structural engineer (Section 4.6). Reference should be made to the Royal
should consider whether the tasks are compatible Academy of Engineering’s Statement of Ethical
with the standards expected of the profession. A Principles2.4, which were developed in collaboration
number of considerations exist beyond technical with the UK Engineering Council, and aspire to the four
competence including: principles quoted therein:
– Is another structural engineer already involved? – Accuracy and rigour
– Are there any conflicts of interest? There may also – Honesty and integrity
be issues about the project itself. Although its – Respect for life, law and the public good
function is unlikely to be illegal, the structural – Responsible leadership: listening and informing
engineer might want to consider whether the
function is compatible with their own moral The structural engineer, as a key member of the
views. design team, may come into disagreement with fellow
– Will its construction and subsequent operation professionals and clients. Where conflicting views are
be proportionate with principles of held, a compromise or resolution must be reached
sustainability? and justified, notwithstanding any prior position. Acts
– Might it be damaging to the environment? of compromise are often part of team working,
– Might it conflict with any political or legal requiring an understanding of the issues (be they
principles? technical or ethical) and a mature skill in the robust
– How will the local community be affected? justification of their resolution.

The structural engineer has a duty to consider Technical issues may include those arising between
such issues and to be aware of the consequences different members of the design team where a
of their actions and involvement. In some practical solution for accommodating service routes
contracts, particularly for bridge structures, the or architectural finishes may not be immediately
role of lead designer is taken. However in most obvious. Collaboration in such cases is key, and this
forms of contract the position of a specialist extends equally to interaction with members outside
consultant working within a design team is taken. of the design team. However, issues may still arise as
In such cases the structural engineer might have a result of miscommunication or technical error. The
to find a way of satisfying potentially conflicting consequences may include significant programme
obligations. For this they are called upon to advise delays. Where the potential for serious hazards or
early, and initially with little data, on just how danger to health and safety is identified, the structural
sensible the approach is. This can involve some engineer has a ‘duty to warn’. The duty to warn
professional risk in cases where the structural principle is recognised by law and discussed further
engineer is yet to determine how design problems in the 13th report of the Standing Committee on
are to be solved, and are therefore only able to Structural Safety (SCOSS)2.5. Box 2.1 gives an
estimate the possible consequences. However, it example of a structural engineer’s commitment to
is wrong to give excessively cautious advice on professional ethics.
the basis of trying to make design service easier
later. Providing value is key to the profession of In addition to alerting others of potentially dangerous
structural engineering. It is therefore important to situations, structural engineers have a
explore, through discussions with the client and responsibility to inform others when novel
close collaboration with principal members of the structural behaviour or failure has occurred. Past
design team, how this can be achieved failures provide vital learning points, which can
(Section 4.2). help prevent recurrence.

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 3

2.3 The structural engineer’s responsibilities

guidance on the different roles taken by the structural

Box 2.1 Citicorp Center Tower re-examination
engineer are noted in Structural design – the
The prevention of a potentially dangerous failure of the engineer’s role2.7.
Citicorp Center Tower provides a useful lesson into how a
structural engineer’s actions were exemplary2.6. The The structural engineer has relationships with all
structural engineer who conceived the design, following re- members of the client’s project team, with different
analysis of the building’s unique bracing system, identified input at different times in the project. The structural
that the forces were higher than expected when subjected to engineer can, in fact, take on more than one role in
quartering winds (45 degrees to the façade). This, the team. The following is a list of the principal
compounded with an incorrectly approved design change members involved in delivering a project, each of
during construction, increased the potential for failure of the whom may collaborate or even employ a structural
bracing. By acting with due diligence and issuing a warning engineer to deliver their services and vice versa:
as needed, the structural engineer was able to ensure that – Client
the bracing was strengthened to resist an appropriate wind – Architect
event. The structural engineer regarded this as ‘social – Structural engineer
obligation’, which was to be met regardless of the – Specialist consultant
commercial or personal implications. – Contractor
– Specialist contractor

It has become prevalent for clients to split up the

2.3 Professional development design, sometimes without global responsibility
defined. As an example, the client may employ a
design team to produce preliminary designs, which is
The structural engineer must evaluate whether they then not novated to the contractor as part of a
are competent to undertake the work. One of the ‘design and build’ contract (Section 8). This can be
main skills of a qualified structural engineer is the dangerous where there is a lack of control at
ability to realise when the tasks are beyond their own interfaces (leading to the potential for components to
experience or competence. Failing to do so is be missing) or worse – global instability. Structural
negligent. engineers involved in such arrangements, either as
consultants or specialist subcontractors, must
Structural engineers inevitably and instinctively highlight these potential areas of conflict under their
develop solutions to the problems they are faced with global duty of care.
based upon past experience, but the depth and
range of their design vocabulary influences both their The structural engineer should refer to the relevant
perception of the questions that are being asked and building standards, codes of practice and other
the shaping of the solutions that they offer. If the statutory or advisory documents in order to achieve
understanding of the design language is limited, then this. The international community has different ways
the range of possible solutions to a problem will also of assuring good practice. An example is compliance
be limited. It is therefore important that a broad and with the Scottish Technical Standards2.8, which can
inclusive mindset is developed to embrace both the be signed off by a registered structural engineer who
conventional and the innovative. Reference should be confirms they have assessed all aspects of the
made not only to technical literature but also to structure and that they comply with the standards.
literature dealing with broader issues such as cultural This can provide a degree of assurance since (even
context, aesthetics, ethics and sustainability in order with a variety of designers) there is one overriding
to supplement both Initial and Continuing review and check. While these technical documents
Professional Development2.1. Consistent engagement are produced to protect the interests of society, it is
in professional development and a record of such is the responsibility of the structural engineer to
essential for both the structural engineer and the understand the guidelines included therein and to
profession as a whole. The Institution of Structural exercise engineering judgement to meet structural
Engineers agreed a change of policy on CPD in 2014 performance requirements.
(effective from 2015 onwards) making reporting
mandatory to recognise this importance.

2.5 Managing risk

2.4 Role of the structural engineer
Providing end users and clients with confidence in
both the safety and the fitness for purpose of a
The structural engineer has the overall responsibility structure is a fundamental part of a structural
to provide, within the client’s brief and commensurate engineer’s role. Over the course of a project, the
with safety, a structure that will perform acceptably structural engineer will need to consider the different
during its required life, and which is capable of being hazards or challenges which, if neglected, could lead
built. Care must be taken to ensure that the scope of to harm to persons, damage to the environment,
services to be delivered and associated levels of additional cost or programme delays. This section
responsibility are clearly defined. That responsibility is provides only a brief description of what risk means in
not only to the client but also to the wider community the context of structural engineering. The Institution’s
and environment, as defined in the Institution’s CPD report, Risk in structural engineering2.9 is
Guidance2.1. recommended for further guidance on the types of
risks involved through all stages of a construction
The structural engineer’s responsibilities will vary project and how to approach their management.
between different roles to include that of consultant,
contractor or inspector, but their responsibility to the The structural engineer should both understand and
profession and to society will be constant. Further be aware of the legal framework associated with

4 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

The structural engineer’s responsibilities 2.5

their profession, as this exists for the purpose of risk It should be noted that risk can extend beyond the
mitigation (Box 2.2). It should be noted that confines of the construction site, such as with the
although the boxes in this section refer to aspects transportation of the bridge unit in Figure 2.1, where
of UK law, the general principles discussed apply wind and road camber issues required the addition of
internationally. heavy kentledge blocks to the trailer to reduce the
propensity for overturning.
Box 2.2 Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
and duty of care The structural engineer must ensure clarity in their
scope of service and with whom they have to
The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 19742.10 provides the coordinate to ensure that stability is maintained both
primary legal framework for occupational health and safety in during construction and in service. The structural
Britain, outlining the duties held by both employers and engineer should agree these terms contractually with
employees to colleagues, other parties involved on the site, the other parties. Some residual risks may be related
and members of the public. Structural engineers should also to the completed structure and are therefore
be aware of the ‘duty of care’ principle, which is recognised controlled by monitoring or operations management,
by law. Where an individual has caused harm resulting in while others concerning hazards as well as instability
injury or loss of property which was reasonably foreseeable, during erection require careful management and
they have failed to act with a duty of care. Failing to note the control of site activity. In any project, reference should
presence of existing services when carrying out ground be made to relevant legislation and guidance on the
works, for example, would be liable to claims for negligence. roles and responsibilities of all duty holders (Box 2.3).
Organisations also have a duty of care as a collective body
and can be found guilty of corporate manslaughter, under the Box 2.3 Construction (Design and Management)
Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act Regulations 2015
20072.11, where gross failures in health and safety
management have led to a person’s death. In the UK, the Construction (Design and Management)
Regulations 20152.12 (CDM), define the roles and
Risks to health and safety are of particular note in the responsibilities of all relevant duty holders involved in a
construction industry given the numerous hazards project to help reduce risk of harm during construction, use,
present on site and the potential consequences of maintenance and demolition. The legal duty holders include
the structure failing. the client, designer, contractor and workers. The structural
engineer should refer to the Guidance on Regulations2.13,
Designers must keep health and safety in mind which explains what they should do in order to comply with
throughout the structure’s life; from construction the law.
through the in-service period to final decommissioning.
Each stage exposes various people to different risks, While it is important to ensure that risks relating to
and the potential hazards that may be encountered safety and instability are minimised and controlled,
should be investigated and mitigated where possible. the structural engineer must consider a wider range
Any residual risks should be identified, recorded and of criteria relating to structural adequacy. This
communicated so those dealing with the structure at includes aspects such as ease of maintenance,
that time can take due notice. durability of materials, routes for services and

Figure 2.1 Mitigating risk of instability during transportation of a bridge section

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 5

2.6 The structural engineer’s responsibilities

compatibility with non-structural finishes. 2.13 Health and Safety Executive. Managing health and
safety in construction: Construction (Design and
The structural engineer, by collaborating as part of Management) Regulations 2015. Guidance on
the design team, should explore how to best meet Regulations. Available at:
the client’s expectations. Understanding the books/l153.pdf
commission is a two way process since uninformed
clients often misunderstand what is required and
what is being offered. Clarity at the outset will not
only guard against problems later, but also help to 2.7 Bibliography
identify the opportunities for adding value to a
Institution of Structural Engineers. ‘Managing Health & Safety
Risks. No. 14: Competence’. The Structural Engineer, 91(3),
March 2013, p20
2.6 References

2.1 Institution of Structural Engineers. Continuing

Professional Development. Available at: http://www. [Accessed:
23 January 2015]

2.2 Institution of Structural Engineers. Code of conduct and

guidance notes. Available at:
about-us/governance/code-of-conduct [Accessed:
23 January 2015]

2.3 Engineers Australia. National Engineers Registration

Board: Registration as an RPEQ. Available at: http://
[Accessed: 23 January 2015]

2.4 The Royal Academy of Engineering. Engineering ethics

in practice: a guide for engineers. Available at: http://
ethics-in-practice-full [Accessed: 23 January 2015]

2.5 The Standing Committee on Structural Safety.

Structural safety 2000–01: thirteenth report of SCOSS.
Available at:
111149/141_13th_scoss_report_2001.pdf [Accessed:
23 January 2015]

2.6 Brady, S. ‘Citicorp Center Tower: failure averted’. The

Structural Engineer, 92(2), February 2014, pp14–15

2.7 Institution of Structural Engineers. Structural design –

the engineer’s role. London: IStructE, 2011

2.8 The Scottish Government. Local Authority Building

Standards. Available at:
verification [Accessed: 23 January 2015]

2.9 Institution of Structural Engineers. Risk in structural

engineering. London: IStructE, 2013

2.10 Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. Chapter 37.
Available at:
1974/37/contents [Accessed: 23 January 2015]

2.11 Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act

2007. Chapter 19. Available at: http://www.legislation. [Accessed:
23 January 2015]

2.12 The Construction (Design and Management)

Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/51). Available at: http://
[Accessed: 14 April 2015]

6 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

3 Engaging in design

3.1 Concept design choice of structural arrangement. Are the spans to

be large, the storey heights high and will the
geometry be irregular and/or non-Cartesian?
Where appointed at the feasibility stage of a project,
the structural engineer should start to consider the The structural engineer should also consider the
issues that will have an impact on the conceptual client’s resources, i.e. monetary and time allowance.
design of the structure. Some of the initial questions Very short programmes, the way in which the project
to ask include: is designed and procured, and the technical solution
– What is to be built and what is its function? itself will have an impact on the choice of structural
– Where is this structure to be built? form and materials. While it is important to be aware
– Are there any existing services or obstructions of the commercial risks, this should not impact
either below ground or surrounding the structure? adversely on the thought process to the extent of
– Are there any social or political issues that might creating a risk averse culture.
bear upon the design and how it will be
constructed? It should be noted that this list of considerations is
– What are the climatic conditions? Is the region just a selection. A more extensive list of potential
subjected to particularly high winds or variations in constraints, many of which are influenced by the site,
temperature. Are there opportunities the client may are given in Table 1 of Structural design – the
want to exploit, e.g. harvesting of rainwater or the engineer’s role3.1. All these factors should be gleaned
capture of solar energy? by the structural engineer in early meetings and
– What are the geological issues of the region and discussions.
the geotechnical issues relating to the site?
– Are there any local environmental issues that might While the contextual influences are being considered,
bear upon the choice of materials or types of the structural engineer can begin to review the
detail? Might the structure adversely impact on the technical factors in collaboration with principal
surrounding environment? members of the design team, which at first
qualitatively, and later quantitatively, will bear upon the
The location will have a large impact on what can be formulation of a concept. At this stage the structural
done in terms of both the standards for technical engineer is thinking primarily in qualitative terms,
approval and the local resources available. Some producing diagrams of likely arrangements of
designs can be readily achieved within these members while bearing in mind the materials and
constraints, but for others this will not be the case sizes.
and the client should be advised accordingly.
Consequently the budget, programme and
associated outline documents may need to be
reassessed. 3.2 Scheme design
There may be particular aspects influencing the
choice of structure. Such considerations include: 3.2.1 Overview
– Will any proposed footprint, vertical profile, column
grids and service/access cores provide adequate The structural engineer needs to determine, with the
stability? rest of the design team, the output and associated
– The envelope required. For example heavily glazed design documentation that will be necessary for the
office buildings will need closer control over project and the means by which that will be achieved.
deflections. The structural engineer will have to find a way to
– The complexity of the route for services and their describe and explain their proposed structure to the
weight. Will the penetrations need to be known at whole team so that it may be evaluated and
an early stage, will they change during the life of the developed together with non-structural components
building or should they be established later on in of the concept. Sketches are particularly useful during
the design? Highly serviced buildings such as the early stages of design, to help express and
hospitals or laboratories have extensive routes and explore ideas and aid discussions.
often need changes to suit updated equipment.
– Requirements of equipment and plant. Will any Client requirements and expectations must also be
functional equipment be installed that will require taken into account. For example some clients may not
either a very strong or stiff structure? Laser surgery care what their building looks like as long as it functions
departments need to be very stiff or isolated from to protect their manufacturing process or stored
the main structure to prevent movements affecting materials, while others may want to use their building
the precision equipment. Similarly, projection rooms as a statement. The client’s expectations should
in cinemas should not be influenced by audience therefore be managed throughout the process with the
movement. level of design pitched accordingly. It is often the case
– Will the structure play an expressed role within the for the design brief to evolve as design proceeds and
architecture? Does it help to define the scale of the the client and design team collectively become better
project or articulate its facade? Is the size, informed of the opportunities and objectives.
uniformity or surface finish expected of the
structural elements going to be critically visible? Table 3.1 highlights some key factors influencing
– Interior space requirements may influence the design. As a member of the design team, the role of

