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IAT -1

Q.No Question

1 List any four applications of computer aided design in mechanical engineering.

The applications of computer aided design in mechanical engineering cover all types of
manufacturing operations such as milling, turning, wire cut EDM, punching, etc.

2 List and differentiate the types of 2D geometric transformations.

Scaling, Translation, Rotation, Shearing are the types of transformations.
In Scaling the coordinate values are get multiplied by scaling factor.
In translation, it can be done either in x direction /y direction/both, by adding corresponding
values to it. The rotation can be done by multiply existing coordinate with rotation matrix.
Shearing can be done neither in x direction nor y direction.

3 List the various stages in the life cycle of a product.

Developing the product, Evolving the design, and Engineering the product, Manufacturing
the part, Marketing and Servicing.

4 What is concurrent engineering?

Concurrent engineering is a methodology of restructuring the product development activity
in a manufacturing organization using a cross functional team approach.

5 What are the types of production systems?

Job shop production, Batch production, Mass production, Process or Continuous production

6 What is the need for concatenation transformations?

Concatenation transformation is a single transformation by combing many transformations
linked one after the other to perform the final task. Many a time, it becomes necessary to
combine the transformations in order to achieve the required results.

7 What is meant by viewport and windowing?

Window is an imaginary rectangular frame or boundary through which the user looks onto
the model.
Viewport is the area on the screen in which the contents of the window are to be displayed as
an image.

8 Summarize the advantages of Bezier curves.

a. A Bezier curve is a parametric curve frequently used in computer graphics, animation,
modeling, CAD, CAGD and many other related fields.
b. Bezier curves are also used in the time domain, particularly in animation and interface

9 What are the limitations of Hermite curves?

1. Editing is not easy in Hermite curves.
2. It is hard to guess behavior between two defined points for arbitrary end point slopes
3. It is limited to third degree polynomial therefore the curve is quite stiff.

10 Distinguish between analytic curve and synthetic curve. Analytical Curve Synthetic Curve


1 The curves which can be described by analytic The curves which are
equations such as lines, circles and conics are called described by a set of data
analytical curves. points (control points) such
as splines and Bezier curves
are called synthetic curves.

2 Lines, circles and ellipse are often expressed in When a curve is represented
analytic equations by a collection of measured
data points and when an
existing curve must change
to meet the new design


11. A Design Process (7 Marks)

Drawing (4 Marks)
Explanation (3 Marks)

Cad System Architecture (Drawing 4 Marks + Theory 2 Marks)

11 b. What is meant by concurrent engineering? Describe the various schemes for
concurrent engineering.

What is concurrent Engineering: 2 Marks

Concurrent workflow in planning diagram: 3 Marks

Characteristics and features of concurrent engineering: 8 Marks

It is the methodology of restructuring the product development activity in a

manufacturing organization using a cross functional team approach. During a
concurrent engineering production cycle, several cross functional team approach.
During a concurrent engineering production cycle, several teams work on different
parts of the design and to reduce the product development cycle time.
Concurrent Engineering at planning stage
Features of Concurrent Engineering:

1. In sequential engineering, designers were involved in the design of product. In concurrent

engineering, designer’s duty is getting changed. They are helping to design the product and
getting the approval of the design from a product team.

2. Everyone in the team is involved in the product design and development activities.

3. It eliminates the conflicts between departments.

4. In concurrent engineering, all activities are simultaneously started to decreased the lead time

5. It yields high performance, high quality and reliable products with less lead time.

Characteristics of concurrent Engineering

1. Product responsibilities lie on the team of multi disciplinary group.

2. Integration of design, process planning and production will be achieved.

3. Product lead time will be less because cross –functional activities are started simultaneously.

4. Most of the modification charges are carried out in the planning stage itself.

5. Frequent review of design and development process.

6. Rapid prototyping
7. More attention will be given to satisfy the customer needs and to include newer technologies
in the product development.

12 a. Explain the different types of 2D transformations with examples.



Scaling A drawing can be made bigger by increasing the distance between the points of the drawing. It
can by done by multiplying the coordinates of the drawing by enlargement or reduction factor called
Scaling factor and the operation is called scaling.

Translation: Moving drawing or model across the screen is called translation. This is
accomplished by adding to the co-ordinates of each corner point the distance through which the
drawing is to moved.


Y Axis shearing
Fig Y axis shearing

12 b. Explain with block diagram, the CAD process with suitable examples.
Diagram : 4 Marks :: Design Process:: 4 Marks :: Application of
CAD in design process with example :: 5 Marks
Fig: Design Process With applications of CAD

13a. Explain in detail about application of CAM in Manufacturing.

Applications of CAM in Manufacturing broadly divided into two categories

1. Manufacturing Planning- 7 marks
2. Manufacturing Control - 6 marks

Marks can be given if explanation of each applications is written shortly.

CAM applications in manufacturing planning

CAM Applications in Manufacturing Control

13b.Describe and demonstrate the DDA algorithm.

Explanation: 8 Marks
Demonstarte/Example: 5 Marks (any two points can be selected for
14 a. Derive the transformation matrix for a hermit curve.
Simultaneous equations: 4 Marks
Hermit Curve Matrix derivation: 9 Marks
14 b. What are Beizer curves? Discuss its important properties.
Beizer Curve : 5 Marks Properties: 8 Marks
A Bezier curve is a mathematically defined curve used in two-dimensional graphic
applications. The curve is defined by four points: the initial position and the
terminating position and two separate middle points. The shape of a Bezier curve
can be altered by moving the handles.

15 a. What are B-spline curve? Discuss its importance properties.

B Spline Curve – 5 Marks Properties – 8 Marks
15 b. Briefly illustrate the mathematical representation of curves.

Explicit Curve : 3 Marks

Implicit Curve: 3 Marks
Parametric Curve: 7 Marks
16 B

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