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Module 7-Classroom Management

3. How does a teacher's temperament affect the students' behavior? Cite

examples based on observations.
Teacher should build a good relationship with her students. A good teacher-student
relationship in the classroom helps in facilitating students learning. The way in
which the teacher behaves, explains the lesson and interacts with the students
during a course of study has a great impact on student’s success and achievement.
Teachers now a days are not only to educate, but they are also mentors, parents,
therapist and friends to their students.
According to: (Stronge, 2007), Effectiveness of teaching depends upon six
components i.e. appreciating and encouraging students, respect for student
personality and equality, social interaction, professional enthusiasm and
motivation, occupational or professional attitudes, and reflective interaction.
Teachers personality contributes an important way to student’s behavior. Students
who are motivated to learn generally do better at school. As a student, I noticed
that I do better when I am motivated and encourage by my teacher. When my
teacher is open for student’s questions and answers honestly, I appreciate it very
much. I as a student, appreciates teachers who listen to my concerns and treated me
and my classmates the same way(fairness).
Teacher’s behavior reflects his personality, and students behave according to it. If
he is strong, they respect him, and if he is weak, they disrespect him. His
personality may affect positively or negatively the students.

Ps. Now because of these, I really do understand how hard a teacher job is.
Teachers school be good in all aspects if possible.

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