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 7

3.2 Engaging in design

Table 3.1 Factors influencing design

Factor influencing design Description Relevant section
in this Report
Scheme location and site This involves consideration not only of the physical location but also cultural 3
constraints context. Aspects which may differ between sites include climate, ecological
sensitivities, geology (seismicity) and cultural tradition. Assessment of
physical site constraints such as site accessibility, the surrounding use of
space and existing underground services is essential to inform both design
and construction on site.
Performance requirements These relate to what the end product is to achieve. Ultimate criteria, 4, 5
serviceability criteria and objectives set out in the brief are key components.
Consequences of failure Infringement of the various performance criteria will vary in severity between 2.5, 6.6
the extremes of catastrophic collapse and some slight loss of durability. An
understanding of risk and robustness are key to determining appropriate
measures against structural failure.
Design models Design and detailing rules and equations are derived from experience, 6
theories or research, aimed at modelling the actual behaviour of a structure,
structural element or material under various actions. Designers should satisfy
themselves that a robust approach is always adopted.
Materials specifications, These involve the specification of the procedures to ensure that the material 8
workmanship and construction properties and tolerances assumed in analysis are achieved and that the
structure can be safely constructed. This will involve the assessment of the
quality of the available skills and construction plant in the context of the
strengths/limitations of the local industry and its location. There may be
particular site constraints – access, geology, etc.
Required levels of maintenance This involves the setting of standards relating to the maintenance and 5.8.1
and operation operation requirements for the structure. Although these may relate to the
initial use of the structure, designers should be mindful of the potential
change of use.
Ethical issues The structure should recognise responsibilities to society and environment, 2.2
and be considerate of its impact on neighbouring buildings and
Sustainability issues The extent to which the structure is sustainable in relation to the broader 4.6
context of the project should be reviewed by the design team. The resources
needed to build, operate, maintain and recycle or demolish the structure
should be considered.
Procurement The impact that the method of procurement may have on design and 8.2
construction should be considered.
Operation The nature of the operation of the structure should be embedded into the 3
design considerations and should anticipate future uses and situations.
Fixtures and fitments will need connection to the structure and suitable
tolerances will be needed at these interfaces.
Demolition and recycling The de-constructability of the structure and potential for recycling should be 4.6
considered at the initial conceptual design stage.

the structural engineer is to select and implement the building best reflects its purpose. As an expert in
option in design and construction which they the use of space they are generally best placed to
consider will best meet these requirements. Some of review how the functions to be housed within the
the individual items in this table are considered in building can be accommodated within the
more detail in other chapters of this Report. proposed geometry. Considerations may include
whether the spans and storey heights are
3.2.2 Non-structural evaluations appropriate.

For a building project it is most likely that the nature In addition to the geometrical issues, the architect will
of the concept will have been chosen in close want to establish how the physical elements of their
collaboration with the architect and perhaps other design will be influenced by the structure. These
members of the design team. However, all members include the envelope, the partitions, the ceilings and
of the design team will need to review the aspects the finishes. It is prudent to discuss at this stage
with which they are especially concerned and how serviceability and follow-on trades.
these are to be feasibly developed with the design.
This will typically involve identifying the extent to The services engineer will want to understand how
which the proposal is either standard (and so will the building structure relates to their work; not just in
work by inspection) or non-standard – where a more terms of the spatial requirements but also the ease of
novel solution will be required. penetrability both now and in the future. Figure 3.1 is
an example of the use of cellular beams to
The architect is concerned with how the form of the accommodate the passage of services, while

8 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

Engaging in design 3.2

Figure 3.1 Use of cellular beams

maximising the height from floor to ceiling finishes. vary. Some just advise on programme; others do that
and also advise on procurement method, cost
There might be special requirements for any control, managing the design team and sometimes
mechanical transportation in the building. This give specific advice from specialist knowledge. Client
includes lifts and escalators, for which displacements requirements and perceptions must be taken into
between storeys, i.e. interstorey drift, should be account too.
checked to be within allowable limits. For buildings
such as airport terminals the baggage handling 3.2.3 Structural evaluations
machinery has a significant impact on the structural
characteristics. The structure can also play a role in As the structural engineer discusses the structural
the overall thermodynamics of the environmental concept with others in the team, thought will need to
design, and the client may request this to be looked be given towards how the scheme will be developed
at specifically or as part of a wider sustainability or and detailed in a way that satisfies all of the structural
cost saving strategy. The structural engineer should performance criteria.
consider, together with the whole design team, what
the thermal mass of the structure should be. During Some projects are simple and can be analysed and
discussions, aspects which affect thermal designed from simple statics and common codes.
characteristics of the building should be resolved, Others require a great degree of computer (and
e.g. whether members or surfaces should be sometimes physical) modelling to determine the
exposed as an aesthetic feature. stresses and serviceability actions on the structure,
but a simple to understand structural concept is still
The cost consultant or quantity surveyor will also essential to test the validity of the computer model.
need to begin to develop their cost model for the
project. For this, the design team can be expected to The modern focus on rigorous analysis is fairly recent;
provide early estimates of material quantities. Great while calculations have been adopted historically, the
care needs to be taken here; by definition the ideas extent to which algebraic relations are used has
are not fully formed and so the exact material evolved significantly. Prior to the focus on in-depth
quantities cannot be known yet. It may be beneficial analysis, buildings were designed using rules set out
at this stage to consult specialist contractors for by the trade guilds based on what had worked
additional input. If the estimates are too large then the before. Actions can now be more accurately
particular design might never proceed; if they are too determined, and for those that are more complex or
small then this will emerge later when it is perhaps less predictable, such as for earthquakes, blast and
too late to remedy the situation. Explanation of the fire, a combination of calculations and empirical rules
basis and accuracy of the estimate should therefore can be used.
be provided to accompany any quantitative data.
When the scheme is defined it may be beneficial to
Some clients also engage a construction consultant, analyse the structure with a sophisticated
or project manager at an early stage. Their brief can computational design package, which allows for a

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 9

3.3 Engaging in design

greater breadth and depth of detail to be 3.1 Institution of Structural Engineers. Structural design –
incorporated into the analysis (e.g. progressing from the engineer’s role. London: IStructE, 2011
linear static to non-linear dynamic modelling of
structural behaviour). However, there is a difference
between studying a structure to confirm that it will
work and studying it so that an understanding 3.5 Bibiliography
emerges of how it might be improved. At this stage
of the project the structural engineer is thinking about
both. The structural engineer will need to consider Tunstall, G. Managing the building design process. 2nd ed.
how the structure may be developed to suit the Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006
client’s needs and understand how its adequacy can
be demonstrated in principle.

3.2.4 Output

The iterative process of evaluating and developing the

concept will lead to the definition of a scheme design
which satisfies all the requirements of the project, and
with which the structural engineer is confident can be
developed in detail so as to comply with all structural
performance criteria. It is important that the client is
satisfied with the proposed scheme, as fundamental
changes to design later in the design process (and
worse still during tender and construction) have the
potential to be costly. It should be noted that
modifications need not only apply to correcting
errors; some may result in improvements as
suggested later – for example where a contractor
may advise on connections which are less complex,
quicker and cheaper to construct.

The way in which the scheme is communicated is

key. The scheme should be represented visually in
drawing and/or diagrammatic form and explained to
all concerned. Further guidance on design
documentation and effective means of
communicating design is given in Chapter 7.

3.3 Detailed design

With the scheme design agreed, the structural

engineer can then proceed to refine the structural
layout, member sizing, connections and material
selection. This will need to be completed in
collaboration with the client and other members of
the design team. The structural engineer may apply
optimisations, for example to member sizing and the
local arrangement of elements, but these will need to
be carried out with consideration for the non-
structural aspects of design and subsequently
checked by the rest of the design team. Detailed
calculations and design development are carried out
at this stage, leading to the production of drawings
and specifications for the construction stage.

As the design evolves, the structural engineer should

consider the specification of materials and
workmanship. This takes the form of an ‘outline
specification’ and can provide descriptions on a
broad array of structural components including the
substructure, superstructure, roof, cladding and
finishes. The specification should be developed
alongside the design to ratify and record assumptions
relied upon by the solution.

3.4 References

10 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

4 Structural design philosophies

4.1 Overview of structural performance developed at Bridgewater Place, Leeds, causing a

lorry to overturn and kill a pedestrian4.1. Modifications
to structures can also affect neighbouring buildings
It has become customary to consider specific e.g. the raising of a roof in a terrace could add
aspects of performance in relation to governing potential drift snow load to an adjacent roof. Section
criteria. These criteria arose from the original 4.5.3 discusses loading on both a structure and its
method of design whereby one used rules of thumb environment.
based on past experience. Initially non-rigorous, this
approach built a conservative margin of safety into It is therefore important that the structural engineer
design which, to an extent, mitigated the identifies where further analysis is required, to assess
unknowns. both structural behaviour and impacts on the
surrounding site. Methods of analysis allow close
The computational tools available to structural interrogation of the individual components in a
engineers in modern practice allow them to structure and their interaction.
increasingly interrogate structural components
individually and in their final three-dimensional form. The premise is that performance can be predicted
This allows for a much clearer understanding of the analytically and evaluated against multiple objectives,
structure’s performance in construction, service such that a more optimal solution can be reached
and during decommissioning. Essentially, modern based on lifecycle considerations rather than
methods of analysis enable design to the construction costs alone.
statistically acceptable limit of material properties.
While this would seem to be sustainable in design
parlance, it removes the added safety factors
inherent when redundancy is allowed for. A 4.2 Value
strategy should be in place to ensure that the
structure is designed so that in the event of
adverse actions, it will not suffer collapse to an Value is defined in EN 1325 as ‘‘a measure of how
extent disproportionate to the cause. Adequate well an organisation, project or product satisfies
load paths from point of action to point of reaction stakeholders’ objectives in relation to the resources
are critical and must be demonstrated by the consumed’’4.2.
structural engineer. Where there may be critical
elements, the design must show that they can be As this definition suggests, the perception of value is
removed in service without significant damage to subjective since each client (or stakeholder) may have
the structure. The minimum aim of a robust design differing preconceptions and aims. To generate value
is to ensure a degree of stability for a period of time for the client, the design team will need to understand
to enable safe egress. Consequently, it is important and meet the client’s expectations in relation to their
for the structural engineer to assess situations of brief – exploring the options and associated costs for
accidental and malicious damage. achieving the objectives. The structural engineer may
find costs can be cut by using minimum materials to
The required outputs of structural performance and resist actions. This may seem to be both a cost
how these are met will depend largely on the context effective and sustainable option, but may not always
of the site, actions and materials, and the size, be the case when considering the overall design. The
occupancy or use of the structure. Additional structure itself may lose redundancy which was
serviceability performance criteria relating to the intended to accommodate future use, or there may
comfort, functionality and appearance will also need be benefits in retaining portions of structure for other
to be considered. These can include the compatibility benefits, e.g. additional concrete can increase
of deflections with surface finishes, non-structural thermal mass as part of a strategy to reduce energy
damage and floor vibrations, and impose additional consumption in service. It is therefore important to
constraints to those concerned with stability and adopt a holistic approach to design in consultation
strength. with the client, such that its development
incorporates the different overlapping specialist areas
There are many aspects of the structural engineer’s cohesively.
output which will be defined by codes for strength
and serviceability, however not all aspects will be so At the outset the client will have views on the
defined. For instance, when long spanning, commercial criteria for the project such as the
lightweight steel decks are used for office floors, the considerations of capital, operation and
primary concern may shift from deflection limits to maintenance costs, and to what timescale the
vibration characteristics and dynamic response. project must be completed. The design will respond
to these, but will also be affected by factors such as
The impact the structure has on both adjacent the method of procurement, off-site manufacture
structures and the surrounding environment may also with simple site assembly versus traditional work on
need to be investigated, and this extends beyond site, and allocation/apportionment of risk. Examples
considerations of access and existing underground of the residual project risks include underground
infrastructure. A building’s envelope may impact very services, asbestos in old buildings or archaeological
significantly on the wind pressures in its vicinity and findings where specialists may be called upon to
this is highlighted by the high wind speeds which advise.

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 11

4.3 Structural design philosophies

When taking the client’s perspective on the overall 4.4 Limit states
costs to their business, the opportunity for adding
value during design and construction should not be
underestimated. Designers should have open minds Until relatively recently, structural engineers had
to suggestions from contractors since their methods widely utilised the concept of permissible stress when
of working may bring benefit to the project. Additional designing structural elements. A material’s
strengthening of a structure can often be achieved at permissible stress is defined as its yield strength
little extra cost, presenting the option to not only divided by an appropriate factor of safety. This
increase a structure’s resilience but to also increase ensures that the working stresses fall within the
capacity for future flexibility of use. elastic stress range of the material where linear
proportionality is maintained between stress and
While costs should necessarily be considered, they strain.
should not inhibit the scope for generating value i.e.
delivering quality and innovation. The Kano model4.3, Contemporary codes of practice worldwide have
established in 1980, presents three tiers of customer adopted the concept of designing structural
satisfaction: ‘basic’, ‘performance’ and ‘delighter’. elements to limit states and hence it is now
These respectively refer to attributes that are employed as the standard method of structural
essential, improved and those going beyond design. The Eurocodes define limit states as the
expectations. On construction projects this can apply ‘‘states beyond which the structure no longer fulfils
to the design and execution of subsequent works. design criteria’’4.5. This approach applies margins of
Rather than simply providing components to safety to design by applying ‘partial factors’ to values
specification, innovation should be pursued where the for material strength and applied actions. Partial
opportunity exists, particularly when that adds value factors vary between materials and actions
for the client. Designing in resilience, to allow for depending on the degree of uncertainty inherent. By
future changes in use, is an aspect that the structural accounting for these statistical variations, a
engineer should discuss with their client. The aspects consistent probability of failure results across the
of a project in which a structural engineer has the constituent elements of a structure that is deemed to
potential to generate value, reach beyond the be at an acceptable minimum.
considerations of simply material efficiency and
structural performance. This is demonstrated in the There are two categories of limit states which need
publication, Creativity and innovation: the structural to be satisfied. Of utmost importance is the safety of
engineer’s contribution to design4.4 through the use people and/or the structure. This is covered by the
of various case studies. use of ultimate limit states (ULS). Although the
structural engineer must fulfill ULS requirements, this
is expected at the very minimum. There also exists
the need to fulfill serviceability requirements which
4.3 Design life relate to the functioning of the structure or its
elements in use, as well as comfort and appearance
to the public. Serviceability limit states (SLS) as they
Before the structural engineer can start defining the are known, typically consist of limits to deflections,
actions on the structure, the design life requested by crack widths, and the frequency and magnitude of
the client should be defined. National design codes vibrations.
may give recommendations. Table 2.1 in BS EN
1990:20024.5, for example, provides the design life Both serviceability and ultimate requirements should
typically allocated to different types of building. A be considered for the duration of the design life
design life of 50 years is most commonly adopted for where dilapidation, durability and maintenance are
buildings, yet for many other structures such as concerned, e.g. building settlement, chemical
bridges, temporary structures and civic structures, corrosion, cladding staining and movement, and
this will not be the case. cracks allowing moisture ingress. The structural
engineer should adopt a case by case approach to
The timescale being considered for service will impact the serviceability needs of each client; a warehouse
on a number of the actions which will be applied to containing tall plant will demand more level surface
the structure. The effects of deterioration on structural finishes, while one susceptible to high levels of footfall
and building components in the long term (and the will require sufficiently stiff and/or damped floors to
short term e.g. fire damage) will need to be assessed avoid excessive vibration. Further discussion on
with the design life of the structure. With offshore serviceability issues is given in Section 5.8.
structures for example, corrosion can be a major
issue, thus requiring sealed connections to prevent There may be cases where ‘beyond limit-state’
water ingress. This is usually achieved by using fully approaches are preferred, where unique or extreme
welded joints. performance requirements are to be met more
effectively than can be achieved within the scope of
When designing for probabilistic hazards such as codes of practice which apply to generic categories
earthquakes, winds or tall wave events on marine of structures. Performance based design has seen
structures, the magnitude of the event will be increasing attention recently, as more bespoke,
chosen based on the associated recurrence interval complex or onerous design is undertaken. It may, for
and therefore depend to some degree on the example, be appropriate to apply this principle in tall
design life of the structure. Temporary event building, offshore or seismic design, where analytical
structures can have varying design requirements methods are typically required to investigate and
depending on the location and timescale of their interrogate structural design. With a performance
service period as wind velocities are seasonal. based approach, structural design is driven more
Further guidance can be found in Temporary specifically by the demands of the individual project,
demountable structures: guidance on procurement, whether underpinned by the client or the structure’s
design and use4.6. unique performance requirements.

