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[GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL POLICY 2020-22 Annexure - B GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL POLICY 2020-21 Page Lof 15 calor Te (OF) GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL POLICY 2020-21, Table of Contents Sr.No. Particulars 7 roduction Internal Machinery to handle customer complaints/ grievances Complaint Registration, Complaint Management System Formation of Customer Service Committed at Branch/Region/ Zone Resolution of Grievances 25 Nodal Officer and other designated officials to handle complaints |__| and grievances 26 Internal Ombudsman) - 27 Customer Care Unit 2.8 Feed back on Social Mec 9 3 ‘Mandatory display requirements 16 Grievance related to Wrong RTGS/NEFT Credit, Grievance redressal for intermediary under National Pension System(NPS) Grievance related to transactions/operations 63 Grievance related to technology related transactions 4 Interaction with customers _ 15 8 "| Sensitizing operating staff on handling complaints : mee Validity & Review of the Policy Page 2 of 15 GRIEVANCE REORESSAL POLICY 2020-21, (GI union Bante ST 4. 1.2. 1.3. 1.3.4 GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL POLICY 2020-21 4, Introduction : In the present scenario of competitive banking, excellence in customer service is the most important tool for sustained business growth. Customer complaints are part of the business life of any corporate entity. This is more so for banks because banks are service organizations, For service organizations, customer service and customer satisfaction are the prime concern. The Bank believes that providing prompt and efficient service is essential not only to attract new customers, but also to retain existing ones. This policy document aims at minimizing instances of customer complaints and grievances through proper service delivery & review mechanism and ensuring prompt redressal of customer complaints and grievances. The review mechanism should help in identifying shortcomings in product features and service delivery. Customer dissatisfaction would spoil the Bank's name and image. Scope and Objectives: The objective of the policy is to spell out the framework for Grievance Redressal in the Bank as outlined in the Master Circular on Customer Service, Customer Rights Policy and Banking Code and Standards Board of India (BCSBI), to ensure that Customers must be treated fairly at all times Complaints raised by customers must be dealt courteously and in a time bound manner, Customers will be fully informed of avenues to escalate their complaints/grievances within the organization and their rights to alternative remedy, if they are not fully satisfied with the response of the bank to their complaints The Bank will treat all complaints efficiently and fairly, as they can damage the Bank’s reputation and business if handled otherwise The Bank's employees must work in good faith and without prejudice to the interest of the customer. In order to make the Bank's redressal mechanism more meaningful and effective, a structured system needs to be built up towards such end. Such that the redressal sought is just and fair and is permissible within the work of rules and regulations. The policy document will be made available at all branches. The concerned employees will be made aware about the complaint handling process. Definition of Query and Complaint: The Bank has clearly defined Complaints and Queries so that customer issues are logged accurately. Complaint: ‘complaint may be defined as "An expression of dissatisfaction/ A grievance/ protest/ grumble made to an organization, related to Customer disputing non-conformance of services/ products/ processes/ An error committed by the bank, or the complaints- handling process itself, where a response or resolution is explicitly or impti expected”. UG) union sant GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL POLICY 2020-21 lilustrative Examples of Complaints are «Cash not dispensed by ATM, but account got debited, © Transaction failed but A/c debited in net banking/POS transaction. * Various Charges debited to Account. © Request given for a service not attended for long time, © Non intimation of account becoming dormant. © NEFT/RTGS transaction related complaints like wrong account credited, amount not received etc. These complaints are illustrative only and there are other types of complaints also. 4 complaint may be expressed in person, over the telephone or in writing or through e-mail. 1.3.2. Query: 14, ‘A query can be defined as a question, often expressing doubt on product, services and practices of the Bank, Customer