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Errata for the Third Edition

Location Problem Reported By
p. 14, l. 18 "Proof" should be "Prove." Jim Diamond 7/26/07
"x < 4" should be "x = 3" (the statement is
p. 21, l. 15 Walter Hower 5/31/10
actually true below 3).
"each block of" should be "any". That is, the
p. 53, l. -2 Sageev Oore 1/22/07
block of five symbols can start anywhere.
p. 54, l. 11 The string in reverse can have leading 0's. Sageev Oore 1/22/07
The sentence should begin "Since any of the
p. 64, l. -1 2n subsets of the last n positions could hold kevin Montag 4/14/09
1's and the others 0's,..."
p. 65, Fig. 2.15 Label qn-1 is missing from the empty circle. George Tagviashvili 8/4/06
The NFA's should recognize the sets of
p. 71, l. -1 Markus Klinik 6/1/09
strings ending in one of the strings listed.
State q0 needs an arrow and state q5 needs a Juan Carlos Garcia
p. 74, Fig. 2.20 6/16/11
star. Ojeda
p. 75, 3 lines
"my" should be "by". Nabeel Alzahrani 1/26/07
above Sect. 2.5.4
p. 77, Example
"an DFA" should be "a DFA". Pierre Flener 1/16/07
2.21, l. 2
p. 83, l. -3 "nervious" should be "nervous". Walter Hower 1/16/08
p. 87, l. 21 Li has at most 2i members. 3/26/08
"is a variable, representing" should be "is
p. 88, l. -8, -7 Jim Diamond 11/19/07
intended to represent".
p. 98, l. 20 Delete "some" before "state q". Pierre Flener 1/16/07
p. 129, title of Fig. San
"longer than" should be "at least as long as". 3/26/08
4.1 Skulrattanakulchai
p. 136, paragraph
above Closure All occurrences of L should be Leq. San
Under Skulrattanakulchai
p. 138, Fig. 4.4 Arrow missing from the arc from Start to pr. 3/26/08
L(E should be L(E1) on line 12, and L(ER San
p. 140, l. 12 and 14 R) 3/26/08
should be L(E1 on line 14. Skulrattanakulchai
p. 148, Exercise
It should be made clear that x is a string. 4/28/08
4.2.6 (b) and (c)
p. 151, l. 19 "and" should be "an". Steven Bills 4/20/07
p. 170, l. 1 "modifications" should be "relations" Mohammad Alanazi 7/30/06
p. 179, l. -3 Period missing after "symbol". Juan Garcia-Ojeda 2/21/07
The statement about leftmost or rightmost
derivations for sentential forms with
variables in them is not strictly true. You
p. 186, l. 13ff wlodek Drabent 12/11/13
need to redefine a left/right-most derivation
to skip over variables that are never
expanded in the sentential form in question.
Pierre Flener and
p. 189, l. -3 "classes" should be "class". 1/16/07
Tim Nelson
p. 200, l. 6 "elements" should be "items". Pierre Flener 1/16/07
The grouping of Fig. 5.17(b) is correct, but
p. 209, l. -1 Pierre Flener 1/16/07
you would replace the * by +.
p. 237, l. 2 "classes" should be "class". Pierre Flener 1/16/07
p. 240, caption of The second P should be P . Roberto Gonzalez
N F 6/22/09
Fig. 6.7 Cardenete
p. 250, l. 14 x should be w. Giovanni Pighizzini 11/4/08
"it" should be capitalized at the beginning of
p. 253, l. 6 Naomi Nishimura 11/17/06
the sentence.

p. 255, l. 12-13 "0m110m for some m ≠ n" should be "0n110m Andrew P. Black 6/2/10
for some m > n".
p. 257, l. -12 "Automata" should be "Automaton". Pierre Flener 1/16/07
The grammar really is implicit in the table of
p. 270, l. -2, -1 Fig. 7.1. All we have to do is collect the Pierre Flener 1/16/07
There needs to be an a immediately after the
p. 300, l. 18 Torben Amtoft 5/28/09
It is only the remaining question marks that
p. 302, l. 19 Pierre Flener 1/16/07
become "no."
p. 312, Problem
``'' should be ``. Hwang, Joonhyung 10/20/07
7.12, l. 6
p. 318, l. 8 of the The restriction "of more than one symbol" is
Torben Amtoft 5/28/09
box not necessary and should be deleted.
p. 323 last line of
"is" needed before the first "undecidable". Zack Whyte 11/15/09
p. 328, l. -5 Xn at the end should be Xn-1. Naomi Nishimura 9/13/06
M replaces the n+1 1's by B's and the B
p. 332, l. 14 immediately to their left by 0. The net effect Pierre Flener 1/16/07
is the same as stated.
p. 342, l. 6 below
The two ID's both need a "1" at the end. Torben Amtoft 5/23/10
Fig. 8.14
p. 354, l. 5 Comma after q0. Naomi Nishimura 11/17/06
p. 363, l. 5 "is" should be "are". David Ramos 10/17/09
p. 369, l. 4 n should be in italics. Naomi Nishimura 11/17/06
"verwander" should be "verwandter" and
p. 374, Ref. 3, l. 2 Pierre Flener 1/16/07
"Monatschefte" should be "Monatshefte".
p. 403, l. -9 i1, i3 should be 1, 3. Walter Hower 6/30/10
p. 432, l. -15 "two different" should be "three different". Torben Amtoft 5/28/09
p. 433, last line of P1 should be P2. Marcus Ramos 6/15/10
p. 440, l. -9 "Theorem 10.5" should be "Theorem 10.4". Mark A. Shirley 11/27/07
p. 443, l. -3 O(n) should be O(p(n)). Giovanni Pighizzini 12/9/08
p. 444, l. -15 Parenthesis needed after "state". Jacob Moon 6/3/10
p. 454, l. 15 "abribtrarily" should be "arbitrarily". Torben Amtoft 5/28/09
In the basis, "n=1" should be replaced by
p. 455, l. 17 Torben Amtoft 5/28/09
"n=1 or n=2".
The right side of (10.1) needs to have c as a
p. 455, l. 20 and 22 Torben Amtoft 5/28/09
factor. So does the expression n2-n on l. 22.
p. 480, l. 2 "probem" should be "problem". Torben Amtoft 5/28/09
"sorting" should be "sequential search" and
p. 482, ref. 7 Walter Hower 2/28/11
the pages are 265-266.
p. 493, l. -5 F should be E. Wlodek Drabent 12/11/13
p. 494, l. 20 "THe QBF" should be followed by "(11.1)". Wlodek Drabent 12/11/13
p. 517, item 1, l. 1 "the at most" should be "the list of at most". Jacob Moon 6/15/10

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