12 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

Structural design philosophies 4.5

4.5 Actions slabs can be sought from product suppliers or

technical documentation produced by trade bodies.
Densities and characteristic values for self-weight may
4.5.1 General also be sought from the codes of practice. In the UK,
the National Annex to BS EN 1991-1-14.8 would apply.
Structures can be subjected to various types of
actions, some of which are of common and frequent 4.5.3 Variable actions
in nature while others are more extreme, infrequent or
accidental. The former type includes the self-weight General
of the members and finishes as well as conventional Variable actions are the transient forces imposed on a
variable actions such as those due to occupants, structure. Typically, these can be the result of use
furniture, snow etc. The latter and more severe type (e.g. people, fixtures and fittings) and environmental
of actions can be caused by storm events, accidental impacts or forces (e.g. snow, wind or possibly more
damage, major fires, explosions, strong seismic extreme events). They are likely to have particular
events or a combination of such effects. design requirements. The values of all these actions
can be obtained from a variety of sources; most
The combinations of actions on all members should notably national codes of practice and standards.
be assessed to determine the most adverse cases. However, more unusual or challenging designs (e.g.
The net effects of loading on the incomplete structure super tall buildings) may require model testing to
should also be carefully considered to ensure the generate the design values needed.
changing load paths, which result from the different
actions and structural arrangements at each stage of This section covers typical environmental actions that
erection, are adequate. For example, the incomplete commonly apply, but there may be many more actions
structure may leave members exposed to more which should be considered due to the site-specific
onerous conditions of wind loading, or the method of conditions. Coastal structures for example, are
construction may require large point loads to be susceptible not only to wind forces but also wave
imposed at the crane lifting points for large structures impact, hydrostatic pressure and undermining, which
being lifted in place. This principle also applies to can have severe impacts (Figure 4.1).
adaptable structures such as retractable stadium
roofs, temporary demountable structures and Roof deposits
movable bridges. In regions where snowfall is expected, the structural
engineer should allow for a ‘worst case’ loading
Clearly, structural engineers have to design and build scenario. It may at first seem adequate to assume
structures with appropriate consideration of the snow acts as a uniformly distributed action.
different conditions that may be experienced by the However, depending on aspects including: the
structure throughout its life cycle. However, the roof’s geometry, thermal properties, surface
design philosophy can vary significantly depending on roughness, interior heating and location, a degree of
the applied forces under consideration. While a sliding, drift or accumulation of snow, ice or
structure is expected to resist the conventional meltwater often cause an uneven distribution of
variable actions without breaching serviceability forces to develop.
criteria, the aim of design for more extreme or
unforeseeable events is to prevent disproportionate There are also environments where sediment (e.g.
collapse and loss of life, even at the expense of a sand) is deposited in unusually large quantities and
substantial repair or replacement. Reference should this action should be considered where appropriate
be made to design codes such as BS EN 1991-14.7 for the local conditions.
for guidance on the actions discussed in the
remainder of this section. Wind
Wind is generally treated as a quasi-static action.
4.5.2 Permanent actions However pressure variations can result in a cyclic
pattern of forces being exerted, which if in tune with the
Permanent actions are those considered to be largely frequency of the structure, will cause resonant
fixed. This includes the self-weight of all structural
and permanent non-structural materials making up
the structure, such as services, their conduits, non-
structural finishes and cladding. Certain rooms or
areas of a building may also be known to contain
plant. It should be noted that a degree of variance
may be observed between the calculated and actual
values and for some buildings these variations may
be significant. Deviations from assumed dimensions
and densities, changes in moisture content, design
alterations, additions and demolition are all known to
have an effect. Note also that these variations are not
necessarily covered by partial factors, which only
cater for statistical variations.

At the outset, the permanent actions will not be

known; this will need to be established on an iterative
basis, where an initial size will need to be suggested.
The self-weight may be computed by assuming a
weight per unit length or volume. Guidance for sizing
and weight of standard construction elements such as
universal steel sections or depths for concrete floor Figure 4.1 Foundations of coastal shelter undermined by waves during storm

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 13

4.5 Structural design philosophies

vibrations. Structures that are tall, slender or lightweight, limits, but it should be recognised that some damage
such as chimneys, masts and stadia are generally more arising from accidental actions cannot be avoided.
sensitive to dynamic effects from wind action. BS EN
1991-1-44.9 provides guidance for the determination Mitigation measures available for limiting damage
of wind actions on structures and includes, in its arising from these actions include:
Section 6, guidance on dynamic response. – enhancement of continuity
– strengthening of structure
The variation of wind pressures is dependent on a – provision of multiple load paths
range of factors; from the geophysical shape of the – provision of sacrificial elements
site to features of the built environment. For example, – control measures
a windward opening on a building will cause a – removal of reliance on critical elements
positive internal pressure to develop with the
converse being true for a leeward opening. Wind can These measures aim to increase robustness, so as to
also cause uplift conditions, and it is recommended prevent damage disproportionate to the cause.
that the combined effect this has with the roof’s Section 5.6 discusses these strategies further. The
gravity action, is analysed. There may be a tendency appropriateness of the choice of strategy to be used
to adopt a low value for the roof’s self-weight, but this for any particular design may be constrained by
may result in a non-conservative case of loading economic or practical considerations, or enhanced by
when considered in conjunction with uplift forces. the structure’s risk profile. The Institution’s Practical
guide to robustness and disproportionate collapse in
Envelope components will be subjected to local buildings4.11 is relevant to structures below the high
conditions at their edges and changes in the direction risk consequence class. A guide to the
of applied forces. Surrounding objects and structures considerations and assessment criteria which apply
may also influence the wind pressures exerted on a to high risk structures such as stadia, hospitals and
building. The structural engineer should note how high rise buildings (for which the consequences of
wind velocities (and corresponding pressures) are failure are particularly severe) is also available from the
affected by neighbouring structures or by the Institution4.12.
structure to be built. Confinement of wind between
buildings causes increased wind velocities, Blasts
sometimes referred to as the ‘wind tunnel effect’, and Gauging the magnitude and nature of blasts is a
this has been known to present a hazard not only to specialist area and careful analysis is recommended.
neighbouring structures but also to nearby Sophisticated computer analysis may be necessary
pedestrians and moving vehicles4.1. For unusual to model the time-dependant characteristics of blast
structural forms or configurations, it may be waves. The source location and type of explosion
necessary to use computational analysis or wind- should be assessed, as the resulting loads may vary
tunnel analysis to model wind flows and resulting significantly between scenarios. Considerations may
pressures. include whether the blast is internal or external to the
structure, the extent of confinement, and its proximity
4.5.4 Accidental or extreme actions to structural members. Guidance can be found in
Blast effects on buildings (2nd edition)4.13.
Structures should be designed to limit the extent of Seismic actions
damage that may be caused by accidental or less For structures in earthquake zones, reference should
probable events such as vehicle or boat impact, be made to a seismic design code, such as BS EN
seismic events, high wind events and explosive 19984.14. The Institution has also published the
damage. As with any variable action, those that are Manual for the seismic design of steel and concrete
accidental or extreme will vary depending on the buildings to Eurocode 84.15. The main parameter to
structure and its location. estimate the seismic hazard is the Peak Ground
Acceleration (PGA); in a sense it could be argued that
In Japan, a reasonable level of preparedness for this parameter gives a measure of the ground
earthquakes and tsunamis is expected. The motions, as the latter are obtained by integrating the
increased resistance incorporated into buildings and accelerations. The ground’s shaking may damage a
infrastructure has followed in response to the severe building because of the inertia forces Fi that arise due
consequences of previous earthquakes and in line to the mass’s vibration of the building itself
with various other strategies such as early warning (Figure 4.2). In general the inertia forces are obtained
systems and sea defences. Advances continue to be as follows:
made with lessons learnt recently from earthquakes in
1995, 2004, 2007 and most notably in 2011 when a Fi ¼ m  a
magnitude 9.0 earthquake and its resulting Tsunami
propogated from the Japan Trench to the coast of The extent of the force that hits a building is,
Tōhoku4.10. Similarly in the Phillipines, high intensity therefore, a function of the building’s mass and of the
wind and rain from typhoons can have a devastating acceleration.
impact, particularly where the resultant effects such
as flooding and storm surge are significant. Although the acceleration is one of the most
important parameters to identify the earthquake, it is
It may not always be practical to build a structure to not sufficient; other parameters are also important:
resist extreme events against significant damage. the magnitude (energy released by the earthquake),
Instead, the extent of damage should be measured the earthquake’s duration and, above all, the
against the magnitude of the action and the frequency. Indeed, earthquakes marked by the same
consequences of failure. Acceptable limits of damage magnitude and the same PGA may have a different
are sometimes defined in building regulations and effect, depending on whether or not they are
national standards for the safety of people. There may characterised by frequencies very close to those of
be other considerations that could impose further the buildings.

14 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

Structural design philosophies 4.6

4.5.5 Sensitivity analysis

A sensitivity analysis can be broadly described as a

process of investigating the uncertainty in a final
model or system by understanding the variations to
its different inputs. To the structural engineer, this
means assessing the structure’s vulnerability to
deviations in design parameters; the aim being to
reduce the probability of failure to an acceptable

The structural engineer should be aware of the

uncertainties inherent in design and reduce these
where possible. Methods of analysis will have inbuilt
limitations of accuracy due to the simplifying
approximations employed for design inputs.
Consideration should be given to factors influencing
design such as the nature and scale of actions, levels
of workmanship and variability of material properties.
Any number of aspects may need closer attention
Figure 4.2 Damage to homes following 2011 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand
and the structural engineer will need to identify
combinations which are critical.

Codes of practice specify ‘partial factors’ in line with The extent to which sustainability can be
limit state design, which when applied to material incorporated into design will depend largely on the
strength and actions, provide a margin of safety client’s brief. However, the structural engineer, as part
based on reliability theory. This margin accounts for a of a wider project delivery team, has a role to inform
range of uncertainties, but does not provide the client of the options available. Many of these will
assurance that the structure as a whole will not fail. A bring benefits of cost savings such as energy savings
distinction should be made between the term ‘factor in service, reduced material wastage or reduced
of safety’ and the actual overall ‘degree of safety’ of transport distance from supplier to site, and thus help
the structure. The latter is a function of the risks the business case.
involved and can be evaluated by carrying out a risk
analysis. So what is sustainable design? Is it simply the efficient
and elegant utilisation of materials? Is it utilising the
A series of ‘what if?’ questions should be asked existing structural stock where possible and
during design, to measure the structure’s response to remodelling for a new use? Is it designing new
departures from specifications such as poor structures or components so they can be reused in the
tolerances or weak materials. The risks identified in future? It is all of these, and there are many more such
this process will then need to be minimised. The strategies relating to the structure’s lifecycle, which the
appropriateness of inexpensive amendments to initial structural engineer should consider appropriately
design, controls during construction, effective depending on the structure’s use and design life:
inspection, maintenance and repair should be – Does the structure need to be designed for 10, 60
considered. or 100 years – or perhaps the structure is a
temporary demountable one such as a stage or
The designer should be aware that some combinations grandstand structure?
of materials, structural form and detailing are more – Can the building be designed to be easily modified,
sensitive to the level of workmanship and method of demolished or recycled in the future? Does the
construction than others. probability of this event warrant the consumption of
additional resources to achieve this design?
– Is there a degree of resilience which can be built in
for the client’s future benefit?
4.6 Sustainability
The structural engineer only has to think of the office
floor scenario where the building is to be changed for
It is accepted that environmental equilibrium domestic use. A degree of floor vibration might be
underpins the existence of the ecosystems acceptable in an office, but not in a residence. The
supporting all life on earth. In a broad context, design structural engineer should also look closely at the
should therefore be the bridge between the client’s materials specified for the project:
needs and the sustenance of both the built and – Can those materials be sourced in the future?
natural environment. – Can they be sourced close to the site to reduce
transport costs?
In the context of structural design, there will be a – What levels of embodied carbon does their use
number of aspects to consider and the structural equate to?
engineer should understand the concepts of
sustainability regardless of whether it is specified in The structural engineer must be mindful of such
the brief. The Institution’s report, Building for a issues not only in the context of the structural
sustainable future: An engineer’s guide4.16 provides materials used but also in the context of its whole life
guidance for structural engineers on the delivery of functionality, as well as its environmental and
sustainable projects as well as some of the wider sociological impact. In particular, design should use
issues associated with construction. It is highly appropriate technology – this may be reinforced
recommended reading for all practicing structural concrete or steel in a tall building within a city centre
engineers. but could be rammed-earth construction in a rural

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 15

4.7 Structural design philosophies

Box 4.1 Halley VI, Antarctica

Halley VI, commissioned for use in Antarctica, provides a research base for the British Antarctic Survey4.17. This structure
demonstrates the need to adapt a structure’s design to its particular function and local environment. The modular units were fitted
with hydraulic legs and skis which respectively accommodate varying depths of snow and relocation. With limited resources and
civil infrastructure, the structure was also designed to minimise energy consumption, water usage and its environmental impact.

village. It is all too easy to offer a solution based upon 4.6 Institution of Structural Engineers. Temporary
the designer’s own cultural and economic situation demountable structures: guidance on procurement,
rather than considering the local situation of the design and use. 3rd ed. London: IStructE, 2007
structure and the community it serves. Box 4.1 gives
an example of a structure designed to suit an 4.7 BS EN 1991-1: Actions on structures [7 parts].
extreme climate. London: BSI, 2002

Currently, the evaluation of sustainability and cost 4.8 BS EN 1991-1-1: 2002 – Eurocode 1: Actions on
are carried out separately. As the industry develops structures – Part 1-1: General actions. Densities, self-
its view of energy the two appraisals could possibly weight, imposed loads for buildings. London: BSI,
merge. The measurement of embodied carbon, 2010
recycling, and remoteness of the source from the
site might all become tax issues. There are 4.9 BS EN 1991-1-4: 2005 þ A1: 2010: Eurocode 1:
standard rating schemes for ‘measuring’ Actions on structures – Part 1-4: General actions –
sustainability, such as the BRE Environmental wind actions. London: BSI, 2011
Assessment Method (BREEAM)4.18, the
sustainability assessment, rating and awards 4.10 
EEFIT. The Mw9.0 T ohoku earthquake and tsunami of
scheme for civil engineering (CEEQUAL)4.19 and 11th March 2011. A field report by EEFIT. Available at:
Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design
(LEED)4.20. The structural engineer should be as topic-areas/eefit/eefit-reports [Accessed: 9 February
familiar with these as with costs and construction 2015]
4.11 Institution of Structural Engineers. Practical guide to
structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in
buildings. London: IStructE, 2010
4.7 References
4.12 Institution of Structural Engineers. Manual for the
systematic risk assessment of high-risk structures
4.1 Wind death in Leeds prompts tower safety fears. against disproportionate collapse. London: IStructE,
Available at: 2013
leeds-12717762 [Accessed: 3 February 2015]
4.13 Cormie, D. et al. Blast effects on buildings. 2nd ed.
4.2 BS EN 1325: 2014: Value management. Vocabulary – London: Thomas Telford, 2009
Terms and definitions. London: BSI, 2014
4.14 BS EN 1998: Eurocode 8: Design of structures for
4.3 Woodley, E.G. The Kano Model: critical to quality earthquake resistance [6 parts]. London: BSI,
characteristics and VOC. Available at: http://www. 2004
articles/the-kano-model-critical-to-quality- 4.15 Institution of Structural Engineers and AFPS. Manual
characteristics/ [Accessed: 3 February 2015] for the seismic design of steel and concrete buildings
to Eurocode 8/Guide pour la conception parasismique
4.4 Addis, B. Creativity and innovation – the structural des batiments en acier ou en beton selon l’Eurocode
engineer’s contribution to design. Oxford: Architectural 8. London: IStructE/AFPS, 2010
Press, 2001
4.16 Institution of Structural Engineers. Building for a
4.5 BS EN 1990: 2002 þ A1:2005: Eurocode – Basis of sustainable future: An engineer’s guide. London:
structural design. London: BSI, 2010 IStructE, 2014

