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Simon R. Mucha, MD Siddharth Dugar, MD Keith McCrae, MD Douglas Joseph, DO
Critical Care Medicine, Respiratory Insti- Pulmonary Medicine, Cleveland Clinic; Hematology and Medical Oncology, and Cellular Cardiovascular Medicine, Cleveland Clinic;
tute, Cleveland Clinic; Clinical Instructor, Clinical Assistant Professor, Cleveland and Molecular Medicine, Cleveland Clinic; Assistant Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medi- Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve
cine of Case Western Reserve University, Western Reserve University, Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, University, Cleveland, OH
Cleveland, OH Cleveland, OH Cleveland, OH

John Bartholomew, MD Gretchen L. Sacha, PharmD, RPh, BCCCP Michael Militello, PharmD, RPh, BCPS
Cardiovascular Medicine, Cleveland Clinic; Inpatient Pharmacy, Cleveland Clinic Inpatient Pharmacy, Cleveland Clinic
Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of
Medicine of Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH

Coagulopathy in COVID-19:
Manifestations and management
Severe COVID-19 illness is associated with intense
C ovid-19–associated coagulopathy (CAC)
and disseminated intravascular coagula-
tion are common in COVID-19 and are asso-
inflammation, leading to high rates of thrombotic compli- ciated with severe illness and death.1–3 Criti-
cations that increase morbidity and mortality. Markedly cally ill patients without other risk factors for
elevated levels of D-dimer with normal fibrinogen levels thrombosis can experience various thrombotic
are the hallmark laboratory findings of severe COVID-19– events, including microvascular thrombosis,
associated coagulopathy. Prophylaxis against venous venous and pulmonary thromboembolism, and
thromboembolism is paramount for all hospitalized acute arterial thrombosis.4
patients, with more aggressive prophylaxis and screen- This article discusses clinical manifesta-
ing recommended for patients with D-dimer levels above tions of CAC, associated laboratory and his-
3.0 μg/mL. Point-of-care ultrasonography is the imaging tologic findings, recent evidence elucidating
pathophysiologic mechanisms, and the way we
method of choice for patients at high risk, as it entails manage it at Cleveland Clinic.
minimal risk of exposing providers to the virus.
The clinical presentation of CAC is that of
We recommend measuring D-dimer, fibrinogen, pro- a highly thrombotic state. Shared anecdotal
thrombin time, international normalized ratio, and experience from a variety of sources indicates
activated partial thromboplastin time every 48 hours in that catheter-associated thrombosis and clot-
hospitalized patients with COVID-19. ting of vascular access catheters are especially
common problems. The need for catheter re-
Prophylaxis against venous thromboembolism is recom- placement and dialysis circuits that involve
mended for all COVID-19 patients on admission, using frequent interruption of continuous renal re-
low-molecular-weight heparin, unfractionated heparin placement therapy are other high-risk settings.
for those in renal failure, or fondaparinux for those with Two recent studies support the clinical im-
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, even in the setting of pression that COVID-19 is highly thrombotic.
thrombocytopenia as long as the platelet count is above Cui et al5 reported a 25% incidence of deep vein
thrombosis in patients with severe coronavirus
25 × 109/L. pneumonia. Klok et al4 found a 31% combined
incidence of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary
Patients with D-dimer levels 3.0 μg/mL or higher should embolism, and arterial thrombosis in critically
undergo screening with point-of-care ultrasonography ill patients with coronavirus. Of these events,
and receive more intensive prophylaxis. 81% were pulmonary thromboembolic.
In Cleveland Clinic intensive care units,
we are finding that point-of-care ultrasonog-
raphy (POCUS) detects deep vein thrombo-
doi:10.3949/ccjm.87a.ccc024 sis at a rate of 25% to 30%, similar to rates

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Figure 2. Another short-axis view of the

femoral vein (center) and the femoral
artery (bottom right) at the site of the
saphenous vein inflow (top right). Swirling
pattern of high echogenicity suggests low-
flow state.