seeking/ cross-checking for clarification / more information, Customer enquiring/ cross checking before the expiry of specified turnaround time (TAT) for service/ deliverables , Customer checking status/ progress, Customer making a request (e.g. detiverables, services, waivers) or looking for an answer from an authority. , illustrative Examples of Queries are Customer enquiring regarding delivery of Cheque book, TAT etc Status of his application for a product/service/loan. Required documents for various products/services. © Various service charges of the bank. ‘These queries are illustrative only and there are other types of queries also. ‘A Query may be raised in person, over the telephone or in writing or through e-mail. Customer complaints arise due to: The attitudinal aspects of dealing with customers Inadequacy of the functions/arrangements made available to customers or gaps in standards of services expected and actual services rendered. The customer has the right to register his complaint if he is not satisfied with the services provided by the Bank. He can give his complaint through the Grievances Online link on the Bank's website, through the Call Centre, through email, in writing, orally or over telephone or through any other channel that may be set up by the Bank. If the customer's complaint is not resolved within the given time or if he is not satisfied with the solution provided by the Bank, he can approach the Banking Ombudsman with his complaint or make use of other legal avenues available for grievance redressal. 1.5. Principles of grievance redressal: With a view to ensure Consistent Superior Service Experience the Bank shall provide a responsive, fair, expeditious and customer-centric query/ complaint managepi@iit oy Ox GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL POLICY 2020-21 (GP Union eazte ST procedures to all customers. The guiding principles of the approach to grievance redressal are as follows: * Accessibility: The Bank provides to our customers information on various avenues (such as Branch, contact centre, email ids, etc.) to register their grievance and assist the customers in raising their concerns at appropriate forums within the Bank. «Acknowledgment and Resolution of Grievances: The Bank shall acknowledge the receipt. of complaints received through published channels and arrange to communicate the resolution within the defined time frame. * Transparency: Handle Complaints professionally & in a transparent manner and Ensure Objectivity in the complaint handling process. The bank shall acknowledge the receipt of the complaint appropriately and will communicate the turn-around-time for issues to be redressed. Investigation and resolution time will be communicated transparently. © Prompt & Responsive Complaint Resolution: Provide Prompt & Responsive Complaint Resolution to the Customers, Ensure confidentiality of Complainants information unless required for addressing the complaint. Ensure clear accountability for resolution and reporting of complaints. Ensure adherence to the Compensation policy as defined by the Bank. Ensure adherence to all relevant Regulatory & Statutory requirements as mandated by RBI and mentioned in the Grievance redressal policy. © Escalation: The Bank shall make the information, on the process of escalation of complaints to the next level in case the customer is not satisfied with the resolution provided by the current level in the Bank, available at the branches, at the Bank's website at Bank’s call centre. © Customer Education: The Bank, through various forums and means shalt endeavour to make continuous efforts to educate its customers to enable them make informed choices regarding banking products and reduce errors in banking transactions. Review: Continually improve its processes & systems by taking inputs from customers, employees and other interested parties. The Bank shall have forums at various levels viz, Branch Customer Service Committee, Customer Service Standing Committee, Customer Service Committee of the Board, to review customer grievances and enhance the quality of customer service. 2. Internal Machinery to handle customer complaints/ grievances 1.1 Complaint Registration A customer may lodge complaint either in writing or through electronic means if he is not satisfied with the services provided by the Bank. All complaints will be recorded by the Bank in a database. The database, along with the acknowledgement letter and other correspondence will be preserved at least for 3 years for future reference. However, no action will be taken on anonymous/ pseudonymous complaints and the same will be filed as per guidelines issued by Central Vigilance Commission. ‘Arrangements for receiving complaints and suggestions are given hereunder. 