16 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

Structural design philosophies 4.8

4.17 Wainwright, O. ‘Halley VI Antarctic Research Station by

Hugh Broughton Architects’, Building Design, 2012.
Available at:
architects/5034741.article (Accessed: 9 February

4.18 BRE. BREEAM: The world’s leading design and

assessment method for sustainable buildings. Available
at: [Accessed: 9 February

4.19 CEEQUAL: Improving sustainability. Available at: [Accessed: 9 February 2015]

4.20 U.S. Green Building Council. LEED. Available at: [Accessed: 9 February

4.8 Bibliography

Eynon, J. The Design Manager’s Handbook. Chichester: Wiley-

Blackwell, 2013

Ghali, A. et al. Structural analysis – A unified classical and

matrix approach. 6th ed. Abingdon: CRC Press, 2009

HM Government and Strategic Forum for Construction. Strategy

for sustainable construction. 2008. Available at: http://www. [Accessed:
9 February 2015]

Institution of Structural Engineers. ‘Technical Guidance Note 28,

Level 1: Introduction to extreme loading conditions’,
The Structural Engineer, 91(7), July 2013, pp38–39

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 17

5 Stability, robustness and serviceability

5.1 Scope should be noted that while structures are typically

static forms, there are those such as Ferris wheel
structures (e.g. the London Eye) which have moving
This chapter provides an overview of key properties components and, at least in part, are mechanisms.
associated with the global structure, first discussing
the requirements for a structure to remain standing As noted in the Institution’s guide on stability5.1 the
(i.e. in relation to ultimate criteria) before looking at basic modes of global instability include overturning,
issues associated with the integrity of the structure sliding, racking and twisting. These correspond to a
in-service over time. lack of restraint against the rotational and linear
displacement degrees of freedom. Structural stability
An introduction to the principles for achieving is achieved by provision of a restoring force to
structural stability is given in the early sections of this prevent a mechanism or movement persisting.
chapter. The Institution’s guides, Stability of buildings
Parts 1 and 2: General philosophy and framed It follows that for the overall structure (i.e. the sum of
bracing5.1, Part 3: Shear walls5.2 and Part 4: Moment all its components) to be stable, there needs to be at
frames (in production) are recommended as further least one clearly defined load path through which the
reading. effects of the actions are transmitted to the ground.
Load paths may be different during different stages of
It is important to distinguish between stability of the structure’s life as members are added and
individual elements and stability of the global removed. The structural engineer should therefore
structure. The internal stresses of individual elements have a clear understanding of what the load paths
must be in equilibrium with the applied forces for local will be throughout the life of a structure (i.e. during
stability to hold. The structural engineer must construction, use and maintenance) as well as after
therefore ensure material strengths are assessed use where critical elements may be affected during
accordingly (Section 5.2) and that local failure modes alteration or demolition.
such as material yielding, buckling and fatigue are
accounted for. However, there may be instances of A stable structure must include methods to transfer
loading, considered to be outside of the range of forces. This may include structural members,
conventional or probable actions, which cause an connections, horizontal ties and vertical ties on a local
element to fail and this prompts the following scale, and extend to global features such as bracing
questions: and shear walls. Some structural elements are more
– When should the structural engineer consider less critical to global stability than others. Failure of a floor
probable actions? slab span by punching shear is limited to local
– To what extent should a structure be able to resist damage, while failure of a primary beam or column
these actions? will a cause redistribution of stresses with the
– How is this to be achieved? potential for failure to spread. The ground on which a
structure is founded must itself be stable, and should
This can only be determined in the context of an thus be considered equally fundamental to overall
overall robustness strategy which should be stability as the integrity of a critical load path.
approached by considering the structure as a whole Formation of slip surfaces due to changing ground
(Section 5.6). However, what should not be neglected conditions, changes to soil states induced by
are the serviceability criteria, which govern many fluctuations in groundwater levels (e.g. sinkholes or
aspects of design. This is discussed in Section 5.8 hydrostatic ‘flotation’ pressures) or earthquakes
and includes consideration of durability and (causing soil liquefaction) are just a few causes of
movement. ground related instability.

5.2 Stability 5.3 Stability systems and features

Stability of a structure throughout the many phases of 5.3.1 General features

its existence is at the core of a structural engineer’s
services. Without stability it is not possible to have a All structures must include the provision of resistance
structure. Structural stability can be thought of as an to both vertical and horizontal forces.
unchanging state or equilibrium between all its
constituent elements. This is often referred to as a Resistance to vertical or gravity forces is accounted
structure’s ‘global stability’. for by suitable structural arrangements including
beams, columns, floor decks/slabs, arches,
A structure is said to be stable if a minor change in tensioned fabrics/cables, piles, ground anchors and
its form, condition, normal loading or equipment kentledge (or mass). Many of these will have a dual
would not cause partial or complete collapse. It is purpose of transferring horizontal forces.
also important that the structure is not unduly
sensitive to change resulting from accidental or other It is a structure’s ability to resist lateral forces (often
actions. This is a feature which must be accounted characterised by the corresponding deflections)
for to achieve robustness in design (Section 5.6). It which is typically associated with the concept of

18 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

Stability, robustness and serviceability 5.3

Shear wall Braced frame Rigid jointed frame

Note Axial forces not shown on rigid jointed frame

Figure 5.1 Common lateral load resisting features

stability. Sufficient resistance should be provided in the structure in its deflected form, i.e. the ‘PD effect’.
any horizontal direction to withstand both linear and Where the PD effect is significant, iterative non-linear
rotational modes of deformation. This can be analysis, the use of modification factors or buckling
achieved in a number of ways but the principal routes checks may be needed to assess and reduce
are by the use of: unacceptable deflections.
– Shear walls; utilisation of a sufficiently stiff element
in bending and shear There is also a need to consider initial imperfections,
– Braced frames; relying on simple triangulation with which arise from construction tolerances. This is
joints notionally pinned modelled by assuming the structure’s axis will
– Rigid jointed or moment frames; relying on stiff deviate at a small angle from the vertical in the
joints that achieve transfer of bending moments absence of any actions. BS EN 1993-1-15.3 advises
from one member to the next on the use of an ‘equivalent horizontal force’ in
combination with the actual horizontal actions to
Reference should be made to Figure 5.1 for account for this.
examples of stability features.
Figure 5.2 shows a single storey structure portalised
All structures (including portions between expansion in one direction and braced in the other. Cladding,
joints) should have sufficient sway stiffness such that fixed onto the roof and walls, enhances restraint
deflections are within acceptable limits. A check across structural members and facilitates transfer of
should be made for second order forces and forces by diaphragm action, additional to the primary
moments which arise from the application of forces to bracing.

Portal frame giving sway

stability in spanning plane

Diagonal bracing for stability

in longitudinal plane

Gable bracing for stability

of lightweight gable frame

Figure 5.2 Frame portalised in one direction and braced in the other

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 19

5.3 Stability, robustness and serviceability

A1 A
2 C
5 6 D
8 E
9 F
11 12 G F1

Figure 5.3 Example of stability features in a multi-storey building

For multi-storey buildings, diaphragm action is usually of resistance in two orthogonal axes together with
provided by the floors at each level, and this torsional resistance. Figure 5.4 gives examples of
facilitates load transfer to vertical shear walls or different arrangements.
braced bays. Shear cores are often used to provide
the primary stiffening feature against horizontal As a structure’s slenderness or height increases, its
actions. In their simplest and most common form, design becomes increasingly influenced by the need
shear cores are a closed arrangement of shear walls, to control horizontal deflections. Particular attention
square or rectangular on plan, extending from needs to be paid to overall structural stability with
foundations to roof (Figure 5.3). This feature adds emphasis on PD effects, as well as the integrity of
significant stiffness, transferring lateral forces much non-structural components such as finishes.
like a cantilever, and is typically used to house lift Horizontal actions can cause considerable
shafts, stairwells and services. deflections which arise from a combination of the
structure’s shear and flexural (or bending) response.
Vertical shear walls and bracing can be combined in Examples of the corresponding modes of failure
a variety of plan configurations, ensuring the provision that may result are illustrated in Figure 5.5. Short,

20 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

Stability, robustness and serviceability 5.3

5.3.2 Examples found in different forms of construction

The stability systems explored in the previous

subsection, although commonly associated with
traditional materials such as steel for braced frames
or concrete for shear walls, also apply to other
materials extensively. There are certain characteristics
which need to be considered for particular materials
and forms of construction. For example, masonry
walls can be utilised to form shear walls. Figure 5.6
illustrates how the arrangement of masonry walls can
provide stability.
Shear walls or Shear walls or
braced bays braced bays Similarly in timber construction, loadbearing wall and
floor panels can be positioned to accommodate
vertical and horizontal load transfer. This particular
configuration is utilised in timber platform frame
construction (Figure 5.7) and is made from a
combination of engineered wood products and
sawn timber. The wall panels act as vertical bracing
components providing what is referred to as
‘racking resistance’. This, together with the
diaphragm action of floors, facilitates the transfer of
lateral forces to the ground (Figure 5.8)5.5. In this
type of construction the design should incorporate
Shear or effective fixing between wall and floor panels to
braced core ensure continuity in the load path, particularly under
accidental load cases.
Figure 5.4 Plan arrangements of bracing and shear walls
Of course, this is just one type of timber construction.
Stability can be incorporated into timber frames by
using moment resisting connections between posts
stocky structures exhibit a predominantly shear and beams, by triangulation of members with pin
response, while flexure becomes increasingly joints together with bracing systems, diaphragms by
significant with slenderness. mass timber construction (CLT or glulam), or by a
combination of these forms. As timber is a natural
Dynamic response should also be considered more material, due regard should be given to connections
carefully in slender structures, as periodic to ensure adequate load transfer in light of the
accelerations will affect human comfort and worse properties of the timber product being used.
still, may lead to structural damage where oscillations
become significantly large. Guidance on the stability Further guidance on timber construction can be
systems associated with tall buildings is given in Tall found in various documents produced by relevant
building structures: analysis and design5.4. bodies such as the Timber Research and

Response Failure mode


Tensile failure   Compressive
(cracks yielding)   failure
  (crushing)


 Soft storey
 collapse

Figure 5.5 Deflection of multi-storey and tall buildings

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 21

5.3 Stability, robustness and serviceability



(1) The bonding or tying together of all intersecting walls
(2) The provision of returns where practicable at ends of loadbearing walls
(3) The provision of bracing walls to external walls
(4) The provision of internal bracing walls
(5) Provision of strapping of floors and roof at their bearings to loadbearing walls

Figure 5.6 Stability features in masonry wall layout

Development Association (TRADA)5.6 and the in conjunction with steel frames, and steel braced
Structural Timber Association (STA)5.7. bays incorporated into timber structures. The
fixings between different materials should be
It should be noted that structures may be of hybrid designed with careful consideration towards detail,
construction consisting of several types of material. and differing levels of stiffness analysed for global
Examples include reinforced concrete cores used compatibility.

Action derived from Floor diaphragm action


Racking resistance
provided by walls

Figure 5.8 Racking and diaphragm action in timber platform

Figure 5.7 Timber platform frame construction frame construction

22 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

Stability, robustness and serviceability 5.4

5.4 Stability during construction

It is equally important to ensure stability of the

structure during erection as it is during service.
Collapse during the construction process has
occurred far too often in the past, where vulnerability
in the incomplete structure has been neglected.

In the case of the FC Twente stadium roof collapse,

failure was due to a number of factors arising from
insufficient consideration towards the sequence of
operations5.8. With some bracing not in place the
structure could not carry the temporary loads from
stored materials and it collapsed with fatal
consequences. The sequence of construction must
therefore be considered carefully and provision made
for appropriate methods of working and temporary
works (Section 8.3) to take forces to the ground.
Temporary works may include shoring to provide
temporary support in place of columns or loadbearing
walls, or props to support the weight of wet concrete
forming floor slabs. Box 5.1 gives an example of how
design can ensure stability during construction.

Box 5.1 Celtic Park Stadium roof

The structural design may include additional permanent load
paths in the completed structure in order to increase
robustness and to provide adequate stability during
construction. The roof of Celtic Park Stadium in Glasgow uses
secondary trusses to tie adjacent primary trusses together. In
addition to providing a failsafe in-service, the additional load
paths contributed to ease of construction.

Figure 5.9 Props onto concrete floor to allow removal of loadbearing wall

the structural engineer will need be aware of critical

elements which affect stability.

For any structural alterations, careful consideration

should be given towards the stability of the structure
and to temporary states of weakness arising from the
construction sequence. Temporary works may be
needed such as props for the removal of a
loadbearing wall (Figure 5.9).

Similarly for change of use, an increase in the

magnitude of actions may cause structural failure
where critical elements are overloaded. Any change
to the pattern and magnitude of actions may
introduce unacceptable vibrations or even dynamic
effects that are detrimental and may lead to instability.
To assess the effects of change of use or alterations,
it is highly desirable to have access to the original
structural design documents, as well as to carry out a
thorough site investigation. It may be possible to
obtain the original design documents from the
building owner, the original designer or from local
authority record archives.

Flexibility for future alteration and change of use

should be considered, together with the client’s brief,
at the early stages of the project. There is a strong
5.5 Stability during alteration case for this from both a sustainability standpoint and
the client’s business case in reducing costs,
embodied energy, wastage and the impact of
Design for alteration, retrofitting or change of use of construction on the local community and wider
an existing structure is often undertaken, for which environment.

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 23

5.6 Stability, robustness and serviceability

5.6 Robustness damage, harm to occupants and from being out of

service, and would therefore need to be assessed
against a wider range of actions, including those of
The ability of a structure to perform sufficiently after very low probability. This takes the form of a
the removal of an element as a result of accidental, systematic risk assessment which is then used to
excessive, unknown or catastrophic actions is decide on appropriate measures for mitigating the
known as ‘robustness’. Robustness is defined in risks. Further guidance can be found in the Manual
BS EN 1991-1-75.9 as ‘‘the ability of a structure to for the systematic risk assessment of high-risk
withstand events like fire, explosions, impact or structures against disproportionate collapse5.15.
consequences of human error without being
damaged to an extent disproportionate to the Redundancy is a feature which plays an important
cause’’. Box 5.2 gives examples of disproportionate role in robust structural systems. A basic tenet for
collapse. stability is to provide at least one path for the actions
to be transmitted to the ground. However, multiple
A robust structure will prevent significant spread of load paths offer additional resistance against
damage from a local incident such as vehicular accidental and less foreseeable actions in service.
impact or blast impact, which would otherwise lead While the designer should be aware of the cost
to partial or complete collapse, e.g. rapid propagation implications, an additional braced bay can be
of fire or progressive collapse resulting from debris relatively inexpensive. The designer should also be
bearing onto elements not designed for such forces. aware of any benefit that additional load paths can
The hazards which need to be considered are bring to the construction process, e.g. the amount of
dependent on the magnitude of their potential temporary support needed may be reduced thus
consequences. In BS EN 1991-1-7 buildings are simplifying the construction process (Section 5.4).
categorised into consequence classes. In the UK
these are also defined in Approved Document A of There is also a case for strengthening members using
the Building Regulations (England) 5.11 and the other techniques, e.g. using stockier members.
corresponding documents for Scotland5.12, Wales5.13 Although adding to redundancy, this can also be
and Northern Ireland5.14. These categories depend advantageous for a structure in the sense that it can
on the building type and risk, and range from be fairly readily adaptable during its life so as to
agricultural buildings to hospitals, tall buildings, perform another function, e.g. the design actions may
buildings of large occupancy and facilities for increase in magnitude. Strengthening is usually
processing hazardous substances. The latter group applied to primary structural elements or critical load
has greater potential consequences for environmental paths, and changes in the route for services might

Box 5.2 Ronan Point, London, 1968 and Oklahoma City bombing, 1995
The collapse of the Ronan Point multi-storey tower block in 1968 demonstrates how failure can propagate beyond what would be
considered acceptable5.10. A gas explosion on the 18th floor caused the floor to collapse onto the one immediately below, which
triggered a progressive failure. Partial collapse of this nature is clearly out of scale to the cause and is therefore termed as
‘disproportionate collapse’. Similarly, partial collapse of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building (pictured) was seen in 1995, again
caused by blast damage, but this time as a result of deliberate action. A series of such incidents have acted as a catalyst for the
development of procedures to prevent such occurrences, reinforcing the need to consider robustness more carefully.

