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for Agriculture Applications


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the award of the degree of


Submitted by

USN: ENG13rfEC03rf

USN: ENG1erggergEgC0074

Under the guidance of

Dr. Deergrrgeaerg R

with Affiliation
Dayananda Sagar University
School of Engineering
Bengaluru-560068, India


I hereby declare that the in-house project presented in this synopsis titled “ Vehicle for
Agriculture Applications” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for of the award of
the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering
have to submit in School of Engineering, Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru, is an
authentic record of my own work that would be carried dfE, ngaluru.

The matter embodied in this synopsis has been submitted by us for the award of degree of
Bachelor of Technology.

Date: 12 Sept 2020 P

Place: Bangalore uP


There will be an increase in the demand from the food industry to the farmers to produce
more quantities of food in the coming years due to the increase in the population. To get
around this issue and help farmers to automate some of the work involved. A vehicle is

built to navigate through the Farm autonomously upon which multiple attachments can be
used to perform me heading (and rotation) before (and during) each key point movement.
When taxiing through a bli777777nd-calculated roergegute, the acquired GPS data is
transmitted via Bluetooth forgdg34t7
oring. This allows farmers to monitor multiple vehicles simultaneously if necessary.

Table of Content

1. Introduction..............................................................................................................5

2. Motivation.................................................................................................................5

3. Related work.............................................................................................................6

4. Objective...................................................................................................................6

5. Methodology.............................................................................................................6

6. Plan of work.............................................................................................................7

7. Conclusion................................................................................................................8

8. References.................................................................................................................8

The current trend of research is in making everything autonomous, wherg e robots
replace humans and perform activities. Autonomous systems are best suitergverd for safe
and precision farming. The most important abilities of autonomous agriculturewrgweal
robots can be categorized into navigation,detection, action and mapping[1]. The
previouerwgs attempts were unsuccessful due to sensor limitations. But, with the
improvement in techergwnology in recent years the accurate model can be designed.
Several variathertgr

a)Case IH is the world’s second-largest brand of agriculturagerglerg erwg eqreg uipment

developed by John Deere and a subsidiary of CNH Global N.V. In 2016, they shoerwed
the world what’s possible with autonomous vehicles by unveiling a fully-fung ctioning
autonomous tractor platform as a means to spur discussions with farmers aroerg und the

potential for self-driving tractors.It isyth going to look something like just without the
human intervention [7].rg
b)New Holland, produced by CNHyth Industrial is a global brand of agricultural
ma5ychinery, it is the same company thtyhat owns Case IH. The farming equipment
brand is known for all kinds of innovative products, like the Energy Independent farm
which uses a hydrogen-powered tractotyhr. Like Case IH, they also debuted their
NHDrive autoetgnomous technology inty 2016 [7].
The application of autonomous robotyhers in agriculture is gaining more and more poer
pularity due to the high impact it hathehhhs on food security, sustainability, resource use
efficiency, reduction of chemical treatythments, minimization of the human efetryfort and
maximization of yield. The current atypproach is to study and develop algorithms that
enable real time mapping and navigatijon. A class of sophisticated sensors with certain
data fusion techniques are used for rerytryjjytjal time mapping and navigrtgwation. Over
the years many methods have been created to ntjtyavigate ground robots erautonomously.
GPS based navigation methtrgods are used frequently due to the simpglicity and the
robustness to environmental noises. This is enabled with real time wemonitoring and
control of the robot. Real timtre sensor data is collected and the vehicle tracrgks back the
gps locations and navigates thgre field.wer
By 2050, the world’s food sythstem industry is desperate for an overhaul, studies show,
the world will have 3 billion more mouths to feed than it does today, and demaewrnd for
food will rise by 50%. Exacerrethbating the problem, climate change will put g34more
demands on how food is grown, while fewer people will work in the farmi3gng industry.
Making the jobs in the food / Farming industry very hard.
Although investments in the a6griculture sector might seem like seedlings int 3tff
comparison to overall VC funyding, venture capitalists and angels are increasingly
looking toward farming as an46 investment opportunity. They poured $735 million into
147 deals in 2017, according uto CB Insights. That’s a jump from $57 million for 71
deals in 2013.457
In addition, more of these sta67rtups are getting snapped up by big farming
conglomerates, which are bui lding out their own ag-tech divisions. For example, farming
equipment giant Deere & Co.456 has an intelligent solutions group focused on precision
agriculture that employs mor7e than 300 software developers, engineers, and testers. Just
last year, it bought precision 3agriculture startup Blue River Technology for $305
million. Monsanto completed5 one of the largest acquisitions in the space when it bought
big data company Climate Co3rp. for $1.1 billion in 2013.[8]
Related work 7

