Kerzner Case Study

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Kerzner Case Study

Kathryn Stacy


Fall 2020
1. Critique Brigg’s management of the first meeting. What, if anything, should she

have done differently?

Given that Briggs had a short amount of time to get everyone together, I feel that she did a

good job at their first meeting. The only thing I can suggest is that maybe she was more

detailed with the specific person who was to be at the meeting because it seemed like a few

were not sure what the meeting was even about. It seems like the leader of each department

just picked a person and told them where to be, so if there was better communication about

what was expected then more would have been prepared.

2. What barriers is she likely to encounter in completing this project?

Some barriers that she might face are time constraints, having to focus such a large team, lack of

commitment from task force ( One already stated that she would be out of country the following

month, another had no idea what was going on, and a third was only there because it was his

turn.), and lack of experience.

3. What can she do to overcome these barriers? You must use the table provided below

and identify at least 6 barriers and the associated solutions.

Barriers Solutions
Time constraints Make a guideline of everything that has to

be accomplished and establish a time

period to get it done.

Focusing large team Could split team into smaller more
specialized teams
Commitment Lead the team, and if she can try to make it

more interesting for the members.

Lack of experience Because it is such a large team, she could

break the team down into smaller groups

and have the most experienced lead the less


4. What should she do between now and the next meeting?

Between now and the next meeting she should get a census on which team members are the

most experienced, Find the next meeting spot, plan out the agenda for the next meeting, ask the

other team members for their input what they would like the party to be (because Todd wants the

party to be for “them”), and start working on the plans for the party.

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