2.4.2 Complaints in Person 5 Complaint book is also made available at all the branches. A customer can obtain it from the branch manager, record his grievances therein and obtain acknowledgement sion 3. (oe aN Page Sof 5 \eX iw Bren Fe UG) union Bank GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL POLICY 2020-21 2.4.3. 2.44, 2.4.5. 2.1.6. 247. Customer may use complaint cum suggestion box kept at branch for any feedback/ suggestions for improvement in our products and services. Complaints over Telephone The complaint may be lodged over telephone with the Regional Office of the concerned branch or to the Branch Manager. The name and telephone number of Regional Head of the concerned Branch are displayed in the Branches and are also available on Bank's website. Contact Centre/Call Centre: Complaints can also be lodged at Bank’s Contact Centre on toll free number 1800222244, 18002082244 accessible 24 hours from MTNL/BSNL fixed phones throughout India or 080-61817110 - a paid number, which is accessible from fixed as well as mobiles of any telecom operator. Complaints through mail/e-mail Customer can submit complaint by post or through e-mail on. “’. Complaints received by e-mail shall be acknowledged by e-mail. E-mail address of the Nodal Officers are provided at the Branches and also on bank’s website. Customer Care Unit: Customers can also send complaints to the Principal Nodal Officer at the fotlowing address:- The Principal Nodal Officer cum Principal Grievances Redressal Officer Union Bank of India, Customer Care Unit, (General Banking Operations Department), Union Bank Bhavan, 239, Vidhan Bhavan Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400021 Contact No. : 022-22896684 The contact details of Principal Nodal Officer cum Principal Grievances Redressal Officer are available in all branches of the Bank on the Comprehensive Notice Board, Besides, contact details are also printed in the Pass Book, Complaint Management System: Complaint Management System i.e. Operational Customer Relationship Management System (OCRM) is made available to record complaints received online at Customer Care Unit, Central Office, Mumbai, Call Centre at Bangalore & Mumbai, Digital Banking Department (DBD), Department of Information Technology(DIT), ROs, SOs and Branches. Besides, the customers may directly lodge the complaints through Bank's Website, Internet Banking Services and Mobile Banking. As owner of the OCRM, Customer Care Unit will be coordinating with the branches and Regional offices regularly. Customer, who lodges the complaint online through Bank’s website, internet service, Mobile Banking and Mobile App, etc. receive automatic acknowledgement of his/her complaint along with a reference number on his/hel”” 1&7 Pagelé of 15 sailors Bae LIZ) Union Hane GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL POLICY 2020-28 é reas - _ mobile No./mail, With this reference number customer can track the status of his complaint online. 2.4.8. Escalation of grievances: The Bank has a three-tier escalation mechanism for customer grievances, as given below: Sharer : 1, Branch/Call Centre Dy.Regional Head/ Regional Head >Field General Manager Ownel 4. Customer Care Unit(CCU) AGM (CCU) 2, Digital Banking Department (DBD) > AgM(DBD), AGM(CCU) > GM(DBD), GM(GBOD) 3, Department of Information Technology (DIT) > AGM(DIT), AGM(CCU) >GM (DIT), GM (GBoD) 4. Branches / Call Centre RO/ZO > CGO->10 for vetting. 2.2. Customer Service Committee of the Board This sub-committee of the Board shall periodically review major areas of customer grievances and measures taken to improve customer service. The Committee would also examine all issues that have a bearing on the quality of customer service provided to individual depositors and borrowers. The Committee would also examine any other issues having a bearing on the quality of customer service rendered along with the annual survey of depositor satisfaction and the triennial audit of such services. Further, detail of complaints with its analysis is placed before Customer Service Committee of the Board on quarterly basis. This Committee would also review the functioning of Standing Committee on Customer Service and oversees the effectiveness of the grievance redressal mechanism of’ the Bank and also to bring about ongoing improvement in the quality of customer service. The Committee, since, highest level Committee takes care of the issues of standing Committee on Custor ee would review the minutes of Root cause analysis and accordingly advise the concerned verticals to resolve the root causes for arresting