Reflection - Learnings in Ethics - Esquillo, Princess Shane D.

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Level & Section: BSN 1B

In today's generation, individuals can make a single decision that can have a profoundly
positive or negative effect on their family, their employer, coworkers, a nation, and even on
the entire world. The life we lead reflects the strength of a single trait: our personal character.
Personal ethics are different for each person but for the most part, people want to be known as
a good person, someone who can be trusted, and he or she are concerned about his or her
relationships and personal reputations. For me personally, ethics would be based on my
behavior, how I handle situations, can I be trusted, am I reliable and responsible? Does my
behavior show that my decisions are based on a greater good? Since I understand the fact that
doing good is far better than doing something bad, ethical thinking allows me to make
decisions that will be right.
Reflecting on everything that was discussed in the class, I have learned an abundant amount
of information. I did learn a lot in the class especially in creating decisions in life and how to
connect with different individuals. I did learn so much on the topics of the Foundation of
morality, The Dilemmas, Moral vs. Non-Moral Standards, The religious response and lastly
the Feelings and Moral-decision making.
In general, ethics in my point of view would be a logical understanding of right and wrong
that sets out what people should do and should not do whether it be in fairness, virtues,
obligations, or rights. I feel that it is necessary to continuously examine our standards to
ensure that they are reasonable. Ethics should have a continuous effort within our own moral
beliefs, to make us the better person all around.
In reality, our ethical behavior is at its best when intents, means, and ends, individually and
collectively pursue a greater good. Also where passion, feelings, and wants and needs of
oneself and others come into play with ethics. With that, my foundation in growing up to be a
better person, treat others well, work hard and others will notice. Lastly, ethics is not merely
an interesting field of philosophy, but a ubiquitous presence in our lives, public and personal.

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