24 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

Stability, robustness and serviceability 5.7

require new penetrations through the structure. As 5.7 Dynamics

such, the inclusion of all the structural elements in the
primary stability structure, while possibly seen as
being efficient, might not (in the long-term) be Dynamic response should be considered –
prudent. particularly for structures that are slender, tall and/or
subjected to repetitive actions or vibrations. The two
For multi-storey buildings a key measure to main points to consider are:
preventing disproportionate progressive collapse may – serviceability performance requirements e.g.
depend largely on the ability of floor slabs to deform comfort to occupants and machine functionality
significantly, such that they can carry significant (where vibrations or perturbations become
vertical forces through membrane action rather than significant)
conventional bending strength. These membrane (or – dynamic excitation (where the safety of the
catenary) actions are vital for preventing collapse structure is concerned)
when adverse loading is introduced; e.g. an
unexpected increase in load (due to the partial A commonly encountered serviceability issue is seen
collapse of higher floors), increase in actual span (e.g. in the design of large floor plates in open plan offices,
due to the loss of intermediate supporting elements which can generate unacceptable vibrations. Careful
such as beams or columns) or reduction in the choices of materials and connections are therefore
strength in material properties (e.g. due to elevated necessary. In some buildings there is the addition of
temperature). All of these effects may take place forces from plant and machinery, which can have
under different, or a combination of, accidental severe effects if not properly damped by tuned
loading scenarios. Where loss of a critical element is bearings. Others have particularly high criteria of
concerned, consideration should be given to the acceptance, such as hospital surgery units, which
redistribution of forces. may use laser treatment. In such cases, a sufficiently
stiff floor plate with discontinuity joints is needed to
It is important to identify in what circumstances and ensure separation from other parts of the building.
in which parts of a structure, high levels of stiffness
may not be appropriate. There are some actions For bridges, motion resulting from traffic, footfall or
such as seismic, explosions or fire for which the wind should be assessed more closely. The human
design techniques rely on deformation to absorb and body is particularly sensitive to movement, and slight
limit the damage. For these it is important to think changes in frequency can be very disturbing for some
about the types of connections that might perform people. There are learning outcomes to be gained
better for the various imposed conditions. Similarly from case studies, whether it is the lesson learnt from
there may be a need to incorporate sacrificial structural failure (Box 5.3) or in understanding an
elements as a means for dissipating the pressure unforeseen phenomenon and how it was resolved
from blasts. (Box 5.4).

When considering accidental actions or hazards,

there may be a need to incorporate control Box 5.3 Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse
measures. This may include monitoring of the An example of wind induced effects which had severe
structure to reduce the spread of damage (e.g. consequences, is the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse
sprinklers) or external features which protect the (1940). A lack of established understanding was inherent in
structure (e.g. bollards as a barrier against vehicle the design of the lightweight slender deck, which underwent
impact). large oscillations before failing. This design suffered from the
assumption that the bridge would behave as precedent would
Table 5.1 outlines some of the key strategies for suggest5.17. It is therefore necessary in design to interrogate
incorporating robustness. Reference should also be any assumptions made and to analyse the design as a whole
made to the Institution report, Practical guide to more carefully, particularly when close to or beyond the limits
structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in of current technical knowledge.

Table 5.1 Strategies for increasing robustness

Method Description
Enhancement of continuity Linking elements using sufficiently strong connections or by introducing elements which tie floors to
and tying walls or that link floors together. This strategy enhances continuity and can be used to provide
catenary action.
Provision of alternative load A practical way of checking whether multiple load paths are present is to assess whether the
paths structure will remain stable following the notional removal of individual elements in turn. Where
single load paths are found, the structural form should be re-examined. If the situation cannot be
avoided, strengthening of the key element(s) will be the next option.
Strengthening of structure The use of stronger structural members to increase their resistance above the accidental action
or key elements being considered. This will not necessarily alter any brittle characteristics of the structure or the
nature of its final failure.
Other components such as floors may be strengthened to limit progressive collapse.
Load shedding This approach includes the introduction of load shedding devices such as venting for explosions or
the introduction of weak joints in walls and floors to dissipate excessive stresses or pressures.
Control measures This strategy consists of the use of environmental and performance monitoring and control systems.
Examples include bollards and sprinklers, or monitoring systems to detect either where maintenance
or repair is needed and/or where misuse by occupants occurs – resulting in adverse loading.

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 25

5.8 Stability, robustness and serviceability

should also be noted that sea currents act in a similar

Box 5.4 Millenium Footbridge, London
way to wind where shedding of vortices on the
Not long after its opening in 2000, the Millennium Footbridge in London exhibited large downstream side of a caisson may develop.
oscillations as a result of synchronous lateral excitation. The event had arisen from the
development of footfall adjusting in step with the smaller movements of the bridge. To For structures vulnerable to earthquakes, reference
resolve the issue, an arrangement of viscous dampers, tuned mass dampers and should be made to relevant seismic design codes
steelwork was applied under the deck5.18. Lessons can be learnt from this example such as Eurocode 85.19 and ASCE 415.20. General
with respect to both the solution in rectifying the problem and informing the design of design principles include the need to dissipate energy
future bridges which might otherwise have been susceptible to dynamic excitation from introduced to the structure by strong ground shaking
a similar cause. (e.g. through the use of ductile connections, which
act as ‘structural fuses’ or ‘load shedding devices’)
and structural plans that ensure the centre of stiffness
and centre of mass are aligned. It should be noted
that the effects as well as the related consequences
are not limited to the superstructure. Soil liquefaction
was observed during the Niigata earthquake in Japan
(1964), undermining the foundations of many
structures (Figure 5.10).

Dampers and steel bracing under deck Figure 5.10 Consequences of liquefaction during Niigata
24 25 26 earthquake

5.8 Serviceability

5.8.1 General
Tuned Deck
Viscous damper ‘Chevron’
mass edge As mentioned in Section 4.4, serviceability
dampers tube requirements are concerned with the functionality,
comfort and appearance of a structure, and their
importance throughout the duration of a structure’s
design life should be considered. Progressive
changes in the condition of structural elements and
Cables the accumulation of local damage or irreversible
movement should be addressed in design, so that
Typical plan showing dampers with deck removed they do not escalate to the point that they cause
critical second order effects influencing stability. Table
5.2 lists serviceability issues together with aspects of
design used to control them.
Wind effects can also trigger dynamic response in
slender structures extending vertically. Factory Regardless of how good a design is, inspection and
chimneys demonstrate an example of where an maintenance are critical in the management of
effective countermeasure is needed. In the face of a structures in service. This allows potential problems
wind current, vortices are formed on the leeward to be spotted and resolved before they become
side. These vortices shed alternately on each side serious. The maintenance strategy should be
and impose corresponding pressures perpendicular developed in preliminary discussions between the
to the wind direction. Ribs (or fins) spiralling down the client and the design team. The maintenance strategy
length of chimneys are used to disrupt the is a fundamental part of the structural design, which
establishment of vortices thus preventing cyclic forces ensures that maintenance and inspection is both
from developing. practical and economic. The following should be
Structures located in an offshore environment may – Functional requirements of the structure
also require dynamic analysis. In-service design – Requirements relating to future alterations or
conditions typically account for wave loading, change of use
earthquakes, fatigue and ship impact, although – Practicality of inspection and maintenance
fatigue and earthquakes may not be critical in many – Financial commitment (options may include
geographic areas. In deeper water, requiring taller offsetting high initial costs with inexpensive
structures, dynamics may also be a consideration. It maintenance)

26 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

Stability, robustness and serviceability 5.8

Table 5.2 Examples of serviceability issues

Category Relevant actions Relevant aspects of design
Deterioration Solar radiation, frost, moisture, biological attack Surface protection, materials specification
and chemical changes
Corrosion Oxidation, electrolytic action, contaminants, loss of As above
passivity and protection
Abrasion Traffic, chemicals Surface hardness
Fatigue Stress cycles Reduce stress range
Weathering Atmospheric pollution, driving rain, surface Minimise staining by detailing and choice of
deterioration materials
Deflection Loads, differential settlement, temperature Limit deflection
Cracking Restrained movements, brittle materials Crack control, movement joints
Integrity Leakage of groundwater or retained liquids or rain Crack control, weather-resistant materials, consider
penetration design of joints
Condensation Humidity of atmosphere Vapour barrier and insulation, humidity control
Transmission Excessive noise, heat or cold Insulation
Vibration Wind gusts, building use (e.g. machinery) Limit amplitude or acceleration; isolate source

5.8.2 Movement effects specification to ensure it is accounted for in the

procurement and construction phases.
All structures are subject to movements and
deformations, which occur both during construction Thermal effects and moisture
and in service. When movements are restrained or The ingress and egress of moisture into and out of
non-uniform, actions may arise within the structure or structural members and soil can cause
its building elements which could affect their local or movements which have the potential to give rise
global stability. The consequences of excessive to instability. An indication of the magnitude of
deflections may lead to non-structural issues such as such moisture movements can be derived from
damage to finishes or structural damage; common at the moisture-movement properties of the materials
connections between structural elements. For and the relevant environmental conditions to be
example, the bodily displacement of a wall or beam expected in the location of the structure, or its
on its seating, or rotational movements at bearings components. Temperature can also have
could cause progressive spalling and ultimately failure deleterious effects. Cyclic variations in temperature
of the supports. cause expansion and contraction of material and,
particularly where moisture ingress is significant,
Collapse of a structure as a result of such the effects of freezing and thawing should be
movements is rare, but serviceability failures such as considered.
cracking in concrete or warping of timber could, if
unchecked or neglected, eventually threaten the Creep and shrinkage
stability of the structure or its components. Examples Creep and shrinkage are associated with a material’s
of how this can be dealt with in design include deformation over time as a result of a steady
provision of movement joints or the utilisation of application of stress or drying respectively.
appropriate tension reinforcement across concrete
members and connections to control crack widths. Shrinkage applies to any material with water content,
Neglecting such details can result in the need for such as concrete or timber. This water evaporates
costly works to be carried out (Box 5.5). over time causing a reduction in volume and a
corresponding deformation. In situ concrete may
experience significant shrinkage, causing tensile
Box 5.5 Inadequate bearings in car park, stresses to develop and therefore cracks to appear.
Bournemouth, 2005 Any cracks should be checked against serviceability
requirements for their maximum widths.
In the case of a car park in Bournemouth, UK, omitting
adequate bearings between the concrete floor slab and Creep is defined as the inelastic deformation of a
supporting beams resulted in connection failure at their material over time due to the sustained application
interface. A confidential report explained how provision of of stress, and has a rate dependent on the level of
appropriate bearings would have accommodated the exposure of structural materials to moisture,
temperature induced hogging of the slab, and concluded that changes in temperature and applied forces. An
a complete rebuild of the structure was needed. An article estimate of the likely magnitude of the deformation
published in New Civil Engineer the following year provides can be made from the time-dependent properties of
some detail5.21. the materials and the duration and incidence of the
applied forces.
The structural engineer should also be aware of
construction tolerances (i.e. the allowance for Care is needed for structural forms that change
deviations between measurement in the design and shape in service, e.g. timber framed construction
that of the built structure) which are often considered where drying out of the frame in service can produce
and reported in conjunction with movement effects. noticeable reduction in member dimensions, which
This can then be communicated in the design can impact fixed components such as lifts. The

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 27

5.9 Stability, robustness and serviceability

strength and serviceability requirements of the 5.11 HM Government. The Building Regulations 2010.
material should also be checked. Approved Document A – Structure (2004 edition,
incorporating 2010 and 2013 amendments). Available
Foundation movements at:
Movement in the ground can cause changes to the buildingregulations/approveddocuments/parta/
boundary conditions of a structure and the resulting documenta [Accessed: 9 February 2015]
stresses in its elements. Soil, as an accumulation of
rock mineral particles with a degree of voids and water 5.12 The Scottish Government. Technical handbooks.
content, will gradually consolidate over time under the Available at:
bearing pressure exerted by the structure. The rate and Environment/Building/Building-standards/publications/
extent of compaction will depend on the soil pubtech [Accessed: 9 February 2015]
properties. Rock may experience creep (a time-
dependent strain dependant on the material properties 5.13 Welsh Government. Building Regulations. Available at:
of the rock and the applied stresses) and also undergo
settlement where there are low strength properties, or ?lang ¼ en [Accessed: 9 February 2015]
a susceptibility for cavities to form from weathering,
scour or solution5.22. The magnitude of the foundation 5.14 Department of Finance and Personnel. Building
movements that can cause destabilising actions (i.e. Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012 guidance.
differential settlement, heave or sliding) may be Technical booklet D: Structure. Available at: http://
estimated from geotechnical factors. The effects of [Accessed:
these movements on the structure should be restricted 9 February 2015]
to values that will not cause critical redistribution of
internal forces. Where there are varying ground 5.15 Institution of Structural Engineers. Manual for the
conditions across a site, particular care should be systematic risk assessment of high-risk structures
taken to reduce the effects of differential movement. against disproportionate collapse. London: IStructE,

5.16 Institution of Structural Engineers. Practical guide to

5.9 References structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in
buildings. London: IStructE, 2010

5.1 Institution of Structural Engineers. Stability of buildings 5.17 Brady, S. ‘The 30 year failure cycle’. The Structural
Parts 1 and 2: General philosophy and framed bracing. Engineer, 91(5), May 2013, pp14–15
London: IStructE, 2014
5.18 Arup. The Millennium Bridge. Available at: http://www.
5.2 Institution of Structural Engineers. Stability of buildings [Accessed: 10 February
Part 3: Shear walls. London: IStructE, 2015 2015]

5.3 BS EN1993-1-1:2005. Eurocode 3: Design of steel 5.19 BS EN 1998: Eurocode 8: Design of structures for
structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for earthquake resistance [in 6 parts]. London: BSI, 2004
buildings. London: BSI, 2005
5.20 ASCE/SEI 41-13: Seismic evaluation and retrofit of
5.4 Smith, B.S. and Coull, A. Tall Building Structures: existing buildings. Reston, VA: ASCE, 2013
Analysis and Design. New York: Wiley, 1999
5.21 Young, J. ‘Doomed Bournemouth car park lacked vital
5.5 Structural Timber Association. ‘Timber Engineering elastomeric bearings’. New Civil Engineer, 18 May
Notebook (No. 4): Timber frame structures – platform 2006, p6
frame construction (part 2)’. The Structural Engineer,
91(6), June 2013, pp30–36 5.22 Wyllie, D. C. Foundations on rock. 2nd ed. London:
Spon, 1999
5.6 The Timber Research and Development Association
(TRADA). Available at:
[Accessed: 9 February 2015]
5.10 Bibliography
5.7 Structural Timber Association. Advice notes. Available
centre/information-centre/technical-library/advice- Bull, J.W. ed. ICE Manual of structural design: buildings.
notes/ [Accessed: 9 February 2015] London: ICE Publishing, 2012