recurrence of complaints. Service, 2,3. Standing Committee on Customer Service The Standing Committee on Customer Service will be chaired by the Managing Directorf Chief Executive Officer/ Executive Director of the Bank. Besides two to three senior executives of the bank, the committee would also have two to three eminent non-executives drawn from the public as members. The committee would have the following functions: a) Evaluate feedback on quality of customer service received from various quarters. The Committee would also review comments/ feedback on customer service and implementation of commitments in the Code of Bank's Commitments to Customers received from BCSBI wfateror 2 (0G) Union Bante GRIEVANCE REORESSAt POLICY 2020.22 eS b) The Committee would be responsible for ensuring that all regulatory instructions regarding customer service are followed by the Bank. Towards this, the Committee would obtain necessary feedback from Regional Managers/ Field General Managers [wherever in existence]/ functional heads. ¢) The Committee also would consider unresolved complaints/ grievances referred to it by functional heads responsible for redressal and offer its advice. d) The Committee would submit report on its performance to the Customer Service Committee of the Board at quarterly intervals. 2.4, Formation of Customer Service Committees at Branch/Region/Zone Customer Service Committees shall be set up in all Branches/Regions/Zones to look into. the quality of customer service rendered and critically examine the feedback/suggestions for improvement in customer service. Regional and Branch level committees shall meet once in a month where staff and invited customers shall interact freely on service related issues. Zonal Level committee shall meet once in a quarter, 2.4.1, Branch Level Customer Service Committee Branch to constitute Branch level Customer Service Committee headed by Branch head. The Committee should meet at least once a month to study complaints/ suggestions, cases of delay, difficulties faced / reported by customers / members of the Committee and evolve ways and means of improving custamer service. The Committee acts as a forum to enable customers meet and interact with the senior officials of the Bank with the following objectives: i, Collect customer feedback on services provided by the Bank fi, Reduce information gap between customers and Bank iii, Most importantly build trust amongst customers The branch level committees should also submit quarterly reports giving inputs / suggestions to the Standing Committee on Customer Service thus enabling the Standing Committee to examine them and provide relevant feedback to the Customer Service Committee of the Board for necessary policy / procedural action. 2.5. Nodal Officer and other designated officials to handle complaints and grievances The Bank appointed Chief Grievance Officer as Nodal Officer in the rank of General Manager (or its equivalent) of the bank who will be responsible for implementation of customer service and complaint handling for the entire Bank. The Bank designated Field General Managers {wherever in existence]/ Regional Heads to handle complaints/ grievances in respect of branches falling under their control. The name and contact details of Nodal Officer(s) are displayed on branch notice boards. The Nodal officer before communicating his decision/ or partial relief, will be referred to the internal Ombudsman of the bank for his final views. If the customer is still not satisfied has had option to go to Banking Ombudsman with his complaint or-ther: avenues available for grievance redressal. Ve 2.6. 27. 2.8, ye GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL POLICY 2020-21 Internal Ombudsman ‘The Internal Ombudsman mechanism was set up with a view to strengthen the internal grievance redressal system of banks and to ensure redressal of complaints of the customers at the highest level authority of the bank so as to minimize the need for the customers to approach other fora for redressal, ‘The Internal Ombudsman, as an independent authority shall review complaints, examine customer complaints which are in the nature of deficiency in service on the part of the bank, (including those on the grounds of complaints listed in Clause 8 of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006) that are partly or wholly rejected by the bank. Bank shall internally escalate all complaints, which are not fully redressed to 10 (Internal Ombudsman) before conveying the final decision to the complainant. The customers of the bank need not approach the Internal Ombudsman directly. The customer, if not satisfied with the settlement offer, will