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3 Mengidentifikasi Modalitas

Choose the correct answer!

1. Dodi : What’s wrong, Budi? You look unhappy.
Budi : My family will move to Bali this week.
Dodi : ______________
A. Poor you!
B. Are you kidding? That’s so fast
C. I hate Bali
D. I don’t care
E. I couldn’t do that

2. Alex : Good afternoon, Mr. Hermawan

Mr. Hermawan : Alex! Thank you for coming
Alex : I am very sorry to hear about your daughter. It must be very
hard for you.
Mr. Hermawan : It is, but I have to let her go. She had suffered for years
because of cancer.
The underlined utterance expresses…
A. advice D. invitation
B. surprise E. agreement
C. sympathy

3. Dedi : I really don’t know what I have to do to make Mr. Burhan pass me next
Dodi : Mr. Burhan exam will be about understanding. You just have study hard
and make sure you understand all the materials.
Dedi : Oh..that’s the problem. I have a problem in understanding the materials
Dodi : Don’t worry. I’ll help you.
The underlined sentence shows …
A. support D. compliment
B. necessity E. preference
C. agreement
4. Dono : Dini, what are you going to do this Saturday
Dini : Nothing
Dono : How about going to the cinema tonight?
Dini : Sure
Dini is … an invitation
A. offering D. holding
B. refusing E. assuring
C. accepting

5. Bertha : Gaby where will you spend your holiday?

Gaby : I don’t know, any idea?
Bertha : Why don’t you join us going to Bali!
Gaby : it sounds great!
Bertha is …
A. refusing advice D. giving help
B. showing disagreement E. making a request
C. offering an invitation

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