5.8 Structural-Safety. FC Twente stadium roof collapse – Zalka, K.A. and Armer, G.S.T. Stability of Large Structures.
learning from the fatal consequences. SCOSS Topic Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1992
Paper. 2012 (updated 2014). Available at: http://www.
[Accessed: 9 February 2015]

5.9 BS EN 1991-1-7: 2006: Eurocode 1 – Actions on

structures – Part 1-7: General actions – Accidental
actions. London: BSI, 2010

5.10 Ministry of Housing and Local Government. Report of

the Inquiry into the collapse of flats at Ronan Point,
Canning Town. London: HMSO, 1968

28 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

6 Demonstrating structural adequacy

6.1 Overview Typical idealisations to the structure include the

simplification of complex connections and
assumptions applied to material properties.
Irrespective of the way in which structural adequacy Similarly, idealisations may be applied to any
is established, it needs to be demonstrated in a set of external actions. Examples include the use of a
calculations. This document is more than a record of uniformly distributed load to model gravity loads
the arithmetic or computer analyses used to show from occupants in a commercial building, or a linear
that the strength exceeds that required to resist the variation of hydrostatic pressure on bridge peers.
specified stresses. Good calculations are as much More complex algorithms may be needed to
about communication as they are about numbers: investigate actions such as waves on offshore
– They set out the arguments which show that the structures, which exhibit both spatial and temporal
proposed design is adequate variations.
– They explain why the analysis method chosen is
appropriate for the particular circumstance There are many ways to plot a structure’s geometry,
– They show how close values are to limits, which be it drawing ‘by hand’ or through an interactive
can indicate how tightly the structure has been computer visualisation. Computuational analysis
designed. This gives some indication of how packages facilitate the manipulation of a greater
economically the materials are used. Overall amount of data, and therefore provide the scope to
economy does not wholly depend on the economic more closely simulate the real structure.
use of materials, but it is one component. Other Computational methods however, should not be
metrics may include values relating to embodied viewed differently to traditional methods; the same
energy, recycled content, programme resources or principles of engineering apply and it is up to the
any other quantifiable variable that is associated structural engineer to ensure the model is carefully
with the construction built and verified.
– They may explain why the designer has not taken
the design to the code limits e.g. there were Essentially, the structural engineer will need to
circumstances which were outside the code’s consider the analysis of the structure’s geometry,
range of coverage material strength and loading; each of which may be
– The recorded data can demonstrate adequacy to described using algorithms to provide a greater level
any current parties that need to approve the design of detail. The outputs can then be extracted and
and also to future generations who will inherit the checks made against ultimate and serviceability limit
responsibility for maintaining the structure, possibly states. When carrying out analysis, it is important to
modifying it, and eventually demolishing it review how design iterations impact the load paths
through the structure as a whole, as instability may
Some of these discussions and explanations will be result.
set out in the calculation plan or basis of design
document. The actual calculations then take these to 6.2.2 Superstructure
the next level, reporting on outcomes of the analyses,
which are not always as anticipated, but must always The superstructure can take many forms and utilise
be understood and justifiable. many different materials. While much work has been
carried out to verify the performance of
standardised materials like steel, concrete and
masonry, structural engineers also use other
6.2 Analysis materials in their designs. Timber has significant
variability but there are machines which can
determine stress grades accurately, setting limits to
6.2.1 General individual members. There are other less traditional
materials which structural engineers work with such
Codes of practice exist to provide guidelines for as glass and composites (fibre reinforced concrete
strength and serviceability, but before conducting any and polymers). As with tried and tested materials,
thorough checks to these guidelines the structural the structural engineer should understand their
engineer should first analyse the structure and any properties against the intended function. Glass, for
actions imposed to it. This is done by means of example, can be used for structural purposes
mathematical and physical representation (or where natural light is being encouraged as part of
modelling). Fundamental to the process of modelling the building’s lighting design. Considerations for
is the need to understand how to simplify the design of structural glass elements are discussed in
structure and any loading such that analysis can be the Institution’s guide, Structural use of glass in
performed more effectively. This concept is commonly buildings (2nd edition)6.1.
referred to as ‘structural idealisation’. The extent to
which a structure is simplified will vary depending on Once the material choice has been made, the
the intended purpose of the model. Boundary structural engineer can carry out simple analysis for
conditions may be applied in many cases to simplify initial element sizing. A simple way to analyse a
the external conditions applied to the structure. structure is to distinguish and model its separate
Examples include the restraint applied by adjacent elements, e.g. beams, slabs, columns, walls and
members not included in the model or the interaction foundations. While this allows for simple checking,
between the substructure and soil. the interactions between the elements must also be

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 29

6.2 Demonstrating structural adequacy

analysed. There must be an understanding of how Once adequate data on the soil conditions has been
the separate elements transfer loads from one to the collected, it is then possible to evaluate the potential
other and how they will deform locally. Assumptions methods for supporting the structure. As with
can be made, but these need be recorded with aboveground design, the structural engineer should
reasoning. An extension to the individual component consider strength and serviceability.
design is to group some together into subframes as
parts of the total frame. Subsequently a more For sites with soils, i.e. weakly cemented mineral
detailed analysis can be established, modelling all the particles, it is important to understand and gauge the
interactions and second order effects of the complete potential settlement and ensure that its
structural frame. consequences are acceptable to the structure above.
Differential settlement e.g. due to high variability in
In addition to analysing for adequate strength, failure poorly compacted made ground or clay subject to
due to buckling, fatigue and fracture may need to be seasonal moisture changes, should be avoided since
checked. As design becomes more refined, complex it will induce additional stresses in the structure.
or novel, a focus must be given to the modes of Interaction between soil and substructure should also
failure and serviceability requirements which were be considered carefully. While for some cases it may
inherently addressed in the rule of thumb analysis. be sufficient to idealise the soil as a single
Accelerations resulting from dynamic response of a homogeneous strata, others may include several
lightweight or slender structure can have significant strata each perhaps with significantly varying
effect on the users’ comfort and on the functionality densities or water content. Variability between the
of the structure. stiffness of substructure elements and the adjacent
soil should therefore be analysed appropriately to
Another aspect which should be understood and assess the resulting forces which arise. For some
utilised is ductility, i.e. a member’s ability to deform structures, a high degree of stiffness will be adequate
plastically under applied forces. Ductility can help to in their foundations, while for others the additional
accommodate variations in stress distribution which provision of ductility may be required to prevent brittle
would otherwise result in local failures. This is often failure.
critical in connection design where variations in
stiffness can be overcome through the redistribution For foundations on ground made of rock,
of concentrated stresses. The repeated application of consideration should be given to the characteristics
stresses can, over time, reduce the integrity of a of rock which distinguish it from soil. While rock has a
material, and it is therefore essential to ensure that generally higher bearing capacity, the presence of
failure resulting from this effect, i.e. fatigue, does not discontinuities and defects (e.g. faulting, bedding
occur within the foreseeable design life of the planes, joints, fissures and cavities) present zones of
structure6.2. However, in some extreme situations weakness which may result in sliding or settlement6.3.
such as earthquakes, a ductile element may be Seasonal moisture and temperature changes may
expected to fail, thus acting as a ‘structural fuse’. also increase the extent of these defects over time.

Care should be taken in selecting appropriate 6.2.4 Reliability and risk

materials which exhibit the required ductility. Metals
produced to national standards are often selected for A design for a typical structure made in accordance
their compliance with specific criteria regarding with a code of practice should be safe provided it
ductility. It should be noted that ductility can change interpolates rather than extrapolates the assumptions
with material temperature and so, for external of the code. In the latter case, assessment into the
structures, the correct grade of steel should be reliability of the structure may be required to evaluate
specified to overcome this. the integrity of the design. To define ‘safe’ it is
necessary to introduce the concept of reliability,
6.2.3 Substructure which is the probability that the structure does not
fail. A zero probability of failure is never possible, and
The structural engineer should have a good so it is practical to set minimum acceptable
understanding of the site’s soil conditions. There can probabilities of failure, for which the residual risks may
be significant variability and, as a consequence, an be controlled. The determination of whether a
extensive range of methods exist for providing structure is reliable is an extensive and rigorous
support to the superstructure. It is not possible to theory which has been written about in many books
know exactly what is belowground. Assumptions are including Introduction to safety and reliability of
therefore made, but the degree of uncertainty should structures6.4. The strength models in the codes are
be minimised by carrying out a desk study and calibrated against test data and are therefore largely
reconnaissance survey before deciding the scope for empirically based. The steps of this chain from test to
any intrusive site investigation. code are fully recorded and there may be occasions
when they can be reworked for a particular situation
A desk study is an effective way to gather information falling outside the accepted range of the code.
relating to the site, such as routes for existing
electrical distribution, sewers and mine records. A The direct use of statistical data within a risk
reconnaissance survey involves a further study of the assessment can often be used when quantifying the
site by direct measurement and observation. These actions to be applied to the structure. In particular,
non-intrusive methods of research can then help to accidental actions are often calculated in this way. For
establish the specification for a site investigation. The a structure to withstand such actions, a strategy
site investigation may involve direct sampling and needs to be adopted to increase robustness. This is
testing to establish ground conditions more reliably. discussed in more detail in Section 5.6, and further
Where there is variability across a site it is important reading on risk assessments in relation to actions on
to ensure that the investigation is sufficiently detailed high risk buildings can be sought from the Institution’s
to minimise the risk of significant variation between Manual for the systematic risk assessment of high-
sample points. risk structures against disproportionate collapse6.5.

30 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

Demonstrating structural adequacy 6.3

6.2.5 Assessment of existing structures timber members in floors, ceilings and roofs for
dwellings6.11 and the Eurocode manuals published by
There are many occasions where it is necessary to the Institution6.12.
check the structural performance of an existing
structure. For example: there may be a need to Hand calculations can also be extended, depending
increase the magnitude of actions on the structure: on the complexity of the project, into the complete
– inspections may have shown that deterioration has calculations set or into specific parts, such as
reduced the local capacity of a section connection design.
– significant modifications to the structure are to be
carried out as part of a refurbishment
– there may be reason to question the original
capacity assessed in the design calculations 6.4 Computer modelling
Whatever the reason, assessment of an existing
structure raises different issues from those met during Simple calculations – whether by hand or through the
design. An example of strengthening works to an use of computational tools – are essential to an initial
existing structure is given in Box 6.1. understanding of structural behavior. These typically
lead into more complex analysis often undertaken
using computational methods, which can take a
Box 6.1 West Gate Bridge strengthening project, variety of formats. Some formats provide simple
Melbourne proformas to guide the structural engineer through
In the case of the West Gate Bridge strengthening project, the necessary steps, while others are intended to
it was recognised that the structure would need to be allow more bespoke models of the structure to be
enhanced to accommodate the increased traffic demands built. The actions a structure is subjected to and the
predicted for the future. Further objectives were to include interactions which result can often demand that
additional traffic lanes and improved public and traffic safety. modelling apply a greater level of definition to material
A combination of investigation, modelling, analysis, design properties and actions, and computational methods
and constructability assessments were used to meet the are able to facilitate this. Figure 6.1 is a visualisation
objectives and all within a timescale significantly shorter than of the dynamic response pattern arising on a section
originally planned6.6. of floor due to specified footfall. Areas where dynamic
response may be excessive are highlighted, thus
prompting further analysis and consideration for
The existing form of construction encountered often re-design.
dates back to an earlier age. There may not be
obvious strength models that can be used, and the Irrespective of the modelling complexity, the structural
structural engineer will have to make judgements engineer must always:
based on first principles together with a sound – Ensure the model representation is suitable for the
understanding of how historical buildings were intended purpose of the analysis (e.g. well defined
constructed. Even if the construction follows current boundary conditions may be required to accurately
practice it may not be appropriate to use current simulate structural behavior of an isolated element)
strength models. The strength models used in codes – Ensure that the input data is correct
exist to assist the structural engineer to design – Ensure that the software is verified
structures efficiently and safely. However, if the – Ensure that the output is verified
structure fails by such analysis then the cost of repair – Ensure that information passed from one analysis
or replacement can possibly be much greater than package to another does so seamlessly without
the cost of applying a more sophisticated strength loss or corruption
model that demonstrates compliance. Many – Have an overview from experience of the expected
alternative strength models are available in the final outputs
literature. – Ensure that the model corresponds to something
that can be constructed with the technology
Further guidance on the discussion points in this available
section can be found in the Institution’s report,
Appraisal of existing structures6.7. The computational tools available to structural
engineers enable, within economic means, the

6.3 Calculations

Calculations carried out by hand are an effective

starting point for structural engineers in terms of
demonstrating adequacy, whether they are rule of
thumb checks, checks from first principles for initial
member sizing, or checks on outputs from computer
analysis. Most structural engineers have a grasp of
standard formulae, or tables, which they can chose
to help determine member choice for strength and
serviceability. Reference and guidance documents for
this purpose, as relevant to Eurocode design, include
Reynolds’s Reinforced Concrete Designer’s
Handbook6.8, the Steel Construction Institute’s ‘Blue
Book’6.9, Concrete Buildings Scheme Design Manual
to Eurocode 26.10, Eurocode 5 span tables: for solid Figure 6.1 Software highlighting areas where dynamic response exceeds design limit

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 31

6.5 Demonstrating structural adequacy

rigorous analysis of both individual elements and the element is to be examined or verified. Consequently it
global structure. This allows a much clearer is often sensible to physically test a material
understanding of the structure’s performance in specimen, structural component, prototype or scale
construction, service and decommissioning. When model6.13. For example sports stadia, tall or long
models are built to analyse the structure, care must span structures exhibit particular wind responses,
be taken to ensure that the model reflects how the which can be examined through wind tunnel testing.
structure will work in service (e.g. node stiffness) and Mass manufactured products such as metal purlins
how the components are later designed to match the and precast concrete units can have their strength
model. For example, the option to stiffen joints for and serviceability responses verified by testing to
frame stability may be pursued, however the load failure.
attracted by that stiffness may cause challenges for
the connections between the members. Testing is sometimes appropriate to prove the
strength of an existing structure. A realistic
The task of analysis typically consists of modelling the expectation of how the structure will behave is
structure, its boundary conditions and the design advantageous, so as to avoid unintended damage
actions it is subjected to. When commencing being inflicted during intrusive testing. Again, it is not
analysis, the structural engineer should have a clear sufficient simply to show that the design actions can
idea of what the boundary conditions are. Information be resisted. Structural engineers may assess the
including actions, support conditions and integrity of existing structures by monitoring a specific
environmental conditions should be established. The measurement such as displacement over time. When
structural model is created by defining its geometry, monitoring is to be undertaken, it is important to
assigning its material properties, adopting appropriate define the purpose of the work and any limitations of
connection fixity and applying the boundary the adopted scheme. The Institution’s report,
conditions as intended, to best represent interaction Appraisal of existing structures6.7 gives further
between the structure and its external environment. guidance on testing and monitoring of structures, as
The outputs will include support reactions, stresses well as some of the methods and techniques
and displacements. The outputs are then reviewed involved.
against relevant codes of practice or physical models
to verify compliance with factors of safety against
6.6 Codes of practice
There are a number of different ways to analyse a
structural model whether in two or three dimensions.
The simplest format is two dimensions where one Design codes of practice are guidelines, which
can, for example, model plane frames or grid frames. provide ways of confirming that the outputs will
There is a multitude of software packages available meet the required performances of the materials.
for such analysis to assist the structural engineer and These documents have been formulated over many
the simplest models are easier to verify using rule of years and are constantly being reviewed as
thumb checks. knowledge is extended or methods changed. The
suite of Eurocodes6.14 cover all major materials and
As analysis is developed further, more complex set a standard of compliance being used in many
descriptions of material properties and actions may places throughout the world. The International
need to be prescribed, e.g. adoption of non-linear Building Code6.15 is another widely adopted
behaviour. Finite element analysis is often used to example. There are many similar standards in other
provide a more detailed description of structural countries and some specialist codes which are
geometry and behaviour by approximating a structure used internationally, such as the seismic design
to a number of elements with differing connections standards which are contained in New Zealand’s
between them. For example, a continuous structure, standards6.16 and the National Building Code of
such as a dome, is modelled using a quantity of Canada (NBCC)6.17.
discrete elements, of defined stiffness, with a finite
number of nodes, solved by partial differential With the changes to codes there are always those left
equations. behind such as the superseded British Standards,
which have been updated in the form of Eurocodes.
Computational methods of analysis are powerful It should be noted that these superseded codes will
tools, which bring significant benefits to the no longer be reviewed and updated and so their
construction industry. However, there remains a need relevance may diminish over time. Many practices
to understand the computer model and the structural may continue to use superceded codes, where their
behaviour simulated and to verify outputs so as not application remains valid.
to rely on computational analysis beyond one’s
theoretical understanding. Failing to do so may result While the design codes of practice set verification
in critical errors being undetected. levels, there are many guidance documents (often
from trade organisations) which can help lead the
structural engineer to an optimum design. In the UK,
bodies or institutions such as The Steel Construction
6.5 Testing and monitoring Institute, The Concrete Society, The Concrete Centre,
The Brick Development Association and The Timber
Research and Development Association have a wide
Despite the array of advanced forms of analyses range of such documents6.10, 6.18–6.21.
available, it is not always possible to be certain of the
outputs. This is often the case when verifying the A structural engineer is of course able to use
behavior of unusual or novel structural forms, where engineering judgement on their design, and so while
the structure is outside the scope of codes of the design codes of practice and other such
practice, or where the actual structural behavior of an standards set a standard for the materials and