however be at liberty to appeal to the Banking Ombudsman of Reserve Bank of India. The implementation of 10 Scheme, 2018 will be monitored by the bank’s internal audit mechanism apart from regulatory oversight by RBI. Customer Care Unit Union Bank believes that customer interactions in the grievance redressal process are a source of rich insights. Hence the Bank has put in place a Customer Care Unit (CCU) which takes ownership of all complaints. The Unit has the full support of top management and bases its functioning on the following four building blocks: People - Union Bank: is staffing its Customer Care Unit with the following teams: i. Solutions Tearn: which resolves grievances and comprises subject matter experts (e.g. ATM, Internet Banking). This team interacts with customers, branches and offices wherever necessary for addressing complaints. fi. Problem Solving Team: which identifies and solves root causes of critical and recurring complaints. iii, Monitoring Team: which owns/monitors key complaint resolution metrics. IT Infrastructure - Implementing an integrated complaint management system i.e. Operational Customer Relationship Management System (OCRM)comprising IT tools which enable complaint registration, routing, tracking and key analysis, Process - Developing standard operating procedures for handling complaints and queries that come to the Customer Care Unit. This will include the registration process, routing, interaction, resolution and feedback to the customer. Scripts and tracking tools will be created to help the team solve the complaints efficiently. Performance - Developing a robust performance management system including dashboards and review mechanism. Feedback on Social Media: ‘A team of Digital Banking Department works 24X7 for taking up the issued cropped up on social media platforms like Face Book, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube, etc... These issues are further taken up for providing solution with the respective verticles. qivrerer #2 (IG) union Bank GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL POLICY 2020-21 3. 4 Mandatory display requirements It is mandatory for the Bank to provide; + Appropriate arrangement for receiving complaints and suggestions. * The name, address and contact number of Nodal Officer(s) © Contact details of Banking Ombudsman of the area © Code of Bank’s Commitment to Customers/Fair Practice Code Resolution of Grievances 4.1, Branch Manager is responsible for the resolution of complaints/ grievances in respect of customers serviced by the branch. He would be responsible for ensuring closure of all complaints received at the branches. This will include all complaints received through Customer Care Unit also. It is his foremost duty to see that the complaint should be resolved completely to the’ customer's satisfaction and if the customer is not satisfied then he should be provided with alternate avenues to escalate the issue. If the Branch Manager feels that it is not possible at his level to solve the problem, he should refer the case to Regional or Field General Manager's Office for guidance. Similarly, if Regional/Field General Manager's Office finds that they are not able to solve the problem such cases have to be referred to the Nodal Officer of the Bank, 4.2. Grievances related to attitudinal aspects + All such complaints shall’ be handled courteously, sympathetically and above ail swiftly. * Misbehavior/rude behavior with customers shall be treated with Zero tolerance, and immediate corrective steps for non-recurrence should be kept in place. Under no circumstances Bank shall tolerate misbehavior of any degree by its staff members. © To keep the complaints related to misbehavior/rude behavior at zero tolerance level, stern action/ disciplinary action against the erring officials would be initiated by the respective Disciplinary Authority. 4.3. Time frame Complaints have to be seen in the right perspective because they indirectly reveat weak spots in the working of the Bank. Complaints received should be analysed from all possible angles. Specific time schedule has been set up for handling complaints and disposing them at all levels including Customer Care Unit, branches, Regional/Held General Manager's Office and Central Office. Alt officials should try to resolve the complaint within specified time frames decided by the Bank as under: a) If the complaint is received in writing or through e-mail or orally or over telephone it should be the endeavour of the bank official to have the complaint entered in the integrated complaint management system i.e. Operational Customer Relationship Management System (OCRM), so as to enable tracking