Ii. Methodology: A. Chemicals and Apparatus

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A. Chemicals and Apparatus

Prior in performing this experiment, the chemicals/substances used were two (2) egg white,
baking soda (NaHCO3), ethanol (C2H5OH), sodium chloride (NaCl), inorganic fertilizer (urea 46-0-0),
lemon juice. This experiment utilized as well the following apparatuses and equipment: (a) seven (7)
transparent container; (b) stirrer; (c) timer; (d) dropper; (e) hot water bath.

B. Procedure

A stock albumin solution was prepared by adding two (2) egg white to 100 mL of distilled
water on the transparent container then the mixture was stirred until it is in solution. Subsequently,
about an ample amount of the albumin solution (which chemical reaction is visible) was placed into
each of six (6) transparent containers labelled as Control, A, B1, B2, C, D1 and D2. Seven (7)
transparent containers were treated separately. The control container was permitted to stand at room
temperature. The container A was heated for in a hot water bath for five minutes to test the effect of
heat to the albumin solution. To observe the effect of pH changes, about two (2) millilitres of
concentrated lemon juice was added to container B1; and in container B2, a pinch of baking soda
(NaHCO3) was added (until reaction occurs). In container C, one (1) millilitre of rubbing alcohol was
added to examine its effect to the protein albumin. To assess the effect of salt to the solution, a pinch
of sodium chloride (NaCl) was added to container D1; and in container D2, a little amount of
inorganic fertilizer (urea) was added.


Containe Denaturing agent added (or Observation based on the experiment

treatment used)
Control At room temperature Solution remains in its natural state
A Hot water bath Formation white jelly-like particle
B1 Concentrated calamansi juice Formation of white precipitate
B2 NaHCO3 Milky white color, bubble formation
C Ethyl alcohol White-cloudish color, presence of precipitate
D1 Sodium chloride Clear colour, a little white precipitate
D1 Inorganic fertilizer (urea) Yellowish solution, formation of white precipitate


The experiment indispensably revolves around the concept of protein and its
denaturation agents which is fundamental in explaining effects to a sample protein, and
thereby laying down the idea of physical and chemical changes. It also involves identifying
certain evidences that determines the type of change occurred.

This experiment involves denaturation of proteins using the different factors that can
be completely disorganizing protein structures such as the effect of heat, pH changes, alcohol,
and salts. In this experiment, it was observed the observed the level of precipitation that
occurs in the protein sample (albumin solution) mixed with reagents that can disrupt its
structure. Precipitation of proteins occurs primarily by hydrophobic aggregation, either by
subtly disrupting the folded structure of the protein and exposing more of the hydrophobic
interior to the solution, or by dehydrating the shells of water molecules that form over
hydrophobic patches on the surface of properly folded proteins (Bitesize Bio, 2017). In
addition, this experiment also helped to understand the effects brought by some of the agents
that cause protein denaturation.

First, on the effect of heat, the solution exhibits a heavy precipitation after the sample
was placed on the boiling water for five (5) minutes. This occurs because heat increases the
kinetic energy and causes molecules to vibrate rapidly and violently that the bonds are
disrupted (Virtual Chembook, 2003). This results to coagulation of proteins exhibiting heavy

Second, on the effect of alcohol, the albumin samples were added five (5) milliliters
of rubbing alcohol. 95, the solution exhibits precipitates. An alcohol coagulates the protein on
the outside of the cell wall and prevents any alcohol from entering the cell, this reaction
produced a heavy precipitation because of the coagulation of protein. A 70% alcohol exhibits
slight precipitation. A 70 alcohol solution is able to penetrate the cell wall and denature
proteins inside of the cell. This happened because slcohol disrupts hydrogen bonding.
Wherein, hydrogen bonding occurs between amide groups in the secondary structure of
protein and between side chains in the tertiary structure of the proteins, all of these will be
disrupted when there is addition of alcohol (Virtual Chembook, 2003).



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