Crime and Public Policy Tonry

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Crime and Public Policy

Crime and Public Policy  

Michael Tonry
The Oxford Handbook of Crime and Public Policy
Edited by Michael Tonry

Print Publication Date: Aug 2011

Subject: Criminology and Criminal Justice, Crime Prevention
Online Publication Date: Sep 2012 DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199844654.013.0001

Abstract and Keywords

This introduction to the book starts by defining crime. It explains that cross-national
agreement about what should and should not be considered as criminal is narrower than
is sometimes recognized. Examples are given of various acts that are regarded as crimi­
nal in some countries but not others. Crime and its control raises many instrumental, ex­
pressive, emotional, and moral issues, the text states. The layout of the book is outlined
and some noncontroversial conclusions are offered. Next this introductory text looks at
broad public policy approaches for dealing with crime: criminal law enforcement, preven­
tion, harm reduction, regulation, decriminalization, and nonintervention. Next rates and
trends are detailed and the costs associated are analysed. Finally this introductory sec­
tion of the book looks at choosing the right policies.

Keywords: crime, crime control, public policy approaches, criminal law enforcement, harm reduction, prevention,
regulation, decriminalization, nonintervention, rates and trends

CRIME, like death and taxes, will always be with us. Stupidity, cupidity psychopathy,
greed, intoxication, strong emotion, and impulsiveness are part of the human condition,
much as we might wish it were otherwise, and all societies have to deal with their effects.

Not all harmful behaviors are criminal. What is harmful and what is not varies with time
and space. Some behaviors, such as killings, rapes, robberies, serious assaults, and tak­
ing other people's property, are criminal in almost all places. Some behaviors, such as
witchcraft, heresy, adultery, homosexuality, and gambling, are not now crimes in most
Western countries, but in earlier times they were. Other behaviors, such as child abuse,
domestic violence, drug use, prostitution, and environmental despoliation, were until re­
cently generally not considered the law's business, though now they are. And still other
behaviors, including cybercrime, identity theft, human smuggling, hate crimes, and mon­
ey laundering, became significant crimes only when they recently became technologically
possible or were legally proscribed.

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Crime and Public Policy

Cross-national agreement about what should and should not be considered criminal is
narrower than is sometimes recognized. It is conventional to contrast developed Western
countries with others, but that is an oversimplification. In many Muslim countries heresy,
apostasy, homosexuality, adultery, and failure to observe important cultural conventions
remain crimes. In Turkey acts or words showing disrespect for the nation can be criminal­
ly prosecuted.1 Conversely, some behaviors that are criminal in the United States, such as
paying fees to middlemen as conditions of winning commercial or government contracts
(U.S. law like that (p. 4) of most developed countries considers such payments bribes), are
commonplace and sometimes legal in much of the developing world.

However, it is a mistake to assume that even Western countries' notions of what counts as
crime are congruent. In much of continental Europe Holocaust denial is a crime, and peo­
ple are occasionally prosecuted and imprisoned for it; the First Amendment of the U.S.
Constitution forbids such laws. In England, Scotland, and some other European countries
private possession of handguns and public possession of knives with blades longer than
seven inches are crimes; some Americans believe that the Second Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution makes criminalization of handgun possession unconstitutional. English law
on “antisocial behaviour” allows criminalization of just about any behavior a plaintiff can
convince a court is antisocial, and prison sentences up to five years can be imposed for vi­
olation of an order to desist. Extreme cases include forbidding an individual “to enter the
City of Manchester,” forbidding a prostitute to possess condoms, and forbidding an autis­
tic child to stare at people. The law allows for imposition of prison sentences for engaging
in prostitution (as a form of antisocial behavior), even though English criminal law long
ago decriminalized prostitution, and for begging (as antisocial behavior), even though
English criminal law does not authorize prison sentences for begging (Burney 2005).

Prostitution has been legalized in a number of European countries, and drug use and mi­
nor trafficking have been decriminalized. Any adult tourist (or other adult) in the Nether­
lands can legally buy marijuana in coffee shops, and addicts can obtain maintenance dos­
es of other substances from approved medical sources. Italy and Spain likewise tolerate
levels and forms of drug distribution that U.S. policy makers deplore. Sweden, by con­
trast, is as intolerant of drug use as is the United States, but is much less punitive about
it. In much of Europe unlawful entry into the country is not a criminal act, though in the
United States it is.

Some of the differences described in the preceding few paragraphs are the products of
fundamental national differences in judgments about the importance of particular cultur­
al values. Émile Durkheim ([1893] 1933) long ago explained that criminal law is an out­
growth of a society's most fundamental social norms, what he called the conscience col­
lective, and should embody, express, and reinforce them. Dutch tolerance of drugs and
prostitution, Austrian intolerance of Holocaust denial, and some Muslim countries' unwill­
ingness to tolerate nontraditional styles of dress are outgrowths of deeply bedded cultur­
al norms, however much outsiders may disagree with them. As cultural norms change,

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Crime and Public Policy

which over time they do, laws change with them, but the transitional periods are typically

Other differences described in the preceding paragraphs, however, do not so much re­
flect cultural differences about the desirability of behavior as they do divergent opinions
about the most effective ways to deal with it. Dutch drug policies, for example, are predi­
cated on the ideas that less aggregate social harm will result from tolerant than from re­
pressive drug policies, and that treating addicts as unfortunates needing state support
will convert them in the eyes of young people (p. 5) from romantic outlaws into pathetic
social failures, object lessons of the dismal effects of a hedonistic lifestyle (Leuw 1991;
Buruma 2007).