and handling by Customer Care Unit. He should also encourage the customer to use the Grievances Online tink or Call Centre or other system set up by the bank, on future occasions, b) If the complaint is registered in the integrated complaint management system i.e Operational Customer Relationship Management System (OCRM), after being received through Grievances Online link or Call Centre or other system set up by the bank, the time schedule will be as per TAT (Turn Around Time) defined for each con s Page(to Of'15 \ GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL POLICY 2020-21 Be, (G7) union earls subhead. The system auto escalates unresolved complaints to the concerned Reporting Officer and then to higher levels including Regional Office/Field General Manager's Office/Central Office 4.3.1.Turn-around-Time for Resolution of various types of Grievances T TRecommende sr. A TAT (no. of No. | Major Head Sub Head days) 7. ATM & Debit Cards | Incorrect Amount Dispensed - Other Bank ATM i 27, | ATM& Debit Cards _| Incorrect Amount Dispensed - Union Bank ATM r [-3. | ATM @ Debit Cards | Other Issues 7 | ATIC Debit Cards | Unsuccessful Debit Card Transactions (POS/Merchant) | 5 [ATM & Debit Cards | Unsuccessful Debit Card Transactions (Internet) eee | 6._ | Credit Cards Diserepancies in Statements 7__| Credit Cards | Failed Transactions done through internet/ATM/POS: 8,__ | Credit Cards ‘Other Requests (9.__| Funds Transfer NEFT/RTGS issues | 10._| General Banking CASA Related Issues 7 \ Customer Service Related Issties (Harassment & 11,__| General Banking Misbehaviour, Delay in Sanction of Loans) 5 General Banking Demat/Forex/Insurance/ Treasury - 10 ‘eneral Banking Discrepancies in Accounts/ Interest/TDS/Death Claims 20m jeneral Banking Old & Discontinued Deposit Schemes - 30 | General Banking Term Deposit Related Issues Te 7 | | rT Failed Transactions | 462. [Internet Banking (Done Through Internet Banking) \ Intemet Banking ‘Other Technical Issues _ “| | Mobile Banking Funds Transfer/MPS ‘Mobile Banking ‘Technical Issues _ Mobile Banking Failed Transactions done through Mobile Banking see OSE - Registering/Not Received/ ~ — 7 21,_| SMS Alerts ‘Activation /Deactivation/ Reactivation 2 [ 22, [SMS Alerts Wronaly Received 5 | working days ‘For disputed transaction as per Master/Visa guidelines, 30 days time for Retrieval Receipt and further 45 days for charge back claim. ‘Communication of the Bank's stand on any issue to the customer is a vital requirement. Complaints received which would require some time for examination of issues involved Should besides being acknowledged be sent an interim reply within the TAT prescribed in the policy. 5.4.Grievance Redressal under PMJDY 5.1.1,Complaints under PMJDY Generally complaints under PMJDY are received in following area: «Refusal by branch to open account under BSBDA/BSBDS category - particularly under BSBDS category where complete KYC documents are not required. v «© Non-receipt of RuPay Card wfarcret gee (IG) Union ante GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL POLICY 2020-21 cer RR SSS RRR LM * Non-activation of RuPay Cards at ATMs © Accidental insurance claim settlement With a view to ensure prompt redressal of grievances relating to accounts under PHDY, Bank has put in a separate grievance redressal mechanism for PNJDY. 5.4.2. Sources of complaints Under this set up complaints are received from the following sources: * CPGRAM- Centralised Processing of Grievance Redressal mechanism (Government Portal) + INGRAM -Integrated Grievance Redressal Mechanism (Government Portal) * RBI complaints through mail * Complaints from Banking Ombudsman Complaint Management System (BOCMS) package + Emails -, cgo@unionbankofi * Written Complaints received at BR/RO/ZO/CO level * National helpline set up by DFS - 1800 110 001/1800 180 1111 + Statewise helplines set up by DFS © Bank's own helpline for PMIDY - 1800 2222 43 * Direct complaints to DFS which are directed by DFS to our Bank's Nodal Officer i.e. Executive Director & are handled and resolved by Financial Inclusion Department, Central Office + Complaints received by Regional Offices 5.1.3, Resolution of Complaints * All complaints under PMJDY will be directed to Financial Inclusion Department, Central Office. * Bank will nominate a Nodal Officer from Financial Inclusion Department, Central Office for resolution of grievances under PMJDY. The nodal officer will be named as “Barefoot Grievance Redressal Officer”. © All Regional Offices will nominate one officer for handling all matters relating to Financial Inclusion who will work as in charge of Financial Inclusion Department at Regional Office. The said officer will also be nodal officer for attending complaints under PMJDY. + Regional Offices will prominently display name of the RO Nodal Officer at branches/RO for information of general public. + LDM in Lead Districts will be designated as Nodal Officer for resolution of complaints under PMJDY. 