The clinical
of CAC is that Figure 1. A short-axis view of the femoral
of a highly vein (FV) and the femoral artery (FA) at
the site of the saphenous vein (SV) inflow.
prothrombotic Amorphous echogenicity in the femoral
state vein, greater than that of the adjacent
femoral artery, is suggestive of slow venous Figure 3. Long-axis view of the femoral
flow. The vein was fully compressible, rul- vein, with spontaneous echogenicity and
ing out deep vein thrombosis at the site. slow flow.

in these studies. Another frequent finding is ever, other markers of disseminated intravascu-
“slow venous flow.” This pattern, described lar coagulation remain relatively unchanged.7
as amorphous echogenicity in major veins, The prothrombin time and activated partial
has been associated with a higher subse- thromboplastin time are only mildly prolonged,
quent risk of deep vein thrombosis (Figures if at all, and platelet counts are usually normal or
1–3).6 only mildly low (100–150 × 109/L).8–10
Elevated D-dimer levels on presentation
■ LABORATORY FINDINGS: with COVID-19 are associated with more
ELEVATED D-DIMER severe disease. Levels of 0.5 μg/mL or higher
The characteristic laboratory findings of CAC were found in 59.6%% of patients with severe
(ie, dramatically elevated levels of D-dimer and disease vs 43.2% of those with mild disease.3
fibrin degradation products) indicate a highly High levels also correlated with the need for
thrombotic state with high fibrin turnover. How- intensive care11 and with death.

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In a multivariable regression analysis of Progressive consumptive coagulopathy.

191 patients, Zhou et al1 reported that the Declining levels of antithrombin III, a rise
risk of death was more than 18 times higher in prothrombin time and activated partial
(odds ratio 18.42, 95% confidence interval thrombolastin time, and dramatic further in-
2.64–128.55) for patients admitted with a D- crease of D-dimer (> 15.0 μg/mL) appear to
dimer level greater than 1 μg/mL vs less than indicate severe and progressive disease, devel-
0.5 μg/mL. Cui et al5 reported that D-dimer oping late in the disease course (day 10 to 14)
levels also correlated with risk of venous of nonsurvivors. Fibrinogen levels, which are
thromboembolism: a level of 3.0 μg/mL had elevated in the initial phase, drop late in the
a sensitivity of 70.0%, specificity of 96.7%, course of disease in nonsurvivors and may sig-
and positive predictive value of 87.5%. Maat- nal impending death.10
man et al12 reported that standard prophylaxis Low platelet count. Lippi et al,8 in a meta-
against venous thromboembolism failed in 29 analysis of 9 studies with 1,779 patients with
of 109 patients in the intensive care unit, and COVID-19, examined thrombocytopenia as
of those in whom it failed, all had D-dimer a marker of disease severity. Thrombocytope-
levels greater than 3.0 μg/mL. nia at presentation was associated with an in-
creased risk of severe disease and death, with a
Other measures of coagulopathy weighted mean difference of 31 × 109/L in the
also predictive platelet count between those with severe and
Other indicators of coagulopathy have also nonsevere disease. The authors noted great
been studied in COVID-19 and found to be heterogeneity among studies, with reported
associated with increased risk. rates of thrombocytopenia in severe disease
Prothrombin time, activated partial throm- ranging from 4% to 57.7%.
boplastin time. Klok et al4 did not report D-di-
mer levels, but found coagulopathy (ie, prolon- ■ SEVERE LUNG DAMAGE
gation of prothrombin time of > 3 seconds or of FROM INFLAMMATION, THROMBOSIS
activated thromboplastin time > 5 seconds) to
be an independent risk factor for thrombosis. Histopathologic studies reveal diffuse alveolar
Antiphospholipid antibodies. Zhang et damage with profound inflammation, thrombo-
al13 reported that 3 patients with CAC and sis, and thrombotic microangiopathy of small D-dimer
lower-extremity ischemia had antiphospho- vessels and capillaries of the lung. Also noted levels on
lipid antibodies (anticardiolipin immuno- have been megakaryocytes within pulmonary
capillaries with nuclear hyperchromasia and presentation
globulin A [IgA], anti-beta-2 glycoprotein 1
IgA and IgG) but not lupus anticoagulant. atypia, as well as neutrophils partially degener- correlate
Helms et al,14 in a multicenter study of 150 ated and entrapped in fibers (suggesting neu-
with disease
patients with COVID-19 in intensive care trophil extracellular traps).15 An autopsy series
units in France, found a remarkably high rate of 11 patients showed thrombosis of small and severity
of positivity for lupus anticoagulant: 50 of 57 midsized pulmonary arteries in all patients.16
patients (87.7%) among those tested for fur- Endothelial cell injury and diffuse micro-
ther evaluation for an elevated activated par- vascular thrombosis suggestive of thrombotic
tial thromboplastin time. microangiopathy have also been reported in
Disseminated intravascular coagulation extrapulmonary organs, which may explain
score. Tang et al10 found that progression of the acute onset of multiorgan failure without
coagulopathy to overt disseminated intravas- an otherwise obvious etiology.17
cular coagulation (defined by the Internation-
al Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis as ■ PATHOPHYSIOLOGY:
a disseminated intravascular coagulation score INFLAMMATION PROMOTES THROMBOSIS
≥ 5 points; the score is based on platelet count, CAC is likely multifactorial, and patients
D-dimer level, fibrinogen level, and prolon- with COVID-19 share many of the classic risk
gation of the prothrombin time) predicted a factors for venous thromboembolism seen in
poor prognosis, occurring in 71.4% of all non- adult respiratory distress syndrome from other
survivors vs 0.6% of survivors. causes, such as immobility, large vascular-ac-