32 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

Demonstrating structural adequacy 6.7

actions, it is possible to depart from the guidance. 6.8 References

The legal status of national codes of practice should
be checked in-country, as some may require
compliance or other specific procedures for approval. 6.1 Institution of Structural Engineers. Structural use of
glass in buildings (second edition). London: IStructE,
Departing from the standards cannot be undertaken 2014
lightly however, and there must be an appreciation of
the issues and risks. It may be that the structure is 6.2 Institution of Structural Engineers. ‘Technical Guidance
abnormal and does not fit into the code’s range of Note 25, Level 1: Introduction to fatigue’, The
coverage or it may be that the structural engineer has Structural Engineer, 91(4), April 2013, pp36–37
particular experience gained from earlier work.
Similarly, design may sometimes be supplemented 6.3 Wyllie, D. C. Foundations on rock. 2nd ed. London:
with guidance contained in codes from other Spon, 1999
countries. This may be the case when a particular
approach to design is deemed to produce improved 6.4 Schneider, J. Introduction to safety and reliability of
performance within national constraints, or where a structures. Structural Engineering Document 5. Zurich:
lack of guidance is provided in the national code of IABSE-AIPC-IVBH, 2006
6.5 Institution of Structural Engineers. Manual for the
Whichever approach is adopted, the structural systematic risk assessment of high-risk structures
engineer must be satisfied that their design will not be against disproportionate collapse. London: IStructE,
unsafe or unserviceable, and they must be able to 2013
justify this to others and ensure regulatory
compliance. 6.6 West Gate Bridge strengthening project. Available at:
BRIDGE-STRENGTHENING.pdf [Accessed: 18 February
6.7 Checks
6.7 Institution of Structural Engineers. Appraisal of existing
structures. 3rd ed. London: IStructE, 2010
Although structural engineers endeavor to achieve
the highest standards of accuracy and correctness, 6.8 Reynolds, C.E. et al. Reynolds’s reinforced concrete
mistakes can still be made. With the various designer’s handbook. 11th ed. Abingdon: Taylor &
processes involved in structural design it can be Francis, 2007
simple to transpose numbers or incorrectly model a
joint. It is therefore in the interests of safety, cost 6.9 Steel Construction Institute. SCI P363 Steel building
and quality assurance, that measures are taken to design: design data. In accordance with Eurocodes
ensure thorough checking of all design outputs and and the UK National Annexes. Ascot: SCI, 2013
documentation at each stage of design. This
checking is part of a business’s natural quality 6.10 Brooker, O. Concrete Buildings Scheme Design
system where initial self-checking is followed by Manual: A handbook for the IStructE chartered
independent checking. The level of independence membership examination, based on Eurocode 2.
will vary depending on the complexity and potential Camberley: MPA – The Concrete Centre, 2009
risks. Some projects can be checked by other
members of the structrual engineering design team, 6.11 TRADA. Eurocode 5 span tables: for solid timber
while some need another group within the business members in floors, ceilings and roofs for dwellings.
or sometimes full independent checking. 4th ed. High Wycombe: TRADA Technology Ltd., 2014
Independent peer reviewers with experience of
investigating failures can bring valuable insight to 6.12 The Institution of Structural Engineers. Suite of
the designer who wishes to avoid seeing those Eurocode Manuals. Available at: http://shop.istructe.
failures repeated. SCOSS deliberated on this and org/eurocode-suite.html [Accessed: 18 February
produced a topic paper to highlight the benefits and 2015]
potential methodology of incorporation into
projects6.22, 6.23. Some bodies, such as the UK 6.13 Addis, W. ‘Toys that save millions’ – a history of using
Highways Agency, have checking procedures physical models in structural design’. The Structural
depending on the perceived risks involved. Engineer, 91(4), April 2013, pp12–27
Occasionally, these have been adopted more widely
in other countries or by other sectors of the 6.14 Eurocodes: building the future. Available at:
industry, creating unofficial ‘industry norms’6.24. [Accessed:
19 February 2015]
There is also the need to ensure regulatory
compliance. Building or ‘technical’ standards are 6.15 International Code Council. 2015 International Building
used worldwide to ensure public safety. This covers a Code. Country Club Hills, Illinois, International Code
number of areas, from material strength to material Council, 2014
properties under fire conditions to structural stability.
6.16 NZS 4219: 2009: Seismic performance of engineering
Verification of compliance can take a number forms; systems in buildings. Wellington: Standards
through third party checking by other structural New Zealand, 2009
engineers working for the regulators or through
certification schemes where approved structural 6.17 Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes and
engineers are able to confirm compliance. These National Research Council of Canada. National building
checks on the process provide a safer stock of code of Canada 2010. 13th ed. 2 vols. Ottawa:
structures for the benefit of the wider community. National Research Council of Canada, 2010

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 33

6.8 Demonstrating structural adequacy

6.18 Steel Construction Institute, Davison, B. and Owens, G.

(Eds.) Steel designers’ manual. 7th ed. Chichester:
Wiley-Blackwell, 2012

6.19 The Concrete Society. Technical Reports. Available at:
[Accessed: 19 February 2015]

6.20 Brick Development Association. Masonry design for

disproportionate collapse requirements under
Regulation A3 of the Building Regulations (England &
Wales). Available at:
[Accessed: 19 February 2015]

6.21 TRADA. Timber frame construction: designing for high

performance. 5th ed. High Wycombe: TRADA
Technology Ltd., 2011

6.22 SCOSS. Topic Paper SC/09/034. Guidance Note:

Independent review through peer assist. Available at:
20Guidance%20Note%20Jan%202009.pdf [Accessed:
25 February 2015]

6.23 SCOSS. Topic Paper SC/09/035: Draft Form of

Agreement. Available at: http://cms.structural-safety.
20Agreement%20Jan%202009.pdf [Accessed:
25 February 2015]

6.24 The Highways Agency. BD 2/12: Design Manual for

Roads and Bridges. Volume 1: Highway Structures:
Approval Procedures and General Design. Section 1 –
Approval Procedures. Available at: http://www.
vol1/section1/bd212.pdf [Accessed: 19 February

34 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

7 Communicating the design

7.1 Communication needs quantity of information exchange. It is important to

ensure communications are relevant, accurate and
concise. For example, the client might not want to
7.1.1 Why, what and when to communicate know design details, but may want images to help
visualise what is being proposed or delivered. Clear
The process of developing the brief, design and lines of communication should be established and
method of construction is dependent on the relay of understood by all team members to ensure all
information between the correpsonding parties. objectives are met within the contraints of cost, time
These components will evolve through many and standards (both statutory and quality control).
iterations and should therefore be considered as
interdependent, e.g. construction details can inform 7.1.2 Needs of the client
design, which in turn may require alteration to the
brief. At every stage of the design process the Clients’ needs vary; some want to be fully involved in
outputs from the structural engineer are targeted at the process while others simply want the project
different personnel. completed and handed over. The design team will
learn early in the process what the client wishes and
Key stages where communication interfaces are in response, will define their output accordingly.
prevalent include:
– Concept design, where early discussions and The design brief can be expected to evolve during a
sketches are vital for the clarification of the project as the design progresses and further
challenges and objectives in the brief and for information becomes available. Essential client needs,
exploring a range of ideas for overcoming/achieving as well as those graded as less critical, should be
them discussed and possibly ranked in order of priority. As
– Scheme design i.e. where the structural engineer is the project progresses, any important information
in discussion with other members of the design affecting the project should be communicated,
team to integrate the structure with other non- whether this is from the client to the design team or
structural elements. The output here will include vice versa. Of concern to the structural engineer, are
further sketches, round table discussions and considerations potentially impacting on the structural
drawings of sufficient detail and accuracy for design. This can include, but is certainly not limited
measurement to:
– Preliminary costing, when rough quantities need to – changes to spatial requirements
be evaluated to generate cost plans. The output – changes to intended occupancy or plant
here will be outline specifications and general – statutory requirements and site related constraints
arrangement drawings (GAs). – a range of other factors such as those arising within
– Detailed information to allow formal tendering. The any sustainability or maintenance strategies
output here will be developed specifications and
more detailed GAs, elevations and sections 7.1.3 Needs of the design team
– Construction details to allow the contractor to
realise the design. This includes the requirement for The design team consists of numerous specialists
accurate setting out drawings which are clearly across different organisations. It is therefore important
dimensioned with interface details to define that each design team member understands the
structural integration information from the other members and how it
interfaces with their design.
It should be noted that the form of communication
used will depend to some extent on the technology As the design develops there will be requirements
available to an organisation and the extent to which for adjustments to suit other components of the
others in the project team are able to engage with structure as well as its fixtures and fittings.
it. For example, while 2D drawings are traditionally Pathways will be required for service routes, and
used to communicate design details for proprietary components such as cladding may
construction, there is also the facility for more require particular fixing points and details. Such
advanced forms of visual representation which lead components have to be allowed within the design
on from analysis, including 3D models which can be programme and should meet required dates for
shared and updated by the wider design team. The incorporation into the works. The structural engineer
philosophy of Building Information Modelling (BIM) inevitably encounters issues where compatibility
exploits such opportunities which are afforded by with elements from different design disciplines
advanced software tools in order to enhance presents difficulty, e.g. service holes can prove
collaboration and subsequent coordination of particularly challenging when they cut across
design (Section 7.2). structural lines. Robust and timely discussion is
necessary to ensure that a solution is reached that
The nature of the outputs, when they are best meets the needs of all disciplines.
communicated, in what form, to what level of detail
and to whom, will vary depending on the The structural engineer must interrogate the details as
requirements stated within the contract documents. they are produced to ensure that the design,
The structural engineer should identify the purpose of including any assumptions, has been properly
a communication before determining these transferred. Anomalies can arise and changes to the
parameters, as construction projects involve a large design to meet detail requirements may be needed.

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 35

7.2 Communicating the design

7.1.4 Needs of the drafting/detailing team and size of the structural members so they can
confirm, through site inspection, that the design has
The detailing team needs clear guidance on the been built accordingly.
products to be used as well as their location,
member types, spacing etc. so they can build and/
or refine the model. Some designers will undertake
this themselves but many form a basic skeleton for 7.2 Effective strategies for
subsequent completion by the detailing team. This communicating information
involves an iterative process to which information is
added, reviewed and often adjusted to suit the
requirements of others in the design team. If there All those involved in a project should have a clear
has been opportunity to engage with the contractor, understanding of the key stages and interfaces where
their methods of construction can be information will need to be prepared and
advantageously used in the detail process, communicated. Construction project process models
particularly at interfaces between materials. It is at have been developed by various bodies. These are
interfaces that most problems arise on site, so input applicable to multidisciplinary teams across the
from those with specialist knowledge is of great different work stages of a project. The RIBA Plan of
benefit. Work7.4 is an example which is adopted particularly in
the UK, and includes an outline of what is required
7.1.5 Needs of the construction team from early discussion of the brief to the handover
stage. It should be noted that such process models
The client may introduce the contractor early in the are not in themselves contractual, but rather act as
project, and in such cases, communication guidelines for the workstages across a structure’s
between designer and contractor is recommended lifecycle, and may be referenced in the contract
in order to develop the design around practical documents.
constraints and available methods of construction.
The design team, while conscious of the need to A communication matrix setting out the various
design with constructability in mind, can further needs for information transfer between client, design
benefit from the contractor’s experience with team, specialist consultants, statutory authorities,
respect to value engineering and buildability. main contractor, suppliers, sub-contractors and
However, transparency is needed to ensure fair specialist contractors can be developed and
tendering. The process for tendering should be amended as the project progresses, as an aid to
agreed at the outset, as it may not be possible to effective communication.
proceed with a competitive tender if a contractor
has had prior involvement. The structural engineer uses a variety of mediums in
communicating information depending on the
Furthermore, there remains a risk that extensive value purpose and the intended recipient. During the
engineering, often facilitated by contractors, can lead concept design phase it is appropriate to express
to a loss of quality and departure from the ultimate ideas through discussions and sketches, while during
client brief. Consulting structural engineers must be the development of a final scheme design there is a
mindful of this and ensure that they best service the requirement for information to be communicated
interests of the party to whom they are appointed. more definitively, i.e. demonstrating structural
This party will vary depending on the procurement adequacy through calculations, drawings and outline
model. specifications. While computer modelling and
detailing is the way to formally communicate, there
The contractor should receive design documentation will always be the need for initial layout sketches, as
that is as full and complete as possible. Changes the structural engineer thinks about and develops the
made during construction are generally far more structural form and interfaces.
costly than in design; therefore any information gaps,
ambiguities or foreseeable issues (concerning, for Historically, information has been passed on in 2D
example ease of construction, unrealistic tolerances hard copy drawing format, plans, sections and
or lack of fit) should be addressed and confirmed elevations. However changes in technology have
with the design team as early as possible. seen the introduction of 2D and 3D electronic format
details, full 3D visualisation and interactive models
7.1.6 Building control and statutory authorities which contain all attributes including section and
material specification. BIM is further changing
The final design will need to comply with the statutory information transfer and its implementation will have a
requirements such as those laid out in health and major impact on data control, communication and
safety legislation and building standards, and should archiving7.5.
be referenced to codes of practice. An example of
the latter is specified in the UK within the Building BIM presents to the industry a way of working that
Regulations7.1, which lay out functional requirements facilitates greater collaboration between disciplines
encompassing considerations for occupancy, health and offers benefits to both the construction and
and safety, and energy conservation. Note that similar operations management of a structure throughout its
but separate regulations apply in Scotland7.2 and lifecycle. This is achieved by the sharing of
Northern Ireland7.3. information between the different workstreams of a
project. There are many associative modelling
Statutory authorities require sufficient information to software packages available, which are capable of
allow them to verify that the structure accords with linking detail to design to allow follow-on trades to
their technical and performance requirements. They pick up data, thus removing duplication of work and
require calculations, or confirmation by an approved potential data input errors. These can be used to
certifier that the calculations are correct, and sufficient create a shared model, allowing greater transparency
drawing details to allow them to determine the form of information between disciplines, enhancing

36 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

Communicating the design 7.3

compatability between the various design elements.