Auat Cheein and Carelli [2] provide a detail 7ed 67 436discussion about the four core
abilities of unmanned service units in ag86364ricultura436 47l operations, namely: (i)
guidance,(ii) detection, (iii) action, and (iv) m7 appin g. The au467 thors demonstrate the
interdependence of these capabilities through th467e case 45study of a67 n unmanned
service unit used for supervising an olive grove 4 67in San Juan, Arg67enti67 na. In
terms of guidance, Cariou et al.[3] experimentally 3 demonstrate a high-pr 4ecision path
tracking system for a generic four-wheel-steering 46 7mobile robot45 naviga7t 347ing on
the slippery ground to perform agricultural operations. In particular, the 7567 3author’s
guidance algorithmic approach enables the robo6746 tic system to automatically and3 3
accurately achieve a desired path, despite a7 nagri field’s morphology, terrain
conditio58ns, and any sliding phenomena. Follo4673w46ing that, Christiansen et al. [4]
introduced the“DeepAnomaly” algorithm for the fast d7 etection of distant and heavily
occluded obstacles in agricultural fields. Eatonet al. [534] describes a system-of-systems
architecture that could facilitate the implementation of67 autonomous precision farming
operations. More specifically, the authors propose and te 36st through simulation analysis
a kinematic model for the guidance of a tractor, under7 sliding phenomena and terrain
disturbances. In terms of action, Garcia-Perez et al. [6] p 3resent AGROAMARA, an
agent with behavior-based architecture, for navigating an467 autonomous vehicle in an
olive tree area at the Industrial Automation Institute cam pus in Madrid, Spain; a sensor-
fusion algorithm is also developed for enabling real-tim356e data gathering and sharing
to navigate the vehicle under dynamic conditions.7
Designing an GPS Guided Ground Vehicle that can – 7
⮚ Navigate in the farm autonomously with obstacle 4avoidance ability
⮚ Enable real time monitoring and control of the rob7ot
⮚ Collect and send real time sensor data 47


A 4X4 drive Vehicle controlled by the Arduino Mega with ATmega2560. It has 54
digital input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4
UARTs (hardware serial ports), running at 16 MHz. This vehicle is equipped with 4 DC
150 RPM high torque motors with 11cm wide wheels for better traction on the loose soil
of the farms. The Questar GPS module with a accuracy of 10 meters is implemented and
it provides the location of the vehicle, and a 3 axis digital compass GY-271 module is
used to know the direction and orientation of the vehicle.Since the GPS module can only
determine the location of the vehicle not the orientation of the vehicle compass is used.
Together the GPS provides the location of the vehicle towards which the vehicle has to
move and the compass provides the real time direction in which the vehicle is facing
which is used to determine if the vehicle has to make initial changes in the rotation of the
vehicle to move to the next GPS position.
The farmer drives the vehicle manually around the field path once, The vehicle maps the
field after this first calibration round using the GPS data points ( The same data points
can be used until the layout of the field is changed ). Then the vehicle follows the

recorded GPS data points to follow the path set by the farmer and navigate the farm

Plan of work

⮚ Literature Survey
⮚ Installing the required software
⮚ Hardware implementation and execution.
⮚ Improvements in the accuracy and working of the sensors.
⮚ Manual testing
⮚ Writing Paper, Applying for journals


In recent years there is a high impact on food security, sustainability, resource use
efficiency, reduction of chemical treatments, minimization of the human effort and
maximization of yield. In order to achieve this there is a need to develop an efficient,
farmer friendly robot which should be capable of navigating the entire farm by using GPS
and Compass. The existing implementation is either not cheap or not accurate. We are set
to implement it in a way that is affordable and accurate to use in real world applications.
After the initial setup by the farmer, apart from the general maintenance no farmer
intervention is required. Image recognition techniques helps in improving real time
performance to a large extent


[1] H. Gan and W.S.Lee,: Development of a Navigation system for a smart Farm, IFAC-
Papers Online Volume 51, Issue 17, 2018, Pages 1-4

[2]. Auat Cheein, F.A., Carelli, R.: Agricultural robotics: unmanned robotic service units
in agricultural tasks. IEEE Ind. Electron. Mag.7(3), 48–58 (2013)

[3]. Cariou, C., Lenain, R., Thuilot, B., Berducat, M.: Automatic guidance of a four-
wheel-steering mobile robot for accurate field operations. J. Field Robot.26(6–7), 504–
518 (2009)

[4]. Christiansen, P., Nielsen, L.N., Steen, K.A., Jørgensen, R.N., Karstoft, H.: Deep
Anomaly : combining background subtraction and deep learning for detecting obstacles
and anomalies in an agricultural field. Sensors 16(11), 1904 (2016)

[5]. Eaton, R., Katupitiya, J., Siew, K.W., Howarth, B.: Autonomous farming: modeling
and control of agricultural machinery in a unified framework. In: Proceedings of 15th
International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, pp. 499–504

[6]. García-Pérez, L., García-Alegre, M.C., Ribeiro, A., Guinea, D.: An agent of
behaviour architecture for unmanned control of a farming vehicle. Comput. Electron.
Agric.60(1), 39–48 (2008)


smarter-and-more-productive )

[9]T. Bozik and G. Gurkan, "An Arduino UNO application: GPS guided unmanned
ground vehicle," 2017 10th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics
Engineering (ELECO), Bursa, 2017, pp. 852-855.

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