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cess catheters, and systemic inflammation. ter a first-hit injury to the endothelium, an-
The hallmark of COVID-19 is profound tiphospholipid antibodies potentiate throm-
inflammation, described as “cytokine storm,” bus formation as a second hit.27 Activation of
characterized by high levels of interleukin the contact system due to increased vascular
1 (IL-1), IL-6, tumor necrosis factor, and permeability and thrombotic microangiopa-
other inflammatory cytokines.11 Inflamma- thy warrant further exploration.28
tion promotes thrombosis through various
mechanisms, including activation of endothe- ■ OUR MANAGEMENT APPROACH
lial cells, platelets, monocytes, and the tissue Currently, CAC is managed largely on the ba-
factor-factor VIIa pathway, and by altering fi- sis of case reports and anecdotal experience;
brinolysis and natural anticoagulant pathways controlled studies are urgently needed to better
(eg, through changes in levels of thrombo- guide care. Management strategies vary greatly
modulin, proteins C and S, and tissue-factor- among institutions and are likely to change as
pathway inhibitor).18,19 Intense inflammation we learn more about this novel disease.
with thrombosis of pulmonary vessels is also The approach outlined here describes the
seen in adult respiratory distress syndrome of Cleveland Clinic consensus based on available
other etiologies.20 It remains to be seen if these information. It tries to balance the risk and ben-
findings represent a distinct phenotype unique efits of empiric therapy, while minimizing the
to COVID-19 or are a general indicator of the use of resources (eg, personal protective equip-
severity of inflammation with COVID-19. ment) and exposure of caregivers to COVID-19.
Serum proteomic profiling of patients with
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) Monitor D-dimer, fibrinogen, prothrombin
identified an N-terminal fragment of comple- time, activated partial thromboplastin time
ment C3C-alpha (a central component of In view of the characteristic laboratory find-
the complement pathway) as a sensitive bio- ings of CAC described above, we monitor
marker of early SARS.21 Murine models of D-dimer, fibrinogen, prothrombin time-inter-
SARS and Middle East respiratory syndrome national normalized ratio, and activated par-
Inflammation (MERS) have shown that complement activa- tial thromboplastin time every 48 hours. We
tion is a major contributor to lung injury and define a D-dimer level of at least 6 times the
other organ failure. Complement inhibition upper limit of normal (3.0 μg/mL fibrinogen
thrombosis in these models reduced organ damage and equivalent units [FEU]) as high risk.5,10
through various inflammation. Complement inhibition has Because antiphospholipid antibodies, in-
been suggested as a treatment for COVID-19, cluding lupus anticoagulant, have been report-
mechanisms but clinical data are not yet available.24 ed in COVID-19, we recommend testing for
One mechanism of microvascular throm- these if the activated partial thromboplastin
bosis that may be specific to COVID-19 is the time is spontaneously elevated, and we prefer
virus’s affinity for angiotensin-converting en- the use of anti-Xa assays to monitor antico-
zyme 2, which is expressed on alveolar epithe- agulation. Anti-Xa assays however, may be af-
lial type II cells and various extrapulmonary fected by high levels of bilirubin (> 6.6 mg/
tissues, including endothelial cells. Endotheli- dL) or triglycerides (> 360 mg/dL),29 which
al cell activation may be a unique mechanism are often elevated in patients with COVID-19
of COVID-19-mediated microvascular injury, and cytokine storm. Triglyceride levels should
thrombosis, and subsequent multisystem or- therefore be monitored routinely and consid-
gan failure.25,26 ered as a possible source of error in patients on
The rate of 87.7% positivity for lupus anti- anticoagulation who are difficult to maintain
coagulant in patients with COVID-19 report- within the therapeutic target range.
ed by Helms et al14 is striking and needs to be A hypercoagulable pattern on viscoelastic
verified, but it supports the idea that endothe- testing (thromboelastography or rotational
lial injury is a key mechanism of multiorgan thromboelastometry), with faster time to clot
failure and coagulopathy in this disease. The formation, rapid clot propagation, and in-
“two-hit” model of thrombosis associated with creased clot strength, has been described in
antiphospholipid syndrome proposes that af- several publications.12,30 However, no evidence

