History Spitfire Essay Outline PDF

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History Spitfire essay outline

Mahnsi Ruparelia

Paragraph 1- introduction

Introduce the topic: The British fighter aircraft Submarine Spitfire designed by Reginald Joseph

Mitchell was truly remarkable and it will always be known as the plane that made the tables turn

in the Battle of Britain.

Focus sentence: The Spitfire was extremely famous as they did an excellent job in keeping away

the germans/ fighting them in the battle of Britain, there were many of this plane produced, and

they have lots and lots of kills (highest victory) and remarkable specs.

Thesis sentence: It is highly evident that the submarine spitfire made a big impact in history and

deserves to be recognized for its duties.

Paragraph 2

Topic sentence: First off, the Spitfires were very good at keeping the Germans out during the war

and did a great job in fighting them.

Evidence 1: One example of the Spitfires defeating the Germans is that the Luftwaffe (German

air force) had been defeated by the Royal Air Force (​United Kingdom's air force) ​at the end of

the Battle of Britain and defeated 1,887 German planes (Holland) which is really good. (Holland)
Evidence 2: Even though they were less numerous than the Hawker Hurricane (another British

fighter aircraft), “Spitfires matched up better against the principal German fighter, the

Messerschmitt Bf 109. As a result, Spitfire-equipped squadrons were frequently assigned to

defeating the German fighters, while the Hurricanes attacked the bombers” (Hickman, Battle of


Conclusion: Clearly the Spitfire was very impactful in the war because if it weren't for the

Spitfire, the Germans may have captured England, the war would have been prolonged, and

more people would have died.

Paragraph 3

Topic sentence: The Spitfire has remarkable specs, lots of kills and the best victory to loss ratio

among British aircraft.

Evidence 1: Some of the kills that the pilots of the Spitfire made according to Night; “Bob Tuck

(27 kills), Johnnie Johnson (34 kills) and Douglas Bader (20 Kills).”

Evidence 2: It's great specs; The Maximum Takeoff Weight is 6,770 lbs, the power Plant is a 1x

Rolls-Royce Merlin 45 Supercharged V12 engine, the maximum Speed is 330 knots (378 mph)

and the Armaments on it are the 2 x 20mm Hispano Mk II cannon, some 4 .303 cal Browning

machine guns, and 2x 240 lb bombs (Hickman).

Concluding sentence: With these kills and specs, it was easily considered the best fighter plane

of the war.
Paragraph 4

Topic sentence: Finally, the submarine spitfire was one of the most famous aircrafts as there

were many of them produced and many variants/ improvements being made.

Evidence 1: There were 20,351 Spitfires were produced and there are 54 that remain airworthy,

238 that still exist, and only 35 still flying in the world. (Eimer) (List of surviving Supermarine

Spitfires, ​From Wikipedia)

Evidence 2: Successful variants ​included the highly “needed strengthening of the basic structure

of the airframe and equipment changes in order to survive the demanding maritime environment.

As a result, the later Seafire variants were usually heavier”(Supermarine Spitfire variants:

specifications, performance and armament, ​From Wikipedia​)

Concluding sentence: Since it has had tons of upgrades, the Spitfire is prospering and throughout

the entire process of its development, which took over twelve years, there weren't any huge

failures of the design.

Paragraph 5- conclusion

Restate thesis: In conclusion, it is highly evident that the Spitfire is an extremely good fighter

plane that made a big impact in history and it deserves to be recognized.

Extension: Because of its incredible performance and impact/ things it did, the Spitfire is one of

the best fighter planes in history and its changing history as we know it.

Works cited page

1. Holland, J. (n.d.). Why do we love the Spitfire? Retrieved from


2. Hickman, K., & Military. (n.d.). World War II: Supermarine Spitfire. Retrieved from


3. Knight, J. (2018, February 05). Ten of the best fighters of WWII?? Retrieved from



4. (Hickman, Kennedy. "World War II: Supermarine Spitfire." ThoughtCo, Dec. 7, 2018,


5. Bangkok, D. Eimer. (2012, October 17). British plane enthusiast wins right to dig up

bu​ried Spitfires in Burma. Retrieved from



6. List of surviving Supermarine Spitfires. (2019, January 28). Retrieved from

7. Supermarine Spitfire variants: Specifications, performance and armament. (2018,

November 16). Retrieved from



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