Dutch tolerance of drug use and low-level trafficking is as much a public policy about
crime as is American intolerance and prohibitionism. Which is better cannot be answered
in any absolute way. Crime and its control raise a motley of instrumental, expressive,
emotional, and moral issues about which reasonable people differ. A purely rational ap­
proach to drug policy in the United States based on cost-benefit analyses would involve
decriminalization of use, regulation of distribution, greatly reduced use of criminal sanc­
tions, and use of greatly reduced criminal sanctions. Such approaches have been beyond
reach in recent decades because for some U.S. policy makers and some citizens, drug use
is morally wrong and tough drug laws are an expression of that belief. Sometimes prohibi­
tion laws are as much defenses of the values of dominant social groups as they are efforts
to avoid harms associated with drug or alcohol use.2 Whether drug policies are effective
or just may be less important to their proponents than that such policies make an unam­
biguous moral statement about the wrongfulness of drug abuse and abusers.

With so many different kinds of crime, so many ways of thinking about them, and so many
ways to deal with them, policy making is contested and complicated. This short article
provides a bit of background. Section I sets out a typology of policy approaches (criminal
law enforcement, prevention, regulation, decriminalization, harm reduction, noninterven­
tion) that operate sometimes as alternatives, sometimes as complements. Section II
discusses data on crime rates, patterns, trends, and costs.

Systematic knowledge and analysis concerning most types of crime are remarkably primi­
tive compared with such subjects as the economy, public health, and education (and den­
tistry, as James K. Stewart, onetime director of the U.S. National Institute of Justice, liked
to point out in the 1980s, contrasting his agency's $13 million budget with the National
Institute of Dentistry's $165 million; Blumstein and Petersilia 1995). The amount of mon­
ey devoted to research and evaluation of crime control policy, the size of the specialist re­
search communities, and the quality of government data systems are meager compared
with those relating to other policy subjects.

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Crime and Public Policy

Nonetheless, a few relatively noncontroversial conclusions can be offered about crime

and public policy:

• Property crime (theft, burglary, motor vehicle theft) and homicide rates have de­
clined in the United States and in most other developed countries since the early to
mid-1990s, but no one has convincingly explained why. It is difficult to conclude that
recent tough police practices and sentencing laws explain the American decline; no
other country adopted comparable policies, and simultaneous declines occurred in
many of them. Less serious violent crimes have almost certainly also been declining,
but this is less clear because reduced tolerance of violence means that relatively more
(p. 6) crimes are reported to police and to survey researchers than in earlier times.

Seemingly higher rates of violence in some countries in recent years probably reflect
higher rates of reporting and recording, sometimes more than offsetting, and thereby
camouflaging, absolute declines.
• Remarkably little is known about crime rates and trends for many crimes, including
cybercrime, identity theft, environmental crime, organizational crime, organized
crime, prostitution, human smuggling, child abuse, tax evasion, illegal gambling, and
drug trafficking. Anecdotal and journalistic reports suggest that most of these behav­
iors are becoming more common, but we have no valid and reliable sources of data
about them, so it is hard to know what to believe.
• Remarkably little is known about the costs of crime and the cost-effectiveness of al­
ternative crime control approaches. Some American and British academics have at­
tempted to calculate the costs of common law crimes, but their approaches are so ide­
ological and so dependent on calculation of intangible “pain and suffering” costs as not
to be believable. For other types of crime, no one has seriously attempted to estimate
costs (e.g., human smuggling, domestic violence, child abuse, terrorism, prostitution)
or the estimates have a back-of-an-envelope quality and vary by orders of magnitude
(e.g., money laundering, drug abuse, organizational crime, environmental crime).
• Countries vary enormously in how they use their criminal justice systems. Some,
such as the United States, England, and New Zealand, rely on deterrence and incapac­
itation to attempt to control crime. Others, notably the Nordic countries, are skeptical
about these approaches and rely on punishment's moral educative effects coupled with
strong social welfare approaches. Some countries have high imprisonment rates and
others have low rates. Some countries send comparatively few people to prison but for
long periods; others send comparatively many but for short periods. Some favor short
sentences; others oppose short sentences as destructive. Some have experienced five-
and sevenfold increases in imprisonment rates in recent decades; some have experi­
enced slight or no increases. Finland and Japan experienced sharp decreases from
1950 to 1990, though Japanese rates have increased since then.
• Every country uses a wide range of criminal justice, regulatory, preventive, and
harm-reduction approaches to dealing with crime, and within countries there are typi­
cally major differences between crimes. Crime is a legal concept; strictly speaking, a
behavior becomes a crime only after a legislature has defined it to be one. In individual

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Crime and Public Policy

cases, acts become crimes only tentatively when a prosecution is initiated and only
conclusively when a conviction is entered. In some countries, and for some kinds of
crime, policy makers have decided that preventive, regulatory, and harm-reduction ap­
proaches are more effective than criminal law enforcement.

(p. 7) I. Aims, Methods, and Functions

Six broad public policy approaches are available for dealing with crime: criminal law en­
forcement, prevention, harm reduction, regulation, decriminalization, and noninterven­
tion. Sometimes these are alternatives, sometimes complements.

