Task 2, Diestro, Angela Mae

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1. In what way do the SDGs differ from the MDGs? 


SDGs benefit from the valuable lessons learned from MDGs. These also carry forward the
unfinished agenda of MDGs for continuity and sustain the momentum generated while
addressing the additional challenges of inclusiveness, equity, and urbanization and
further strengthening global partnership by including CSOs and private sector. They
reflect continuity and consolidation of MDGs while making these more sustainable by
strengthening environmental goals.

First is MDGs were focused with only 8 goals, 21 targets and 63 indicators while, SDGs
include 17 goals with 169 targets. Second is MDGs had a focus on developing countries
with funding came from rich countries. All countries, developed or developing, are
expected to work towards achieving SDGs; The pillars of human development, human
rights and equity are deeply rooted in SDGs and several targets seven explicitly refer to
people with disabilities, six to people in vulnerable situations, and two to non-
discrimination. These were not even mentioned in the MDGs; MDGs had 3 direct health
goals, 4 targets and 15 indicators with emphasis on child, maternal mortality and
communicable diseases. SDGs have one comprehensive goal emphasizing well-being and
healthy living including NCDs; MDGs had no concrete role for the Civil Society
Organizations (CSOs), whereas SDGs have paid attention to this right from the framing
stage itself with significant engagement of civil society actors.

2. As individual citizen how can you contribute to the SDGs? 

I think that as an individual citizen, my great contribution to the SDGs is to substantially

reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuses. Recycle is
the best way. I will Shop second-hand or trade clothes with colleagues, friends or family.
I will use refillable water bottles and coffee cups and use reusable cloth bags rather than
plastic. I can also donate my unused clothes, books, furniture, food because I believe that
by donating in simple way I can contribute to other goals aiming towards no poverty,
zero hunger and reduced inequalities. Shop second-hand or trade clothes with
colleagues, friends or family and Use refillable water bottles and coffee cups. Use
reusable cloth bags rather than plastic.

To Reduced inequalities, I will empower and promote the social, economic and political
inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or
economic or other status by supporting them and stop for being judgemental to
differences but be open-minded. Embrace differences and learn from people different
than you and last is I will be helpful, be a friend and take your time to listen to peoples’
different opinions and situations

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