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YOU can start studying the right way that

fits best for you

All you need is patience, determination,

and focus

Gather a bunch of different practice
problems from easy to hard level of
difficulty and check your answers


Try teaching what you have learned from
your teacher to someone else and see if
you can organize and explain the
information as good as your teacher

Set yourself up for success

Build up your motivation to meet your

educational goals

Explore the different studying methods

that help enhance brain capacity


You might want to color code and label your
subjects on separate notebooks. Split the notebook
page in two and Keep terms on the left side and
keep definition of terms on the right side. Highlight
and underline terms and key words to help your
 Do not limit your information on your
teacher’s PowerPoints
Make it a must to read the book and finish the
chapter whole. Do not just study the summary from
the PowerPoint alone as it is only to serve as a
guide. The book will provide you with the full
explanation and more examples of the study
only you can take the initiative to make
content. You can also search the internet for  Do not multitask while studying
positive changes to your study habits verified educational websites that can assist with It is vital that you keep your focus on your studying
further tutorial material and finish reading, understanding, and
memorizing the study content before proceeding to
do other unrelated task

 Divide your time on each of your

Make sure you don’t get stuck on studying one
subject too much that you don’t have enough time to
study your other subjects. Your time should be
balanced and you should prioritize what subjects to
only you can control your own destiny study first based on your class schedule

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