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Tyco Fire Protection Products

The SprinkCAD Installation

Instruction Pamphlet

February 10, 2011

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1. The document may be used for informational purposes only.

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Note that any product, process or technology described in this document may be the subject of other
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INTERNATIONAL LTD (“TFP”) License Agreement accompanies the SPRINKCAD SOFTWARE and
related materials (“Software”). Please read this Agreement carefully. At the bottom of this dialog box you
may Accept this Agreement and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions and continue to install, or
Decline this Agreement, in which case you will not be able to use the Software.
Upon your acceptance of this Agreement, TFP grants to you a nonexclusive license to use the Software,
provided that you agree to the following:

is provided for use "as is" without warranty of any kind. To the maximum extent permitted by law,
Tyco disclaims all warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation,
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. TFP is not obligated to
provide any updates to the software.
2. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. In no event shall TFP be liable for any damages
whatsoever (including, without limitation, incidental, direct, indirect special and consequential
damages, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or
other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to use this TFP Software, even if TFP has been
advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states/countries do not allow the
exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not
apply to you.
3. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The Software and documentation are provided with
RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause
at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software -
Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is TYCO FIRE AND BUILDING
PRODUCTS 451 N Cannon Avenue/Lansdale, PA 19446.

If you acquired this product in the United States, this Agreement is governed by the laws of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This document was produced by

bevlyn consulting limited

February 2011 2 SprinkCAD Installation Pamphlet

Pre-Installation steps

Before installing SprinkCAD, start your AutoCAD or Bricscad software to make sure that it is
working correctly.

In addition to your CADD software, SprinkCAD requires the presence of two other software
packages before the installer will run – SprinkCALC3 and SprinkSLIC. The recommended
installation order is
1. SprinkCALC3
2. SprinkSLIC
3. SprinkCAD

Unless you are working with an installer on a SprinkCAD CD or DVD, chances are you
downloaded installation files from All installation downloads must be
UNPACKED before use. We deliver these files with the ZIP extension. ZIP files should be
UNZIPPED to a new folder. Inside the new, unpacked folder you will find a SETUP.EXE file.
Double-click this file to run the setup utility.

Please note – Many newer Windows versions make it easy to view the contents of a ZIP file,
and you may even find it is possible to double-click an application inside one of these ZIP files…
However, the SprinkCAD software installation WILL FAIL if you attempt to launch SETUP.EXE
from within a still-zipped ZIP file. YOU MUST UNPACK the archive first!

One way to unpack a ZIP file is to right-click the file and select “Extract All”. Another way is to
right-click drag-drop the file within the current folder and select “Extract here”. All SprinkCAD
installation sets are packaged so that when you “Extract All” or “Extract Here” there will be a
new folder created within the current folder which will contain all the extracted files. You can
often tell the difference between a ZIP file and a regular folder by the icon (Zipped files have a
little zipper on them). Do not attempt to launch the install from inside a “zipped” folder icon.

All SprinkCAD software requires a software license. Once any SprinkCAD software package
has been installed, you will find an instructions about the licensing component at:
Start > All Programs > TycoFP Software > SprinkKEY > Client > Documentation.

If you do not know your SprinkCAD Software serial number, you’ll need to get it before
the installed software can run.

You may install your license(s) using the SprinkKEY Client License Configuration tool at any
time after at least one SprinkCAD software package has been installed, but we recommend
waiting until all the packages needed have been installed.

The remaining instructions assume you have successfully installed SprinkCALC3, SprinkSLIC,
and SprinkCAD, and have installed a SprinkCAD license using the SprinkKEY Client.

SprinkCAD Installation Pamphlet 3 February 2011

Installing SprinkCAD

When you install SprinkCAD V3.5 or SprinkCAD V12, the SprinkCAD Launcher and the
SprinkCAD Loader are installed as well. These two utilities are used to configure your AutoCAD
or Bricscad installations to run with SprinkCAD.

When SprinkCAD is installed, a shortcut will be placed on your desktop.

The text of the shortcut will depend on whether you are using AutoCAD or
Bricscad and what type of SprinkCAD you have installed. This example is
for AutoCAD 2011 and SprinkCAD V3.5.

Double click on the shortcut to start.

A message will briefly appear

indicating that SprinkCAD is not

SprinkCAD Launcher will appear. This dialog box can be used to configure the shortcut you just
double clicked on as well as add new SprinkCAD shortcuts as desired.

February 2011 4 SprinkCAD Installation Pamphlet

In the lower area, select your
AutoCAD or Bricscad Version that
you want to run SprinkCAD with.
You may have more than one
version installed.

Enter a Profile name for the

AutoCAD or Bricscad profile that will
be used for SprinkCAD. The profiles
that exist in the list are for pure
versions of AutoCAD or Bricscad.
We suggest you create a new profile
for SprinkCAD.

The Startup Folder is the location where SprinkCAD will first look for files to open or to save
new files. This folder may also be used for blocks and scripts. You may want to create a new
folder for this purpose to make it easier to locate drawings and projects on the hard drive.
During the SprinkCAD installation, a DWG folder was created at the root of the hard drive with
the largest amount of free space. If you want to use this folder as the Startup folder, you will
have to press the button to the right of the field and browse to its location.

