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Mariana Libertad Gallo Tibaduiza

Valery Sofía Morales González


Comfatolima “Ana Julia Suarez de


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In the documentary "What the health" they show us a little bit about
the relationship between the diet of the Americans and the diseases
that this country suffers daily, they show us that the United States is
living an epidemic because of its diet, they also show us a little bit of
the lucrative business that big companies have with the health centers,
where they supposedly take care of the patient's health, but it is not
like that.

The documentary really

talks a little bit about how
we can leave behind meat,
chicken, fish, those things
that we think give our body
protein, but in reality are
not. From my point of view
the documentary is good to
tell us about the diseases of
the world and the lucrative
business of some
companies ( KFC,
with health entities, which
are dedicated to advertising
(misleading) where what it
does is to buy its customers
with the doubt, companies
that with the help of the
manage to violate one of the fundamental rights such as freedom of expression, the free
expression of activists who are against the lucrative business. ( with that I agree ), what I don't
agree with is how by expressing these ideas of food or disease, Kip Andersen exaggerates his
opinion or the information he gives us and that is constantly repetitive, much less I agree with
the very logical solution he gives us, being a vegan I DID NOT EXPECT IT!

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Currently we find more than 350 million people suffering
from some kind of disease, in which it is commonly
evidenced that diabetes and cancer become one of the
diseases without an exact cure, which leaves in doubt many
people who must struggle daily to survive and continue with
their lives, From the point of view of information and
documentary I can say that there is information that we can
take for our daily lives as the implementation of vegetables in
our food plates, Considering that I don't see the need for
people to change their type of diet for information that we
cannot assure is reliable but I can say that we know how to
balance all the foods that are in our food pyramid, without
exaggerating we would achieve what is a healthy diet, We
know that everything around us every day is destroyed but
that does not mean that we can not eat anything and die ,but
knowing how to choose what our body really needs, if the
disease is not cured by changing a diet that we are not used to
eat, but I can say that with balanced meals you can lead a
lifestyle that will not allow the improvement of many
activities of life..
As for the ads I can say that I do not trust the information that we highlight in the ads or
banners because our world is based only on individual benefit in which we do not think about
what can happen to the other and even worse are with the business and marketing of products
and their interests have always been based on the consumption of humanity but not on the
damage that your product can bring and in that part if I am of I agree with the documentary and
I also find it very terrible that they use children as a great producer of consumerism and the
worst thing is that the government is also related to this since it is the one that is in charge of
marketing the products of various industries in schools just because it knows that as well as it
gives in the same way it receives and this is another reason why I also agree with this issue is
related to the documentary.

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I would not recommend this documentary as it is very rigorous. I had to watch it three
times because it was like a debate between what the documentary said and my common
sense (it was a bit exhausting), where you can dismantle each of the statements that Kip
Andersen gives us in his documentary, in several of his statements you can see that he
doesn't have the slightest knowledge of statistics or nutrition, since it begins to tell us that
meat is in group 1 as a carcinogenic food, just like tobacco, but the OMS clarifies that it
simply indicates the level of evidence and not the level of risk, and where it compares 18%
of the relative risk of processed meat with 2.000% of tobacco.

When Kip Andersen discovered this data, he tried to talk to the American Cancer
Association, because they had menus with processed meat, but this association did not give
him an answer, and it is very logical because of the clarification given by the OMS.

Another thing they shouldn't do in

the documentary is to mix
concepts like "relative risk" and
"absolute risk" which are very
different concepts, although I
don't blame them in journalism
they also confuse them, but to
make this documentary you
should have these concepts clear:

"Why is it legal for children to eat

processed meat", "Bacterial toxins
in dead meat cause a burst of
inflammation in minutes", "If you
buy chicken you buy carcinogens.
They should warn people that they
are selling carcinogens", "Milk is
a fluid full of hormones",
"Egg yolk is prepared to feed a baby chicken with no outside energy for 21 days. It is pure fat
and cholesterol and when put in the blood it covers the red cells", "the cheese is coagulated cow
pus"... It is clear that it does not have the basic knowledge in nutrition, biochemistry and

He also makes extreme omissions and comparisons: he talks about deaths from food poisoning
and compares them to deaths from terrorism (adding war images). It must be that vegetables do
not transmit any pathogen
Delusional messages: If the government knows that 95% of African Americans cannot digest

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of African Americans cannot digest milk but includes it in their dietary guidelines, it is
institutionalized racism.

Social criticism: pig farms with unhealthy practices are located in areas where black or
Hispanic people live
And a sum of ideas that lead us to think that he is denying himself, so he could continue
with those nutrition specialists who appear in the film whose reputation is for their vegan life
and who appear in these documentaries and films, not to mention that some documents
shown by Kip Andersen are from these same gentlemen who have sustained his ideas.

As a conclusion we can deduce that the media can tell us many things, they can lead us with
doubt to consumerism, but also those who want to lead us to the truth lie to us, so I think that
it is already in the mind of each one to which side he believes, we must look at the labels of
what we consume and we must also look at the information from two angles, from the one
that they propose and that of my common sense.

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