A. Criminal Law Enforcement

Criminal law enforcement is what the criminal justice system does. Police investigate
crimes and arrest people. Prosecutors decide whether or not to initiate a prosecution and
if so, for what. They negotiate guilty pleas, try cases, and make recommendations to
judges about sentences. Judges preside over pretrial proceedings and trials, review and
accept (or, rarely, reject) guilty pleas, and impose sentences. Corrections authorities of
different sorts run prisons, jails, and probation and parole systems. Governors and the
U.S. president have authority to issue pardons and to commute sentences. Legislatures
enact and revise laws defining crimes and governing penalties. Sometimes these laws set
ranges within which judges may make decisions (e.g., from probation through a prison
sentence of ten years); sometimes, as with mandatory minimums and three-strikes-and-
youʼre-out laws, judges ostensibly have very little discretion about the sentences they im­

In describing roles of officials and agencies, the preceding description gives a false im­
pression of U.S. criminal law enforcement because it implies a mechanistic system. To the
contrary, the system is highly discretionary. Police may decide to make an arrest, or not.
Prosecutors may charge suspects with serious crimes, less serious crimes, or no crime at
all. They may divert obviously guilty suspects into treatment programs. They exercise dis­
cretion to make and withdraw charges and to make plea bargains that, constitutionally, is
almost unreviewable. Judges sometimes have broad discretion to individualize sentences,
and when they legally lack such authority they can cooperate with plea-bargaining
lawyers to avoid application of mandatory minimum or three-strikes sentences they con­
sider too severe. Judges do not always exercise discretion to avoid imposition of unjustly
severe sentences, however; sometimes they impose them. The system is so riddled with
discretion that wide disparities in how cases are handled are inevitable. This can be por­
trayed as good (officials can take into account ethically meaningful differences between
cases) or bad (officials are not good at individualizing and often treat comparable cases
starkly differently).

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Crime and Public Policy

The criminal justice system is premised on legal threats. Criminalization broadcasts the
message that certain behavior is forbidden, and sentencing laws threaten what may hap­
pen if citizens ignore the criminal law's adjurations. Conventionally it is said that criminal
sanctions do their work through deterrence, incapacitation, rehabilitation, and moral edu­

The evidence about deterrence is uncertain and contested. The fairest generalizations are
that certainty and celerity of punishment are more important than (p. 8) severity and that
the jury is out on the question of “marginal deterrence,” whether incremental increases
in punishment have deterrent effects (Tonry 2008).3 Some reviews of the evidence con­
clude that the marginal deterrence hypothesis cannot be confirmed (e.g., von Hirsch et
al. 1999; Doob and Webster 2003). Others conclude that a deterrent effect can be con­
firmed—sometimes, for some crimes, and under some circumstances—but that existing
knowledge is so fragmentary that it has no practical relevance to policy (Cook 1980; Na­
gin 1998a).

There is no doubt that some sentences incapacitate some offenders, but there is doubt
about the incapacitative efficiency of imprisonment (e.g., Nagin 1998b). Some prisoners
will not reoffend in any case. Some, such as drug traffickers and gang members, will
quickly be replaced; the crime will go on, the criminal will not. Some will age out of
crime; “age-crime curves” instruct that crime, especially violence, is a young man's game
and that most people age out of criminality at a young age (Farrington 1986). Even most
career criminals desist by their thirties. A classic analysis of incapacitation concluded
that its policy relevance is questionable (J. Cohen 1983).

The evidence about rehabilitation has been changing rapidly. In the 1970s the convention­
al view was that few programs could be demonstrated effectively to reduce later offend­
ing (e.g., Martinson 1974). Since the early 1990s the consensus view has been that well-
managed, well-targeted drug treatment programs can reduce both drug use and offend­
ing among drug-using offenders (e.g., Anglin and Hser 1990); that finding is the premise
for the modern drug court movement. Similar optimism exists, supported to some extent
by research findings, that a wide range of other kinds of focused (e.g., intrafamily sexual
abuse) and broad (cognitive-behavioral) treatment programs can reduce later offending
(e.g., Gaes et al. 1999).

There is little evidence concerning the criminal law's moral educative effects. The
philosopher H. L. A. Hart (1968, p. 6) believed in it; the answer to why acts are criminal­
ized is “to announce to society that these acts are not to be done.” The Norwegian crimi­
nal law scholar Johannes Andenaes (1974), following Durkheim, believed moral education
is the criminal law's most important and powerful effect. Contemporary Scandinavian
punishment laws are premised on the view that the criminal law must reinforce basic so­
cial norms and, conversely, must take pains not to contravene them (Lappi-Seppälä 2001).
It makes apriori sense to me, but weʼve no empirical evidence that it is true.

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Crime and Public Policy

B. Prevention

There are three main forms of prevention: situational, developmental, and community.
There is no doubt that situational prevention methods—physical measures ranging from
bullet-proof glass, CCTV, improved lighting, exact change policies on buses and trams,
and myriad other initiatives that make crimes harder to commit—can reduce crime rates,
especially for kinds of crime that are often committed impulsively, and without complete
displacement to other places (Clarke 2005, 2008).

Similarly, the evidence is overwhelming that a wide range of developmental preven­

(p. 9)

tion programs can reduce at-risk children's later likelihood of offending. These programs
identify risk and protective factors in children's lives and attempt to weaken the former
and strengthen the latter. Cost-benefit analyses show that public investment in develop­
mental prevention is much more cost-effective (three to four times more) than investment
in prison sentences (Aos, Miller, and Drake 2006; Farrington and Welsh 2007). Unfortu­
nately, the investment pays off 10 to 15 years later, which is not the reference period that
most politicians have in mind when proposing crime control legislation and voting for ap­
propriations to pay for it.

