Historia de La Empresa Coca

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Historia de la empresa Coca-Cola

Kenny Albarracín Galindez

Estudiante de 6to semestre de medicina veterinaria y zootecnia

Trabajo presentado a:
Jesús Poveda
Curso ingles 4

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Sede Arauca


Coca Cola is the most popular and famous soft drink in the world, currently it can be found almost
anywhere in the world and its origin is quite curious because as you know the idea at the beginning
was to create a remedy for the hangover and the digestive problems, the invention was the
pharmacist John Pemberton in 1886 in the city of Atlanta with the formula began to sell at a price
of 5 cents per glass reaching selling only 9 units a day but that was just the beginning.  Together
with his accountant Frank Robinson designed the brand and the logo, said trademark " The Coca
Cola Company ".

Fuente; www.cocacolaespana.es
Fuente; La botella Contour de Coca-Cola, de 1915, es uno de los iconos más
reconocibles. de la compañía.

With the refreshment reaching more and more people through different bottlers, a problem
arose: each bottler used different bottles, and that created confusion among the public, who
found different containers in each area. For that reason, in 1915 a contest was held to opt
for a unique bottle model.

The winner was the Root Glass Company, with the Swedish designer Alexander Samuelson
at the head, and we all have in mind what his proposal was like because the bottle Contour,
which is its official name, remains, along with the Coca-Cola logo, one of the most
recognizable icons of the company more than a century later.

Coca-Cola today

Fuente; Oferta de bebidas de Coca-Cola en España

Coca Cola throughout its history has launched several variants some of which remain
today, among such variations are: Fanta, Sprite, Coca Cola Light, Coca Cola Zero, Coca
Cola Black Cherry Vanilla, Coca Cola With Lime, Coca Cola Orange , Coca Cola Life and
several others. On the other hand, the subject of its secret ingredients, despite the fact that
many investigations have claimed to have discovered these components, the company has
said that it is a commercial secret and these data are stored in a bank in Atlanta where
apparently only the current directors of The company has access.

The company has not stopped growing. The Coca-Cola Company is today a beverage
company present in more than 200 countries.

Our route to the future: less sugar, small packages and more options
Por: Coca-Cola | 26/05/2017

Becoming a total beverage company, which responds to the tastes and needs of consumers
with more beverage options, less sugar, more information and smaller containers, is the
main objective of the route to the future of The Coca-Cola Company.

has detailed that this route to the future of the company includes reducing the sugar content
of many brands; offer new beverages that provide health benefits such as hydration or
nutrition; increase the availability of smaller containers to help the public control their
sugar intake more easily; and provide clear and easy-to-find nutritional

but also because of the avant-garde design of its facilities and the state-of-the-art
technology used by its laboratories. There you breathe the future.

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