5.2. Grievance Redressal for intermediary under National Pension System (NPS) 5.2.1. Complaints under NPS Generally complaints under NPS are received in following area: * Non Opening of Account, Non Receipt of PRAN, Non-reflection of contribution in NPS account of customer, Non-updation of changes requested by customer, Non receipt of |-PIN/T-PIN, Non-activation of Tier-II account and Non-receipt of withdrawal, ayisreror, Pas (LG) Union Bark GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL POLICY 2020-22 5.2.2. Sources of complaints Under this set up complaints are received from the following sources: By calling Toll Free No. 1800222244, The major source for receiving customer queries, service requests and complaints is the Call Centre that is functional 24 x 7 and operational in 11 languages at present. However, other channels are also offered to the customers for registering complaints such as : « Online complaints lodged by the customers / non-customers, through Online Grievance Portal, link for which is provided on Banks’ Corporate website ( & ¢ Written complaints received at Branch/ RO/ FGMO/CO through Letters © Email via and cgo@unionbankofindia. plus those received via various authorities of the bank, RBI, Ombudsman, Government portals viz. CPGRAM, INGRAM, MOF etc. All the complaints through these channels are recorded in the OCRM database which is shared with concerned department such as DBD, DIT, CCU etc... 5.2,3.Escalation of Grievances to NPS Trust : © Any subscriber whose grievance has not been resolved within 30 days from the date of receipt of the grievance by the Bank, or who is not satisfied with the resolution provided can escalate the grievance to the National Pension System Trust. @ The subscriber whose grievance has not been resolved by the Bank, within 30 days from the date of submission of the grievance to the National Pension System Trust, or who is not satisfied with the resolution provided by the National Pension System Trust shall prefer an appeal to the Ombudsman against the concerned Bank or entity. 5.2.4.Maintenance of records and reporting : © The Nodal Officer shall preserve records pertaining to grievance/ complaint received, resolution and closure of the grievance. «The Nodal Officer shall submit required reports to Chief Nodal Officer. 5.2.5. Closure of grievance : Every grievance shall be disposed off within a period of 30 days of its receipt and a final reply shall be sent to complainant, containing details of resolution or rejection of the complaint, with reasons thereof recorded in writing. A grievance shall be considered as disposed off and closed in any of the following ‘instances namely: a) When the Bank has acceded to the request of the complainant fully; b) Where the complainant has indicated in writing, its acceptance of the response of the Bank; ¢) Where the complainant has not responded within 45 days/of the receipt of the written response of the Bank; d) Where the Nodal Officer has certified under intimation to the subscriber that the Bank has discharged its contractual, statutory and regulatory obligations and therefore closes the complaint; enn GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL POLICY 2020-22 (GP enton sant. ) Where the complainant has not preferred any appeal within 45 days from the date of receipt of resolution or rejection of the grievance communicated by the Bank or National Pension System Trust, as the case may be; f) Where the decision of the Ombudsman is appeal has been communicated to such complainant; Provided that the closure shall not be applicable where the Ombudsman or the Authority, as the case may be has allowed filing of the appeal/ revision, beyond specified period. “The redressal of Grievances pertaining to National Pension Scheme (NPS) subscribers shall be governed by provisions of Grievance Redressal Policy of NPS Trust under PFRDA ( Redressal of Subscriber Grievance ) Regulations 2015”. 