Community prevention takes two main forms. The first is creation of community self-help
crime prevention organizations, usually operating under some permutation of the name
“neighborhood watch.” There is no credible evidence that such organizations, usually or­
ganized in low-crime neighborhoods, have any significant effects on crime (Bennett, Hol­
loway, and Farrington 2006). The second is effectively situational crime prevention at
community and architectural levels. Community-level initiatives include improving street
lighting, altering traffic-flow patterns, and closing off streets; gated communities are an
extreme form. Architectural initiatives include building “defensible space” with clear
sight lines and plenty of surveillance opportunities that allow residents and others to see
what is going on nearby. The evidence on the effectiveness of community prevention ap­
proaches is mixed, though some programs appear to be successful (Welsh and Hoshi

All of these prevention approaches focus on prevention of rather than reaction to crime.
Situational and community prevention are premised on making crimes harder to carry out
and on the notions that much crime is impulsive and that not all impulses are displaced to
other targets. Although the financial choices are less acute than with developmental pre­
vention, the logic is that investment in prevention will pay off more than investments in
prosecutions and imprisonment (Welsh and Farrington 2005).

C. Harm Reduction

Jeremy Bentham ([1789] 1948), the inventor of utilitarian analyses of public policy, be­
lieved that the greatest good of the greatest number is the best justification of state poli­
cies and actions. In carrying out a utilitarian calculation (a “felicific calculus” he called it
because felicity, or happiness, is the measure), everyone's interests must be taken into ac­
count. If crime prevention might be made more effective by punishing an individual, it
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Crime and Public Policy

should be done only if the suffering (unhappiness) averted for prospective victims was
greater than the suffering to be imposed on individual offenders. The state should be par­
simonious in the imposition of suffering, he reasoned. The “parsimony principle,” the no­
tion that no suffering should be imposed in the name of crime prevention in excess of the
minimum necessary to achieve valid public ends, remains influential (Morris 1974).

Harm-reduction strategies are Benthamism revived. Usually associated in the Unit­

(p. 10)

ed States with public health professions, harm-reduction strategies aim to achieve policy
goals at the lowest aggregate social cost. Dutch drug-control policies are a classic exam­
ple. Dutch policy makers believe that their approach, combining effective decriminaliza­
tion of marijuana, medical support and social marginalization of addicts, and law enforce­
ment targeted on large-scale traffickers, manufacturers, and importers, minimizes the so­
cial costs of drug use. Dutch and German approaches to prostitution are also based on
the goal of harm reduction. Legalizing prostitution but requiring registration of prosti­
tutes and regular medical examinations are seen as ways to protect prostitutes and their
customers from health risks and criminal harms associated with unlawful prostitution
(Buruma 2007).

American public health officials have long urged a harm-reduction approach to gun in­
juries and deaths. Current policies focus primarily on increased penalties for criminal use
of guns and on preventing felons and mentally ill persons from acquiring guns. The evi­
dence cited above on deterrent effects of incremental changes in penalties offers little
reason to believe that mandatory minimum sentences for gun crimes, or mandatory add-
ons for crimes in which guns are used, significantly reduce criminal gun use. English and
Scottish criminalization of private possession of firearms in the aftermath of the Dun­
blane school massacre in Scotland in 1996 is based on a harm-reduction rationale. Re­
search on the effects of mandatory arrest policies for misdemeanor domestic violence
shows that arrests result in increased violence by minority and unemployed men; a harm-
reduction approach would look for other preventive means (Sherman, Schmidt, and Ro­
gan 1992).

The drugs, prostitution, guns, and domestic violence examples are likely to raise hackles
in the United States (albeit more for emotional, ideological, and moral than for practical
or evidence-based reasons). Many people find harm-reduction proposals much more con­
genial for business regulatory crimes (e.g., van de Bunt and Huisman 2007). They provide
the primary rationale for business and environmental regulatory strategies that focus on
negotiation, collaboration, and self-monitoring (e.g., Braithwaite 2002).

Finnish criminal justice policy making explicitly incorporates harm-reduction principles:

“The aim of minimalization (not ‘elimination’) emphasizes the costs and the harmful ef­
fects of criminal behavior instead of simply minimizing the number of crimes. By stress­
ing that not only the costs of criminality but also the costs and suffering caused by the
control of crime must be taken into account, the formula draws attention to the material
and immaterial losses that arise from operation of the system of sanctions” (Lappi-Sep­
pälä 2007, p. 231).

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Crime and Public Policy

D. Regulation

Regulatory approaches to crime prevention are most often discussed in relation to busi­
ness crimes, though regulation is much more widely used than that. Approaches to deal­
ing with drugs and prostitution in the Netherlands and some other European countries
contain major regulatory elements.

So do American approaches to gun crime. Many states, counties, and cities have
(p. 11)

laws that limit who can buy guns and under what circumstances. Almost all jurisdictions
require waiting periods, all require identity checks, and some require completion of gun
safety courses. None of these is especially effective at controlling gun violence (Cook and
Ludwig 2001).

Many countries, including the United States, have replaced laws criminalizing many
forms of gambling with newer laws and administrative arrangements for regulating gam­
bling and attempting to minimize social costs and harms associated with it. Fifty years
ago many states criminalized most forms of gambling, and every city had some form of
the “numbers racket.” No more. Legalized gambling in the United States began with on-
track horse and dog racing. In the past 40 years, however, state lotteries have become
nearly ubiquitous, off-track betting parlors have become common, and casinos have pro­
liferated. Vigorous law enforcement coupled with intrusive regulatory regimes have dri­
ven organized crime from casino gambling.

