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Blue Poison
Dart Frog

● Length: 0.75 to 1.5 in.
● Weight: 8.5 g

Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anura
Family: Dendrobatidae
Genus: Dendrobates
Species: tinctorius “azureus”

In The News
Every species of dart frog has special
markings that helps them ward off
predators. New markings show up on
different frogs all the time so researchers
constantly have to keep track of them. Some
frogs from the same species can have
different markings depending on the region
they are located in. The researchers also
found that the frogs with different markings
weren’t as strong at warding off predators.
General Knowledge

● Their life span is anywhere between 8 to frogs

15 years in captivity, but little is known
about wild frogs For Poison Dart Frogs, Markings Matter
● Their habitat includes the rain forests in
Central and South America When It Comes to Survival (Published
● Poison dart frog diet includes ants,
2019). (2019, September 12). The New York
centipedes, termites, and tiny beetles
● The frogs get their poison from their Times. Retrieved from
wild diet
● Their gestation period is from 2 to 4
weeks to hatch and anywhere from 6 to
12 weeks for a tadpole to e/poison-dart-frogs-markings.html
● They are listed as an endangered species Poison Frog | San Diego Zoo Animals &
in the wild, but in captivity there is a
Plants. (2012). Retrieved October 6, 2020,
steady population
● They face major habitat loss from
from website:
deforestation so keeping them in
captivity and releasing them into a
protected habitat are conservation
efforts son-frog

Poison frogs. (2016, June 6). Retrieved

October 6, 2020, from Smithsonian’s

National Zoo website:

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