Press the Save As Default to make the lower settings the Current Default.

The Run button will become


Press it to start SprinkCAD.

An Alert dialog box will appear indicating that a

Profile will be created for use with SprinkCAD.
Press OK.

SprinkCAD Installation Pamphlet 5 February 2011

The Scale Options dialog box will appear.

Press OK.

SprinkCAD will open. Your image may appear different

depending on your version of AutoCAD, Bricscad or

You have to change a variable so that the Startup dialog box

will appear when SprinkCAD is started.

Enter startup at the command line and press Enter. Change the value to 1 for AutoCAD or on
for Bricscad. Close SprinkCAD when you have done this.

February 2011 6 SprinkCAD Installation Pamphlet

Double click on the shortcut again.

A dialog box will appear where you can select a SprinkCAD template. The
dialog box may look different from this depending on whether you are
using AutoCAD or Bricscad and what type of SprinkCAD you have

Select a template and press OK.

SprinkCAD will open.

This SprinkCAD shortcut is

specifically used to open
SprinkCAD and can be refined
with the SprinkCAD Launcher.

Your original AutoCAD or

Bricscad shortcut will still open
the pure software versions.

SprinkCAD Launcher
You just used the SprinkCAD Launcher to configure your first SprinkCAD shortcut. You can also
open it manually to edit the existing shortcut or create new ones.

Select Configure SprinkCAD

Launcher from the Start menu.

It will be in the same folder as

your SprinkCAD software.

The Launcher will appear.

SprinkCAD Installation Pamphlet 7 February 2011

The top three fields show the
Current AutoCAD or Bricscad, the
Profile and the Startup Folder

The bottom three fields allow you

to modify the Current Default

The Version is a list of available

AutoCAD’s and Bricscad’s on your
computer. For example you may
want to run SprinkCAD exclusively
on one of these versions.

The Profile is the AutoCAD or Bricscad profile. You can enter a new Profile name here as you
wish. You can also select a profile for running SprinkCAD.

The Startup Folder is the location where SprinkCAD will first look for files to open or to save
new files. This folder may also be used for blocks and scripts. You may want to create a new
folder for this purpose to make it easier to locate drawings and projects on the hard drive.

Set As Default will take the selections at the bottom and transfer them to the Current Defaults
at the top. These settings will be inherited by the current SprinkCAD shortcut.

Create Shortcut will create a new SprinkCAD desktop shortcut with the settings in the lower
area of the box. For example, you may want to have several SprinkCAD shortcuts with different
Startup folders or with different Profiles.

Run Selected will launch SprinkCAD with the settings in the lower area of the box without
affecting the Current Defaults.

Press OK to save any changes and close the dialog box. Press Cancel to abort any changes.

February 2011 8 SprinkCAD Installation Pamphlet

SprinkCAD Loader
The SprinkCAD Loader is started with any CAD session. If SprinkCAD is started with properly
configured shortcut the Loader dialog box will not appear.

If you start CAD with a profile that is not configured for SprinkCAD, the SprinkCAD Loader will

You will be given the option of running SprinkCAD with the current profile or not. For example,
let’s assume that you have created your SprinkCAD shortcut. You also want to be able to run
straight AutoCAD as well with the original AutoCAD shortcut. Double clicking an AutoCAD
shortcut which calls a profile that SprinkCAD's Loader does not recognize will open the
SprinkCAD Loader dialog box.

Select Don’t run SprinkCAD in the …… profile and select Don’t ask again for this profile.
Now, when you double click on the same AutoCAD shortcut, it will open with pure AutoCAD and
the Loader dialog box will not appear.

To change the setting after Don’t ask again.. has been executed, the Loader can be opened
within SprinkCAD. Enter spk-loader in SprinkCAD V3.5 and SprinkCAD V11 or spk-rr-loader
in SprinkCAD 13D.

SprinkCAD Installation Pamphlet 9 February 2011

SprinkCAD File Manager
The File Manager is for pointing to your Parts Catalog and doing backups. It is accessed
through the Start menu.

The Parts Catalog area is for specifying the Parts Catalog location. The Default Location is
displayed. The Current Location can be changed with the browse button on the right. Check
the All Users box so that all computer profiles will have the same Catalog location.

The Archived Backups area is for backing up and restoring common SprinkCAD settings.
Pressing Create New will open a dialog box where you can select what to backup.

February 2011 10 SprinkCAD Installation Pamphlet

Enter a Description and select
the items to backup. The
backup will have the date and
time entered as a prefix. Press
OK to execute.

Pick a Description heading to

Restore all subtopics or pick a
subtopic to Restore.

Pick a Description heading to

Delete all subtopics or pick a
subtopic to Delete.

Contacting Tyco Fire Protection Products

Please contact us for SprinkCAD related issues at:

Voice: 1-800-495-5541

Fax: 1-215-393-1333


SprinkCAD Installation Pamphlet 11 February 2011

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