Regulatory approaches are better known in connection with organizational crimes, some­
times referred to as white-collar crimes, especially relating to the environment. Adminis­
trative law specialists have argued for decades about the best ways to shape organiza­
tional compliance with regulatory regimes (e.g., Yeager 1993; Braithwaite 2002; Hawkins
2003). A law enforcement approach emphasizes monitoring of compliance with regulato­
ry standards, backed up by use of civil penalties and criminal prosecutions to punish past
and deter future noncompliance. A “responsive” regulatory approach reserves civil and
criminal penalties as measures of last resort, preferring negotiated and cooperative ap­
proaches (Braithwaite 2002; van de Bunt and Huisman 2007). Proponents of responsive
regulation argue that heavier-handed law enforcement approaches are slower and less ef­
fective, partly because they are confrontational and condemnatory, which puts people's
backs up, and because they invite stonewalling and litigation, which delay identification
and implementation of solutions.

Political ideology often predicts whether political leaders favor law enforcement or re­
sponsive regulatory approaches. Political conservatives want to avoid shackling business
and discouraging entrepreneurship. They typically favor relatively light regulatory
regimes and also favor responsive approaches to law-breaking. However, conservatives
tend to oppose adoption of regulatory regimes for drugs and prostitution. Political liber­
als tend to favor tougher law enforcement approaches for dealing with business crime but
are typically more receptive than conservatives to proposals for regulatory approaches
for dealing with drugs and prostitution.

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Crime and Public Policy

E. Decriminalization

Decriminalization eliminates crime by definition. Sometimes it happens de jure, as when

American legislatures repealed laws criminalizing heresy, adultery, and prostitution, or
when the U.S. Supreme Court declared laws making flag burning criminal unconstitution­
al (and as could happen to city ordinances restricting gun ownership now that the Court
has decided that the Second Amendment created (p. 12) a constitutional right of private
gun ownership). Sometimes it happens de facto, as when prosecutors and courts in many
U.S. jurisdictions in the 1970s stopped enforcing laws against private possession, use,
and sometimes sale of small amounts of marijuana. In many U.S. jurisdictions, adultery,
fornication, and homosexuality crimes remained in the statute books long after they
ceased being enforced.

If harm reduction in other than business regulatory contexts ever becomes culturally and
politically imaginable in the United States, decriminalization coupled with regulation of a
wide range of behaviors will become viable. These might include prostitution, drug pos­
session and use, minor drug trafficking, and euthanasia. For the foreseeable future,
American moralism and insistence on expressive legislation concerning what are consid­
ered immoral behaviors make much decriminalization unlikely.

F. Nonintervention

One policy option that is always available is to do nothing. Edwin Schur (1973) a third of
a century ago argued on harm-reduction grounds that the best response to juvenile delin­
quency often is to do nothing at all. His proposal was based on two empirical realities.
The first is that studies of self-reported delinquency show that majorities of male and fe­
male adolescents admit to committing criminal acts, but also show that most soon desist
from criminality. Delinquency is a common characteristic of adolescence and is in effect
an aspect of a developmental stage that is part of growing up. The second is that labeling
theory argued and research showed that being processed through the criminal justice
system is in various ways criminogenic (children become stigmatized, making future
delinquency a self-fulfilling prophecy; first-timers are put into contact with more deviant
peers and are socialized by peer influences into further delinquency).

In many cases juvenile justice system intervention thus promised to make children's life
chances worse and to increase the likelihood of future delinquency. Putting the two reali­
ties together, Schur argued, meant, perversely, that juvenile justice processes make fu­
ture delinquents of kids who would in the ordinary course otherwise desist from delin­
quency. Were Schur's book written today, a third reality would be added: black kids are
more often brought into contact with the juvenile justice system than are white kids, and
at earlier ages (Feld 1999). The perverse effects Schur described disproportionately af­
fect black children.

What I called decriminalization de facto is a form of radical nonintervention. Noninterven­

tion may be the wisest public policy in connection with criminalized behaviors that raise
some people's moral hackles: pornography, adultery, fornication, obscenity, homosexuali­
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Crime and Public Policy

ty, drug use, gambling. In many cities in many times police have known where gambling
and prostitution took place; for example, during Prohibition, speakeasies were difficult to
hide. Those are examples of nonintervention policies. The great danger they pose is that
they expose people to blackmail and create circumstances foreseeably conducive to po­
lice corruption. They also produce (p. 13) arbitrariness in law enforcement. Formal de­
criminalization is the safer policy option, but when that is not politically feasible the de
facto form is better than none.

II. Rates, Trends, and Costs

Reasonably good evidence is available concerning rates and trends of serious violent and
property crimes targeting individual victims. For a few other crimes some observations
can be offered with some confidence on the basis of triangulation of longitudinal data
from multiple sources. Both the National Family Violence Surveys (Straus and Gelles
1986) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (U.S. Department of Justice 2006), for
example, show that domestic violence in which women are victims has been declining but
that domestic violence involving male victims is not. For most of the crimes discussed in
this volume, however, it is difficult to say much with confidence about rates or trends.

The authors in this volume discuss data sources and estimates of rates and trends for par­
ticular crimes. For the most part estimates are based on information that has come to the
attention of the authorities. Seldom do we know how representative those cases are.
Many health and welfare professionals who deal with children, for example, are obliged
to report cases of suspected child abuse to state authorities, which in turn report them to
federal authorities. Because the categories of professionals required to report have grad­
ually been extended, and because professional reluctance to report may be declining, na­
tional data show steadily increasing numbers of abused children. It is not known whether
more children are being abused or more incidents of child abuse are being reported.

