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i one manly by a anes acount thinset eoks, vouchers ee But withthe omerging technlogy “Gomputerzed Acccunting is prac, du tos wcruney, © ® and speed, iam sin baseson ine some perio, conontons of icing. Hav, thy ron in th car, Ibusinesstrarsarens increases, diet ia manegoacrounts hes aot ote to pda a sig rsicton ake gcruns computed aceon, whonavr to Wane on, he J updates auoratcaly wa to eeas hs Im mani securing ote t osu of ‘ofS nancial year wan Books ae dosed Popa hoor. plo- Import Export at Data: tacts imporing ard exoextng {aly and other sotware. +. Remote Access : Tally. ERP 9 provides remote capabliies ‘ata om anywhere and ay ime. ‘Support Center: lows you to repo your problems ‘serdce provi rect, Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner 6 Olckon Setupicon, Con Run epee as shown n fue 29 oe a, Empowering Businesses, Scanned with CamScanner ‘ets Ene une yur ens. A contain message a Yestrec yer lean On aca, fw enn dts a Infomation Panel ae stoun nance 28. Note: In ecueatonal version, you cannot = 32o0r3t, Therefore, select ey tone Scanned with CamScanner Enter your Tal ERP 9 Hones flo path nthe fil Le res Ener hy, ' ‘\mossage Resto Tally ERP 0 o apply the changes? ‘o-save he ehangos. 2.8 Opening Tally ERP 9 Tow nity ay, you ist nee 10 open Tay ERP 9 ‘otowing ways or methods Scanned with CamScanner Iielp To access On ine Hop. () Frspecies Pres Fn key (0) © En spoctis Press ALT + Fr keys (2) Ep opoctes rose CTRL + Fr ks, 2. Close Baton: Tis button ie weed ex te eurentseresn 4 Let pane : Lot pane (x pan) splays current date cet paid, active company a “his eran own ie known a Gateway of Tally Gateway Taliesin Serven of Tay. You can clit tne Control Centre ot Tey 5. ight Pane: igh pane (pa spay the cure Tay mend. 5. Buttons Toolbar: Displays ution Kays which provide qu interaction wih Ty ERP 9, Only uncon key eleva othe Curent task ar ite 7. Yat Product information: Displays Veron numb, cans ‘Centguaten deta 8. Caleutator Area : The caleusor can be invoked by pressing Gt 9. Tesk Ba Usod to show the poston and pa of cure seen Meu, | 2.5.1 Components of Gateway of Tally Component of Gatenay of ay ae “Tho Bar: Diclays th Tay version nub 2 Horizontal Button Bar : Contains various butions that provide quick ieteracion. Teas butene ae () Print To Prin various pons Scanned with CamScanner 12, base Currency Information: Tally ERP Sneed te forte comp tho reports, Set Base Cureney Symbol, Fomal places ee. Just press enter key to aoaept the dl ‘Gateway ot aly seen wil appear wth he co Jef pare ae shown in fgure 218 Scanned with CamScanner Far way to eae a payin Tat eee ese oma ne concary came, sree, in ee Conyany Stup Features (PH bey) ‘erasing econo, yossan sate etme haronysretobIat - tds, Slope oat hs comany Fes are 1. Goto Gateway ot Tay \ Gena 2. Press Ft key oc Cc FHV: Features tuten svanle on vrs ion Cot Pratt Conues Wanagement ‘bar. Company Features mani appears shown F9ue217 Invi Scanned with CamScanner ezrin nes Ty elt ingore ‘cause fever congue a resort ‘amarante. Spat open azine 1. oto ctay fay, O Note: lnvenor features wibe discusses in rapier 2 Pres F1 knpany leat mana ape, ‘Aecordng io business neecs you nay change the opts fay fhe eats, Scanned with CamScanner Maintain Accounts Only: Sethi tonto Yes, tyouwantto mana ‘counts ony andi eels no stock late vansacion. Sti often 10 Yes sevce orertad compares he Bar, ns.rarce companies, 7 companies, Educational instore Scanned with CamScanner . ) Mars Potten ex. youve nan aya omsecerle sdeces conan Minisn Cost Centres: A Cost Conve can be done as & vt or ‘ane cten rgenzaion which vaneacton canbe pst et ts pon fo Yes you war ominten cost canes, Use Cost Caner for Job Costing: Set is opin to Yes, o wick ‘Renmin expanses fra Jb a Project. Mats Move than One Payroll or Cost Category: St hi oon 10 Yes loceate more than on ayrot or Coat Cao, Use Pre-tined Cost Centre Alceation In transactions: Set is eon Yen itu want to dane Cost Cente Alecalane ‘Show Opening Balai 1° Revenue tems in Repos : Se is pion Yo, yu vai tm oerng buen Scarce coeunpesi atone record Purchases in nwoice mode : Se this option furcnas voucher a voi mode ‘Use Debt and Credit Notes : The Debt Note and Cre yes avait ony il his opto i et 10 YES (6) Record Crest Notes i Invoice Mode : Satis opin to Yes cre ote in invoice rade. (©) Recere Deb Hotes in voice Mode: Settis option to Yes, debtrct inves mode. ‘Budget and Seecatic anagement Folloning are Budget end Scenarlo Management features TalyERe 9 esas meg cs (emai fel an opal he Minis Budgets and Controls: Stthsopton to coatemutipe busgete, 7 Use Reversing Journais and Optional Vouchers ‘Yes lo displays the Scenaro option n