6.1. Grievances related to Wrong RTGS/NEFT Credit: i. Credit received by the Bank through RTGS system is ultimately credited to the account of the beneficiary on the basis of the account number in the payment message. In case, it is not possible to credit the funds to the beneficiary’s account for any reason e.g, account does not exist, account frozen etc. funds will be returned to the sending bank on the same day. Question of credit to a wrong beneficiary’s account will arise only if the account number in the payment message is incorrect. In such cases, if the beneficiary has not withdrawn the amount and the money is still available in beneficiary's account, it will be put on hold by the concerned branch immediately on bringing the fact to its notice by the sending bank. The amount so held! back will be refunded to the sending bank after verifying the details. If the beneficiary has withdrawn the amount, it will not be the responsibility of the Bank to refund the amount. ii. In case there is error on the part of bank staff while entering the account number in the payment message the amount will be immediately refunded on bringing it to the notice of the branch. ili. Branch Manager will be responsible for the resolution of complaints/ grievances in all such cases in respect of customers serviced by the branch. He would be responsible for resolving the grievances closure of all complaints received at the branch in consultation with RTGS/NEFT Cell. 6.2. Grievances relating to transactions/operations: Primarily, the Branch is responsible for the resolution of complaints/grievances in this category. Branch would be responsible for ensuring rectification of entry / transaction to the satisfaction of customers. It is the foremost duty of the branch to see that the complaint is resolved to the customer's satisfaction and if he/she is not satisfied, then to provide him/her with alternate avenues to escalate the issue. In case, it is not getting resolved at branch level, they can refer the case to Regional Office for guidance / resolution. Similarly, if Regional Office finds that they are not able to solve the problem such cases may be referred to Zonal Office/ Central Office. 6.3. Grievances relating to technology related transactions: Considering customers’ expectations and lack of familiarity with alternate delivery_ 1 BSS Channels (ATMs, Internet Banking, Credit Cards and Mobile Banking), the bapk Was" %2) pi a “3 ii. iti. iv. GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL POLICY 2020-21 considered exclusive mechanism for redressal of grievances arising from use of these channels. The contact details/e-mail address is made available at branches as well as on the bank’s website. Telephone number of Principal Nodal Officer and Contact Centre Toll Free numbers is also printed on SB Passbook to help customers in case of any grievances, Coordinating Committee of Executives (CCU/DBD/DIT) of AGM level is formed for analyzing the Root Cause of complaints to avoid recurrence, Any systemic issues emanating is taken up with the Concerned Vertical for providing suitable solution, Interaction with customers The Bank recognizes that customer expectation/ requirements/ grievances can be better appreciated through personal interaction with customers by the Bank's staff. Structured Customer Meets, say once in a month will give a message to customers that the Bank cares for them and values their feedback/suggestions for improvement in customer service. Many of the complaints arise on account of lack of awareness among customers about bank services and such interactions will help the cystomers appreciate banking services better. ‘As for the Bank the feedback from customers would be a valuable input for revising its products and services to meet customer requirements, Sensitizing operating staff on handling complaints Staff will be properly trained for handling complaints. Bank officials are deating with people and hence differences of opinion and areas of friction can arise. With an open ind and a sinile on the face we should be able to win the customer's confidence. imparting soft skills required for handling irate customers is to be an integral part of the training programmes. It would be the responsibility of the Nodal Officer to ensure that internal machinery for handling complaints/grievances operates smoothly and efficiently at all levels. He should give feedback on training needs of staff at various levels to the Personnel and Human Resources Department. Validity & Review of the Policy i The poticy shall be reviewed annually in tune with the regulatory guidelines issued from time to time or internal requirements or as and when considered necessary. Any directive /quidetine issued by RBI/&CSBI/IBA in this regard shall automatically be part of this policy, during the currency of this policy. The policy shall be vatid for the financial year 2020-21 and its continuity may be extended for a further period not exceeding three months with the specific approval of Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer. Sion, Page 15 of 15

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