Knowledge concerning the costs of crime is sparse and not very useful. There is a bit
more credible data concerning the cost-effectiveness of alternative law enforcement, reg­
ulatory, and prevention strategies.

A. Rates and Trends

A good bit is known from official police crime data and victimization survey findings
about rates and trends of the traditional common law offenses (e.g., Tonry and Farrington
2005). The pattern in the United States, which is paralleled by experience in many devel­
oped Western countries, is that crime rates began climbing some time in the 1960s,
peaked in the early 1990s, and fell rapidly thereafter. The table “Rates per 100,000 Popu­
lation, Police Data, Selected Crimes and Years, 1970–2006” shows aggregate rates for the
seven traditional FBI index offenses (murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary,
theft, and motor vehicle theft) per 100,000 U.S. population from 1970 to 2006 and rates
separately for murder, rape, robbery, burglary, and motor vehicle theft. (p. 14)

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Rates per 100,000 population, police data, selected crimes and years, 1970–2006

Cate­ '70 '75 '80 '85 '90 '95 '98 '00 '05 '06

All in­ 3,985 5,299 5,950 5,225 5,803 5,275 4,620 4,125 N/A N/A

Mur­ 7.9 9.6 10.2 8.0 9.4 8.2 6.3 5.5 5.6 5.7

Rape 18.7 26.3 36.8 36.8 41.1 37.1 34.5 32.0 31.8 30.9

Rob­ 172 221 251 209 256 221 166 145 141 149

Bur­ 1,085 1,532 1,684 1,292 1,232 987 863 729 727 729

Motor 457 474 502 464 656 560 460 412 417 398


Note: Three- and four-digit numbers rounded.

Source: Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics Online, 31st ed., table 3.106.2006.

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Crime rates in every category were much lower in 2006 than their peak levels in the pre­
ceding 36 years. U.S. crime rates began rising in the 1960s. They peaked in 1980–81, fell
for five years through 1986, rose again for five years through 1990–91, and have fallen
continuously since. By 2006 rates for all the crimes shown except rape were 45 to 50 per­
cent below their peaks in 1980 and 1990. With the exception again of rape, rates for all
individual offenses were below 1970 levels. Property crime declines have been most pro­
nounced, and, because burglary and motor vehicle theft victims must generally file police
reports to collect on property insurance, those rates are probably believable. Homicide
rates, because they usually require bodies and because violent deaths can be validated
from public health sources, are also generally viewed as reasonably reliable. Rates for
robbery, rape, and aggravated assault have fallen least. There has, however, been a
steady decline in public tolerance of violence, leading to higher rates of reporting inci­
dents to the police. Apparent declines for these crimes are probably greater than appears
because they are offset by higher likelihoods that victims reported incidents to the police.

The table “Household Victimization Rates, in Percentages, Selected Crimes and Years,
1994–2005” shows American household victimization data from 1994 to 2005 for all of­
fenses and separately for rape, robbery, assault, burglary, and motor vehicle theft.4
Overall, the percentage of American households experiencing the crimes measured by the
National Crime Victimization Survey declined from 25 percent in 1994 to 13.9 percent in
2005. Rates for individual offenses fell by half or more.

The pattern of declining crime rates in the United States characterizes most developed
countries. The table “International Criminal Victimization Rates, ICVS Data, Various Years
1989–2004” shows results from the International Crime Victimization Survey (ICVS),
which has been conducted five times in most developed Western countries, beginning in
1989. A standardized questionnaire is used in all participating countries. The table shows
percentages of respondents reporting victimizations by particular crimes. Overall, and
separately for auto theft, burglary, robbery, and sexual offenses against women (a broad­
er category (p. 15) than “rape” alone), rates peaked in 1995 and have fallen continuously
since. The authors of the most recent ICVS report observe, “According to ICVS data, the
level of common crime in Europe reached a plateau around 1995 and has shown a steady
decline over the past ten years. The level of victimization in Europe has now decreased to
the level of 1990” (van Dijk, van Kesteren, and Smit 2007, p. 46).

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Household victimization rates, in percentages, selected crimes and years, 1994–2005

Cate­ 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005

Any 25 23.4 22.4 20.9 19.1 17.7 16.2 14.6 14.7 14.1 13.9

Rape 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

Rob­ 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4

As­ 6.0 5.4 5.1 4.8 4.4 3.8 3.4 2.8 2.6 2.5 2.4

Bur­ 4.6 4.1 4.0 3.7 3.3 2.9 2.7 2.4 2.6 2.5 2.5

Motor 1.7 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8


Source: Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics Online, 31st ed., table 3.27.2005.

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International criminal victimization rates, ICVS data, various years 1989–2004

Crime catego­ 1989 1992 1996 2000 2004


Auto theft 1.2 1.8 1.3 1.0 0.8

Burglary 2.0 2.8 2.0 2.0 1.8

Robbery 1.0 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.0

Sexual offenses 2.5 2.5 2.3 2.0 1.7



Overall rate, 17.2 22.4 20.3 18.4 15.7


crimes mea­
sured all years

Source: van Dijk, van Kesteren, and Smit 2007, table A1.

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Thus it appears, strongly and credibly, that crime rates for the most common violent and
property crimes affecting individuals have been falling for a considerable time in most de­
veloped countries. We do not know why.