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exists on how to best use this information to inhibits neutrophil activation, binds inflam-
guide therapy. In line with current guidance matory cytokines, and reduces endothelial
from the American Society of Hematology activation.36 Experimental models have also
and the International Society on Thrombosis shown that heparin directly binds to SARS-
and Haemostasis, we do not routinely use vis- CoV spike protein, the viral anchor site,
coelastic testing to assess hypercoagulability.31 thereby blocking viral entry into the cell.37
While promising, these effects have yet to be
Imaging: Use POCUS
demonstrated clinically.
To limit caregiver exposure, we minimize
Tang et al38 reported on 449 patients with
formal bedside vascular studies and sending
severe COVID-19 in whom the overall mortal-
the patient out of the intensive care unit for
ity rate was no different (29.7% vs 30.3%, P
computed tomographic angiography. We rely
= .910) between those who received heparin
heavily on POCUS to assess for evidence of
(94 patients on low-molecular-weight heparin,
venous thromboembolism. This is in line with
5 patients on unfractionated heparin; prophy-
recent National Institutes of Health guid-
ance,32,33 which cites a lack of evidence sup- lactic doses) and those who did not. But among
porting routine screening examinations but patients with a D-dimer level of more than 6
highlights the value of POCUS in the hands times the upper limit of normal (> 3.0 μg/mL),
of experienced clinicians. POCUS should be heparin recipients had a significantly lower
bundled with other care (for example, ultraso- mortality rate than nonrecipients (32.8% vs
nography-guided vascular access) to minimize 52.4%, P = .017). The authors concluded that
the use of personal protective equipment and heparin lowers mortality rates in patients with
caregiver exposure to COVID-19. severe COVID-19 and cited a Chinese consen-
Patients at high risk (D-dimer > 3.0 μg/mL sus statement recommending anticoagulation
FEU) are assessed for deep vein thrombosis us- in severe COVID-19. We emphasize that this
ing a 3-point compression POCUS examination study retrospectively compared heparin pro-
of both lower extremities. A POCUS deep vein phylaxis with no prophylaxis.
thrombosis examination and echocardiography Full anticoagulation for some?
are also recommended for any patient with sud-
A late drop
Some evidence indicates that elevated D-dimer
den cardiopulmonary decline that cannot be ex- levels may predict higher risk of venous throm-
in fibrinogen
plained by an alternative etiology. boembolism despite standard prophylaxis. In levels
A positive POCUS examination for deep a study of 240 critically ill patients with CO-
vein thrombosis is highly specific and does not may signal
VID-19, Maatman et al12 reported a 28% rate
need to be confirmed by formal vascular ul- of venous thromboembolism in patients receiv- impending
trasonography.34 On the other hand, given the ing standard prophylaxis. Elevated D-dimer (>
high incidence of pulmonary embolism de- death
2.6 μg/mL) predicted venous thromboembolism
scribed, confirmatory studies (ie, formal vascu- with a sensitivity of 89.7%. The authors con-
lar ultrasonography or computed tomographic cluded that standard prophylactic anticoagu-
angiography) are warranted if the patient has
lant doses may be insufficient to prevent venous
contraindications to empiric anticoagulation
thromboembolism in high-risk patients.
and the clinical suspicion of venous thrombo-
Paranjpe et al,39 in an observational report
embolism is high despite negative POCUS, or
of 2,773 patients with COVID-19 admitted
if POCUS is not available.
to a single institution in New York, found
Prophylactic heparin for most that those treated with full anticoagulation
Specific data on the management of CAC are (786 patients, 28%) had a similar mortality
extremely limited, but heparin seems to be the rate (22.5%) vs those treated with prophy-
obvious response to such a hypercoagulable laxis only (22.8%). But among mechanically
process. ventilated patients, in-hospital mortality was
In addition to its antithrombotic effect, 29.1% for those treated with anticoagulation
heparin may have anti-inflammatory, anti- vs 62.7% for patients who did not receive an-
complement,35 and direct antiviral effects ticoagulation. Despite this dramatic reduction
that may be beneficial in COVID-19. Heparin of mortality, the authors advise caution in ap-

