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Part 2: Magic Ingredients

Hey welcome back. So I want to take you through the magic

ingredients. The magic ingredients that are going to take your
presentation to the next level.

1. Preparation

Preparation includes, well not only things like how you dress, how you
stand, but also even the equipment. Are you prepared for example,
equipment malfunctions? Are you prepared for equipment that does
not connect with your equipment? Outdated equipment? You should
be. You should also be prepared for difficult questions. Questions you
can't answer.

2. Knowing Your Audience

What age group? Older, younger, formal, serious, casual. Different age
groups will have different personalities. Know your audience. Some
groups are fun, some groups are serious. Some groups expect you to be
fun, some groups will expect you to be more serious.

3. Have a Clear Objective

What is the objective of your presentation? Why do you have an

audience? Why have they come to listen to you? Are you selling or just

4. Clear Content

This will help create the clear objective. Your content needs to be clear,
flowing, logical. It needs to make sense and to do that you need linking
5. Linking Ideas

Your ideas need to link from the introduction to the main body and to
the conclusion. There needs to be something, an overall idea that's
linking all of these different parts. Linking ideas.

6. Accurate Use of Language

And to do that having accurate use of language is very, very important.

For example, jargon; if the industry you are presenting to has their own
set of jargon, use that jargon. Can you use that jargon?

7. Topic Vocabulary

Accurate use of language can also include the vocabulary, which links
to, to be honest we can include seven and eight, the topic vocabulary
then leads to the power languge

8. Power Language

And the power language is the language that's going to create action,
it's a call to action. It's going to motivate your audience. But you need
the vocabulary, you need your power words. Power words are going to
create the change you are looking for.

9. Gesture, Movement, Facial Expressions, Eye Contact

It's the way you move, the way you look, your smile, the way you
gesture, the way you stand; how you move across the floor. Because
you will have to move, you cannot stand still.

10. Volume and Tone

Now, the tone, the volume, up and down, not too loud, not too low,
but for the tone you're going to have to have ups and downs. Your
voice cannot be flat, it will have to be varied.

11. Effective Timing

Now, his one is really important, particularly when you are presenting
your 'wow'. When you're going to present your 'wow', you're going to
build the drama that is going to bring on the power of your 'wow'. You
need effective timing. Takes practice.

12. A 'Wow' Factor

So of course number 12 the 'wow'factor. Every presentation needs a

'wow'factor. It could be as simple as an amazing quote or an amazing
fact but you're going to need a 'wow'factor.

13. Confidence

But all of these points, one to twelve, will be completely useless

without your confidence. You're going to have to be confident.
Confidence will be the glue that will bring all of these different points,
one to twelve, into one single unit and it all happens because of you.
Hey, you can do this, don't be afraid.

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