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As part of a comprehensive planning process for the

district's Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), we
are asking for members of the community to provide
feedback in regards to what they believe should be a
priority for our education system here in Murrieta Valley
Unified School District. This unique opportunity affords
stakeholders a voice in the way our district serves our

We want to know what your priorities are for the

educational program in MVUSD!  Please take a few
moments to take our survey to help Murrieta Valley
Unified School District determine what you find valuable in
a school system. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and
will be carefully considered.  

Thank you for taking the time to give us your input by

February 13th.

Here is the opportunity for our parents to become involved

in advocacy for children at the most grass root level. LCAP
( Local Control and Accountability Plan) Survey is now on-
line and available to the public to give input on revision of
the three year LCAP plan and tie funding with goals and
specific actions to address eight state priorities for
school. This is our opportunity to make our collective
voices for early childhood education and support heard and
possible funding; however, I need your help.

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