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D-dimer strongly recommend prophylaxis against deep

vein thrombosis in all patients on admission,
using low-molecular-weight heparin (or un-
< 3.0 μg/mL FEU ≥ 3.0 μg/mL FEU
fractionated heparin in those with renal failure,
or fondaparinux in those with heparin-induced
Prophylaxis Point-of-care thrombocytopenia). They stress that prophy-
Enoxaparin ultrasonography
laxis should be continued even in the setting of
Unfractionated heparin
if acute kidney injury thrombocytopenia so long as the platelet count
is higher than 25 × 109/L.31,41
Our current approach is based on POCUS
Measure D-dimer Positive Negative or
every 48 hours not available
screening for venous thromboembolism and
intensified prophylaxis in high-risk patients
(Figure 4, Table 1). We divide patients into 3
Intravenous heparin or High-intensity categories:
subcutaneous enoxaparin prophylaxis
• Category 1: D-dimer less than 3.0 μg/mL
Figure 4. Algorithm for preventing and treating COVID-19- FEU and no evidence of venous thrombo-
associated coagulopathy. embolism. Patients receive standard pro-
FEU = fibrinogen equivalent units phylaxis and are monitored using serial
D-dimer testing.
plying these findings, given the serious limita- • Category 2: D-dimer 3.0 μg/mL FEU or
tions of the report, ie, its observational nature higher, POCUS-negative. Patients receive
and lack of information on illness severity and intensified deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis.
indications for anticoagulation. • Category 3: Confirmed thrombosis. Pa-
Taken together, this limited evidence con- tients receive full anticoagulation.
firms that prophylaxis against venous thrombo- If the clinical suspicion of venous throm-
embolism in critically ill COVID-19 patients is boembolism is high and the patient has no
associated with improved outcomes, and there contraindication to anticoagulation, full anti-
A positive may be a role for full anticoagulation. coagulation should be initiated empirically if
Given the limitations of the studies thus POCUS or confirmatory tests are not immedi-
POCUS for DVT far, it remains unclear if higher prophylactic ately available.
is highly doses or full anticoagulation offer a benefit be-
Continuous renal replacement therapy
specific yond standard prophylactic dosing, and which
Given the high rate of clotting in dialysis cir-
patients may benefit without suffering more
and does not bleeding complications.
cuits, all patients on continuous renal replace-
ment therapy receive unfractionated heparin at
require Thrombolysis has also been suggested for a rate of 500 U per hour. If ongoing clotting is
confirmation patients whose condition deteriorates despite observed, we increase systemic heparin to bring
anticoagulation. Three patients with persistent the activated partial thromboplastin time into
severe hypoxia and markedly elevated D-dimer the target range according to an acute coronary
showed improvement in oxygenation after be- syndrome nomogram. The target activated par-
ing given low-dose tissue plasminogen activator. tial thromboplastin time is 49 to 67 seconds,
But despite initial improvement and no reported and the goal anti-factor Xa level is 0.2 to 0.5
adverse effects, the ultimate outcome was poor: IU/mL, but these may be adjusted if clotting
the improvement was long-lasting in 1 patient continues despite systemic heparin.
but transient in the other 2, and 1 patient died.40
Duration of anticoagulation
Recommendations Anticoagulation should be continued for 6
Given this lack of evidence, the National Insti- weeks for catheter-associated thrombosis and
tutes of Health, American Society of Hematol- for at least 3 months for venous thromboembo-
ogy, and International Society on Thrombosis lism. Convalescent patients with persistently
and Haemostasis currently do not recommend elevated D-dimer (greater than twice the up-
treatment beyond standard prophylaxis except per limit of normal) may benefit from extended
for an established indication. The two societies prophylaxis or treatment.42,43 