This model can provide time effective methods for
sharing, visualising (Figure 7.1) or extracting the
required data, but as with all computational methods,
verification is needed (Section 6.4).

It should be emphasised that the underlying factors

behind successful project completion remain
unchanged, and that BIM tools are there to facilitate
ways of working. The fundamental thinking, which
drives the process, remains key.

Irrespective of the way in which information is

communicated, there needs to be a checking regime
to ensure data transfer is wholesome and correct at
each stage of transfer. When producing design
documentation, the structural engineer should adopt
a consistent approach and format in order to reduce Figure 7.1 BIM model
the time needed by the recipient to interpret
information, check calculations, read drawings and workmanship. It is not possible to include all of this
review areas needing clarification. All information in the GA drawings as it would greatly reduce
produced in the course of the design must be clarity. Reference is therefore made to the
archived in such a way that its retreival and use is a specifications, which communicate design
simple process for any future stakeholder. information including a description of the required
materials and standards of workmanship, which
On large projects, information is often stored using ensure tolerances are within acceptable limits. The
document management systems which automatically specification should be clear and complete with no
update and supersede information in drawing and ambiguities; it is helpful for those receiving the
document form. This is typically an electronic specifications if there is a commentary. It is also
database with defined levels of access for differing important to ensure that tolerances at interfaces
personnel. Small contracts on the other hand, may between differing materials are specified, taking
take the form of a simple archive on servers. The use account of the construction method, supplied
of BIM provides further opportunity for design products and movements. These are often covered
information to be updated and stored in a system in the trade specifications.
that allows information to be shared more readily.
Irrespective of the type of archive used, it is important There are many ways that specifications can be
to ensure accessibility, security and completeness. prepared, be they standard form such as National
Building Specification (NBS)7.7 in the UK, or
bespoke. Whichever is used, it must communicate
the standards of strength, performance and quality
7.3 Information for construction necessary to realise the design. There are many
ways to define the necessary performance
standards within the specification, including
7.3.1 Working drawings reference to:
– National and International Standards
Drawings and sketches are produced throughout the – Statutory requirements as specified by national
design process, as a means of developing and building control
refining the design. However, as part of the design – Product identification marks, e.g. Kitemarks7.8
documentation submitted for tender and then (in the UK) or CE marking7.9 (in Europe)
updated for construction, detailed and accurate – Trade standards such as those written by major
working drawings are required that clearly industries, e.g. the National Structural Steelwork
communicate the required geometric arrangement Specification7.10 and National Structural Concrete
and assembly of components. In line with a strategy Specification7.11 in the UK
for producing consistently formatted information,
standard symbols and terminology should be used in Other sources of information include guidance from
accordance with international standards. Introductory the government or local authorities which supplement
guidance is given in the Institution’s Technical statutory documents. Guidance produced by
Guidance Note, Drawing nomenclature7.6. professional and trade bodies may also be useful
points of reference.
While the goal is to construct exactly what appears
on the design details, construction is an art as well as 7.3.3 Schedules
a science and often one encounters changes through
the process. It is therefore incumbent on the Schedules provide additional information on the
contractor to record any changes reflected in the components, which in the design drawings and
completed structure so that accurate ‘as built’ specifications may be repeated throughout the
drawings can be produced for archiving. This ensures structure. A building may have many identical or
that any future works start from an informed seemingly identical beams and columns. A schedule
standpoint. is therefore used by the structural engineer to further
specify sections and dimensions which may not be
7.3.2 Specifications drawn to scale or explicitly defined, and to condense
like elements across fewer pages. As BIM develops,
The purpose of design specifications is to describe models may have the data inherently built-in for
the requirements for materials, components and convenient reference.

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 37

7.4 Communicating the design

7.3.4 Bill of quantities 7.2 The Scottish Government. The Building (Scotland)
Regulations 2004 (SSI 2004/406). Available at: http://
A bill of quantities is provided for the measurement of
costs and quantities associated with material and 20040406.htm [Accessed: 19 February 2015]
labour, which (particularly on larger projects) may not
be readily determined from the design drawings and 7.3 UK Government. The Building Regulations (Northern
specifications alone. A quantity surveyor may be Ireland) 2012. Available at:
given responsibility for this where a traditional 2012/192/contents/made [Accessed: 19 February
procurement route has been adopted, and although it 2015]
could be prepared by the contractor in the context of
other procurement routes, it may still be preferable to 7.4 RIBA. RIBA Plan of work 2013: overview. Available at:
employ a quantity surveyor such that a standard
of control and accuracy is maintained over costs7.12. RIBAOutlinePlanofWork2013.aspx [Accessed:
A completed bill of quantities will give a good 19 February 2015]
approximation of the differing types of components
and their quantities, required to construct the project. 7.5 Simpson, M. ‘A definition of BIM’. The Structural
Rates applied to each quantity are extended to build Engineer, 91(11), November 2013, pp6–9
a total components cost which will be subject to
additions for contractors’ management costs and 7.6 Institution of Structural Engineers. ‘Technical Guide
potentially unforeseen and unfinished portions of the Note 31, Level 1: Drawing nomenclature’.
contract. The Structural Engineer, 91(9), September 2013,

7.7 National Building Specification. Products. Available at:

7.4 Design coordination and change [Accessed:
19 February 2015]
7.8 BSI. BSI KitemarkTM. Available at: http://www.bsigroup.
Design is not a linear but an organic process and the [Accessed: 19 February 2015]
many inter-relationships with other components in the
structural model require modifications as the design 7.9 Construction Products Association. CE Marking.
develops. In an ideal scenario one would strive for the
Available at:
optimum solution first time. However, in reality, this is sustainability/products/ce-marking [Accessed:
rare. Instead, the team should aim to achieve a
19 February 2015]
holistic solution that is free from wholesale conflicts in
the first instance. This then gives a good platform on 7.10 BCSA, SCI and Tata Steel Europe. National Structural
which to refine details and overcome more localised Steelwork Specification for Building Construction
conflicts as the design progresses; always resolving 5th Edition (CE Marking version). London: BCSA, 2010
the most critical issues as priority.
7.11 Construct. National Structural Concrete Specification
The contractor will have an ‘Information Required for Building Construction. Fourth edition complying with
Schedule’ which will highlight the information BS EN 13670:2009. Camberley: The Concrete Centre,
necessary, together with the corresponding due 2010. Available at:
dates for incorporation into the works. The structural National_Structural_Concrete_Specification_for_
engineer should make the information and required Building_Construction.pdf [Accessed: 19 February
timescale for its provision clear, to ensure compliance 2015]
with the contractor’s information programme.
7.12 Tunstall, G. Managing the building design process.
Change does not only arise through design 2nd ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006
development but also through client instructions and
builders’ preferred methods of construction. Different
forms of procurement engage various team members
at different times. This leads to different opportunities
for members to enhance the design. Conversely,
7.6 Bibliography
members of the design team should carry out their
work with due diligance, such that errors, whether
Institution of Structural Engineers and The Concrete Society.
due to miscommunication, contract flaws or oversight
Standard Method of Detailing Structural Concrete: A manual for
are raised via the appropriate line of communication
best practice. 3rd ed. London: IStructE, 2006
to best resolve the issue. Therefore, as the design
progresses there must be overall coordination of the
BRE. BRE guidance on construction site communication.
process and control of changes, whether or not this
Available at:
brings about additional fees.
communication-guidance.pdf [Accessed: 19 February 2015]

7.5 References

7.1 UK Government. The Building Regulations 2010

(SI 2010/2214). Available at: http://www.legislation. [Accessed:
19 February 2015]

38 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

8 The construction stage

8.1 Role of the structural engineer structure and vice versa. It is therefore important that
performance specifications are clear and that
sufficient time is allowed for the incorporation of the
At the construction stage the structural engineer can specialist subcontractor’s design into the main
fulfill a number of roles as noted in Structural design – works. It is also important that there is an overview of
the engineer’s role8.1. the whole design to ensure that individual designs

Structural engineers may form part of the

construction team and can, in this context, be
responsible for setting out, completing design of
certain elements, management or supervision of site
works, temporary works design and coordination, Client
and preparation of a method statement.

8.2 Contract relationships

All relevant parties must have a clear understanding team
of the proposed contract to ensure that responsibility
is allocated correctly. There are many variant forms of Contractors and
contract, but several commonly adopted types are specialist
outlined in Figures 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3. Further guidance The design team may
sub-contractors be selected (or sourced
on the effects of procurement on the design process carry out agreed
is given in Structural design – the engineer’s role. in-house) by the client
works ‘packages’ prior to the contractor’s
Regardless of the procurement method, contractors involvement, and novated
will often employ subcontractors to undertake some if to the contractor at a
not all construction works. This has resulted from a Subcontractors later stage
combination of factors including the need to employ
reliable specialists, offset risks and utilise a diverse
range of skills in order to meet the requirements of
increasingly complex projects8.2. It should be noted
that these drivers are by no means unique to the Figure 8.2 Example of design and build contract relationships
construction industry.

The subcontractor is often responsible for a part of

the design particularly where their specialism is
concerned. Their responsibility and contractual
obligation is to carry out design and construction Client
works with reasonable skill, diligence and a duty of
care. However, the overall responsibility towards
ensuring that all subcontracted works meet the
performance requirements remains with the main
contractor. Aspects of the subcontractor design will
often have an influence on the design of the primary
Contractor has
project management
role Managing
If 2 stage tendering
is adopted, the Client forms
contractor has the Client two contracts Design
opportunity to be team
involved during the
design stage
(works) The design team here is in-house, but may also be an
Design external team which forms a contract with the managing
Contractor contractor.
Information Here, the managing contractor takes on responsibility for
exchange between both design and construction, but the client may choose
design team and contractor to form a separate contract for design

Figure 8.1 Example of traditional contract relationships Figure 8.3 Example of construction management contract relationships

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 39

8.3 The construction stage

work together for the completed project. Temporary Before work begins, the main or principal contractor
and permanent stability must be reviewed between should appoint a temporary works coordinator
designers and the design coordinator throughout the (TWC)8.3, in line with the requirements of the relevant
process. One designer should be very clearly regulations and design codes, who is responsible for
identified and recorded as having overall responsibility the implementation of their organisation’s temporary
for the structural stability. works procedures and those of other subcontractors
who are directly or indirectly employed by them.

Further technical and procedural guidance has been

8.3 Temporary works disseminated by the Temporary Works Forum8.4.

Temporary works are used to enable construction

works, provide support and access to the incomplete 8.4 Quality control of workmanship
structure, and to protect those on or near the site8.3.
Examples include temporary infrastructure, transfer
structures or bracing, scaffolding and falsework. It is An integral and crucial part of ensuring the structural
often the case that members will be subjected to a adequacy of a structure is the provision of a
greater magnitude of actions or stresses in their specification that sets out the requirements for the
temporary state than they will in service. Due work and the minimum acceptable standards of
allowance has to be made for this by the workmanship. It is equally important for the
construction team. Today, portions of a structure are contractor to subsequently ensure that the
often constructed offsite/offline and lifted into position specification is met. Appropriately skilled staff and
in large pieces (Box 8.1). The temporary load paths good communication, coupled with effective
for such lifts can be inverse to the in-service management, motivation and supervision of the
conditions, requiring careful analysis. workforce are of paramount importance during the
construction stage.
Temporary works are vital for the mitigation of health
and safety risks on site. A commensurate level of Inspection and testing play an important part in the
care should therefore be given to the design of building process, and should involve the structural
temporary works, as that given to permanent works. engineer. In a contractual situation, matters set out in
A design brief should be prepared that contains the specification, drawings and general instructions
sufficient information from the permanent works should be capable of being checked – with agreed
design team, as coordination between the temporary procedures established for action if unsatisfactory
and permanent works design is key to ensuring work is identified as construction proceeds. Particular
compatibility. The temporary works designer should untried methods of working may need to be trialled to
then develop the design – delivering a set of ensure standards can be practicably met.
calculations, drawings and sketches. These should
demonstrate how the functional requirements of the There are an abundance of codes and trade bodies
brief will be met, as well as how the structure will be which offer advice on quality control and tolerances.
safely erected, operated and eventually demolished These include certifications and certification bodies
or dismantled. such as:
– UK Certification Authority for Reinforcing Steels
Box 8.1 Haymarket Railway Station capacity works, Edinburgh – Quality Assurance for Ready Mixed Concrete
The capacity works carried out for Haymarket railway station involved constraints with – CE Marking8.7
respect to limited land as well as risks associated with high voltage cables, fast moving – BM TRADA8.8
vehicles and working at night. The method of construction involved a temporary works
strategy to mitigate these risks where the station concourse frame was built offsite during However, it is often tolerances which can create
daylight hours and lifted into place in large modules. problems on site, particularly respective tolerances
between differing materials. For example, a brickwork
wall is much more forgiving than a structural glass
wall. Due care should therefore be taken, in relation
to tolerance zones between differing materials in the
design process. While the tolerances specified by the
design team need to realistic, the construction team
should also aim to employ appropriate methods and
supervision that allow a reasonable level of accuracy
to be achieved.

8.5 Site inspections and reports

A clear understanding of what is required in relation

to site inspection must be reached with the client in
terms of appointment, number of site visits per week,
number of resident site staff etc. The definition of the
level and extent of site inspections and supervision
included in the terms of appointment and commercial
terms is important. The difference between site

40 The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence

The construction stage 8.6

inspection and site supervision should be made clear; sustainability/products/ce-marking [Accessed:

the latter normally being the responsibility of the 19 February 2015]
8.8 BM TRADA. Available at:
Site inspections are heaviliy reliant on knowledge and [Accessed: 20 February 2015]
experience, and junior structural engineers will require
guidance in this respect. The limitations of site
inspection staff should be clearly defined. Instructions
should not be issued concerning matters outside the 8.7 Bibliography
structural engineer’s responsibility, e.g. methods of
working, sequence of work etc., unless there is an
immediate health and safety issue. The scope of Tunstall, G. Managing the building design process. 2nd ed.
what can be achieved by inspection should also be Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006
defined. There are some aspects that an inspecting
structural engineer may need to obtain from the
contractor. With pile foundations for example, it may
not be possible to check installed lengths unless
observing the full pile driving sequence.

It is advisable to prepare, as part of the project

implementation plan, a list of items to be inspected.
Written reports that record the following should be
made on all site inspections:
– all aspects which have been inspected (whether
compliant or non-compliant)
– items being progressed but not yet brought to the
– the stage that work had reached
– weather conditions
– basic plant and temporary works information

The site inspection reports should be distributed to all

interested parties including the design team, the
client/client representatives and the constructor.

As the intrepretation of verbal instructions on site can

differ from person to person it is advisable to record
any instructions, in writing, at the time they were
given. This is particularly important when immediate
action is required by the contractor or

8.6 References

8.1 Institution of Structural Engineers. Structural design –

the engineer’s role. London: IStructE, 2011

8.2 Hughes, W., Champion, R. and Murdoch, J.

Construction Contracts: Law and Management. 5th ed.
Abingdon: Routledge (Taylor & Francis), 2015

8.3 Institution of Structural Engineers. ‘Managing Health &

Safety Risks. No. 19: Temporary works design and
management’. The Structural Engineer, 91(8), August
2013, p36

8.4 Temporary Works Forum. Publications. Available at: [Accessed:
20 February 2015]

8.5 CARES: Certification Authority for Reinforcing Steels.

Available at: [Accessed:
20 February 2015]

8.6 QSRMC. The Quality Scheme for Ready Mixed

Concrete. Available at:
[Accessed: 20 February 2015]

8.7 Construction Products Association. CE Marking.

Available at:

The Institution of Structural Engineers Structural design – achieving excellence 41

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