B. Costs and Cost-Effectiveness

There is little reliable evidence on the costs of crime. Systematic efforts to calculate the
costs of common crimes are plagued by errors and conceptual and ideological blind spots.
Efforts to calculate the costs of other crimes are plagued by the unavailability of reliable
data and a need to make heroic assumptions.

Evidence on cost-effectiveness of alternative policy choices is in better shape, es­

(p. 16)

pecially in relation to choices between investment in law enforcement and in developmen­

tal prevention or rehabilitative programs. That many developmental and treatment pro­
grams appear to be sounder public investments than law enforcement approaches is es­
pecially striking because the standard ways of making such calculations use data on the
cost of crime that greatly exaggerate costs, thereby making benefits harder to cost-justify.

Studies of the costs of crime exaggerate costs of violent crimes enormously. That is be­
cause the most commonly used approach, based on work by the economist Mark Cohen
(1988; Miller, Cohen, and Wiersema 1996; M. Cohen and Miller 2003), includes victims'
pain and suffering as a cost of crime. Cohen developed his estimates from court files on
contested cases in which crime victims filed suit for damages and won. This is inappropri­
ate for two reasons.

First, the estimates are exaggerated. They are applied to all crimes falling within generic
categories, such as murders, rapes, robberies, and assaults, even though contested civil
damages cases are far from being representative of these categories. They are extreme
cases, what statisticians call the right-hand tail of the distribution. They are the compara­
tively rare cases in which the defendant was solvent or insured, in which the prospect of
winning was sufficiently high to attract plaintiffs' lawyers willing to work on a contingent
fee basis, and in which the crime was so awful or the defendant so unattractive that juries
were prepared to award large damages. Pain and suffering costs make up by far the
largest share of costs in Cohen's calculations, especially for violent and sexual crimes. In
one of Cohen's most widely cited reports, for example, pain and suffering were estimated
to constitute $81,400 of the $87,000 total costs of a rape or sexual assault, and
$1,910,000 of the $1,940,000 cost of a homicide (net of lost earnings; Miller, Cohen, and
Wiersema 1996).

Cohen and others (e.g., Cook and Ludwig 2001) have used additional methods to estimate
the costs of crimes. One, taken from environmental economics, is to ask people how much
more they would be willing to spend on annual insurance premiums to reduce particular
risks by 10 percent. Using the finding that people would be willing to pay an extra $100
to $150 per year to reduce risks of crime, M. Cohen and colleagues (2004) estimate the
cost of a rape at $237,000 and the cost of a murder at $9,700,000.

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The second problem is that Cohen's estimates are often used by him and others in cost-
benefit studies of criminal justice system policies. The difficulty is that cost-benefit analy­
ses take heavy account of victims' “intangible costs” and “lost earnings” but no account of
offenders' intangible costs (and little account of their tangible costs such as lost earnings
and reduced postprison earnings prospects, and no account of costs incurred by offend­
ers' dependents). In explaining his felicific calculus Bentham made it clear that
everyone's happiness and unhappiness should count in deciding whether a practice or
policy is justifiable.

I have many times asked economist friends, including Mark Cohen, why offenders'
(p. 17)

costs are not taken into account, but I have never received a clear answer. Sometimes
someone mumbles that offenders' interests are irrelevant because, after all, they are of­
fenders. Omission of the costs of punishment to offenders and their families, including
“intangible costs,” from cost-benefit calculations of the effectiveness of criminal justice
policies, while counting such costs attributed to victims, is the equivalent of putting not a
hand but a foot on one side of the scale, and foreordains the apparent cost-effectiveness
of many punitive policies.

Cost-effectiveness studies do considerably better. Some of them take offenders' costs into
account to some degree. Credible analyses for nearly twenty years have repeatedly
shown that many developmental prevention methods and some treatment programs are
better public investments than increased use of imprisonment (Welsh, Farrington, and
Sherman 2001; Aos, Miller, and Drake 2006).

Many of the contributors to this book discuss cost-of-crime, cost-effectiveness, and cost-
benefit analyses and generally suggest that they should be regarded with skepticism.
Reuter (1984) long ago showed the tendency of efforts to estimate the costs of crime (in
his case, drug abuse) to produce preposterously high numbers, as his title illustrates:
“The (Continuing) Vitality of Mythical Numbers.”

III. Choosing Policies

Evidenced-based policy for many subjects is in vogue. It implies a rationalistic approach
to policy making that takes account of evidence concerning the effectiveness, including
cost-effectiveness, of alternative policy options, and takes account of intended and unin­
tended foreseeable effects of policy choices. Efforts to prevent and control crime and min­
imize its harms and costs are, alas, not fully rational. They implicate economic, political,
social, ideological, and moral issues that shape the limits of politically possible policies.

“Wars” on drugs and crime, for example, reflect moral entrepreneurship and political cal­
culation at least as much as dispassionate assessment of how to prevent unwanted behav­
ior and minimize related social costs. Recent policy attention to domestic violence has
been motivated both to prevent and respond to harmful behavior and to elevate its visibil­

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ity in the public mind and in political debate, and through doing so to strengthen the so­
cial, economic, and political positions of women.