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Cleveland Clinic approach to anticoagulation prophylaxis and management
in COVID-19
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
D-dimer < 3.0 μg/mL FEU D-dimer ≥ 3.0 μg/mL FEU Confirmed VTE
Standard prophylaxis High-intensity prophylaxis Full anticoagulation
Standard Enoxaparin 40 mg Enoxaparin 40 mg IV heparin per DVT/PE nomogram
subcutaneously every 24 hours subcutaneously every 12 hours or enoxaparin 1 mg/kg
subcutaneously every 12 hours

Renal failure CrCl 10–30 mL/min: CrCl < 30 mL/min or AKI: IV heparin per DVT/VTE nomogram
Enoxaparin 30 mg Enoxaparin 40 mg
subcutaneously every 24 hours subcutaneously every 24 hours
CrCl < 10 mL/min or AKIa: CrCl < 10 mL/min or AKIa:
Unfractionated heparin 5,000 U Unfractionated heparin 7,500 U
subcutaneously every 12 hours subcutaneously every 12 hours

Unfractionated heparin Unfractionated heparin
500 U/hour through circuit 500 U/hour through circuit
Circuit clotting: Circuit clotting:
IV heparin per ACS nomograma IV heparin per ACS nomograma
Standard > 100 kg: > 100 kg: IV heparin per DVT/PE nomogram
Enoxaparin 40 mg Enoxaparin 60 mg
subcutaneously every 12 hours subcutaneously every 12 hours
> 120 kg: > 120 kg: Enoxaparin 1 mg/kg
subcutaneously every 12 hours,
Enoxaparin 60 mg Enoxaparin 80 mg
up to 150 mg
subcutaneously every 12 hours subcutaneously every 12 hours
Above 150 kg
use unfractionated heparin
Renal failure ≤ 120 kg: 7,500 U every 12 hours ≤ 120 kg: 7,500 U every 8 hours IV heparin per DVT/PE nomogram
CrCl < 30 mL/ > 120 kg: 10,000 U every 12 > 120 kg: 10,000 U every 8
min or AKIb hours hours
500 U/h through circuit 500 U/h through circuit
Circuit clotting: Circuit clotting:
IV heparin per ACS nomograma IV heparin per ACS nomograma
IV heparin ACS nomogram: initial dose 60-U/kg bolus, then 12 U/kg/hour; target aPTT 49–67 seconds; target heparin anti-Xa 0.2–0.5 units/mL.
AKI definition: doubling of creatinine in 48 hours or anuria.
ACS = acute coronary syndrome; AKI = acute kidney injury; aPTT = activated partial thromboplastin time; CrCl = creatinine clearance; CRRT = continuous renal
replacement therapy; DVT = deep vein thrombosis; FEU = fibrinogen equivalent units; IV = intravenous; PE = pulmonary embolism; VTE = venous thromboem-

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