Aco nar na Reversing Joumal and make ito rotft th books, Scanned with CamScanner 2. Pest F12 ay or GlekF12: Co an Configuration mend Enable Zoro Valued Tanssetion: Set his ton 1 Yes, you want Sere ry ais noacte Centon mons a vats ns te Gener ‘ound ventory info ee ‘Youcansttneconiguration according need. Fr fare used te change iormation ike county dla 4 monly pons ee ‘You can congue any apton at any ne by eed (©) Maintain utple Maing deals for Company ond Ledgers: Se thisoplonte Yes oaitln mule adress for comoanyandvarous ledgers. (@)SevAter Company Maling Detais : Satis option o Yes, to create ‘orallor company eos mang dels aa, Scanned with CamScanner Seis aller oon. Ut of Companias renu appears. Select ‘cova, Company Aeration seen appears as shown ‘Sect ho dese Company an ess Ete oy the Company Profile (or After the Company) ‘Moy orGhange he equre mcrmatn ote 4 Fay, Press Ce to save he changes “AlteF koy or ck on F3: Comp Ifo at Gateway Tay Company even appears onthe sreon a shown nie 23 Scanned with CamScanner ‘Wien you delete company, Taly removes the cones ifrmaton of eompary ‘om Hard cisk. In this ease, al les ana dvectores theta asooated wih he ‘company wil bs deleted permanent and cannot be recovere. Steps are 4, Press ANF key or cick on F3: Comp Inf st Gate Tay Company {Info menu appears on ne seroon, 2, Select Alter option. List of Companies menu apres Select We desies “hmstutcompanycantareopened amet company. Company Alteration screen appesrs. Wien you dle copay, ally eaves tec ‘rom Hark arto, you cst open Kaan “a Press AlteD to delete the company. Confiration message appesrs onthe = ~— “screen as shown in igure 2.88 Pa 244 Closing Tally 12. Acanfmation sree appear a ho Scanned with CamScanner "Therefore, Secu Conta is need be defined based on he wo praia ottne_| lempsogses of « Eorpany 7 ‘aeministrctor 6 Ta se one wha cont os ate dia intaly re parca: | 1 1 | “company In 2 conan, scriisrator wil rave tl access sts tote system: “215.1 Activation of Security Contro! (or Creating Administrator for @ Company) ‘Stops are Ge Te Gateway of Tay > £3: Crp info > Aer 2 Select ne dosked company from he Lt of companies mars 2. Gotothe Use Security Control coon on te ight side cl he screen wrt to Yes as shown igre 236 19) \ Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ee (te cl ecity ave Ts nao erane Ne ct (Ue Evo rece coun Ora ce oe ipl enboety Us (0 op tome route ois: even dimen deve a (Cu xn ae and ovenr ty es aw wn anf is sc oma room rae | Scanned with CamScanner + mp Info > Security Control » Users and ‘Company menu appears as shown in gure 244 une 24 3 Enior Secu levelirem he Secu Uist, username sndparewortorvatoue ‘users for company, 4 Press Yor Enter ky to accent 1S Login with New User For logging in th te newt casted ur vn hve to fst aout an hen ain Jogin win the new user in Tay. ‘Steps to losin with now ser In Tet a 4. Fit press 1 tom Gateway of Tally flyout wah ne cuenta wes beadminsuster 2 Chek on FY: Selest cmp to elec! he company fom List of Companies ‘menu. Login eoreen appears shew in figure 245, L a atm err user 2.16 Tally Vault Password Dea ey one the major usnesas concn oda. ‘he Tay nat caaguare he dae ard veep Reoenal, “Tay va password iota Based on a complaint ep that password “ay va it tock wich i nt gang to how Your corpanies, de to which your company deals wi not be and secrecy an privacy canbe maintained wh he help of that at ‘sect company om the Hit of companies, symbo he this Scanned with CamScanner Ses Change Tet, Vault oon Sone! he cnr a Uk ‘ Password screen appoars as shown in the igure Repeat new paseoid aro | Scanned with CamScanner La & _ Epier the Current Password. Po 6. Enter the Password in the New Password field. Taily.ERP 9 Sioplays i" strength of the password entered. 7. Re-enter the password to confirm in the Repeat New Password field, 8 Accept to change the TallyVault Password. 9. Tally. ERP 9 displays a message Created New Company as shown in figuie 251 - | | Created New Company 40002" FIGURE 2.51 Press any key to return to Company Info. menu. f ‘| Note: Every time you change or remove Taily Vaults Password, anew ill be create to effect the change, Exercise What is Tally.ERP 9? Explain varicus features of Tally.ERP 9. » What are advantages of Tally.ERP 9. 3. Explain Gatway of Tally in brief. [KUK, 2019] 4. Write the steps to install the Tally.ERP 9, Activate Tally.ERP 9 License and Configure Existing License. Explain various components of Tally.ERP 9 Windows (or screen). | 6 Describe various steps to Create a Company. 7. Write the purpose of F11 key and F12 key. i ®. Explain various steps used for Selection of a Company. (601 Scanned with CamScanner

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