People concerned single-mindedly about environmental damage or financial chicanery are

deeply frustrated when they realize that others are equally or more concerned about the
economic and social effects (for business) of vigorous law enforcement. Economic conser­
vatives often see a bit of illegality and corruption (p. 18) as an inevitable and even neces­
sary, if regrettable, effect of unleashing a capitalist economy. Tighter regulation of organi­
zations might yield less unwanted behavior, but it might also yield lower rates of econom­
ic growth. Social liberals often see street crime and drug abuse as inevitable but tragic
effects of child poverty, disadvantaged lives, and a weak U.S. welfare state, and prefer to
try to prevent crime by improving criminogenic social conditions rather than primarily
through deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation.

People are not angels, and this side of the Pearly Gates they are never likely to be. People
make mistakes, do stupid and cruel things, and commit sins (if you find that concept un­
congenial, substitute: behave immorally or in ways that violate fundamental social norms
of right conduct). Everyone's happiness and unhappi-ness should count. Laws and other
public policies should be based on best-faith efforts to achieve the greatest public benefit
at the least human cost. Finnish policy makers have a distinctive way to say this: crime
policy should take all the costs of crime into account, including the costs of law enforce­
ment (by which they mean not only the economic costs of crime and the criminal justice
system, but also the economic and intangible costs offenders suffer because of what is
done to them; Lappi-Seppälä 2007, p. 231). This is basically a restatement of Bentham's
parsimony, the view that no suffering should be imposed on offenders that is not justified
by greater suffering from which others are saved. The implication is that policy makers
should try as best they can to restrain the influences of emotion and expressive consider­
ations on public policy about crime. Evidence-based policies for dealing with crime, cou­
pled with a sense of human frailty and the transience of life, may be a romantic aspira­
tion, but it is the right aspiration.

Andenaes, Johannes. 1974. Punishment and Deterrence. Ann Arbor: University of Michi­
gan Press.

Anglin, M. Douglas, and Yih-Ing Hser. 1990. “Treatment of Drug Abuse.” In Drugs and
Crime, edited by Michael Tonry and James Q. Wilson. Vol. 13 of Crime and Justice: A Re­
view of Research, edited by Michael Tonry. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Aos, Steve, Marna Miller, and Elizabeth Drake. 2006. Evidence-Based Public Policy Op­
tions to Reduce Future Prison Construction, Criminal Justice Costs, and Crime Rates.
Olympia: Washington State Institute on Public Policy.

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Bennett, Trevor, Katy Holloway, and David Farrington. 2006. “Does Neighborhood Watch
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nology 2(4): 437–58.

Bentham, Jeremy. 1948. Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. Edited
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Blumstein, Alfred, and Joan Petersilia. 1995. “Investing in Criminal Justice Research.” In
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Braithwaite, John. 2002. Restorative Justice and Responsive Regulation. New York: Ox­
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Buruma, Ybo. 2007. “Dutch Tolerance: On Drugs, Prostitution, and Euthanasia.” In Crime
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Cohen, Mark. 1988. “Pain, Suffering, and Jury Awards: A Study of the Cost of Crime to
Victims.” Law and Society Review 22: 537–55.

Cohen, Mark, and Ted R. Miller. 2003. “‘Willingness to Award’ Nonmonetary Damages
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nomics 23: 165–81.

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(p. 20)

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Donohue, John J., and Justin Wolfers. 2005. “Uses and Abuses of Empirical Evidence in
the Death Penalty Debate.” Stanford Law Review 58: 791–846.

Doob, Anthony N., and Cheryl Marie Webster. 2003. “Sentence Severity and Crime: Ac­
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Farrington, David P., and Brandon Welsh. 2007. Saving Children from a Life of Crime.
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Miller, Ted R., Mark K. Cohen, and Brian Wiersema. 1996. Victim Costs and Conse­
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Morris, Norval. 1974. The Future of Imprisonment. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Musto, David. 1987. The American Disease: Origins of Narcotic Control. Expanded ed.
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Nagin, Daniel S. 1998a. “Criminal Deterrence Research at the Outset of the Twenty-First
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———. 1998b. “Deterrence and Incapacitation.” In The Handbook of Crime and Punish­
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(p. 21)

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Juridische uitgevers and Research and Documentation Center, Ministry of Justice, the

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go Press. (p. 22)


(1.) Americans should not feel especially virtuous and tolerant by comparison. Not long
ago laws were passed making it a crime to burn the U.S. flag. A Supreme Court decision,
Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989), declared such laws unconstitutional as infringe­
ments of the First Amendment's right of free speech.

(2.) For example, Gusfield's (1963) classic account of prohibition in the nineteenth centu­
ry (established teetotaling Protestants from England anxious about incoming alcohol-
drinking Catholic Irish and German settlers). Musto ([1973] 1987) offers parallel ac­
counts of early twentieth-century criminalization of opiates (associated with Chinese im­
migrants), cocaine (associated with blacks), and marijuana (associated with Mexicans).
This point is often made by contrasting policies concerning alcohol and nicotine, the
recreational substances that generate the greatest social costs (in ill health, lost lives,
monetary costs) but that are the recreational drugs of the majority population, with poli­
cies concerning marijuana and heroin.

(3.) There is, however, no credible evidence that capital punishment, which can be im­
posed in the United States only for murder, deters murders better than sentences that
can otherwise be imposed (Donohue and Wolfers 2005; Tonry 2008).

(4.) Victimization rates have generally been declining for a much longer period, beginning
not later than 1973, the National Crime Victimization Survey's first year. Major changes
in the survey's design were effected in 1993, making the data series discontinuous.

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Michael Tonry

Michael Tonry is Russell M. and Elizabeth M. Bennett Chair in Excellence and Direc­
tor, Robina Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, University of Minnesota
Law School.

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